Democrats are good with assaulting the rights of law abiding American citizens. Illegal aliens must be protected at all times, though
(Daily Caller) The House Judiciary Committee passed legislation known as the Bipartisan Background Check Act Thursday that would mandate background checks on all gun sale transactions and most transfers in the United States.
“This is a bill that will expand criminal background checks to close the gun show loophole and close the Internet sale loophole,†Democrat Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries said of the bill.
With the support of five committee Republicans and after nine hours of debate, the bill passed 21 to 14. Republicans on the Committee attempted to amend the bill.
Democrats, however, voted down one such amendment that would notify ICE authorities when an illegal alien fails a background check to purchase a firearm.
Democrats in the Judiciary Committee just voted against notifying ICE when an illegal alien fails a background check to buy a gun. They hate ICE so much that they'd keep ICE in the dark when illegals try to get guns!
— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) February 13, 2019
Every illegal aliens should fail a background check, because they are forbidden from purchasing/possessing a firearm.
North Carolina Republican Rep. Richard Hudson, however, responded, “Any attorney general and any local officials could set the price for running a background check for a person so high that individuals couldn’t afford to do it.â€
He added, “So, what if they said it cost $5,000 to run a background check at a gun store? Well, most Americans can’t afford that,†Hudson noted. “So, those are two of the different levers that they intend to use to limit law-abiding gun owners from purchasing guns.â€
Really, who thinks that the gun grabbers wouldn’t do something like that these days?

These gun grabbing communist leftist Democrats invent shit. What is “the gun show loophole” and the “internet loophole”? I buy guns at shows and there is no loophole. They are dealers and have the same regulations and forms as if you walked into your local gun shop. As far as internet sales are concerned, you can order guns over the internet which I have done many times but they are sent to and must be picked up from your local gun store with a federal FFL. They just don’t mail you a Desert Eagle on the QT.
Everything the Democrat/Communist Party does is a lie. It’s becoming unbelievable!
Democrats loves them some illegals. Sho’nuff.

Democrat-Communists love everybody except the white working man. He’s a bigot, racist, homophobic, misogynist, Islamophobic, and the scourge of the climate and the world. If it weren’t for white men and their inventions the world would be a better place. Hell, the D-C’s even have white people hating white people. Just like Stalin had the prols murder the Kulaks our turn is coming. Bill Ayres said about 25 million of us would need to be murdered but that’s way back when there were only 250 million people in America. They will revise the numbers accordingly.
Imagine your life with Elwood and Zac in charge. Imagine your family, job, home. Imagine your child ill and Elwood in charge of who gets treatment. Think the child of a “tRump” supporter will see a doctor? Getting the picture?
In 1090 there were about 11 million illegals here. Now whether they admit it or not it’s about 35 million. And Elwood a and Zac and their ilk still don’t want a wall. Their new heroine Occasional-Cotex even wants to eliminate ICE as do all the new Muhammadans and communists in Congress. Just how many South American immigrants do you think will be here in 10 years, 40 million, 75 million? How would that help America? What benefit has 50 million third world immigrants to America? None, zero, niltch, nada. The object is not to help America or they would require a college degree in science to immigrate. The object is to eliminate white men. To make America any color but white. I didn’t believe that for years but now it’s obvious if you just look and ask why anyone who loves this country would not want to keep the third world people in the third world. If you put a cup of sh!t in a barrel of wine you now have a barrel of sh!t. America’s the barrel of wine and the third world immigrants are the cup of sh!t.
Kids are rolling out of our schools ignorant of math, English or our glorious history but dyed in the wool communists and totalitarians. They think a male can “become” a female, all cultures are equal, diversity is strength, unborn babies aren’t human and Islam is a religion of peace. The Democrat Party has completely been taken over by communists and Mohammadans and they’ll stand there and deny what everyone willing to look can see.
This is the country the stealth communists AKA Democrats have been working toward for 80 years. The next 5 years will determine the future of America, Western Civilization, Mankind and Liberty. I hope they can survive what the Democrat-Communists have wrought.
As we’ve said all along, the greatest fear of trump’s base is not massive debt, not defense, not welfare, not guns, certainly not the environment – but is the existential threat of the potential loss of white christian privilege. Obama Derangement Syndrome among the 30%ers reflected that fear. Hence the use of “Muslim” as an insult amongst the NuCons. What if Blacks and Hispanics in positions of power discriminate against whites the way whites historically discriminated against minorities? Scary, isn’t it?
You deny your fears arise from race, then follow with a post confirming it.
The Trump Wall is the embodiment of all your fears, a talisman to ward off evil. The Trump Wall will not protect white dominance. Your fear is palpable. Guns at the ready serve the same purpose – to protect you from n*ggers, ‘illegals’ and ‘Moslems’ out to kill you – even though your guns are more likely to harm you or your loved ones than to protect you from barbarians.
How do you reason that the liberal push for universal healthcare would result in the children of trump supporters not getting treatment? How is trying to boost the wages of the working poor and vanishing middle class a bad thing?
It’s radical Cons calling for violence and war in the streets if they don’t get their way.
You do love to project.
“Hoss” has been hacked. Just another Random Sentence Generator bot.
Your little voices may say it, but that doesn’t make it true.
Like it or not, white people really do make the world go round.
Obama Derangement Syndrome among the 30%ers reflected that fear.
No, it reflected the fact he was a bigoted, incompetent idiot who had no idea of how to run a country.
Hence the use of “Muslim†as an insult amongst the NuCons.
Admitting he was a Moslem born in Kenya, are we?
What if Blacks and Hispanics in positions of power discriminate against whites the way whites historically discriminated against minorities? Scary, isn’t it?
Last I looked, there would be no civil rights for blacks if Conservative white republicans hadn’t supported the idea.
The white Demos certainly didn’t like it.
The Trump Wall is the embodiment of all your fears, a talisman to ward off evil. The Trump Wall will not protect white dominance. Your fear is palpable. Guns at the ready serve the same purpose – to protect you from n*ggers, ‘illegals’ and ‘Moslems’ out to kill you – even though your guns are more likely to harm you or your loved ones than to protect you from barbarians.
She sounds like one of those Ted Cassidy aliens from the first season of Star Trek, making idiotic assumptions about human beings.
How do you reason that the liberal push for universal healthcare would result in the children of trump supporters not getting treatment?
That which can be turned on, can be turned off.
How is trying to boost the wages of the working poor and vanishing middle class a bad thing?
That’s what Trump has done. Why do you hate him for it?
It’s radical Cons calling for violence and war in the streets if they don’t get their way.
Sounds more like Democrats. Antifa ring a bell?
Bob Menendez was trying to shield illegals from deportation if they got a DUI. Again, democrats will do anything to keep that permanent underclass here and voting for them. It really is the modern plantation.
Illegal immigrants don’t vote.
They vote Democrat all the time. CA had to clean 1.5 million of them off their voter rolls.
The other day Beto O’Rourke, the libs future potential savior, advocated tearing down the existing border security wall near El Paso, thereby inadvertently proving that they do work. Always nice to have such brain surgeons working for the opposition to make your case for you
“Hoss†has been hacked. Just another Random Sentence Generator bot.
Griselda is a one trick pony.
Especially if she’s been cornered.