See, it’s Muslim extremism that’s the problem, or the very notion that the Middle East region has been in conflict for pretty much forever, no, it’s because you drove a fossil fueled vehicle to pick the kids up and purchase evil world killing steaks
Climate change will fuel more wars and displacement in the Middle East, experts warn
‘Terrorist organisations like Isis capitalise on climate change to get new members’
The most volatile region in the world is about to be plunged into further chaos because of climate change, academics and international officials warned at a conference on Tuesday.
Food scarcity and water shortages will add to the flood of displaced people, sparking wars and providing opportunities for extremist groups, they said.
These developments will mean 7 to 10 million people in the Middle East and North Africa will be forced to leave their ancestral or temporary homes over the next decade, a UN development official predicted.
Others speaking at a panel at the annual Planetary Security Initiative in The Hague cited small and large conflicts in the region over the years, including food riots in 2008 in Jordan, and identified other future hotspots in the Levant and north Africa.
“Food and fuel insecurity can very quickly lead to unrest,†said Jamal Saghir, a professor at McGill University in Montreal.
It’s interesting that they used the word “Levant”, something ISIS often used, with their alternate name, ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. This is an area that covers Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, as well as parts of Iraq and Egypt.
“It’s likely that such shocks will happen again. Such crises might trigger violent crisis and increase public support for extremist groups offering viable alternatives,†he told attendees at the conference. “Terrorist organisations like Isis also capitalise on climate change to get new members. They find impoverished farmers to take advantage of – they are offered food, salaries, and other advantages.â€
See? It’s not their extremists beliefs, nope, it’s because you keep your casa at 70 during the winter, instead of 58, as well us use a washing machine instead of hand cleaning your clothes. For shame! It really is a shame that all the Islamic State members are farmers, right? If only someone had instituted a carbon tax.
The changing conditions contributed to unrest in Syria and Iraq and other nations were plunged into chaos in the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings. Isis subsequently gained traction. The troubles are far from over, with warmer temperatures leading to less water, for example along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that nourish Iraq.
Still banging the same, worn out drum on this. But, hey, you know what is missing? Proof of anthropogenic causation. Like usual.

It was the repugnant Barack Hussein Obama and his Administration which kept using the term ISIL instead of ISIS, for whatever reason, probably to tell Binyamin Netanyahu that our President didn’t care if Israel was overrun by the Islamists.
Remember President Obama instructing UN Ambassador to abstain on a Security Council vote trying to make Israeli settlements illegal? Iremember it. Remember the idiotic John Kerry and his speech laying out policies aimed against Israel, even though Donald Trump had already been elected and would reverse those policies just 23 days later? I do.
Teach: It’s interesting that they used the word “Levantâ€, something ISIS often used
What’s your point (that’s rhetorical, we know what your point is)?
The Levant was the Levant well before there was ISIS or ISIL. In fact, the term is centuries old from the French levant for “rising”, a reference to the Sun rising in the East, so it’s very Eurocentric!
Teach: you know what is missing? Proof of anthropogenic causation. Like usual.
What evidence would you find persuasive? (You refuse to answer that question, likely because your mind is already made up, independent of evidence – very typically conservative).
Jeez, nignorant can Google the term “levant” and find meaning yet continually asks his rhetorical questions about “evidence/proof” when he provides none.
Silly little fella.
I do so wish that Mr Bodine/ Mr Dowd/
JeffreyJeffery would make up his mind about which name he is going to use!Oh, wait, now I understand! He thinks that if some people can change their sex by simply changing their minds, well he can change his identity the same way!
It can be confusing. We’ve found that Con Men rely more on pedigree than ideas.
No, that’s your side.
We loved Sarah Palin even though she didn’t have a degree from Haavaud Law.
Do you ever stop projecting?
He has his proof.
The hockey stick is a crock, just like you.
J, you’re still skipping a step. Warming, wether anthropogenic or not, is simply warming. It’s the evidence of the alleged negative effects of said warming that’s the issue. And right now there’s no evidence of any negative effects, just mathematical guesses from computers.
