Forget “if you like your plan you can keep your plan”, this is “Government will provide whether you like it or not”
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and 106 other Democrats will launch a “Medicare for All†bill on Wednesday that will shift every American to government health insurance and eliminate private insurance — with no funding plan.
Politico reported Tuesday:
The bill, co-sponsored by 107 House Democrats, doesn’t include a price tag or specific proposals for financing the new system, which analysts estimate would cost tens of trillions of dollars over a decade.
The proposal calls for a two-year transformation of Medicare into a universal single-payer system, eliminating nearly all private health plans. It would also expand Medicare coverage to include prescription drugs, dental and vision services, and long-term care, without charging co-pays, premiums or deductibles — and would provide federal funding for abortions. It would also potentially pave a path for a future Democratic administration to extend coverage to undocumented immigrants.
A few states have tried similar proposals, with no success. Vermont, the home state of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders — who is running on a “Medicare for All†platform for president again — abandoned a similar single-payer health care plan several years ago: “[W]hen you just see the price tag, it’s very shocking,†one expert told NPR.
Also, remember that the cost for California to do this was two to three times their annual budget for everything. How much would it cost for well over 325 million Americans? How would the federal government run something this big? Democrats will say “well, hey, look at Canada and the U.K., they’re able to do it!!!!” Yes, they do, and often not very well. And their populations are 37 million and 66 million, respectively. And they both allow private health insurance.
So, Dems can call it Medicare for All, but, it is plainly Government Run health insurance.

Yeah, let’s get the same people who run the VA to run the health care for everyone. What an incredible group of dumbasses. They always have the option of starting a health care co-op that they can put all their members under instead of fuc*ing things up for everyone, but they’re never happy unless they have room to destroy.
Someone tell me why I am not surprised.
They’ve been doing so well with their other initiatives.
Politico: …would cost tens of trillions of dollars over a decade.
We will spend over $3.2 trillion this year on health care. So yes, healthcare will “cost tens of trillions of dollars over a decade” even if we keep the same broken system.
System was not broken until Obama screwed it up. Get the government out. Nothing the government does works.
davis typed: Nothing the government does works.
Military? NIH? CDC? FDA?
Of course you want to eliminate all drug laws. Opioid drugs kill more Americans than even you.
They mean tens of trillions more, genius. Ever see the Feds get their hands on something and the cost goes down? Besides the opportunities for graft would be limitless.
FICA would go through the roof.
If the US had a healthcare system as efficient and effective as the second most expensive nation, Switzerland, we’d spend $2.5 trillion/yr instead of $3.2 trillion, saving trillions over a decade.
“Healthcare in Switzerland is universal and is regulated by the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance. There are no free state-provided health services, but private health insurance is compulsory for all persons residing in Switzerland (within three months of taking up residence or being born in the country).”
No, that is a lie or false information from one of your communistic sites. We have schooled you on this multiple times. If you can’t understand it, don’t comment.
Your reference to that country shows your lack of travel and knowledge. That country is the most expensive I have been to and that is because of government programs. But if you go there, you will see that when white men for they are sent there.
You couldn’t school a fish with a seine. If you can’t understand it, don’t comment.
Says the rabbit who thinks you can’t prove or disprove a scientific theory.
And such wit (half a one anyways).
Coward, Wilde, Saki and Shaw must be green with envy.
Look, Jeff is using others words. Now considering my background, and your
pathetic one, I am afraid that I have the far superior position. So, you are schooled.
And yet, for you superior position, Americans still pay twice as much per person for healthcare as do citizens in other advanced nations. And “superior” you is proud of that. Probably because you made a good living off the government.
Do you really think you’re superior to 99.9% of humans?
I said 99%. You have even agreed talking about the upper 1% and then indicating that the people here are superior to others, I accept that and glad you agree. As to my loving off the government, you are the one that insisted that the government pay me.
