The attack on Jussie Smollett caused frayed nerves, too. It was also a hoax
Climate Change Isn’t Just Frying the Planet—It’s Fraying Our Nerves
Over the last year, Rebecca, a 35-year-old woman living in Washington, DC, had been losing sleep over the seemingly endless flow of apocalyptic environmental news. She fretted about the Trump administration’s loosening of emissions regulations and the United Nations’ dire predictions about climate change. In October, she sought help from a psychiatrist who put her on an antidepressant. “It sort of saps your emotional reserves,†she says, “this constant background feeling of anxiety.â€
Forty percent of Americans reported hearing about climate change in the media at least once a month in 2015, and about half said they were worried about the topic that year, making it “a powerful environmental stressor,†according to a 2016 federal report. And that’s not the only way global warming causes psychological problems: A recent report from the American Psychological Association and Washington-based nonprofit ecoAmerica details some of the effects of natural disasters on mental health, including social disruption, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicide. Research suggests that heat waves affect our neural regulation, weakening our ability to regulate our emotions, and that people are more aggressive and less empathetic during warm periods. As Stanford University researcher Sanjay Basu put it to me, “We kind of lose our cool.â€
So, let me see if I have this correct: the Cult of Climastrology manufactures an issues, fearmongers on it non-stop, then people become so loony that they get mental and physical issues, at which point they blame the issues on ‘climate change’? Right? This is like when you drink too much then talk yourself into feeling sick to the point of throwing up.

Neo-liberalism is a mental disorder.
Just so you know…
Stop the hate!
Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism and free market capitalism.: 7 Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.
Elwood can cut and paste without lying at least.
the current crop of centrists in the Democratic party are neoliberals and are in bed with Corporate America. No more evidence of this need be established then the fact HRC and the DNC spent over 2 billion in 2016 trying to win the government back.
Let me digress for a moment.
Corporatists Brought Us to the Brink of This Catastrophe
Whatever does HUFFPO mean? They mean that in 2006 when the economy nearly tanked the left was telling GWB to mind his own business and let the housing industry keep imploding. They were letting the banks run rough shod over the economy.
They were in effect left and Right CORPORATISTS who were doing the bidding of corporations while lucratively padding their pocket.
Progressivism has pushed farther left as they realize how deeply in bed the Neoliberals were with Capitalism and Corporations. Republicans have always been about this segment of the economy recognizing the ability of large corporations to provide millions of jobs as well as benefits, health insurance etc.
JFK was a NeoLiberal. The old guard Democratic party used to believe in FREEDOM of the individual and liberty. The differences between left and right up until the 70’s was small and no matter which party was in charge the culture was to ensure the economy was front and center.
Neoliberalism has been distorted by the progressive wing of the democratic party and as such what Hoss is saying is in fact partially true. Liberalism/liberal/progressive have melded to the extent that the left is now in a major Identity crisis as they figure out how to walk a tight rope without alienating their leftist corporate sponsors which ensure the Democrats billions for elections.
The Right is equally in disarray but it is more from the idea of trying to distance themselves from corporatism after watching the economy implode and taking a few years to digest exactly what happened. What happened was Bush did nothing to prevent the implosion and the Democrats cheered it on. As many democrats have stated. I hope the economy tanks so we can blame it on trump and get rid of him.
In 2006 the democrats wanted to be rid of the republicans and as such took back the house and in 2008 took the house, senate and White House because of an imploding economy. Today the left would do anything to do the same thing while marching for election reform realizing that their own party receives more wall street support than does the Republicans.
Interesting note and something a communist probably has no clue about.
Then isn’t the next step to reverse the policies of the corporatist (neoliberal) Dems and Repubs that have been gutting the middle class since 1980?
Do you want to limit corporate donations?
The top marginal tax rate under JFK was 70%. Was JFK a communist? Reagan did not eliminate SS or Medicare (in fact he raised FICA taxes) and doubled the federal debt. Was he a communist?
Can you (will you) define communist?
Once again your solutions are bigger government and governmental controls on production.
Who cares what the tax rates are other than progressive communists.
You scream that the poor pay too much. Nonsense. In the United States the poor are PAID to exist. The middle class just got a tax cut and I can attest to that fact because I am firmly in the middle class and paid roughly 1300 less tax this year than last. I just did my taxes.
IF you take ALL THE MONEY THE BILLIONAIRES HAVE TAx them at 100 percent you will get a trillion dollars. AOC’s plan is 6.0 trillion AT LEAST per YEAR. There is not enough money to pay for this bullshit.
