…is a horrible burger, full of evil bacon and lettuce that will soon be wiped out by ‘climate change’, you just might be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post noting that the “unwilling to work clause” in the GND was an admission, not a mistake.

Thinking about a tuna sandwich to be honest.
They could all use a few cheeseburgers, an extra cheese pizza, some Cinnabons, and a few bags of Wise Potato Chips, but they can go skinny dipping in my special sauce any time.
Harvey will say Ras is biased.
Be interesting to know how Zippy was doing post ’11 SOTU. Trump has usually been several points ahead.
Rasmussen is the only polling firm that does daily tracking now. Everyone including Gallup gave it up when His Majesty Obama left office.
There just wasn’t any point anymore. The Greatest president to ever grace the white house was gone. How will the union survive without his awesomeness in power weaponizing the IRS and the DOJ, FBI, CIA and NSA against opponents and the PRESS and Americans who disagreed with him.
The problem the democrats have is that when compared to the lunatics on the left now he looks sane and rational and in command compared to the runaway train wreck that is the Democratic party.
THE DEMOCRATS NEW PLATFORM. KILL FARTING COWS. I surmise it will become illegal to pass gas now in public and every home will be forced to have a methane monitor. Levels of gas will be taxed based upon your carbon footprint.
It will put the bean industry out of business. All cows must die. I can see the leftist frothing at the mouth over them evil cows and pigs.
Once a radical always a radical. Congrats Democrats you have elected two Muslim terrorists to your caucus. But two isnt enough you want the congress full of Radical Muslim extremists cloaked in the guise of gentlewomen.
The democratic party has lost its mind but worse is the cover up by the MSM which is failing to expose this stuff for the regular democrats to comprehend what is going on and reject what the man on the streets are constantly rejecting when the facts are explained to them about things such as AOC’s green new deal etc.
They are uninformed and misinformed thanks to a communist ORANGE MAN BAD MSM AGENDA.