No conservatives have actually LOOKED AT THE EVIDENCE presented to them and decided their is not enough evidence to convict in a court of law.
Then they looked at who was presented this evidence.
that would be Academia. Already a far left tool for communists.
The government organizations of Noaa, Nasa and a few other who are and have been paid to tell us the complete and unbrideled truth as we know ALL of those working in government vow to do.
Then we looked at hacked emails where the 50 or so scientists were PEER REVIEWING each others work and calling it correct and indisputable.
Then we looked at the thousands and thousands of scientists INCLUDING CLIMATOLOGISTS who said AGW is a SCAM, BUNK and made up horseshit and thought about throwing that into the host of evidence now mounting against the AGW bandwagon.
Then we asked to see the data. They refused. So we sued for the data and the emails talked about how to FOIL FOIA requests. And so we pondered why scientists who claim the science is settled would refuse to allow anyone to look at their data.
After all the data is conclusive and beyond reproach is it not?
Then we wondered why NOAA took down all their Temperature data for weeks only to see it put back up with all the numbers CHANGED to show warming. Now why would they do that?
Then we look at the maps put out by NOAA and wonder where all the missing data is at and how they manage to turn a map glowing red with no data from those regions. We scratched our heads at that one.
Then of course we look at the math of the greenhouse effect and simple calculus shows that they formula they use takes into account only a flat earth but who would dare to argue with a scientist with a strong back ground in math? Well suddenly Mathmaticians started asking them to explain. CRICKETS. They are still working on a lie to explain how the green house effect works under their bogus math.
Then finally but certainly not the last of the evidence we have looked at but for the purposes of brevity I will list this one. We wondered how these scientists want us to believe in runaway global warming when in fact the green house math prevents runaway global warming.
NOw that we have presented reasons why we do not believe YOU or your hacks who refuse to let the rest of us see their work.
Present to us reasons why. Not so and so says it so it must be true. Because quite honestly that is all you have. A legion of idiots and non scientists or even scientists who have NOT seen the research telling us we are all gonna die therefore in your world its settled.
97 percent is actually less than 50 percent now as the list of those scientists signing the AGW is bunk document is up over 35,000 and growing daily.
And let us not forget the most important piece of information that tells those of us you call deniers you are all full of lies is that you do nothing about AGW when you can. Instead demanding Universal health care or free college or what the ff ever. People who are ardent supporters jet set around, drive suvs, use 15k/hour of electricity in their giant mansions while demanding the government tax corporations.
Oh its never tax the rich…Cause all the Hollywood types would just move to Cannes and continue to scream about AGW.
There now you know WHY we are deniers and believe AGW is a scam. What are you going to do about it? Wheres YOUR evidence beside people claiming the earth is flat and the earth revolves around the moon and unicorns poop giant pots of gold.
I have not even begun to touch the reasons why deniers deny AGW is real and not a scam. Ill be happy to list 100 more reasons PROVEN and not anectdotal.
You mistakenly think that we’d be interested in your Gish Gallop (look it up) of denier bloviation.
But what evidence would you find persuasive?
We understand that the noble denier has a much higher standard of evidence than mere scientists, so if you were to ever by convinced that CO2 from burning fossil fuels is causing the Earth to warm, what evidence would do that?
Simple question for a superior scientist such as yourself.
We assume you accept the fact that the increase in CO2 is from burning fossil-fuels (only the scientifically illiterate would believe otherwise).
We assume you accept the fact that CO2 absorbs electromagnetic radiation in the infrared wavelengths (only the scientifically illiterate would believe otherwise).
We assume you accept the fact that the Earth’s surface is warming (only the scientifically illiterate would believe otherwise).
So what further evidence would you find convincing that those facts are colluding to cause the Earth to warm?
Stillalive provided a very good analysis of the AGW fraud. Now, it is not the responsibility of others to provide a method to prove your assertions. In the years that you have ranted, you have not provided evidence of a link to information that would prove anything.maybe if you divorced you scientific assertions from politics and encouraged methods to trap this evil CO2 rather than high taxes, redistribution of wealth and global communism, then you might get some attention. Or even have a handful of the elite lead the austere life style that the religion demands, then we might consider, and don’t start your carp on SSI and other strange correlations.
