Monthly Archives: February 2019

‘Climate Change” Could Maybe Possibly Cause More Hypothermia In Homeless Or Something

Another day, another thing that they’re attempting to blame on Other People for living a modern lifestyle More Homeless People Are Dying of Hypothermia in Los Angeles Than in New York. Is Climate Change a Factor? In Los Angeles, a city known for its sunshine and mild temperatures, more homeless people died of hypothermia last […]

Trump Admin Looks To Stop Criminalization Of Homosexuality Worldwide

Here’s the thing: while many Conservatives have an issue with the gay lifestyle, and certainly with forcing gay marriage on everyone, 99.9% of us do not want them harmed nor jailed. So there’s this Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality — Yashar Ali ???? (@yashar) February 19, 2019 How soon […]

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution fueled rain, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Theo Spark, with a post on a British town without Brits.

Snowflake College Calls Cops On Cartoon

Someone was heavily involved in Wrongthink EXCLUSIVE: Calif. college calls the POLICE…over a cartoon frog via @the_katie_joy — Campus Reform (@campusreform) February 20, 2019 From the link Folsom Lake College notified the local police after finding a poster of a cartoon frog, stating that “hate has no home on our campus.” An FLC faculty […]

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ To Fuel More Wars And Extremism Is Middle East

See, it’s Muslim extremism that’s the problem, or the very notion that the Middle East region has been in conflict for pretty much forever, no, it’s because you drove a fossil fueled vehicle to pick the kids up and purchase evil world killing steaks Climate change will fuel more wars and displacement in the Middle […]

Washington Post Super Concerned About Trump’s Presidental “Power Grab”

They should probably be more concerned with getting sued for $250 million by Covington student Nicholas Sandmann for defamation. But, instead, they’re concerned with Trump using his powers to protect the U.S. southern border No one in Congress should be allowed to avoid voting on this presidential power grab SIXTEEN STATES, led by California, have filed […]

Who’s Up For Lab Grown Meat To Save The Planet From Overheating?

It’s not the first time the Cult of Climastrology has pushed this (I have a few posts here and here and here, among others), and won’t be the last. You also do not see them giving up their own consumption of meat Fund development of lab-grown meat to fight climate change, experts tell EU leaders […]

If All You See…

…is a horrendous airplane, which should be restricted from use for Other People, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on all the hoax “hate crimes” in the Trump era.

Say, What Would A Real Climate Plan Look Like Or Something

I’m sure you’ve heard of the term “tell” before. It’s often used when playing poker, and one definition is “an unconscious action that is thought to betray an attempted deception.” There’s a big tell in this Mother Jones screed by Excitable Kevin Drum What Should a Climate Change “Plan” Look Like? David Roberts has a […]

Old, White Democratic Socialist Who Hates America Announces Bid To Be President

Can Bernie Sanders regain the magic of the 2016 run, before the DNC stacked the deck to knock him out and allow Hillary her attempt at coronation? Especially when there are so many leftist nutjobs running? ‘The Bern’ returns: Bernie Sanders announces entry into crowded 2020 Democratic field Sen. Bernie Sanders is running for president […]

Pirate's Cove