This is all your fault for refusing to do away with moo cows and giving up your modern lifestyle
You're thinking "they can't possibly link this to 'climate change'," right? Yes, yes they did
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) March 2, 2019
It’s actually more than just never hitting 70 degrees once, as we read the screed
Home restaurant’s sprawling outdoor patio in Los Feliz, set under a canopy of large trees, was designed to take advantage of California’s temperate climate and typically sunny skies.
But this February has been so cold that the restaurant scrambled to set up extra heaters outside the Craftsman-style house to keep diners and workers warm during the record-setting cold winter.
“We had three heaters going for a while and this month it just hasn’t been enough,†said Sam Yoo, a manager at the restaurant. “I’m trying to have the waiters and hostesses wear warmer clothing, but I have one heater set up right by the host stand so they don’t catch colds.â€
For the first time since forecasters began recording data — at least 132 years — the mercury did not reach 70 degrees in downtown Los Angeles for the entire month of February. That makes it the eighth-coldest February on record, said Ryan Kittell, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Oxnard.
The high for the month clocked in at 61 degrees, significantly lower than the average temperature of 68 for February, Kittell said.
Even factoring in the cold snap, California is still warmer than average, and swings between periods of severe winter rainstorms and profound drought will probably become more pronounced in the future because of climate change, said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA. (snip)
Several factors — including a lack of offshore wind and, more broadly, climate change — have played into California’s weird winter weather, experts say.
As Steve Goddard sarcastically noted as I pointed this article out to him “The atmosphere is trapping too much heat, which is producing record cold. Basic physics.”

“The atmosphere is trapping too much heat, which is producing record cold.”
See, even a denier hack like Tony Heller (aka Steven Goddard) gets it!
So yes, adding more heat to the system appears to be causing changes in the Earth’s climate.
TEACH, do you really believe the lies you pimp or are you cynically misleading your readers?
Ever notice all these analyses of global nonsense are always after the fact?
The “climate experts” never see it coming?
The atmosphere is trapping too much heat, which is producing record cold.
As they used to opine in the Empress of India’s Lancers, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
It trapped more heat so it got cold? Right up there with “consensus.”
Idiot Girl didn’t notice Goddard’s statement had a /sarc tag.
do you really believe the lies you pimp or are you cynically misleading your readers?
I think the power cord from Harvey’s projector is loose.
You do realize that Tony Heller aka whomever you want to point a finger at is a lead software engineer for the climate models and is located out of Colorado, Boulder?
You do realize he is a scientist and a geologist? He has a BS in geology from Arizona State University and a Masters’ Degree in electrical engineering from Rice University.
And once he revealed his identity people started trying to destroy his credibility. This is why I personally will not reveal my name and I opine it is why you refuse to use yours even though you haven’t been to good at that. I suppose Dimensia does that to people.
Most people can take the data presented and then look at the facts. He can work the math. The facts are simple…when NASA or NOAA make a claim that XXX is happening he looks at the data as presented, then compares that to data from other agencies around the world as well as then looking at news articles as well as what is actually happening on the ground via eye witness reports.
For example. Greenland is melting at an astonishing rate and yet they have added 550 billion plus new tonnes of snow in the last year. Greenland has always been melting. It was only recently they realized most of the melt was coming from underground.
If you look at glaciers which are receeding at amazing record pace and then look at actual NASA pictures it can be shown they are are not melting at all but have rather ADDED ice and thickness in the last two years.
We are statistical noise. Earth will survive mankind. Earth has survived 1700 PPm of CO2 and 4400 ppm of co2. It will survive 500-600 ppm of co2. As for the ice melting…heres my hypothesis…if it takes 100-200 years to raise the oceans 6-15 feet, then that is 100-200 years to deal with it.
SA typed: Earth will survive mankind.
Yes it will, but that’s not really the point is it? Will mankind survive mankind? Probably, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride because of global warming.
The Earth will likely be here in a million years; humans? maybe not.
Are you sure that Steve Goddard is a climate change computer modeler/engineer?
Yes it will, but that’s not really the point is it? Will mankind survive mankind? Probably, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride because of global warming.
No, because of Bette Davis. she told us to fasten our seat belts.
The Earth will likely be here in a million years; humans? maybe not.
By then, we’ll be zipping around Omicron Ceti 3. Crusader Rabbit will still be under the Wicket telling people da sky be fallin’.
Are you sure that Steve Goddard is a climate change computer modeler/engineer?
About as sure as you are you’re a capitalist, entrepreneur, and have lots of white friends.
It’s warmer? Cause ‘Global Warming’.
It’s colder? Cause ‘Global Warming’.
