This is seriously where the Perpetually Offended Left is going. There was already a freakout over the 1971 interview, and now Michael Hiltzik is melting down in the LA Times
It’s time to take John Wayne’s name off the Orange County airport
Most people familiar with the life story of John Wayne are aware that the late movie star was a dyed-in-the-wool right-winger — after all, he was still making a movie glorifying America’s conduct of the Vietnam War (“The Green Berets,†1968) well after the country had begun to get sick of the conflict.
But the resurrection of a 1971 interview Wayne gave to Playboy magazine has underscored the sheer crudeness of the actor’s feelings about gay people, black people, Native Americans, young people and liberals.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s impossible or immoral to enjoy Westerns and war movies starring John Wayne; that’s a personal choice. But it certainly undermines any justification for his name and image to adorn a civic facility. (snip)
Wayne’s May 1971 Playboy interview has been unearthed before, notably in 2016 when his daughter Aissa endorsed Donald Trump for president. But it may well resonate more today, when iconic representations tied to racism, such as statues of Confederate war heroes, are being evicted from public spaces.
So, this is really all about Trump Derangement Syndrome, to pair with the utter intolerance of thought.
So let’s take a gander at some of John Wayne’s opinions, circa 1971. A typescript of the Playboy interview, which I link to here, has been circulating widely and is the source of the quotes, but I validated it against facsimile pages from the original Playboy edition. Magazine writer Richard Warren Lewis conducted the interview at Wayne’s home in Newport Beach.
Now, you can go read the material, but, remember, this was 1971. Heck, I was 4 at the time. It was a very different time, and mainstream thoughts were much different. One where they weren’t attempting to get rid of men being men.
Interestingly, no one from the Left is calling for the removal of Robert “KKK” Byrd’s name from the dozens of things that bear his name.

Back in the Duke’s day, white supremacy and gay-bashing was more open. Today’s conservatives are more cautious about what they say publicly because it’s no longer acceptable in decent society to call homosexuals “fags” or to proudly proclaim yourself superior to Blacks.
That said, keep the John Wayne airport but understand that gay-bashing and white supremacy are no longer acceptable behavior. It’s a good springboard for honest discussion, but’s it’s the decision of Orange County CA, not us. But it’s not as if Wayne fomented rebellion against the US like the confederates did. So if we keep even one statue honoring Confederate traitors, Mr. Wayne should keep his airport name and statue.
In 1971, there was little or no public criticism of Wayne’s comments. If a film star or public figure made the same statements today they’d receive widespread public condemnation, even by Republicans who privately agreed with the comments.
You probably think that’s a sign of our coming communism, but many see it as human decency.
gay-bashing and white supremacy are no longer acceptable behavior.
Tell us that next time you need somebody to come up with a vaccine for your new STD.
And all the Duke said was just because somebody demands something doesn’t mean they can handle it. Cosby was smeared for the same reason.
And Harvey demonstrates its truth.
You probably think that’s a sign of our coming communism, but many see it as human decency.</i.
No, its your lynch mob mentality to destroy the US. And you think human decency is a weakness you can use against people.
Too bad for you we’re all through with that.
Random Sentence Generator, is on.
IOW If the psychosis fits, throw strait jacket on Harvey and get her to a mental hospital.
Random Sentence Generator, still on.
In the Duke’s day there was no white supremacy, there was racial reality. Like it or not there are differences between the races. To ignore or deny that makes one ignorant or a denier.
Created Equal
Race, Genes And Intelligence
By William Saletan
Slate Online
“Among white Americans, the average IQ, as of a decade or so ago, was 103. Among Asian-Americans, it was 106. Among Jewish Americans, it was 113. Among Latino Americans, it was 89. Among African-Americans, it was 85. Around the world, studies find the same general pattern: whites 100, East Asians 106, sub-Sarahan Africans 70. One IQ table shows 113 in Hong Kong, 110 in Japan, and 100 in Britain. White populations in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States score closer to one another than to the worldwide black average. It’s been that way for at least a century.”
