Illegal alien supporters have all sorts of reasons why they should have driver’s licenses, which avoids the point that they shouldn’t even be here to start with. Esder Chong, an illegal alien and DACA recipient from South Korea, and Nancy Cantor, Chancellor of Rutgers-Newark, give it another shot
For many New Jersey young people, getting a driver’s license is a critical on-ramp to their road to success. With 420,000 college students statewide but dormitories less than half of all campuses, ours is a state where access to educational opportunity for hundreds of thousands of students can depend on being able to drive to school. But current licensing regulations are a major roadblock for nearly half a million New Jersey residents who cannot access a driver’s license because they are undocumented.
Out of New Jersey’s 100,000 young dreamers, only 17,400 currently benefit from the access provided under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a federal program that is now not available to new applicants. We need to make driver’s licenses accessible to all our aspiring students as the proposed Assembly Bill 4743/Senate Bill 3229 would do.
New Jersey has made tangible progress in supporting our N.J. dreamers with state laws making undocumented students eligible for in-state tuition and state financial help, but the inability to drive remains a significant obstacle preventing many from reaching their full potential. (snip)
The lack of a driver’s license impacts all aspects of student life: not only class attendance, but participation in student leadership programs and professional development opportunities such as internships that require easy mobility between campus and community. No license could also mean no job to help pay for school or even to help contribute to supporting a family.
They’re taking available spots from U.S. citizens.
The impact on families is also immense. When parents or siblings are undocumented and cannot drive legally, educational and job opportunities are severely restricted for them, as well, multiplying the stresses that families of immigrants already experience as they strive to contribute to our economy and our communities.
They can have those opportunities in their home countries, rather than taking them from U.S. citizens. The idea here, though, is just like always, once you get past the language: to give illegals some legal documentation, which leads to calling for more legalization, followed by calls for granting citizenship via amnesty.
This is not the time to slow down on opening up access to education and opportunity to young immigrants. Instead, let’s speed up to allow all qualified residents to access a driver’s license regardless of immigration status. These students are our next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators, and change-makers who deserve a fair chance to pursue their educational aspirations. When they succeed, we all succeed. Let’s make that a reality in New Jersey by passing legislation to expand access to drivers’ licenses now.
See? It’s about legalizing them.
I have to wonder, would Chancellor Cantor be fine with students stealing from the campus bookstore, as well as refusing to pay off their student loans debt? The kiddies need those books (which are required and vastly overpriced) and materials to do their class-work, right? So why not just take what they need? If they are spending all that money instead, it could cause stress on their families and themselves, right? So, theft is no big deal, right?
The same with the loans: it can cause major stress. So, why pay it back, right?
Nancy’s cool with that, right?

How many can you send back a day? 10, 100, 1000? All US residents are entitled to due process.
We fully understand the white right wants to punish all illegal immigrants by keeping them terrified until they are seized by the feds and spirited off. Even at 100 a day that’s going to take 300 years. Maybe you can invest another trillion/yr in agents and judges and deport, imprison or execute 1000/day. That would only take 30 years. There’s got to be a better way, don’t you agree?
US citizens are. Illegals can get the bum’s rush.
Rights are for citizens.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You have to eat an elephant one bite at a time. What we should do is give them every reason to not come here illegally – let them self-deport. And if they don’t, we round them up and ship them back.
I’m a can-do guy.
What is it with you and that “white right” crap? Do you honestly believe only white people who are conservative understand the problem of illegal immigration? Black Americans and legal Hispanics lose jobs to lower paid illegal aliens every day. Americans of all races, religions, creeds, wealth and education are killed by people who shouldn’t even be here to kill them on a daily basis. Don’t you ever look this stuff up? Try this:
NEW ROCHELLE, NY (The Daily Mail) – The first picture has emerged of the illegal immigrant accused of killing his ex-girlfriend and stuffing her body into a suitcase as police say he admitted dumping her remains but has denied murder. Javier Enrique Da Silva Rojas, 24, is accused of murdering Valerie Reyes, also 24, in … Read morePolice: Illegal Alien Killed Ex-Girlfriend, Stuffed Her Body Into Suitcase
One would have to be morally and intellectually bereft to excuse any illegal alien. They need to go. And if we cut off all the perks they’ll go on their own. Whoever is left we’ll deal with but we can’t have an open border and say we’re trying to stop illegal immigration. That’s more leftist gaslighting.
