Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America! Some much needed rain, some warmth and sunshine coming later, and two squirrels chasing each other were really surprised I was standing there having a smoke. This pinup is by Peter Dribben, with a wee bit of help.
What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- Climatism notes the reality of sea level rise in Sydney
- JoNova covers Millennial never knowing Mao, Stalin, or Lenin
- Not A Lot Of People Know That covers fighting change being only for the plebes
- American Elephants notes the crisis in Venezuela continuing
- Chicks On The Right discusses Tucker Carlson and that sex worker
- Creeping Sharia notes the new job obtained by a guy who joined ISIS
- Datechguy’s Blog wonders why hoaxers hoax
- Geller Report covers an anti-Trump Muslim hoaxer being sentenced
- Jihad Watch discusses the ISIS bride who wants to come back to America
- Legal Insurrection notes another unhinged Trump hater arrested for attacking a Trump supporter
- Moonbattery notes Millennials are opting for plants instead of babies
- neo-neocon covers Leftists and reality
- Pacific Pundit covers AOC’s paying of staff issues
- Political Clown Parade notes that Hollywood still isn’t handling Hillary’s loss well
- And last, but not least, Powerline discusses the Amy Klobuchar experience
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me
- The Other McCain has In The Mailbox. And Rule 5 Sunday (last week’s).
- The Daley Gator has Daley Babe. And more Daley Babe. And more during the week.
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Links. And Friday links. And does this all during the week.
- American Power has Georgia Gibbs. And plenty of other stuff.
- Doug Ross has Larwyn’s Linx: (Sunday placeholder). And Saturday’s Larwyn’s Linx: The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War.
- Theo Spark has your cartoon roundup. And more during the week
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies.
- A View From The Beach features Rule 5 Saturday. And sex on the beach. And another reason Trump was elected.
- The Chive has teasing.
- The Right Way has Friday Babe. And Linkorama.
- Don Surber: Never Trumpers are underpants gnomes.
- 357 Magnum has Saturday links.
- The Feral Irishman says longer, sunny days are coming.
- Knuckledraggin My Life Away has a big smile. And has a big GIF dump. And has more fun all week long.
- Evil Blogger Lady has Rule 5 Rita Hayworth. And some Rule 5 linkage. And more during the week.
- By Other Means has cosplay Friday. And seeing red. And plenty more hotness during the week.
- Bookworm Room has the Bookworm Beat.
- This ain’t Hell… has your Sunday feel good stories.
- Irons In The Fire has some babeage, and does it all week.
- Political Clown Parade has flowing curves of beauty. And check the graphics all week long.
- Sonoran Conservative has babeage. And fun all week.
- Animal Magnestism has Saturday Gingermageddon. And Friday links.
- Flopping Aces has the Sunday Funnies (placeholder for today’s). And this week in radical leftism.
- Diogenes’ Middle Finger has a Good Monday Morning.
- Vlad Tepes has readers links.
- Woodsterman has Rule 5 Last New Year’s Eve.
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has hot pick. And girls with guns. And morning mistress. And way more of all three during the week.
- Victory Girls Blog: Venezuela is Burning, Useful Idiots Don’t Care.
- And ending with the always awesome Proof Positive with the Best Of The Web Linkaround. And a Friday night babe! And Vintage Babe of the Week.
Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list.

[…] And since it is Sunday, that means that Pirate’s Cove has Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup. […]
The graph shown at JoNova regarding how millennial’s don’t have basic knowledge about Stalin, Mao or Lenin is revealing. Not because it shows how the public education system and out teachers have failed to educate the kids, but because it shows just how effectively they have brain washed them instead. All along we thought we were entrusting dedicated teachers to pass along American values and American history and culture to our children and we were really financing a subversive conspiracy of hidden leftists who were propagandizing their communist doctrines.
In effect we’ve been paying tens of thousands of “Elwood’s” to convert our children from Americans to anti Americans and they have done a good job of it. The beauty of this subversion is they got paid with our tax money.