If you disagree (which I’m sure you will) just take a sheet of paper and divide it into three columns. Label the columns Caucasian, Mongolian and African. Then sit down and in each column write all the achievements and accomplishments of each race from art & literature, to technology and science, to farming and medicine you can think of. See how equal they turn out.
You apparently think calling queers “fags” is gay-bashing. Maybe it is. But why would anyone try to normalize the perversions of sick people instead of trying to help them. Again, you deny the science that there are two sexes and same sex sex is an abomination. If you believe that denouncing men who stick their dicks in another man’s butt is to bash gays rather than shame them for their proclivities I disagree. They need help Elwood, not a f*****g parade.
Like we’ve said before, you just seem to be a vile person. That’s OK, there are many like minded men in this world. When you first came here you were reluctant to espouse your hatefulness, but after a few days you saw this was essentially a Daily Stormer that few read. So now you fit right in!
Wow. Opinion from Slate as evidence!
Wm Saletan also posted a “Regrets” article as his fourth installment in Slate concluding, “I was negligent in failing to research and report this. I’m sorry. I owe you better than that” regarding his use of white supremacist references.
Regarding calling gays, “fags”. Do you ever read the Gateway Pundit?
Anyway, the easiest way to find out if gays object is to just ask. “Excuse me do you like to be described as a “faggot”? I suggest the same for Black men. Walk up and ask, “Do you prefer being described as “boy”, “coon” or “nigger”? Nothing like research to answer your questions.
What’s your view of adultery? The bible commands death to the adulterers. Donald Trump has committed adultery many, many times. Should you call him commander, adulterer, whore, philanderer or lecher in chief?
Leviticus 20:10 – And the man that committeth adultery with [another] man’s wife, [even he] that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
Deuteronomy 22:22 – If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, [both] the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.
Are your hatreds driven by evangelical christianist beliefs? We’ve noticed that christianists tend to pick and choose the sins that drive their hatred. Gays are a trigger, philandering not so much these days.
Finally, do you even know what IQ tests measure? Probably not. You likely heard about “The Bell Curve”, and since it reinforced your hatred, you stopped thinking about it.
Given equal opportunities Blacks do well. There are two industries, sports and entertainment that are especially egalitarian – where Black men and women, once given the opportunity, compete quite well. In these industries they’re measured by how well they perform, not by someone’s judgement with power over their advancement.
And why didn’t more Blacks start corporations in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries??? Why only the Hiltons, Mars, Kochs, Waltons, Rockefellers, Bloombergs etc to pass along to their kids?
Dr. dave swears that Blacks are lazy and stupid and that’s why they can’t get ahead.
Like we’ve said before, you just seem to be a vile person. That’s OK, there are many like minded men in this world. When you first came here you were reluctant to espouse your hatefulness, but after a few days you saw this was essentially a Daily Stormer that few read. So now you fit right in</i.
Harvey, except for the reluctance part.
I know the Left hasn’t had an original idea since Lenin, but you really abuse the privilege. And Dr Freud would bring you into projection class as a prime example.
PS As, not like. And you don’t even know what a random sentence generator would do.
You don’t even understand random.
Regarding calling gays, “fagsâ€. Do you ever read the Gateway Pundit?
Clearly you don’t or you’d know Jim Hoft came out several years ago.
Wotta maroon.
Donald Trump has committed adultery many, many times. Should you call him commander, adulterer, whore, philanderer or lecher in chief?
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
And we all thought you were one of those Lefty atheist jerkoffs.
Quoting Scripture is blasphemy for you guys. Or are you trying to play Uncle Saul?
No proof (that damn word again) Trump has cheated in years.
Are your hatreds driven by evangelical christianist beliefs? We’ve noticed that christianists tend to pick and choose the sins that drive their hatred. Gays are a trigger, philandering not so much these days.