Coming up next-libs will try to find a “right†to a drivers license somewhere in the Constitution.
It’s there. Right between the right to choose your own sex and the right to kill your baby.
You can never tell if someone that constantly disparages whites online is a black dude that hates white folks, or just your typical modern, self-loathing, guilt-ridden white democrat.
There are a lot of self loathing whites on the left. They seem to think that since white people created the greatest civilization we have some sort of duty to “diversify” it to all the “vibrant” colors who didn’t. If they hate whites so much why don’t they go to a colored country? Oh, that’s right, they all want to come here because whites are so bad. The hatred and jealousy of whites runs deep. They hate us but they want everything we create from medicine to cell phones. Just not us.
All white supremacists feel as you do, but few express themselves in public.
“If the blacks/browns/libs don’t love everything about this Great White Nation of America why don’t they move to colored countries?”
Would you prefer an American nation of all white people?
Most Black people who came to the US didn’t immigrate in the traditional sense, did they? They could be enslaved until an executive order in 1863 freed them. Thousands of Americans (mostly Black) were lynched throughout the US for crimes imagined and real. Legal and de facto segregation in housing, accommodations, education still exist. Black obtained full voting rights in 1965, although suppression of minority voting still exists.
Did you realize that progressives worldwide are now using primarily arabic numerals, developed in Africa centuries ago?? They’re even teaching our children using these arabic symbols.
PragerU Video – Why You Can’t Argue with a Leftist
You can, but you have to know their rules. They’re taught how to lie.
Elwood, who or what in your mind are white supremacists? You make it sound like any white person who prefers the company of whites is a supremacist. Is that it? Maybe any person (white or otherwise) that recognizes the natural and historic superiority of the Caucasian race?
Pointing out Arabic numbers or Chinese gunpowder does not by any reason indicate that either Arabs or Asians are equal to Caucasians. History shows which group is superior as well as the fact that the Arabs, Africans and Asians are trying to get in white countries not the opposite.
Who is “suppressing” black voting? Nobody, that’s who. It’s another one of the gaslighting lies you tell yourself and anybody who’ll listen.
“If the blacks/browns/libs don’t love everything about this Great White Nation of America why don’t they move to colored countries?â€
Would you prefer an American nation of all white people? Of course I would. There would be far less crime, far fewer ghettos, and far fewer Democrat-Communists. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want that?
America was a nation discovered by, conquered by, settled by, built by and made into the greatest economic and military power in history by white people. The Founding Fathers weren’t black, Asian or Arab. They were white. They built a country for their people but with the fatal flaw that as Protestant Christians they allowed other people who did not share their history, culture or beliefs to come here. Our Constitution was not made for Africans nor Sharia Law, nor Asian culture. It was written by and for whites.
I am amused how by defending my race and preferring it to others your type quickly brand me a “white supremacist” or a “raaaacist” yet it is you who wants to harm the white race. I wish no ill on any other races. I simply state the Truth: if you do not want to live in a white country then move. We are as entitled to run our country the way we want as the Arabs, Africans and Asians are entitled to run their countries as they want. Funny, you don’t complain there aren’t enough Muhammadans in Korea or Africans in Mecca but you call anyone who wants to keep America white as some kind of white supremacist.
BTW, I don’t believe you’re black. Rather I have come to think of you as a self-hating white with pro communist anti American proclivities.
You defined white supremacist for us, thanks.
No further comment needed.
