They used to rally around safe, legal, and rare, but, their masks have now slipped fully in attempting to defend and mainstream late term abortion, which rarely occurs for the stated reason of protecting the mother. It’s usually for convenience, at a time when the baby can usually survive outside the womb. It might need some help, but, it can survive. Here’s the unhinged Star Ledger Editorial Board, a major NJ paper and one of the primary ones for
The truth about late term abortion | Editorial
Most Americans agree that abortion should be legal, safe and as rare as we can make it. They are not extremists. They support Roe v. Wade, and federal funding for Planned Parenthood. But they support certain restrictions as well, like a 24-hour waiting period or counseling requirement.
Public opinion hasn’t budged on this. Yet we now find ourselves in a political uproar, again, over extreme cases that virtually never happen.
President Trump just went on this attack, pouncing on clumsy and misconstrued comments by the governor of Virginia, and claiming that New York legislators “cheered with delight†about a new law “that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.â€
This is complete fiction, motivated purely by politics. Again, our president is doing his best to divide the nation in ways he believes might profit him politically. Again, he’s making consensus harder to reach.
Um, no, it was not fiction. They were cheering in the NY assembly, including Cuomo. Who, by the way, had the Empire State Building lit up to celebrate the law. And no one misconstrued Northam’s comments. He meant what he said.
Anyhow, the SLEB goes on to attempt to spin it all, and put the blame on Trump, as we see above, along with opponents of late term murder.
If we want to prevent late-term abortions, the answer is to provide early, affordable and safe access to abortion, along with easy access to contraceptives. The irony is, that’s exactly what the extremists like Trump are resisting.
Huh what? Abortion is available. Heck, the abortion supporters don’t even want a common sense measure like requiring abortion facilities to have the same medical standards as a veterinarian or tattoo parlor. Further, contraceptives are everywhere, and abortion is not a contraceptive.
What they mean, though, is that Other People should pay for abortions and contraceptives, not the people engaging in risky sexual behavior.

Teach: late term abortion, which rarely occurs for the stated reason of protecting the mother. It’s usually for convenience,
Is that an opinion or is there evidence to support the claim that “late term” abortions occur for convenience?
The stated reasons for late term abortions are for the health of the mother and/or lack of viability of the fetus.
Editorial: If we want to prevent late-term abortions, the answer is to provide early, affordable and safe access to abortion, along with easy access to contraceptives.
Teach: Abortion is available.
You’re being disingenuous. Many states have erected barriers to even early abortions; some states have only a single clinic. In Wyoming, a 14 yr old impregnated by uncle Brett won’t find a clinic in her entire state. Required counseling, required ultrasounds, waiting periods, two visit requirements… none designed with the woman in mind, all making it more difficult to obtain a legal abortion.
Easier access to contraception would reduce the need for abortions. How much would one pay to obviate the need for just one poor woman to have an abortion? Is a dime a year too much?
We’ll accept that abortion is a crisis when those who claim it’s a crisis start acting as if it’s a crisis.
False dilemma fallacy again.
Nignorant never learns.
There’s plenty of cheap contraception out there, just go to any Walmart.
And abortions from rape or incest are less than 1% of all of them, always have been (of course that doesn’t count you).
Required counseling, required ultrasounds, waiting periods, two visit requirements
Gee whiz, Bugsy, all that takes what, a week?
And guess what? Abortions have been on a steep decline for some time now. Like global warming, another phony crisis by the Demos to get out the vote.
We’ll accept that abortion is a crisis when those who claim it’s a crisis start acting as if it’s a crisis.
This would be comical if it weren’t so sad. What exactly do you propose the pro life people do when it is the law of the land that Abortion is legal?
Has anyone noticed that the left is trotting out social issues again because they cant win on anything else.
I suggest everyone simply stop discussing social issues with the left and focus on things that matter. Abortion is legal. Even a conservative supreme court in a recent ruling sided with the left.
They have NOTHING to run on so they are trotting out all their skeletons to deflect from all their losing positions. EVERY dem in 2018 ran on Obamacare and the failure of the right to replace it. They made the Right OWN Obamacare’s failures.
in 2020 they are going to be focusing on social issues and make the right own the bad. Its a tactic the left forgot about for a long time until 2018. Don’t let the right let them do it again in 2020.
tRump ran on mostly social issues – anti-Mexican, anti-Black, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-Hillary… It’s yesterday’s lib, tRump, who is now pro-Christianity, anti-abortion (how many has he paid for?), pro white nationalism…
An alternative explanation to yours is that Dems are intent on correcting some of the GOPs attacks on abortion rights and countering tRump’s rule by bigotry, falsehoods and dismantling anything his bete noire, Obama, managed.
The successful Dem candidate will have a platform attacking the horrid GOP policies and proposals on popular programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP; comprehensive immigration reform, comprehensive tax reform, protecting our eroding civil rights etc. In no small part they will counter tRump’s national nightmare – the hatred, the bigotry, the plutocracy, the grifting, the divisiveness.
It’s unlikely tRump will survive to run in 2020, making Pence the frontrunner, but with a stable of potential “moderate” GOPhers to step up (but who cannot challenge tRump until the “King is Dead” because of tRump’s vengeful nature and the fervor of the 30%). The GOP is afraid of tRump.