Um, the population of Switzerland is 8.4 mil with an economy worth 680 bil, ours is a shade under 332 mil and the economy is 19.4 tril.
Slight difference there, but what are facts when all the Lefties need is “consensus?
Apples and diamonds, to be sure.
Um, non sequitur. What does population have to do with it?
If the US were efficient as Germany (pop 83 million) we’d save $1.3 trillion/yr
as efficient as Japan (pop 126 million) we’d save $1.6 trillion/yr
as efficient as France (pop 66 million) we’d save $1.6 trillion/yr
Switzerland uses private insurers.
Germany uses a mix of private and gov’t.
Japan has employer based insurance and a gov’t option.
France uses a mix of private and gov’t.
Look up non sequitur.
Apparently little nignorant doesn’t understand the meaning of the term he just misapplied. LOL.
That does not follow.
Oh goody, little nignorant looked it up.
Now maybe he can tell us how he misapplied the term when comparing costs to other countries.
And then again maybe he can’t.
We assumed the wiz was trying to make a point. Maybe we expected too much of it.
“Switzerland has 8.4 million, US has 332 million. Therefore, universal healthcare can’t work in the US.”
It does not follow.
Um no. Keep trying nignorant.
In the immortal words of Moe Howard, I’ll explain it so even you can understand it.
8 million costs a lot less to care for than 332 million, as would 83, 126, or 66. And all of those countries don’t have to worry about spending for defense. We’ve taken care of that for 74 years.
PS How many kids in those countries, stuff like that? Demographics do count.
Too bad your education never got past kindergaten.
“Since the US pays for the defense of other nations, universal healthcare must cost more per person in the US.”
non sequitur…
Do you understand what “per person” or “per capita” mean?
I guess it’s too economically complicated for Elwood to understand the number of population does have an impact on health insurance and the resultant health care delivery system. So does homogeneous makeup of their populations. So does the actual size of their country. Elwood’s like Occasional-Cotex, “Just pay for it!” cost doesn’t matter, nor does efficiency or effectiveness or the fact that none of those countries have 30 million illegals. There is something childlike yet dangerous about leftist thinking (if one could call it thinking).
Oh, and BTW Elwood, America currently uses a mix if private and government insurance. If not for that I imagine the costs would be much lower like they were before government got involved. Why do you think they have a “mix” as you call it? Perhaps there is something woefully wrong with government health insurance? Perhaps if they want good care they call the private companies? Why else would one pay for private coverage if they have “free” government coverage?
Aside from your bluster, you do make a valid point. The chasm between rich and poor in the US and the fact that we are the most diverse nation on this Earth are relevant regarding healthcare. The impoverished, chronically infirm, the hopeless 70,000 who die each year from drug overdoses, the lack of preventive care all contribute.
But it is a fact that every other advanced nation delivers healthcare to their citizens for less than we do. The average is about half! Imagine Americans spending 1/2 as much. Or even 1/3 less.
Shouldn’t our politicians be able to cooperate to improve the system? Overspending by $1 trillion a year (coming from the middle class) seems a waste.
Chasm? Surely, you jest.
We have the most comfortable poverty in the history of the human race. Our poor live better than the middle class of most countries.
The impoverished, chronically infirm, the hopeless 70,000 who die each year from drug overdoses, the lack of preventive care all contribute.
Drug abuse is hardly unique to poor people and it’s mostly a discipline issue. If you have the guts, you kick it (and, yes, Geraldine, I speak from experience).
But it is a fact that every other advanced nation delivers healthcare to their citizens for less than we do. The average is about half!
But, of course, the healthcare is VA level. and it stinks. And it’s paid for by usurious taxes We have the best care in the world, statistical lies (can’t you people tell the truth about anything?) notwithstanding. And you really do get what you pay for.
Shouldn’t our politicians be able to cooperate to improve the system? Overspending by $1 trillion a year (coming from the middle class) seems a waste
Tell it to Occasional Cortex.