The only ones who want to control production are communists. Its in their DNA. It’s in their interest.
By the way when you were or still are in Europe did you notice that George Soros is closing up his open society in Hungary and in fact is also closing down his Far left university in Hungary and is basically being run out of the country.
Did you notice their is an enormous Rally in Canada TODAY in fact and that a convoy of trucks left Alberta in FEB. met with 100’000’s of people cheering them on as they marched on The capital of Canada in protest to the nations Rainbow society and high carbon taxes and lack of freedom of speech.
Joe Biden just delivered a speech overseas in which he slapped America in the face and declared he was ashamed of his own country. Obama will not endorse him to run. Why is that? Because he is a WHITE MAN.
Actually the poor and working classes make too little. Forty years of trickle-down economics has not lifted all boats, it’s lifted the yachts. The tax rates are only a small part. Labor, fiscal, trade, monetary, immigration, and patent/copyright policies all are designed to reward the wealthy at the expense of the working classes. Is reducing patent exclusivity (gov’t enforced monopolies) a symptom of communism? Are labor unions communist?
Your are correct because your plantation owners have kept them poor and kept them jobless and kept them getting crumbs thrown at them from welfare.
TRUMP OFFERS THEM JOBS. Trump offers them hope. He has cut regulations making it easier for Blacks to open businesses in areas where both blacks and whites in inner cities can profit and earn better income.
No thanks to the plantation owners on the left who have tried desperately to keep the black man and the poor white people voting desperately for Democrats because they have nothing but a PITTANCE of welfare thrown at them by their handlers.
OH GAWD…Trump is a RACIST they scream…fear the orange man. Fear his policies. When you go to work just realize one thing you dumb sumbeaches scream the democrats.
That in a nutshell is the democratic party. the pathetic part in all this is the Right who has let this go on for 50-60 years because they were afraid to speak up for fear of what is happening today. Branded racists for even talking about it.
well now. Today. Blacks are speaking up. They are rushing to the GOP. They are walking away and the only hope for Democrats is illegals flooding the country and put on A NEW PLANTATION.
Are poor white folks on your plantation of just Blacks?
The conservative trope that “plantation” Black Americans are too dumb to vote in their own interests is a long-standing indirect slur.
Years ago Thomas Frank wrote “What’s the Matter with Kansas?”, a book examining the debatable notion that the rise of the pseudopopulist conservative movement, relies on cultural issues (nativism, abortion, gay marriage, guns, religion) rather than economic arguments. But he makes the same arguments about white working class that Cons make regarding the Black working class – all are too dumb to know what’s good for them.
Conservatives (neolibs), including corporatist Dems have sold out the working classes. From Reagan on, they all promoted supply side economics, deregulation of industry and the financial sector, are anti-worker safety, anti-union, pro-corporation and on and on. It’s just the GOP has been more aggressive about it.
Trump promised (lied) to change all this. The voters are waiting. Trump is no FDR, JFK or LBJ. American is primed for a New New Deal – policies that actually benefit the working classes – rather than empty promises and pimped fears.
If Harvey understood economics (which she doesn’t), she’d know the Demos pegged high tax rates back in the Depression and, when those rates were cut (both times), the economy took off like a rocket.
And Harvey doesn’t give a damn about the middle class, which did just fine, thank you, until the Lefty Demos took over in the 90s. She may have been told by her massas that the middle class has been the root of every successful revolution since 1775.
The top marginal tax rate under JFK was 70%. Was JFK a communist? Reagan did not eliminate SS or Medicare (in fact he raised FICA taxes) and doubled the federal debt.
The little bastard, and I’m sure she is, lies again.
Kennedy inherited that tax rate and Reagan raised FICA to keep it from going bankrupt (Reagan being no fool politically) then as opposed to now.
And Bugs always omits Zippy adding more to the debt than all the other Presidents before him. This is all old stuff the Lefties have been using since Stalin to put Americans on the defensive.
Thanks to the Internet, we can get the truth.
The only commie here is Gianna.
“Climate change isn’t just frying the planet…â€. Actually, it’s not frying a thing, except the brains of the doomers.
So a conservative newspaper advocates reconstituting the KKK to “clean up” DC by lynching the ne’er do wells. He says calls to raise taxes on the rich are socialist/communist and should be stopped by lynching Dems.
Elwood P Brain’s story is from a tiny little paper in a small town in Alabama.
heres one from a major world wide paper that reaches millions upon millions of subscribers.