Racist, homophobic, funny as hell…
That’s funny as hell. America is such a racist country the left has to import Nigerians to commit hate crimes.
Tyranny and murder under Stalinist and Maoist Communism is hardly the same as the democratic socialism seen in Codling’s own Australia and most of Europe.
Ms Codling must be abandoning her “expertise” in global warming denialism to take up the mantle of the global right-wing/fascist movement labeling any and all social good as communism. Someone should ask her if she supports eliminating the Australian socialist healthcare system.
Thank goodness the millennials are aware of the right-wing monster Hitler.
Echoing the new “rational denier” stance on global warming she stated:
“…carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that adding more to it will warm the planet, yes, absolutely, that’s all well proven solid science known for years, yes. I have no disagreement with any of that.”
This from the little fella who believes cow farts are an existential threat to humankind.
But then again the job of a troll is to be resiliently and willfully nignorant.
Pretty low octane insult, even by your low standards.
But then again the job of the harleKKKin is to entertain with foolishness.
Boringly unoriginal as usual, nignorant little fella.
It may be low octane, but I note you couldn’t rebut it.
Well, nice to see he’s backing away from his phony issue the Commies didn’t kill all those people.
But the underpinning economical tyranny and the willingness to us the apparatus of the state to enforce it is still there. Just as we saw enacted under the Choom Gang and the Ozark Mafia.
Ms Codling must be abandoning her “expertise†in global warming denialism to take up the mantle of the global right-wing/fascist movement labeling any and all social good as communism. Someone should ask her if she supports eliminating the Australian socialist healthcare system.
Thank goodness the millennials are aware of the right-wing monster Hitler.
Same old Commie lie.
Fascism is Left-wing. Mussolini had the same command economy as Lenin, state capitalism, and Ernst Roehm wanted it in Germany. The Nazis hated the Commies because they weren’t the true socialists (kinda like Mao and the Russians), it was one of their big talking points.
(you’d think if she stayed up all night retyping this dreck, she could avoid making such an ass of herself by doing a little research)
Echoing the new “rational denier†stance on global warming she stated:
“…carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that adding more to it will warm the planet, yes, absolutely, that’s all well proven solid science known for years, yes. I have no disagreement with any of that.â€
Then she’s as big an idiot as you.
I found out where Elweed spends all his time.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
The 2016 National Congress of the US Section of the IMT, held over the weekend of May 28th – 29th, was a genuine milestone in our work.
*********Just two decades before successfully leading the working class to power and beginning the socialist transformation of society, the Marxists in Russia consisted of a small grouping – smaller than the current size of the IMT in the US today.*******
Before the Bolsheviks could win the working class to the program of revolution, their task was to patiently build their forces and sink roots among the advanced layers of the class.
The history of Bolshevism provides us with a rich arsenal of examples and experiences of small forces of Marxists transforming into mass revolutionary tendencies and gaining an ear among broad layers of the working class.
!@#$%^Today, using the same basic methods, the forces of Marxism in the US and around the world face the same historical task.!@#$%^
Still A Liver,
My attitude toward capitalism is “Mend it don’t end it”.
Why? Because capitalism has proven in practice to the best vehicle for lifting the working classes to a high level of economic independence. Unfortunately, over the past several decades our capitalist, democratic republic has become a plutocracy.
Our political system has relentlessly enacted policies that comfort the wealthy and afflict the working classes. We can change these policies without eliminating capitalism or instituting socialism. What polices? Tax, trade, fiscal, labor, immigration, patent, monetary, transportation, defense…
The recent explosion on the right referring to any challenge to western plutocracy as “communism” is nothing more than a political ploy. Social Security, progressive taxation, worker protections, the EPA, Medicare, Medicaid, proposals for universal health, proposed carbon taxes, national infrastructure, and national military are not evidence of communism. Calling your political foes “communists” is nothing more than political name-calling. DJ Trump is closer to being a fascist than Senator Harris is to being a commie.