And Lil jeffy defined a nignorant angry little colored fella for us.
Again. Thanks.
Aldercy is just projecting again.
She’s just another black/brown supremacist, peeing herself in anticipation of the day she can get even with all those terrible white people who gave her sanitation, antibiotics, internal combustion, central heating, and the rule of law.
Typical. When you small minded people can’t refute the argument you revert to name calling. It might amuse you to know I realize I’m racist in many respects. Too bad you can’t see you are too. But with me it’s about survival, with you it’s politics. Communist politics. You communists will use anything and everything you can to destroy those you disagree with including flooding their country with poverty, disease and crime laden alternate races to blow up their support system and white hegemony which are the only people who see you for what you are and can stand up to you. Communists hate America and the white people who built it so your anti white racism is expected.
Racists like yourself think if a white person believes the white race is superior (a provable hypothesis) they are racists but if blacks yell “Black Power” or “Black Lives Matter” that’s not racist. If Asian nations have super strict rules basically not allowing whites or anyone else to immigrate that’s not racist. But if we want to keep out illegals it is. Mohammedans won’t even allow a non Muslim to set foot in Mecca but that’s okay. You leftists are void of reason but single minded in your hate for Freedom and the America that represents it.
You admitted you’re a white supremacist and now you complain when someone describes you as such??? Then you call others ‘communists’.
We don’t care much about what Asian nations or Saudi Arabia do. American ideals and laws guarantee more freedoms than do theirs.
White supremacists routinely cite “Black Lives Matter” as evidence of anti-white racism, ignoring the oppression that has weighed down Black Americans for centuries. White supremacists work to oppress minorities then use the results of the oppression as evidence of white superiority.
Reading the right-wing comments at a site like this tells us all who understands America. All our families are immigrants, illegals, invaders, slaves or colonizers. That is what America is all about. One commenter even commended Russia’s effort to elect Trump. So much for conservative’s belief in the rule of law.
All white supremacists feel as you do, but few express themselves in public.
“If the blacks/browns/libs don’t love everything about this Great White Nation of America why don’t they move to colored countries?â€
Would you prefer an American nation of all white people?
Well, if it got rid of Harvey, it might almost be worth it.
Most Black people who came to the US didn’t immigrate in the traditional sense, did they? They could be enslaved until an executive order in 1863 freed them. Thousands of Americans (mostly Black) were lynched throughout the US for crimes imagined and real. Legal and de facto segregation in housing, accommodations, education still exist. Black obtained full voting rights in 1965, although suppression of minority voting still exists.
Yes, black people were sold to ships’ captains by the blacks and Moslems that enslaved them, yet Bugs wants us to love our Moslem brethren for trying to kill us.
And if she thinks the majority of people lynched in the 19th century were black, she needs to pick up a book. A lot more whites swung than blacks.
Did you realize that progressives worldwide are now using primarily arabic numerals, developed in Africa centuries ago?? They’re even teaching our children using these arabic symbols.
Pardon me while I interrupt your ignorance (liljeffy really nails it), but Arabic numerals were invented in Africa?
Try Inja because, among other things, the correct name is Hindu-Arabic numerals. And “progressives”, ie Lefties, don’t use any numerals because they’re so bad at math.
Conservatives, however, use them all the time.
BTW Did you know Inja is home to the (gasp!) Aryans?
Let’s correct your disinformation campaign.
We didn’t claim that arabic numerals were invented in Africa, did we? What we call arabic numerals today were developed in Northern Africa.
More whites were lynched than Blacks? There is no evidence to support your claim.
No, you clearly implied that Africans developed Arabic numbers. You used a loose interpretation of African boundaries and clearly implied that Arabs are black.
Jeff, you don’t see that you are a bigger bigot than any member of the KKK. You constantly hold yourself as superior to blacks and that they require your beneficial attitude to save them. I have read some of your comments to black neighbors and they universally detest you, just like the people here. By the way, have you ever done anything to help the less fortunate other than demand more taxation of productive people? That is not including community service demanded by the courts as you have alluded to in the past.