If we’re quoting the Old Testament, you ought to remember God nuked Sodom and Gomorrah because they were the San Fiasco of their time. No, we still don’t like adulterers, but The Donald appears to have changed his ways.
Until you can prove (damn, I said it again) otherwise, shut your face.
Given equal opportunities Blacks do well. There are two industries, sports and entertainment that are especially egalitarian – where Black men and women, once given the opportunity, compete quite well. In these industries they’re measured by how well they perform, not by someone’s judgement with power over their advancement.
Oh, yeah. Jus’ like de ol’ days when Mr Bones and Tambo would sing an’ dance fo’ de massa and Missy.
An’ dose good ol’ days when the 2 meanest bucks would fight to de def fo’ all da massas to bet on. Maybe Harvey would rather be a jockey. In his pretty silks.
Man, Donald Bogle would hate you.
And why didn’t more Blacks start corporations in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries??? Why only the Hiltons, Mars, Kochs, Waltons, Rockefellers, Bloombergs etc to pass along to their kids?
Ever hear of BET, Tommy Hilfiger, Phat Fasions, Burrell Communications?
Blacks are owners of 2.6 million businesses in this country. They’re starting them, but you’re so consumed with hate for whites and blacks (just like your Mocha Messiah), you think they’re all traitors to your stupid cause.
PS Finally, do you even know what IQ tests measure? Probably not. You likely heard about “The Bell Curveâ€, and since it reinforced your hatred, you stopped thinking about it.
Do you? Sad to say, but different races do seem to have different potentials.
Bugs, of course, projects yet again. The authors noted the heritability of IQ, environment, malnutrition and disease, socioeconomic factors, fetal environment, etc. There’s also a coefficient between people in the family and how proximate they were.
They also noted Orientals did better than whites, so Jessica’s little rant breaks down for anybody who actually read the book or studied the data.
Thus, our little Commie is stupid not because she’s black, but because she hung out with Lefties most of her life.
Which makes perfect sense.
PPS The Bell Curve is a statistical distribution. The majority of any group falls somewhere in the middle with people of greater or lesser ability in the outliers.
Clearly, Crusader Rabbit knows nothing about statistics, either.
“Like we’ve said before, you just seem to be a vile person. That’s OK, there are many like minded men in this world. When you first came here you were reluctant to espouse your hatefulness, but after a few days you saw this was essentially a Daily Stormer that few read. So now you fit right in!”
You call me vile? You got balls. You claim I was “reluctant to espouse” my hatefulness. Wrong again! I am espousing my opinion and my observations whether or not you like them or agree with them is quite irrelevant. However, when you claim “I fit right in” at this blog since you believe me to be vile you must also believe the others here to be vile also. I don’t think that’s very open minded of you, Elwood. Teach has a very open forum here (and you should thank God for that). As his masthead states: ” If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” You have that very typical of leftist traits where if someone holds a view or opinion you don’t like then that person can never say anything you’ll agree with. That’s SOP for leftists. Disagreeing on race makes me evil even though you never took the time to find out anything further. Like for example I do not believe all races are equal (and neither do you if you’re honest) but I do believe all people should be treated equally under the law. I don’t believe I should discriminate against anyone for anything I would do dealing with anyone else because of their race. IOW, had I not specifically stated I don’t believe the observable fact that the races are’t equal you’d have never known by my actions or deeds. BTW, quoting Slate is not the evidence, the IQ numbers are and they are accurate. I’m sorry if you refuse to believe the earth is not flat also.
For some reason you feel it necessary to quote the Bible to me as though I’m some sort of Bible thumpin’ Saint. I’m not. But I don’t think you believe in the Bible so it is quite disingenuous for you to use it to bash someone else when you yourself does no believe what it says.
I have noticed something with you that makes me wonder. Why is it every time you disagree with someone’s opinion her you find it necessary to challenge their morality and humanity? Isn’t believing them to be incorrect enough or must you do the old SS ploy and dehumanize people?