If you actually believe that communism is a threat to the US you’re deluded. We prefer to regard you as just a political opportunist.
Be afraid of Elweed. Be very afraid. He is certainly a Marxist. Paid to spew his propaganda by the fact he is here all day everyday posting at least a 100 posts a day.
Be afraid America. Communism is a scourge. Socialism fails in every attempt every tried. Guaranteed incomes have always failed. everything about Communism is a lie. It sounds awesome. In fact if it was run by a computer simulation it might actually work.
In point of fact Communism is run by Adam Schiff and George Soros and Valdimir Putins of the world and the reality is that in EVERY COMMUNIST SOCIETY RUN BY HUMANS…greed takes over and the failures become YOUR MISERY.
Study the movement and then be afraid. Very afraid of everything communism stands for. Their are just as many rich plutocrats in a communist society as their are in Capitalism. The difference YOU actually have a chance to become rich in Capitalist societies. You do not in A communist society.
Communsim…..BE AFRAID!!
Stiff Liver,
We find that people such as you are working overtime to maintain the currently unfair status quo. Care to explain why? Your resisting needed changes by crying “communist” and any change in tax law or It’s understandable that millionaires and billionaires want to keep all their advantages – all the upward redistribution and the takings of the fruits of the productivity of workers. Who can blame them? It’s our plutocrats who and their subservient payees in government who are paving the way for social revolution.
The popularity of a populist (Senator Sanders) and a pseudo-populist (DJ Trump) are symptoms of the angst in the working classes. What comes next?
It’s possible the plutocrats and their minions will work to keep their privilege with gov’t power, as a police state. That is what you support.
The alternative to the status quo is not your feared “communism”, but is modifying our capitalist society to make it more fair for everyone.
Nick Hanauer is a billionaire trying to warn you:
“But the problem isn’t that we have inequality. Some inequality is intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a feudal society. Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the revolution.”
“If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising.”
“The most ironic thing about rising inequality is how completely unnecessary and self-defeating it is. If we do something about it, if we adjust our policies in the way that, say, Franklin D. Roosevelt did during the Great Depression—so that we help the 99 percent and preempt the revolutionaries and crazies, the ones with the pitchforks—that will be the best thing possible for us rich folks, too. It’s not just that we’ll escape with our lives; it’s that we’ll most certainly get even richer.”
You claim our choices are Stalinist communism or a fascist police state. My claim is there is broad chasm between the two.
Do you think Hanauer is a communist?
We find that people such as you are working overtime to maintain the currently unfair status quo. Care to explain why? Your resisting needed changes by crying “communist†and any change in tax law or It’s understandable that millionaires and billionaires want to keep all their advantages – all the upward redistribution and the takings of the fruits of the productivity of workers. Who can blame them? It’s our plutocrats who and their subservient payees in government who are paving the way for social revolution.
class warfare stuff out of the third sub-basement of the Kremlin 1935. You guys need new writers.
And you’re the one who wants to maintain the status quo. Albeit the bulb in the projector is pretty dim.
The popularity of a populist (Senator Sanders) and a pseudo-populist (DJ Trump) are symptoms of the angst in the working classes. What comes next?
It’s possible the plutocrats and their minions will work to keep their privilege with gov’t power, as a police state. That is what you support.
The alternative to the status quo is not your feared “communismâ€, but is modifying our capitalist society to make it more fair for everyone.
Bernie’s so popular, he couldn’t win more than a couple of primaries against the worst candidate in history.
And we had the police state stuff with your lawn jockey, Zippy. Remember the FISA wiretaps. Holder and his strongarm stuff?
Capitalism gives opportunity and the freed to pursue happiness.
Like your fair of vote fraud, getting rid of the Electoral College, letting illegals vote because you can’t win any other way?
Every time the Commies mend something, they only make it worse.
Unfortunately, over the past several decades our capitalist, democratic republic has become a plutocracy.
Only because the Demos have hooked up with Silicon Valley and Wall Street.