Would a world without men really be so bad?
awoke yesterday in Ira Levin’s brain. Scientists have used embryonic stem cells to make synthetic sperm. My first thought is – does it come in pink? But the possibility grows (and I’m wilfully hopping and skipping and bouncing over the science bit here) that we will at some vague point in the future be able to breed without men.
So lets see the guy in alabama wants to clean out the swamp in Washington DC but feminists want to genocide half the planet.
What would the world be like without white people?
Let’s say someone invents a virus that only kills white people, travels back 40,000 years and unleashes the virus on the world, so white people never helped shaped modern history. Nordics, Germans, Caucasians, romans, jews, all gone. What would the world be like?
See the plan is simple. Whenever the right says something to overwhelm the sense with outrage. When the left does the same thing. We ignore it and declare trump orange man bad and a racist.
Everything from Elwood P Brain is misdirection and racist. He lies for reasons known only to himself.
1. Don’t panic! Actually, the tongue-in-cheek article on a world without men suggested crime would go down, music and literature and cinema would suck, there would be fewer wars, religion would wither, the environment would improve but overall life would suffer.
She wrote “and… who would I have sex with? I like women but I couldn’t eat a whole one. … In truth, I would miss men.”
She concluded the world would be worse off, finally writing, “Stay, men, stay.”
2. An unidentified person posted a question on AskReddit several years ago asking what the world would be like if light-skinned people had never been around.
Most answers were of this vein: Sales of sunscreen would decline drastically.
And you find this significant because??
3. Not sure you’ll find a powerful movement to eliminate men or white folks, but maybe Trump will campaign on these “issues”.
“The left are communists who want to kill all men and whites; Finish the Wall!!”
Knowing the history of Communism and Fascism as we do, that article can hardly be taken as tongue in cheek.
The fact it occurred to her at all says the possibility lurks in her (and I use the term loosely) mind. If she wants men to stay, it would only be that the Left needs somebody to hate.
An unidentified person posted a question on AskReddit several years ago asking what the world would be like if light-skinned people had never been around.
And you find this significant because??
You find it significant because to try to trivialize it, but also because Still is right. Without white people, you would still be in a cave in Africa wondering who would eat you first, lions or cannibals.
Not sure you’ll find a powerful movement to eliminate men or white folks
It’s all over the Internet and being advocated on many college campuses. As you well know.
And your problem is…?
you live in St Lou. You should be safe.
For now.
Wow, a threat! You gonna beat me up??
How fascist of you, Herr Whizzer.
I’ll pay your first class airfare here, if you want.
One way, of course.
Hmmm… when and where have we seen that hollow threat issued before?

Something to do with a grandson I believe.
You never did come here to tell the gendarmes did you, little doggie? You didn’t even call them.
Didn’t you very specifically, and publicly, accuse me of pedophilia?
Do you want the telephone number of the local police?
Why did you stop making those false accusations, LOL?
Anyway, doggie, the offer still stands for you too.
I’ll pay your one-way air fare and even drive you to the police station to make your charges.
But you’re full of scheisse, aren’t you? All bluster, no spine, more coelenterata than vertebrata.
Be off with you.
Such a tough guy sitting at your keyboard and shit. What happened is between you and your grandson. Who am I to judge?

Straw man yet again.
I said you should be safe hiding in the Gateway.
The Hofts will protect you.
Your fellow Commies won’t. And, it’s Heer, Comrade.
One way, of course.
I didn’t threaten her, but she threatens me. Typical.
Over the last year, George, a 35-year-old man living in Souix City, Ia. has been losing sleep over the seemingly endless flow of apocalyptic environmental news. He fretted about the Lying scientists paid by the government tightening emissions regulations and eliminating the country of life giving fossil fuels over easily disproved predictions about climate change. In October, he finally sought help from a psychiatrist who assured him that climate change was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated by the communist regimes of the world. “It sort of saps your emotional reserves,†she says, “this constant background feeling of anxiety.†So like a man, he sucked it up and refused the anti-depressants and went back to work.
Are poor white folks on your plantation of just Blacks?
The conservative trope that “plantation†Black Americans are too dumb to vote in their own interests is a long-standing indirect slur.
“I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years.”
Years ago Thomas Frank wrote “What’s the Matter with Kansas?â€, a book examining the debatable notion that the rise of the pseudopopulist conservative movement, relies on cultural issues (nativism, abortion, gay marriage, guns, religion) rather than economic arguments. But he makes the same arguments about white working class that Cons make regarding the Black working class – all are too dumb to know what’s good for them.
Typical Lefty attitude. One Benezet has been pushing here. And one she extends to the increasing number of blacks who vote R.