” Dr. dave swears that Blacks are lazy and stupid and that’s why they can’t get ahead.”
I don’t know who Dr. Dave is but it is you who seem to agree that blacks are in need of government support, Affirmative Action, set asides, no bid contracts, quotas, and all kinds of other “assistance’, not me. I don’t think blacks are so stupid they couldn’t get an ID card to vote, get into a college without extra SAT points, or need to be coddled with special rules and laws. That would be you and your leftist Democrats who think that. I also don’t believe that two white guys in MAGA hats were trolling the streets of Chicago (Chicago, no less!) at 3 am with chill temperatures @ -21 carrying a noose and bleach looking for gay blacks to terrorize with the phrase all us Trump supporters use: “This is Trump country”. I bet you did and still do.
Let me be clear. This blog is a hate and ignorance blog, duh. We appreciate, as said many times, Teach allowing us to comment and to tolerate direct criticism. But Teach uses name-calling, ridicule and mockery on every post. In this post he equates white supremacy and gay-bashing with “being a man”. Obviously you agree, although as does Teach you curiously use a female picture as an avatar.
Any one who believes skin pigment confers superiority is a fool or a vile character.
You slur homosexuals but worship a man credibly accused of multiple instances of sexual assault against women.
Spare us your obnoxious sanctimony along with your incredible nignorance, little fella.

Nobody here buys it.
Teach keeps you around for the clicks.
On the nose. And right on the ignorance.
He still hasn’t figured out the concept of random generation.
So you’re calling Teach a charlatan. Wow.
It’s a testimony to the obsessed here, that commenters even honor jeff by naming themselves after him.
No, it means Teach is just a smart businessman
If you were the entrepreneur and capitalist you claim to be, you’d be the first to see it.
What everyone here knows for certain is that we are superior to you. Where you get the rest comes from your pathetic mind, you are nuts.
Do you honestly believe that I care what you white nationalists think of me? You’re much of what’s wrong with America.
J-do you think we care that you call us white nationalists when all you’re doing is labeling people with no idea of what’s going on in their mind? Oh, that’s right, we’re used to only assertions
Yes, you care. And you love saying very stupid things to get a reaction. Very sick.
As always, non sequitur. BTW where’s your proof (damn it, why can’t I stop using that word)
Roger Rabbit talks about ignorance and then uses everybody’s indicator of it. And we can assume her use of the plural only means a lame attempt to indicate she’s part of a majority.
News flash! Only 6 states in the country have more Lefties than Conservatives. His little voices betray him again.
Teach uses name-calling, ridicule and mockery on every post.
No, but Roger does. The living definition of projection straight from Dr Freud’s pen.
In this post he equates white supremacy and gay-bashing with “being a manâ€.
Care to show us where, Bichier?
Obviously you agree, although as does Teach you curiously use a female picture as an avatar.
She’s blind, as well.
Any one who believes skin pigment confers superiority is a fool or a vile character.
She must. She’s always threatening us with the Brown Wave. She’s obsessed with the bell curve, even though she has no understanding of what it means.
Random Sentence Generator, still on.
No, just noting your blind pathological hatred – and envy (she’s as bad as Zippy, must go with that desire to be all white while hating to be any part black) – of Conservative white men.
Must be Hell, being you.
Mr Dowd/ Bodine/
JeffreyJeffery wrote:Then why have you kept coming here, year after year? If you were actually persuading anyone, then yeah, I could see a reason, but, as nearly as I can tell, you’ve managed to accomplish little other than being mocked.
Who knows, perhaps people might have taken you a little more seriously if you hadn’t adopted the hard left position on every issue, but you’ve managed to become so
stupidfar left that you can no longer do what every bird, every reptile and every mammal can do, tell the difference between males and females of your own species.Maybe it’s the pay.
Now that’s random sentence generation.
“You slur homosexuals but worship a man credibly accused of multiple instances of sexual assault against women.”