Our political system has relentlessly enacted policies that comfort the wealthy and afflict the working classes. We can change these policies without eliminating capitalism or instituting socialism. What polices? Tax, trade, fiscal, labor, immigration, patent, monetary, transportation, defense…
And that you can thank the last 2 Democrat Administrations.
Trump is working on those policies and the result is a booming economy. The Dow is above 26G today and that has translated to more jobs and more working families, as opposed to Zippy’s New Normal of 1% growth. Stick that in your LOL.
The recent explosion on the right referring to any challenge to western plutocracy as “communism†is nothing more than a political ploy. Social Security, progressive taxation, worker protections, the EPA, Medicare, Medicaid, proposals for universal health, proposed carbon taxes, national infrastructure, and national military are not evidence of communism. Calling your political foes “communists†is nothing more than political name-calling. DJ Trump is closer to being a fascist than Senator Harris is to being a commie.
Your apparatchiks have been pushing this stuff for 65 years. Poli Sci and history are a couple more of your ignorances, I see.
Social Security, progressive taxation, worker protections, the EPA, Medicare, Medicaid, proposals for universal health, proposed carbon taxes, national infrastructure, and national military are not evidence of communism.
Except for the military, they’re evidence of socialism and, as Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov noted, the object of communism is socialism.
The military is non-negotiable since 9/11, even though you Commies tried real hard to have it abolished.
If you actually believe that communism is a threat to the US you’re deluded. We prefer to regard you as just a political opportunist.
If you actually believe that communism is a threat to the US you’re got more brains than the Lefties can match.
And your little voices are wrong, Virginia.
Hypocrisy of the day: “Calling your foes Communists is little more than political name calling.†Says the one who daily uses “white nationalists, con men, ect, then goes on in the very next sentence to name-call and say Trump is close to a fascist. Projecting again, J
The RED NEW DEAL has about 6 or 8 things aimed at ending global warming. Were gonna die in 12 years but the deal then spends hours going over how the USA will be fundamentally changed from Capitalism to Authoritarianism. The only thing I have to do is visit the leftist news outlets on YOUTUBE and listen to them railing against the RED NEW DEAL.
They are all for fixing Global warming however this deal barely touches AGW while being a heavy dose of communist manifesto rewritten by Social Democrats. They are aghast and Occassio Cortez is actually telling these people who are influential on the left to shut the F up and quit shouting from the CHEAP SEATS…She tweeted this. She also said WE ARE IN CHARGE SO SHUT UP. She tweeted that.
Communists dont handle criticism well. In fact this is a slight of hand movement. While everyone is focused on the RED NEW DEAL something sinister is happening behind the scenes. What that is is not yet apparent but the fact that the presidential candidates are embracing the RED NEW DEAL and the COSTS BE DAMNED tells you all you need to know.
Here’s a proposal to fix Social Security:
Is it communism or not communism?
Uses the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) to adjust benefits for inflation. The CPI-E rises faster than the current index (the CPI-W).
Raises the first factor in the benefit formula from 90% to 93%, which would slightly raise replacement rates for all.
Increases thresholds for taxation of benefits under the personal income tax, which would allow middle-class workers to keep more of their benefits.
Increases the special minimum benefit for those with very low earnings.
To pay for the improvements:
Raises the combined OASDI payroll tax of 12.4 by 0.1% a year until it reaches 14.8% in 2043.
Applies the payroll tax on earnings above $400,000 and on all earnings once the taxable maximum reaches $400,000, with a small offsetting benefit for these additional taxes.
Better idea.
Privatize it and get it away from the politicians, means test it, invest that money in the markets (and get a better return).
Of course that takes FICA out of the general fund so the Lefties can’t waste it.
[…] as always to Pirate’s Cove and The Other McCain for the Rule Five […]
Be very Afraid of communism.
It murders those who disagree.
It takes away individual freedoms.
It crushes the spirit to live.
They will not let you have religious freedom. We see that today in America.