Do you really think the poor don’t get medical care in the US? If you do, you are showing total ignorance. Does everyone here realize that Jeff has a big drug corporation and sets the high prices we must pay, yet complains about the cost of care.
When did you become anti-capitalism? Is it because you got rich off Medicare and Medicaid and your training was largely paid for by the government?
Do you think the US patent and copyright system is too generous to drug and tech companies? I do. You see, the system is really a government enforced monopoly that allows corporations to charge more than the “free market” price on their products – often a hundred times more. In the US it’s estimated we pay $300 billion each year over “free market” prices. Again, it’s the working classes paying the fare, much of which goes to executives, scientists and patent attorneys. As an aside, most international “free” trade agreements are used to strengthen patent positions of corporations.
And yes, the poor in the US do not have adequate access to medical care.
The poor get something called Medical Assistance, so they get probably better care than people in those Euro democrat socialist paradises, so there’s a lie right there.
Do you think the US patent and copyright system is too generous to drug and tech companies? I do. You see, the system is really a government enforced monopoly that allows corporations to charge more than the “free market†price on their products – often a hundred times more
Well, thank your lawn jockey, Zippy, for making that happen. And, last I looked, the pharma companies are allowed a certain amount of leeway because of all the time, money, effort, and risk involved in developing new drugs.
And simply because you think otherwise is pretty much of no moment.
As an aside, most international “free†trade agreements are used to strengthen patent positions of corporations.
That’s how they recoup their losses, Ms Entrepreneuse.
In the US it’s estimated we pay $300 billion each year over “free market†prices.
Citation, Gudelia?
You just make things up. You have zero knowledge of medical care. If you can’t add knowledge of experience, then why comment.
We assumed the wiz was trying to make a point. Maybe we expected too much of it.
“Switzerland has 8.4 million, US has 332 million. Therefore, universal healthcare can’t work in the US.â€
It does not follow.
Of course it follows. You’re just too stupid to see it.
“Shouldn’t our politicians be able to cooperate to improve the system? Overspending by $1 trillion a year (coming from the middle class) seems a waste”
Our politicians created this problem in the first place. What is it about leftists that they are so willing to turn any problem over to the bureaucrats and as soon as it starts to fall apart demand more bureaucrats “fix” what they broke to begin with? And stating we “overspend by $1 trillion a year” is nonsense.
I honestly believe if w got the politicians out of it we’d be much better off. Thay bring “constituencies” to the table to discuss health insurance. They want free abortions for one constituency, free sex changes for another, free birth control for still yet another and all of those things are “elective”. If we made a serious effort to treat health insurance like insurance, that is covering catastrophic occurrences, we could put together a top flight program. But if leftists are going to insist the inclusion of $100 eye glasses, $10 birth control pills and free condoms and all those little things that cause prices to rise we can never have a decent plan.
“Since the US pays for the defense of other nations, universal healthcare must cost more per person in the US.â€
non sequitur…
Do you understand what “per person†or “per capita†mean?
Do you understand what no defense budget means?
Not to mention do you understand parroting, “That does not follow”, or, “Non sequitur”, just makes you look like the idiot you are?
Using it when it doesn’t apply indicates you have no idea what it means, but that someone told you to use it because you have no other rebuttal.
PS If that’s supposed to be a quote of what I said, you’re a liar as well as a fool.
I made no such statement.
And yet, for you superior position, Americans still pay twice as much per person for healthcare as do citizens in other advanced nations. And “superior†you is proud of that. Probably because you made a good living off the government.
Do you really think you’re superior to 99.9% of humans?
We’re Americans, aren’t we?
And how much we pay, truly, is an issue of currency exchanges, real quality of care (how many years does it take to get the surgery you need), overhead, and all that stuff Occasional Cortex never heard of.
Again, I see no citation of the drivel that passes for your evidence. Or is this more “consensus”?
Probably because you made a good living off the government
Medicare and Medical Assistance costs doctors and hospitals a fortune.