I didn’t “slur homosexuals”, I merely pointed out they butt fluck and it’s a psychological problem and a moral perversion. That’s the truth, not a slur. If I said all fags have teenie weenies, THAT would be a slur. Are you “suggesting” it is normal for a man to take it from another man? Do you worship fags?
Once again you lefties jump on the bandwagon with being “credibly accused of multiple instances of sexual assault”. Bull sh!t. Haven’t you learned anything from your Jussie Smollett case?You need to go with “proof” and not conjecture and accusations. It’ll keep you from looking stupid all the time.
BTW, exactly what is “sexual assault”? Anything a leftist says it is? Is it rape? Then say rape. But as usual the left >invents< a word so it can blur the meaning. In Kavanaugh’s case “sexual assault” consisted of a 17 year old boy going for second base. That’s not any assault, it’s called growing up.
You hate white conservatives so much if you could you would ruin them for things they didn’t do but COULD have done.
Fag or faggot is a slur. Did you forget you typed that?
You can type whatever nonsense you want, and it’s clear you expect your BS to be met with approval for the Con Men here, but you’re not immune from criticism. Any coward can anonymously type slurs on the internet.
Is it a psychological problem and a moral perversion for a male to butt fluck his female wife? How about oral sex? Spanking? Bondage? Is a psychological problem and moral perversion for a man to “kiss a woman without asking” or “grab a woman by the pussy”? How about paying a woman to keep quiet about a man’s extramarital affair (while his wife is home with an infant) so as not to 1) help his election or 2) not piss off his wife.
Other than your entitlement to opinions, what qualifies you to make psychological or moral pronouncements?
It’s my opinion that those who think their low melanin levels confer superiority, who call homosexuals “fags”, and who approve of molesting women against their will have psychological problems and are morally perverse.
So you don’t think unwanted advances, e.g., groping a woman’s breasts or genitals, forcing a kiss on a woman against her will, is assault?
If a huge gay man did that to you would you be OK with it?
Fag or faggot is a slur
Apparently not. Homosexuals call themselves that all the time.
Is it a psychological problem and a moral perversion for a male to butt fluck his female wife? How about oral sex? Spanking? Bondage? Is a psychological problem and moral perversion for a man to “kiss a woman without asking†or “grab a woman by the pussy�
Guys do it to their wives and girlfriends all the time and the ladies love it. I take it Mommy won’t let you have a girlfriend, either.
How about paying a woman to keep quiet about a man’s extramarital affair (while his wife is home with an infant) so as not to 1) help his election or 2) not piss off his wife.
How about paying her after she’s publicly admitted nothing happened but some shyster lawyer sees big money in blackmail.
BTW How’s ’bout telling a woman you’ve just raped and beaten to “put a little ice on that”? That’s OK, right?
As always, Harvey just plain lies. Trump merely said some women were so in awe of rich guys, all you had to do was grab them and they went willingly.
Other than your entitlement to opinions, what qualifies you to make psychological or moral pronouncements?
For openers, he’s smarter than you.
It’s my opinion that those who think their low melanin levels confer superiority, who call homosexuals “fagsâ€, and who approve of molesting women against their will have psychological problems and are morally perverse.
Your opinion and a nickel gets a free ride to the nearest mental hospital.
So you don’t think unwanted advances, e.g., groping a woman’s breasts or genitals, forcing a kiss on a woman against her will, is assault?
The swab who kissed the nurse on V-J Day has been accused by the Puritans of assault. You really believe it was?
Even black women hate the MeToo crowd.
If a huge gay man did that to you would you be OK with it?
Sure sounds like you would.
Exactly what would you call this pervert, faggot or gay?:
“KTLA anchor Chris Burrous died from an overdose of crystal meth while engaging in vigorous sexual activity with a man he met on Grindr.
According to the L.A. County Medical Examiner, Burrous died from methamphetamine toxicity after being found unresponsive in a Glendale motel on December 28. …
At some point during the meeting, 43-year-old Burrous allegedly inserted a “rock†of crystal meth into his body.