Their idea of fair is you get to use electricity occasionally…when they say…you get the internet occasionally when they say….the internet is heavily censored….GOOGLE only brings up what they want it to bring up.
They indoctrinate you from the time your born to be afraid and hateful.
I could go on and on and on. The Greatest threat to YOU WAY OF LIFE is Democratic Socialists rewriting the constitution. The GREEN NEW DEAL is the first step in their now openly and active new attempts in the next step toward communism in America.
Be very afraid of Communism.
Still Life,
You’re (not your) nuts. Right-wing fascism is on the rise in America.
Left-wing fascism is on the decline in America. And we intend to keep it that way.
Do not let the Elwood P Brains of the world influence you with their rhetoric of statistical noise. Fixing social security is not the same thing as over taking the entire society with brainwashed and mandated lifestyles.
Communists hate GAYS and Social Justice. They are using SJW for their aims now and once you have taken their green pill your rights and what you thought was nirvana will become a living hell.
Why does CUBA not let people freely walk the cities? Why do people have to flee CUBA in life endangering BOATS so overloaded that half of them die making the 90 mile trip to America.
Why is Venezuela killing its own citizens who just want to EAT and have The Medicines shipped to them from outside its borders? Why do they close their borders and issue threats?
Why do the people in North korea when they defect have parasites in their stomachs. Why do they all have the same story of total and absolute starvation, while their fat little king is a porker and flaunts his lavish lifestyle.
COMMUNISM IS DICTATORSHIP…..THEY TELL YOU WHAT TO EAT< WHEN TO EAT< AND HOW MUCH YOU CAN EAT….right after they have brainwashed you from birth to believe the outside world is your mortal enemy.
Be Afraid….Be very Afraid of COMMUNISM!
Will you please list the leading Communists in America pushing the takeover? Thanks.
Pelosi Galore, Occasional Cortex, Bernie, Chuckie Schumer, Zippy, Commie News Net.
Awesome response from the leading communist in the room. It shows he has nothing but communist propaganda and once its refuted he has nothing. He will now have to take another trip to Moscow to get some more marching orders and refresh his thinking cap.
*******”We are alarmed that Microsoft is working to provide weapons technology to the U.S. military, helping one country’s government ‘increase lethality’ using tools we built. We did not sign up to develop weapons, and we demand a say in how our work is used,” the letter to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and President Brad Smith, which was posted to Twitter, states.******
This in the face of MOSCOW and BEIJIN builing huge and powerful military forces capable of defeating existing US technology because our silicon valley darlings are most likely just giving them backdoors to steal most of it.
********Also, a 2014 Congressional Report, the US-China Economic and Security Review, contained a 70-page chapter on Chinese military modernization. Among its many findings, the report specifically cited Chinese “mobile†ICBM launchers with as many as 10 “reentry vehicles†in some cases. These weapons, of course, present significant new threats; the more reentry vehicles approaching a target, the more difficult the defense.********
The world is a dangerous place but with the massive infiltration of silicon valley by people who have zero allegiance to the USA as in coming to America to work on a green card from IRAN and PAKISTAN and RUSSIA and CHINA etc…etc.
Communism is the bane of history and society and the tendrils of its disease continues daily to work its way into every phase of American life.
More BS from the leading fascist in the room.
So a fear is that Microsoft is helping the US military at the same time being hacked by China and Russia? Do you tRust the tRump administration to keep Russia from stealing US secrets, LOL?
China is developing mobile ICBM launchers. Is tRump working to stop this? Or does he spend all his energies on getting Mexico to give him a few dollars for The Wall? Is Chinese mobile ICBM launchers more important to Kim AND The Wall AND twits?
The immigrants working in silicon valley are a national security threat? Are Iranians and Pakistanis communists?
I love how you smugly dismiss communist stealing US intellectual property and use it against Americans.
this from a communist who indentifies more with communist Russia and China than he does with Capitalist and freedom of expression America.