Matter of fact, you did, nitwit.
Exact quote Did you realize that progressives worldwide are now using primarily arabic numerals, developed in Africa centuries ago??
What we call arabic numerals today were developed in Northern Africa.
Riiiight. That’s why they’re called Hindu-Arabic numerals.
Christ, you really are that stupid. You’ll take anything your trollmasters say without question and put it up.
More whites were lynched than Blacks? There is no evidence to support your claim.
No less than yours.
Lynching was very popular from about 1880 to about 1930. This seemed to be a chosen means of punishment regardless of race or state. But idiot liberals think it was only a Southern thing.
Long before 1880. People were regularly strung up in the various gold rushes, starting in ’48, for various offenses, claim-jumping being the fave.
A man caught with a running iron was hanged on the spot as a rustler. Joseph Smith and his brother were lynched in IL in the 1830s.
It’s a time-honored American tradition.
Lynching was mostly a southern thing, as you well know. It was a centerpiece of white supremacy, the KKK, and intimidation after black men and women were freed.
Here’s the tally from the Tuskegee Institute. We know, we know, you will dismiss this as fake news.
Whites: 1297
Negroes: 3446
Nearly 3000 of the lynched Black people were killed in Southern states. In your defense, whites were more often lynched in the Wild West.
For gawd sakes, please don’t the defend the terrorist act of lynching.
Who commits the majority of crime in the South? Those are the ones lynched. Now expand your survey to the west and the majority were white and don’t quote biased sources.
The data listed every state, including those in the West where as I said, more whites were lynched.
Thank you for admitting that Blacks were lynched in the South; and your claim that Blacks deserved to be lynched is not surprising.
Note too that lynching is the non-judicial murder of people. If someone is suspected of a crime, they are arrested, tried and if convicted, sentenced. Sometimes the sentence is execution. Sometimes by hanging. This process is not lynching.
Southern thing, huh?
Joseph Smith and his brother were strung up in IL, and number of lynchings in CA, MT, NV, and AZ during their various gold rushes. Rustlers were strung up all over the West.
OK, half as many whites in the 1890s and early 20th century, but that is in itself indicative of an exclusivity. Plenty of whites were strung up and a lot more before that period.
So, over all, it would appear a lot more whites were lynched during the history of the US.
As always, Alswitha has to try to cook the books to make her point.
And note she needs to put up a straw man. Weak sauce there, kid.
No one claimed all lynchings occurred in the south.
No one claimed that all the lynchings were of Blacks.
fw: So, over all, it would appear a lot more whites were lynched during the history of the US.
Just show your evidence.
So it’s okay to murder their babies but you draw the line at lynching? You like killin’ your negroe’s young!
Murder is a crime in all 50 states. Do you know of anyone murdering babies? Why aren’t you stopping them????
Are you OK with lynching Blacks suspected of some crime?
Listen Kye, you have already proven yourself a vile white supremacist. Good luck with your sad life.
You listen Elwood, is the name calling going to be all you add to any thread from now on? Or does you being a vile anti white racist and vulgar communist who supports the murder of unborn black babies somehow give you a pass on judging the morals of others? So if all this is going to be is name calling then do not address me again. If you can banter without your hate then I’m in. But I’m not going to be beaten up with your anti white prejudice and hatred just to let you feel good about your pathetic self.
Murder by any means other than abortion is illegal in all fifty states, but the racists and communists among us have made baby killing an industry just as Adolf made Jew killing one. So since the morality challenged American Nazi’s have deemed baby killing legal, it is legal. But that does not make it right nor any less morally repugnant, does it?
No, I’m not in favor of lynching blacks suspected of some crime. Are you in favor of lynching whites suspected of some crime?
Until 1973, abortion was murder. Even today, a baby who is killed in the womb as a result of a criminal act is considered muirdered.