Burrous allegedly told his companion he was feeling fine until the man noticed him making a strange noise, and flipped him over to realize Burrous had vomited inside his S&M mask.
Be for warned, Elwood. Loosen your mask when your boyfriend shoves meth up your arse or you may be next.
I would call him dead. Having never tried illegal drugs (except a couple hits of pot decades ago) I can’t really comment on other people’s addictions, other than some 70,000 Americans a year die from overdoses. 70,000! Now that’s a national emergency, don’t you agree?
You never answered. Is anal sex between a church-going husband and wife a perversion indicative of psychological problems? How about oral sex between a good christianist husband and wife? How about two women performing oral sex on each other? Perversion?
I’m just trying to determine the extent of your thought processes, such as they are.
KYE typed: Be for warned (sic), Elwood. Loosen your mask when your boyfriend shoves meth up your arse or you may be next.
Way to elevate the debate.
One last thing…
Is it a perversion when a 77 year old man pays $59 to $79 at a Florida strip mall “massage” spa to stick his wrinkled weiner into young Chinese girls, suspected by authorities of being held against their will?
That’s what GOP donor and tRump fRiend, billionaire Robert kRaft did, according to police. The brothel is a couple miles from Mar a Lago, and the police claim they have video from their sting operation. But we know for a fact that Trump has high “end” taste in women, as he pays over $100,000 a pop.
And his dozens of sexual harassment accusers were mostly well to do. (Except the 14 yr old that sued him, withdrawn, for the Epstein incidents). Trump’s Sec of Labor, Alexander Acosta, was the federal prosecutor responsible for the sweetheart deal received by Trump’s friend, billionaire Epstein, who was accused of molesting at least 80 girls, many under age.
Here’s an example of Acosta’s handiwork: In June 2008, after Trump’s friend, Epstein pleaded guilty to a single state charge of soliciting prostitution from girls as young as 14, he was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Instead of being sent to state prison like the majority of sex offenders convicted in Florida, Epstein was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County stockade. He was able to hire his own security detail and was allowed “work release” to his downtown office for up to 12 hours a day six days a week. He served 13 months before being released for a year of probation. While on probation he was allowed numerous trips on his corporate jet to his homes in Manhattan and the U.S. Virgin Islands. At release, he was registered in New York State as a level three (high risk of reoffense) sex offender, a lifelong designation.
It pays to be a politically connected billionaire. He could have been tried and sentenced to life.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), who chairs the Senate Judiciary Oversight Subcommittee, said he hoped the Justice Department used the ruling (to investigate Epstein’s original deal) to revisit its agreement with Epstein.
“Jeffrey Epstein is a monster and his victims deserve justice,†Sasse said in a statement Thursday. “I’m relieved that the court agrees that it was wrong to hide this child rapist’s pathetically soft deal from his victims, in violation of federal law. The fact that it’s taken this long to get this far is heartbreaking and infuriating.â€
Kye, Would you vote for a gay man for President of the US? Did you vote for Trump? If so, why?
“Let me be clear. This is a hate and ignorance blogâ€. That’s rich coming from someone who daily shows his hate for Trump, whites, Christians, Republicans, ect. You know this, but you’re projecting again.
This years nominees for biggest for the biggest faker go to:
Funny coming from the nignorant lil fella being that it is the most hateful, sociopathic, vile creature you could ever have the displeasure of encountering.
Oh my, how clever. Original too.
For a nignoramus.
You wouldn’t survive at 142 F.
When we get there, be sure to let us know.
Mein Gott, you’re dumb.
We seem to have refuted Harvey so effectively, she is reduced to hurling inane insults at us.
As they used to say, she is more to be pitied than scorned.
We are getting to the point in our country where we should just name everything after MLK. Every airport, street, bridge and school. Sure, it will be a little confusing at first, but we will get used to it. And anyone who objects will be called a racist until they shut up.