Once again you assume too much.
since you will not discuss our reasons for distrust in the AGW community.
I will simply point out one fatal FLAW IN YOUR STUPID post. The earth is not warming. The only evidence it is warming is NOAA claims it is why the European and Canadian weather information bureaus show far less warming.
Why does you side lie and hide the facts? In fact the last three years have actually been cooler than the previous three and yet NOAA and NASA claim the opposite.
The North POLE is burning UP…when in fact it is only 5 degrees warmer while still a balmy 30 below zero…they point to this while losing their collective minds and claim the the Ice is melting at dramatic rates.
Yet lets talk about the ICE…550 billion tonnes of new ICE on Greenland in the last year. The North Pole has more and thicker ice than in the last 20 years. In Antarctica their is more ice then ever and in fact the inland portion of the continent is continuing to unabatedly add snow and snow depth.
Yet we are all going to die. Says who? YOU. YOu point to a couple scientific facts as your proof when your fact does not reach a conclusion.
Here is your thesis. Co2 is rising. Co2 is absorbed by wavelengths of unicorn shit and as a result NOAA says its not only hot but damn hot… hot that the skin is melting off waxed figures in Antarctica.
The leftist shills for communism then run amuck screaming we are all gonna die and the end result is once again…relying on a government agency whose own data is contracicted by other government agencies around the world all with their own agendas.
Most notably in Canada lives are at stake if they falsify weather data because you dont fuk around claiming its only 20 below when its going to be 40 below and people die. They tell the truth and the truth is…..The US is full of shit when it comes to weather data and AGW.
The noble denier has facts on his side.
We assume you accept the fact that CO2 absorbs electromagnetic radiation in the infrared wavelengths (only the scientifically illiterate would believe otherwise).
Says the moron who claims science is based on consensus, not proof and fact.
CO2 is also absorbed in the process of photosynthesis (notice how he never mentions that?).
Good comment. But you are wasting time on Jeff as he is about as dumb as Occasional Cortex.
StillAlive, I have copied your Glorious Rant above and will whip it out every time some AGW nut job starts their crap. Thank you.
I am still alive because I think for myself. I do not let the ElwoodPBrains of the world tell me what to think. I delve deeply into things. Just as DDT was a world wide scam so was the Ozone layer and now AGW is the next great wool being pulled over the eyes of the stupid people.
The problem with the stupid people is the internet has not made them so stupid IF and this is an Important IF….IF we cull the stupid and fake news from the real and factual. IF we compare data from many different organizations.
If we hack accounts and find out the extent of their lies. Are you listening DNC and HRC? At one time I was furious with WikiLeaks but now I see the real importance of what they do.
The reason HRC lost was Wiki Leaks. The reason the podestas and several FBI and DOJ officials should be in jail is because of Wiki Leaks and Hackers. The reason they are not is because of a government deep state that protects its own.
Just as the deep state protects is AGW scam with fake data and protects them from FOIA requests.
IF nothing else should ever tell you something is a lie it is when the principals refuse to share their data and ignore FOIA requests. Just as the FBI and the DOJ have done in the last two plus years and once they were finally forced to release….the news was a stunning web of lies and deception intended literally to pull a coup on the elected president of the United States.
And the Elwoods of the world want to trust the country with a group of charlatans like this with every facet of our lives>? I think not. But then thats why communists rush to the front of the line so they get the penthouses when everyone else gets winter shacks like we see in the Ozarks.
That is why I refute people like Elwood. PUSHBACK is important. Never stop fighting for your values and principals, even if its just a post on the internet….to counter Elwood which I have no doubt has been assigned 4 or 5 websites to visit all day every day spreading fake news.
StillAlive, your comments and refutations of the AGW nonsense and the depth and detail to which you go even on these short posts is greatly appreciated. Those of us who do think independently can smelled a rat the moment this crap began and as you pointed out the big lie started long ago with the DDT, Algar and ozone crap. But you do put it a lot more concise than I could and for that I thank Teach and you.