It’s murder. Every abortion clinic murders. The Constitution says right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, no nonsense about in or out of the womb.
Are you OK with lynching Blacks suspected of some crime?
Are you OK with the knockout game? White people being attacked for no reason but their race? Are you OK with the murder (lynching) of Yankel Rosenbloom? How many white people were murdered in the Rodney King riots, pulled from their cars and beaten to death?
You down wit’ dat?
Listen Bugs, you have already proven yourself a vile black racist. Go to Hell with your sad life.
Lynching was mostly a southern thing, as you well know
That’s what you were trying to imply.
Lynching was mostly a Southern thang. True dat.
It was?
How many?
Confining it to Reconstruction is a lie by omission.
True dat.
There he is 4,5.6, 7 am in the morning wherever he lives already posting on this site ON A SUNDAY.
The troll is awake. Brace yourself. Bullshit incoming.
Stayin’ Alive,
Obsess much?
It’s afternoon in Europe.
We’ll note that you are commenting early in the morning wherever you live ON A SUNDAY.
Brace yourselves! SA conspiracy theories incoming!
Just pointing out the obvious.
Satan never sleeps. either.
The troll must be at the Kremlin getting more directions on what new attacks to take on or Perhaps meeting with the communist George Soros for advise.
By the way don’t bother with VPN’s to try and hide who you are the NSA and every intel bureau in the world has their hooks in all the servers around the globe. They could track you to your home address in 5 minutes. Don’t watch too many spy movies it doesn’t work like that. You got 30 or 40 seconds and they got you. they have you the instant you log into the server because the servers are almost always open source Linux servers where half the people putting code into Linux are foreign agents of some intel community.
How ironic you think I am in contact with the Kremlin, when it was the Kremlin that supported DJ tRump. It was the DJ tRump campaign that conspired with the Russians.
If the Russians did play a part in the election of Trump, then we owe them a everlasting gratitude that can never be replayed. MAGA.
In case you haven’t heard, Jessica, even Mueller has conceded no collusion, so it’s you who’s calling Vlad.
It’s over. You aren’t even a good Hitler vid.
It was Hillary that got Trump elected, not the Russians. Anyone except libs clinging to ridiculous conspiracy theories knows that.
In fact we hadn’t heard that Mueller conceded on collusion.
It was the Russians. Anyone who says the Russkies wanted Hillary is not in touch with reality.
If the Russians did play a part in the election of Trump, then we owe them a everlasting gratitude that can never be replayed. MAGA.
So stupid you had to post it twice! So stupid you had to post it twice!
Do you really support a foreign power determining our US president?
Maybe the EU will work to get Beto O’Rourke elected in 2020 and a large Dem majority in the Senate. Would you be OK with that?
No, he’s not stupid. The comment widget is lousy.
You’re the stupe, telling moronic lies that can be found out in less than a minute. If the Russkies wanted anybody to win, it would have been the Hildabeast, a doddering, deathly ill boozer who doesn’t know why she’s 50 points down and needs to wear old beach umbrellas to cover all the medical equipment she has to drag around.
Maybe the EU will work to get Beto O’Rourke elected in 2020 and a large Dem majority in the Senate.
You think they’re not?
PS Of course, Harvey is rooting for Pancho Vanilla O’Rourke.
The village idiot is still trolling even from the Kremilin I see.
Do you really support millions of illegals from FOREIGN COUNTRIES determining the fate of your country?
ARe you in favor of the EU interfering in US politics? I surmise you are as you claim to be in Europe consorting with Vladimir and George Soros to determine you next trolling campaign.
It was the Russians. Anyone who says the Russkies wanted Hillary is not in touch with reality.
Poor little Maroon. So ignorant, so trusting.
Of course, the Russkies wanted the Beast. Demented, rum-soaked, delusional, at least as ignorant as Harvey.
They’d have been crazy not to. They’d have wrapped her around Vlad’s little finger.