Conservatives (neolibs), including corporatist Dems have sold out the working classes. From Reagan on, they all promoted supply side economics, deregulation of industry and the financial sector, are anti-worker safety, anti-union, pro-corporation and on and on. It’s just the GOP has been more aggressive about it.
All Stalinist stuff they think still works. Too bad Reagan’s and Terump’s reforms did work. It puts the lie to all she says.
Conservatives are hardly neo-Liberals. And it’s the hard Left that sold out to anybody with money, starting with the Ozark Mafia.
Trump promised (lied) to change all this. The voters are waiting. Trump is no FDR, JFK or LBJ. American is primed for a New New Deal – policies that actually benefit the working classes – rather than empty promises and pimped fears.
It’s the Demos who pimp fear, Walter Williams even called them poverty pimps and they certainly try to scare everybody – global warming’s gonna kill us all in 12 years.
Where have we heard that before? And, if you want some ammo next time Bugs starts bloviating, I give you The Climategate Emails.
And Trump is delivering on his promises. Wages are up jobs are way up and unemployment is way down, especially minority unemployment.
You never did come here to tell the gendarmes did you, little doggie? You didn’t even call them.
Didn’t you very specifically, and publicly, accuse me of pedophilia?
Do you want the telephone number of the local police?
Apparently, it’s public record.
Why did you stop making those false accusations, LOL?
Anyway, doggie, the offer still stands for you too.I’ll pay your one-way air fare and even drive you to the police station to make your charges.
And it seems he still is. Another threat.
But you’re full of scheisse, aren’t you? All bluster, no spine, more coelenterata than vertebrata.
Be off with you.
For somebody who claims to hate Narzis, she sure loves the German language.
I wonder which of her massas gave him the phylar classifications.
PS I note she never went near my post of the climategate emails.
Talk about no guts.
Let us dissect your drivel.
Are poor white folks on your plantation of just Blacks? OF course. Read the post not just skim if you want to refute it with lies. No thanks to the plantation owners on the left who have tried desperately to keep the black man and *******the poor white people******* voting desperately for Democrats because they have nothing but a PITTANCE of welfare thrown at them by their handlers.
The conservative trope that “plantation†Black Americans are too dumb to vote in their own interests is a long-standing indirect slur. Black people have started using this reference themselves as they walk away from the plantation. Of course the left then brands them UNCLE TOMS a RACIST MEME which they get a pass on.
Years ago Thomas Frank wrote “What’s the Matter with Kansas?â€, a book examining the debatable notion that the rise of the pseudopopulist conservative movement, relies on cultural issues (nativism, abortion, gay marriage, guns, religion) rather than economic arguments. But he makes the same arguments about white working class that Cons make regarding the Black working class – all are too dumb to know what’s good for them. BECAUSE HE WROTE IT DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE. THE SCHOLARSHIP IS FULL OF LIES And example being the current group of con artists writing intense SJW articles, getting them published and then declaring them hoaxes and frauds. I’m sure you can google this to find out how stupid your side looks when it comes to ACADEMIA.
Conservatives (neolibs), including corporatist Dems have sold out the working classes. From Reagan on, they all promoted supply side economics, deregulation of industry and the financial sector, are anti-worker safety, anti-union, pro-corporation and on and on. It’s just the GOP has been more aggressive about it. No they haven’t. They have used a system to enrich themselves. Just as you use this platform to enrich you weak and anemic psyche. Capitalism is intended for those willing to be able. Once again tens of thousands of regulations by the left has made it nearly impossible to lift ones self out of the gutter. Trump is changing that and you are TERRIFIED you will lose your power over the impoverished that YOU PUT THERE.
Trump promised (lied) to change all this. The voters are waiting. Trump is no FDR, JFK or LBJ. American is primed for a New New Deal – policies that actually benefit the working classes – rather than empty promises and pimped fears.
And he has changed all of this. His approval continually is on the rise. Hispanics have a 50-51 percent approval rating on Trump right now. Blacks are in the low 40’s and rising. It is you who is terrified of his successes. It is you who needs to keep spreading lies because America cant possibly prosper under Republicans, only authoritarian Democrats who keep whites and blacks on their welfare Plantation.
Once again everything you post is lies, distortions and mistruths intended to twist, lie and conflate issues. You are a liar as everyone here keeps pointing out to you. Do you not realize they actually have fun trashing your communist talking points? Do you not realize that nothing you say is making a difference as the left goes down the toilet of communist stupidity while the Blacks, Hispanics and Labor Unions are abandoning your party with fervor.
Or are you really that guy? That guy from Putin’s kremlin?