See, the problem, according to Ledyard King in an article that is in the Politics section, not Opinion, is not that the Green New Deal is a massive bit of Progressivism which requires an enormous increase in the size and scope of government. Nor that it requires ridiculous, unsustainable, economy killing amounts of spending and taxation. Nor that it takes giant amounts of liberty, freedom, and choice away from citizens. Nope. Its’ that the GOP doesn’t think this is a good idea
Green New Deal: Republicans talk up climate change plan – but not because they like it
Republicans are talking a lot about the Green New Deal after its rollout on Capitol Hill earlier this month by liberal Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
It’s not because the GOP supports the transformation of the electric grid away from fossil fuels to renewable energy called for in the progressive Democratic plan to combat climate change. Or because Republicans agree with the approach the plan lays out for boosting Americans’ economic security and giving people access to affordable health care.
Just the opposite.
GOP officials think the road map offered by Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and longtime environmental advocate Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., will help them hammer their criticisms of Democratic economic policies they contend would move the country toward socialism.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., convinced the plan is a loser for Democrats, announced Tuesday he’s planning to bring up the measure for a Senate vote “to give everybody an opportunity to go on record to see how they feel about the Green New Deal.”
That would mean putting several Democratic senators who are running for president, including Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Cory Booker of New Jersey and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, in the position of angering progressive voters if they don’t back the plan or turning off those independents who view it as too liberal.
ZOMG, they might have to actually vote for this plan! How horrible!
But opening up a discussion on the Green New Deal carries risks for Republicans as well, said former Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a Florida Republican who co-founded the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus.
“When Republicans controlled Congress, this was not getting attention,” Curbelo, who does not support the Green New Deal, told USA TODAY. “That’s going to change and everyone soon will have to go on the record, not just expressing what they’re against but what they’re for.”
Forcing Warmists to go on record is not a bad thing for Republicans. Warmists, including Curbelo, do not want to have a discussion or debate, they want to give a lecture. They want to dictate. Forcing Warmists to defend the GND resolution is not something they want to do.