With a wave of your hand you dismiss the truth and replace it with your version of Propaganda aimed at deflecting the spotlight away from Communism that is on the resurgence around the world.
Fascist: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
COMMUNISM: a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.
b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably
BE very afraid of the left, Communists and the democrats who embrace the political suppression of any voice but their own.
Be very afraid. They are coming for you next and trust me once they shred the constitution their is nothing YOU can do but submit.
Do you think you’re helping your cause?
NuConservative Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race (White nationalism) above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader (Trump) , severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (NuCons)
It’s NuCons wishing for the deaths of all liberals. It’s NuCons murdering minorities wholesale in churches and synagogues.
Be afraid! Right-wing authoritarianism (lethal fascism) is on the rise in America.
One thing about it you can always count on the left to come up with new terms when the old ones dont apply anymore. I have often wondered how the USA has lasted as long as it has.
When I listen to this fellah egging on the people here, stirring the pot, sewing dissent he reminds me of videos of Antifa thugs who are begging to be punched so the thousands of cameras rolling will ignore the taunts and insults and instead focus on the rage they finally induced.
It is what Elwood is doing here. Trying to illicit rage. He is a tool. A stooge and I would have to agree with some who suggest he is probably paid to do so. While I don’t know if he is paid he certainly has an agenda of stirring dissent and anger.
It is a shame the USA has come to be in this position where the radical left and radical right are at each others throats with the rest of us just trying to make a living in a free country. A real shame and one that does not bode well because in the past several weeks I have seen 1000’s of references to civil war on the internet by both sides.
What that will look like or how it will play out I have no idea but it will not be good for the world and when the right finally gets fed up and starts marching as well, that is when its time to take your money out of the banks and barricade your doors. Because neither side will back down at this point.
NuConservative Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race (White nationalism) above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader (Trump) , severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (NuCons)
The projector has found the screen. Dr Freud, please pick up the white courtesy telephone.
It’s NuCons wishing for the deaths of all liberals.
Then how come all the violence is Left on Right?
Right-wing authoritarianism (lethal fascism) is on the rise in America.
Be afraid! Left-wing authoritarianism (lethal fascism) is on the decline in America.
<i.So a fear is that Microsoft is helping the US military at the same time being hacked by China and Russia? Do you tRust the tRump administration to keep Russia from stealing US secrets, LOL?
How many times have we shoved your LOLs up your ass (I know, you just love it)?
And it’s not Trump (LOL), it’s Gates that can’t protect his lousy, pirated, patched together OS. Obviously, STEM is another thing about which you know nothing.
China is developing mobile ICBM launchers. Is tRump working to stop this?
What do you think the trade war is about, moron?
Or does he spend all his energies on getting Mexico to give him a few dollars for The Wall?
He’s got the money, LOL.
The immigrants working in silicon valley are a national security threat? Are Iranians and Pakistanis communists?
They’re Moslems. Just as bad.
BTW, in real dollars, the US defense budget is 4 times the Chinese defense budget and 11 times Russia’s. Of course, Russia saves money by getting intelligence directly from Roger Stone and Paul Manafort.
North Korea is not even on the radar.
Trump said yesterday: “North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat.” Sec of State Pompeo disagreed. Kim hasn’t decided if NK will denuclearize.
I surmise that Russia and China doesn’t have to spend the money the USA spends because an awful lot of their money is on R and D and these countries are known thefts. Its pretty amazing that the USA builds an f-22 raptor and two years later an identical version rolls out on the tarmacs in China. It took the USA 50 years to develop theirs. China only a few years.
The discrepancy in spending is R and D and of course In the USA the MIC or military industrial complex is a huge sector of our economy and provides millions of high paying jobs with tons of benefits. Unlike the Russia and China who use their own poorly paid workers to build weapons based upon stolen secrets from the USA and by passing the middle man.
Are you sure?
Is it a widely held conservative position that the federal gov’t should be in the “business” to “provide millions of high paying jobs with tons of benefits”? The military industrial complex generates a fair number of millionaires! We’re edging toward spending $1 trillion a year on these gov’t guaranteed jobs.
