…is horrible beef from carbon polluting moo cows causing the planet to over-heat and snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on a union boss claiming the Green New Deal will destroy jobs.

…is horrible beef from carbon polluting moo cows causing the planet to over-heat and snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on a union boss claiming the Green New Deal will destroy jobs.
All I see is the colors of a state that the urban elites love to hate.
What state is that?
Not to belabor my highly devastating destruction by Roger Rabbit of how Social Security is doing just grand (even though that’s what I’m doing), but here’s the Trustee’s Report on Medicare funding.
Open up the pdf and skip down to the conclusion section. Guess what? They’re going broke, too.
The Demos will ride their cash cow to death while insisting everything’s just fine and let everyone else starve while they live off the graft. Rs want to make it financially sustainable by privatizing it, means testing it, attaching it to market growth, and getting rid of the crooks.
Which model makes better sense?
I was taken back when Elwood wrote that SS and Medicare were just fine. Hell, everybody knows SS has been broke since the 70’s but nobody want’s to touch “the third rail” of politics so they just watch as it runs dry. And Medicare is a fiscal mess. That’s why I love listening to leftards talk “Medicare for all”.
Elwood, like most leftists fail to see that most of those other countries with super-duper great national health care have 8,10 40 million people, not 335 million plus they’re homogeneous not “diverse” like the US. Also, when the US has been paying all the costs of your defense since 1945 to tend to have extra cash. All that and if you bother to ask an actual person in their systems you find long waits, poor service, and most people who can afford to buy extra insurance coverage (like Medicare Advantage here) because the actual coverage sucks. But leftists always skip over those notable features.
Ronald Reagan was right when he said that leftists know a whole lot of things that just aren’t true. And today’s leftists believe it hard core. Like their idea of “progress” is going back to the failed policies of twentieth century communism and doing it again.
McConnell to schedule a vote in the Senate for the Demozoid “New Green Deal” and the Demozoids be pissed…
Pussies all.
The Greatest Negotiator in History was outmaneuvered by a bunch of naïve congresscritters.
He’s been calling his boosters* at FOX
lobbyingbegging for support.*Hannity and Dobbs
He was?
He got the Demos to appropriate money for the wall. It’s called the camel’s nose under the tent.
Now they’re on record.
That’s certainly the GOP spin. “It’s a down payment.” We’ll see. The Great Negotiator had a better deal earlier but spurned it.
Fresh off Commie News Net
Trump Will Sign Funding Bill, Declare A National Emergency, McConnell Says
Check and Mate.
Again, Social Security is neither broke nor bankrupt. With no changes it is 100% solvent through 2034. After that, with no changes, it will pay 80% of its obligations.
Social Security is supported by FICA (payroll) taxes, the SS trust fund
(~ $2.5 trillion) and interest from the trust fund. Currently, SS pays out more than it collects in FICA taxes (this was expected ’cause baby-boomers retiring) – is that what you mistakenly call “bankrupt”? Any number of fixes will keep SS going. Raise the cap. Currently, FICA taxes only apply to the first $118,500 of wages, not other incomes. Means testing (controversial!). Cut benefits. Cut COLAs.
The GOP will have to take complete control of gov’t to install a private system to reward Wall Street with trillions of new investments. What could possibly go wrong?
And one other thing. Harvey tells us Social Security is just fine. Commie News Net begs to differ.
Bernie Sanders Wants To Save Social Security By Raising Taxes On People Making More Than $250,000
First sentence
Sen. Bernie Sanders has a plan to add more than 50 years of sustainability to Social Security, the New Deal-era program that’s facing a looming cash crunch.
Who would have thought this would happen with “trumpcare’s” “skinny” policies.
That’s the difference between government grifters like Obama/Pelosi/Schumer and regular citizen grifters, the government gets away with f*****g us out of billions to pay off themselves and their friends but when a citizen does it suddenly it’s illegal. The only reason they went after him is he was cutting into their turf.
