Democrats have been banging the drum over the so-called collusion for years now, with one of the leaders being Rep Adam Schiff. Yet, they haven’t provided any proof themselves, and pretty much everyone busted by Mueller have been involved in process crimes, many because of the actual Russian collusion investigation. Meaning they wouldn’t be in trouble if this farce wasn’t going on. With the Mueller report set to be finalized, Dems are rather antsy that it won’t show what they think it should, so, they’re lashing out
Schiff warns against withholding Mueller report: ‘We are going to get to the bottom of this’
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday warned the Department of Justice against withholding special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report and threatened action if the report isn’t released.
Schiff, appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” threatened to subpoena the report, bring Mueller in to testify before Congress and take the Trump administration to court if the findings aren’t made public.
“We are going to get to the bottom of this,” Schiff said. “We are going to share this information with the public. And if the president is serious about all his claims of exoneration, then he should welcome the publication of the report.â€
Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow. At the conclusion of the special counsel’s investigation, Mueller is required to submit a written report to the attorney general.
Attorney General William Barr, who was confirmed earlier this month, did not commit during his confirmation hearing to making Mueller’s final report public, however.
Schiff said Sunday that Barr will have a “tarnished legacy” if he tries to “bury” any part of the report.
If there were any true collusion it would have come out by now, instead of prosecuting people for old crimes. Someone would have leaked something.
Other Democrats are complaining, as well. Kamala Harris, Ed Markey, and Richard Blumenthall all received their talking points memos on the subject.As Twitchy notes
There seem to be quite a bit of preemptive threats coming from leading Democrats concerning Mueller.
Is there something they already know about his report?
Yeah, they know it will be a big nothing burger for Trump. But it will probably show the fecklessness of the Obama admin in taking the Russian threat seriously.

The concern is that tRump and his AG, Barr, will suppress the report. The representatives of the American people are letting Individual One know that the report will not remain hidden. That’s all.
Let’s be clear, it’s been proven that Individual One’s campaign at its highest levels colluded with the Russians. Did the now President? It depends on whether Manafort still thinks he can receive a presidential pardon.
Like fellow pedo Schiff-for-brains the nignorant angry little negro fella keeps making shit up as he goes along.
Delusional much?
Exactly-J continually declares things to be true so he won’t have to provide proof of his assertions. Because he can’t.
“Let’s be clear, it’s been proven that Individual One’s campaign at its highest levels colluded with the Russians.”
Nothing of the sort has been proven and by saying that you are lying. And you know it! If that were trure it would be on every headline of every paper and on a 24/7 cycle on every TV news outlet.
“Did the now President? It depends on whether Manafort still thinks he can receive a presidential pardon.”
So as far as you’re concerned the Truth doesn’t enter into it.
Sometimes I think Soros is paying you by the word.
No, they’re trying to stir up something just to get their faces on Fake News.
Let’s be clear, it’s been proven that Individual One’s campaign at its highest levels colluded with the Russians.</i.
It has? Is this like the “proof” (how does that word keep popping up?) that Manafort and Stone gave intel to the Russkies?
It depends on whether Manafort still thinks he can receive a presidential pardon.
Since the charges against Manafort had nothing to do with the Russians, I have a feeling the big determinant will be the sentence that female Roland Freisler Zippy appointed hands down.
The concern is. What a crock. Need flash, no one cares, Trump is making the country greater than ever and he will not be going anywhere for 6 more years. The Russian Hoax is just the same as the climate hoax. Winning. MAGA.
lawmakers who can’t be bothered to read the legislation they pass demand to read the final report, that hasn’t been written, on 2 years of bureaucratic investigations. Astonishing lack of focus.