Why not spend the money on improving our physical (roads, bridges, power grids) and social infrastructure (improved healthcare, education, job training). Our current system is destroying our middle class.
Why not have the government pay workers to actually work on things that American people need instead of weapon systems to fight the last war?
Our MIC and other plutocrats find it to their economic advantage to keep us frightened of Chinese, Mexicans, Muslims, commies, Iranians, North Koreans. It keeps billions of taxpayer dollars going into the “right” pockets.
President Eisenhower warned us, but we didn’t listen. Your federal taxes pay for defense, SS, Medicare, Medicaid and interest on the defense debt. Most other federal outgoes are rounding errors.
Is it a widely held conservative position that the federal gov’t should be in the “business†to “provide millions of high paying jobs with tons of benefits� The military industrial complex generates a fair number of millionaires! We’re edging toward spending $1 trillion a year on these gov’t guaranteed jobs.
Well, since Red China has told the world they intend to have a war for the control of the Pacific Basin, and we’ve learned never take a dictator’s threat lightly, it would seem keeping a strong defense in a changing world is a good idea.
But don;’t worry. Some idiot judge has ruled that an all-male draft is unconstitutional, so there’ll be another girl to do your fighting for you.
Why not have the government pay workers to actually work on things that American people need instead of weapon systems to fight the last war?
We’ve been hearing that from the apparatchiks since the Iron Curtain went up. And where have the people said they don’t want a strong defense?
Why not spend the money on improving our physical (roads, bridges, power grids) and social infrastructure (improved healthcare, education, job training).
Because the Left never improves things? You want better healthcare and education, get the Feds out of them.
Our MIC and other plutocrats find it to their economic advantage to keep us frightened of Chinese, Mexicans, Muslims, commies, Iranians, North Koreans. It keeps billions of taxpayer dollars going into the “right†pockets.
Except for the Mexicans, all those people have said voluntarily they’ll bury us. If Harvey wants to get buried, I’m sure the American people don’t object.
As for the Mexicans, there are way too many angel families to remind us the illegals are a threat.
President Eisenhower warned us, but we didn’t listen. Your federal taxes pay for defense, SS, Medicare, Medicaid and interest on the defense debt. Most other federal outgoes are rounding errors.
Citation? I’m sure all the welfare costs a few bucks and interest is on the entitlements
Again, she lies.
Whose real dollars?
Of course, Russia saves money by getting intelligence directly from Roger Stone and Paul Manafort.
Manafort was railroaded on process crimes having nothing to do with national security. Stone has been convicted of nothing.
Trump said yesterday: “North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat.†Sec of State Pompeo disagreed. Kim hasn’t decided if NK will denuclearize.
Good cop, bad cop. Li’l Kim wants to be part of the world so he does what Trump wants. He’s already in his box, so it’s cool.
Some of us have to work.
A parting Post of the day.
Schiff: Dems ‘absolutely’ will take DOJ to court over Mueller report if necessary.
Why? To use it to impeach Trump.
Schiff claimed he had evidence on Collusion against Trump which he never presented. He is a lair and a relative of GEORGE SOROS.
Wheres the beef Democrats? Oh thats right with a communist MSM you don’t need proof against Republicans. You only need to present an accusation.
Corey Booker was accused of assault, nothing came of it and is running for president now.
Keith Ellison was documented by the police to have assaulted his significant other. He was elected as the MN Attorney General.
Kamala Harris slept her way to the top yet pretends to be outraged over what women have to deal with in this world.
The list is endless from the communist on the left and the MSM who protects them. Today is only a minute…itsy bitsy sample of what you have to look forward too in the coming future of America when they no longer have opposition and no one to hold them accountable.
BE afraid….be very afraid of the Democrats and their agenda.
We’ll add these to our Voters Quiz:
What percentage of the federal budget goes for “Welfare”?
What percentage of the federal budget goes for “Foreign Aid”?