You make a legitimate point. Our current plutocratic system of gov’t DOES take from the poor and give to the rich. Their objective is to keep us fighting amongst ourselves about abortion and immigrants rather than to address the policies that reward the wealthy at the expense of the working classes. Our gov’t and economic systems created the widening wealth gap between the plutocratic and working classes.
Our tax policies have become increasingly regressive at both the federal and local levels. Our patent/copyright
monopolysystem takes $100s of billions EACH year from the working classes and funnels it UP to the wealthy. We’re killing labor unions (and their higher wages/bargaining power/better benefits) at every turn. We encourage immigration to compete with the working classes but not the wealthy. Our “trade” deals set up competition with the working classes – creating a race to the bottom in terms of pay and worker protections.This system is so entrenched that both Repubs and Dems continue to support it.
Remember when a middle class man’s job paid a mortgage, bought a car, sent kids to college, had a pension, could take a vacation… Now, two job families are the norm, college loans amount to over a trillion this year, and we’re always one recession from family disaster. This didn’t happen naturally, but resulted from years of the political donor class hijacking our gov’t and our economy, now shaped to their benefit.
The popularity of DJ Trump and Senator Sanders was a symptom of the working classes’ dissatisfaction with the system.
Our system evolved to ignore the working classes that built this nation. We are paying the price now.
So let’s keep fighting about abortion, immigrants and Muslims, and let’s let the plutocrats keep reaping all the rewards of the system they created.
No, our current system takes from the working stiffs and gives to the government.
The poor don’t pay. The rich hire accountants. All Bugs’ commie agitprop.
And nobody who worked for a living voted for Bernie – that’s why Roger Rabbit hates Trump.
Working people voted for Trump. Pie-in-the-sky Lefties of all income strata voted for Bernie.
Kye: The only reason they went after him is he was cutting into their turf.
He directly bilked citizens out of millions of dollars and did not deliver the promised insurance.
If you mean the tRump admin went after him because he was cutting into the tRump turf, you might be right. In any event, gov’t has a responsibility to protect citizens from crimes such as this.
And who protects the citizens from our corrupt deep state? Who protects us when the president weaponizes the IRS, the DoJ and the FBI to punish his enemies like Obummer did?
BTW, Trump isn’t in the insurance “turf” democrats are.
Why would you defend a crook cheating people out of millions?
Your claim that the government only arrested this swindler because he was cutting into the gov’t action is, frankly, crazy.
Deep State and QAnon and communists, oh my! And let’s not forgot the Big Jew, George Soros. The Cove has become a gathering place for conspiracy theorists.
Now we’re talking IdiotCare.
He directly bilked citizens out of millions of dollars and did not deliver the promised insurance.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
This is why you don’t want government health care. Too many people find ways to rip you off.
And some don’t even work for the government.
Why would you defend a crook cheating people out of millions?
You tell us. You seem to think Mike O is popular and will bring back the golden days of 1% growth.
Your claim that the government only arrested this swindler because he was cutting into the gov’t action is, frankly, crazy.
Doesn’t mean it isn’t true. The Feds do it all the time.
Deep State and QAnon and communists, oh my! And let’s not forgot the Big Jew, George Soros. The Cove has become a gathering place for conspiracy theorists.
Fresh off Commie News Net, McCabe Says DOJ Discussed Removing Trump From Office.
Yeah, illegally removing a sitting President because the power structure Harvey claims to hate fears Trump will rock the boat. Nothing there, No conspiracy. No Deep State.
And Schwartz is no Jew. He renounced that when he went joyriding with the SS. He admits he’s self-hating.
Why would you defend a crook cheating people out of millions?
First off Elwood, I didn’t defend anyone for cheating people out of millions. Secondly, I pointed out that Obama bilked millions of Americans out of Billions. And the bilking continues and you’re all for it so stop accusing me of what you’re guilty of.
Your claim that the government only arrested this swindler because he was cutting into the gov’t action is, frankly, crazy.
I didn’t “claim that, it was a sarcastic snipe. Common man, can’t you tell sarc?