Gee whiz, I seem to remember The Donald running on the economy, saying he’d renegotiate trade and bring back jobs. And Zippy asking if he had a magic wand.
rule by bigotry, falsehoods
The history of the Democrat party. And I see damned few people crying about his dismantling Zippy’s reign of error.
The successful Dem candidate will have a platform attacking the horrid GOP policies and proposals on popular programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP; comprehensive immigration reform, comprehensive tax reform, protecting our eroding civil rights etc.
Riiiight. That’s why Trump’s approval is at its highest – and much higher than Zippy at the same point.
It’s unlikely tRump will survive to run in 2020
Harvey hasn’t gotten the memo. The Senate, all of it, even the Demos, has conceded no collusion. Mule Ears is over. Fatso Nadler was dismantled by Whitaker..
this guy is funny. However I will give him one thing the GOP is now afraid of trump because everyone who asked him to campaign for him won and those who said no I dont need your help about 80 percent of those lost.
Just like the left is afraid of the whacko communist left run by RED CORTEZ. Make no mistake she introduced the communist manifesto the other day to become the norm for America. That is the reason they took down the FAQ about it.
But too late. This is the internet. Millions of people captured it and it is out there for all to see and when you deep dive into the content which DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT ARE HARDILY ENDORSING. You get what reads like Lenins’ writings that stirred the great revolution that began the scourge of the earth known as communism.
Make no mistake Communism has come to America. Led by Red Cortez and her minions of mindless supporters who want nirvana. Who dont want to work but want to be paid. Who are terrified of the earth getting a little hotter.
The problem is some of them might actually be afraid of that but in truth most of these are communists meant to sow discord. Just as Jeffery/Jethro/Elwood are doing on this website a 100 times per day.
Russia did not want Trump to win. Has anyone noticed the Democrats and Republicans of the investigation looking into Trumps campaign issued their report stating their was no collusion. The democrats agreed however they are concerned over his business dealings. Which of course makes sense if your gonna build a Taj Ma Trump in Russia you might actually have to talk to big shots in that Authoritarian government.
The GREEN NEW DEAL is an American COMMUNIST MANIFESTO and if it were to pass in this nation it will start a civil war. This is why the left wants your weapons. They are so insidious as to silently take over your lives to the point that the government can remodel your house without your permission according to the GREEN NEW DEAL.
Cheer up everyone. The Russians have done a fine job destroying America thanks to Jethro personally as he sows discord on probably a dozen different websites all day every day seven days a week. If he was just a concerned citizen he would take breaks. But no. Hes here all day, every day 7x24x365.
That my friends is a troll. A troll does not want to change your mind. Only piss you off and sow discord by ridiculing everything you are and stand for and make up things about who you are and what you stand for.
You keep repeating this line as if it has any weight. This is all you’ve got?
What your little voices think is of no moment. And people who think the murder of 68 million Americans is a crisis have been sticking to their guns for 46 years.
I guess that’s why all those Democrats who want to murder babies brought to term are trying to change the subject by making a big deal over college kids in blackface.
It’s our favorite professor making accusations again with zero evidence to back it up-shocking. For starters, what civil rights of ours are “eroding�
And one other thing. Harvey tells us Social Security is just fine. Commie News Net begs to differ.
Bernie Sanders Wants To Save Social Security By Raising Taxes On People Making More Than $250,000
First sentence
Sen. Bernie Sanders has a plan to add more than 50 years of sustainability to Social Security, the New Deal-era program that’s facing a looming cash crunch.
So she was raped at 17 and instead of immediately having a D&C she brought the baby to term, birthed her and now says she would have murdered that child at birth? This is your example of a worthy post birth murder subject? You’ve lost your moral compass. You should be better than that.
Yeah, Puffington’s word is good as gold.
Clearly, the girl had more humanity than Zelda or Puffington. and what good when the abortion was? She decided to bring the baby to term.
If she wanted an abortion, she could have had it the day after she was raped.
The biggest genocide ever perpetrated is on the black people by democrats because a tremendously disproporinate amount of abortions are by black women who deprive the United States of new citizens and new voters. The left wants to keep the Black community down in more ways than one.
The left hates and despises the black community. Remember the southern democrats defected to the Republican party after LBJ signed into law the civil rights legislation. Almost all of the Republicans voted for that legislation including southern Republicans.
Democrats were opposed to blacks and those that defected are long gone. Republicans are NOT against black people at all. It is just the lefts talking point to keep them enslaved and on the plantations known as Poverty and Ghettos. Keep their unemployment at record highs so they have to depend upon the GOVERNMENT TO LIVE via handouts.
Keep them voting Democrats. Keep them impoverished. Take away hope and jobs and then blame it all on the Republicans.
Guess what Hispanics. YOUR NEXT. Hell were all next with Red Cortez the new darling of the Peoples Communist party aka Democrats.
WHY DO YOU THINK THE LEFT IS HORRIFIED WITH TRUMP AND HIS crazy low unemployment figures. Why do you think the left is in a meltdown because BLACKS NOW HAVE JOBS. Something the republicans supposedly were depriving them off.
Well it might be the leadership of the GOP just had a backdoor deal with the Democrats to keep the blackman down but the people. Those people on the right who go to work, go to church and have jobs certainly have no desire to keep black people down and now the right has a champion for all Americans. Hell Even Hispanic leaders in the USA are sending and meeting with trump supporting his wall.
HISPANCIS your next when RED CORTEZ becomes the norm in this country.