It’s dryer? Cause ‘Global Warming’.
It’s wetter? Cause ‘Global Warming.
The government is lying to you to get money and power. Do your own research.
The climate has always been changing, and people have always adapted.
Lets put it this way Elwood. Tony Heller appeared before the state legislature of Washington State during their investigation into Climate Change and he made the exact claim under oath.
Are you sure he is not? I can’t imagine Tony Heller Being Invited to A batshit crazy leftist state to give testimony under oath and make an outrageous claim which could be contested by 100’s of people if it was not true.
But then again Elwood, your just here to argue. ARE YOU SURE HE IS NOT? if so. Proof Please.
Expert Software Engineer Calls Level Of Fraud In Leaked US Gov Climate Report “Sickeningâ€
Masters Electrical Engineering – Rice University 20 Years of Microprocessor Design At Intel, Motorola, ST Micro Intel i7 Design Team Software Development Of Climate And Weather Models For NCAR Research Scientist At Los Alamos And Sandia Labs Geothermal Energy Research At Los Alamos … Tony “Debug God†Heller. Who Am I?
Yes I am sure he helped work on climate modeling for over two decades and understands a bit about what he is talking about.
********* Notice this link. Talk about pure hate and vileness for anyone who would dare to contradict the AGW GOD.
There are several examples of outright fraud in Steve Goddard’s (real name Tony Heller) presentation. “Global Warming Deniers claim that Global Warming is a hoax/fraud/scam. They lie, they are willfully ignorant, and they are wrong.†Steve Goddard (real name Tony Heller) is still another example of the fraud committed by Global Warming Deniers…….blah blah blah If I disagree with you I will destroy your life, family, friends and career. You can bank it.
SA typed: There are several examples of outright fraud in Steve Goddard’s (real name Tony Heller) presentation.
We’re not surprised at Goddard’s fraud. He had previously misrepresented NSIDC data in an article he penned for The Register, and was later was forced to retract his claims, but not before his falsehood had raced through the deni-o-sphere.
Um, he copied in a piece of an article, genius.
The last time LA didn’t hit 70 in Feb was 1887.
Why didn’t anybody notice it back then?
An overheated atmosphere causes unusual cold in LA. I wonder what a cooling atmosphere would cause in LA.? Perfect theory for the doomers-it’s unfalsifiable. And Tony Heller has an open invitation for anybody to debate him. Of course, there’ve been no takers. You’d figure some aspiring doomer would love to make him look like a fool, but of course that could only happen if the science were on their side.
Global warming theory didn’t mention LA of 2019. But the theory does predict that adding CO2 to the atmosphere causes heat retention increasing the average temperature of the surface.
Here’s a discussion of the polar vortex:
Why would anyone debate a hack like Tony Heller? No disrespect, but it would be like Michael Mann debating Teach on climate. Facts vs fibs.
And remember the folk saying: “What’s the sense of wrestling with a pig? You both get all over muddy . . . and the pig likes it.â€
“Why would anyone debate a hack like Tony Heller?†Cause they know they’d lose. Hence, no takers. But Nice to see J providing lame excuses for the cowards. In fact, you’ll rarely, if ever, see a doomer debate an opponent. The “well, everybody agrees with me because the 97%†wouldn’t hold up well in an intelligent debate where facts are required in place of a show of hands.
Whoops-polar vortex blamed on global cooling because……settled science .
Anybody can post an article and claim it’s fact. Since global warming theory has been pretty well destroyed, along with Michael Mann, the Michael Moore of science.
And speaking of pigs, takes one to know one.
Teach ?
jeffy, you have to use angle brackets <>.
PS Where’d you see the /quote tag?
W3C says use just q.
And, ahem, for those who want to cite their work, you can always use the blockquote tag and cite as a work title.
blockquote cite=””>
“PS Where’d you see the /quote tag?”
It’s set up a little differently over there.
WordPress is supposed to support this, but, have to use the < >.
I am looking at newer plugins that would have buttons. That, or Disqus.
I find it amazing that the city in the background can even be seen. It wouldn’t ever be that clear when I was a kid living there.
Could be The Clean Air Act of 1963 or Photoshop.
My guess is Photoshop. You can look at old TV shows dfrom the 70s and everything is smoggy.
And the Clean Air Act was 1970.
The Air Pollution Control Act of 1955 was the first federal air pollution legislation and funded research on scope and sources of air pollution.
The Clean Air Act of 1963 was the first federal legislation regarding air pollution control.
The Air Quality Act of 1967 authorized expanded studies of air pollutant emission inventories, ambient monitoring techniques, and control techniques.
The Clean Air Act of 1970 authorized the development of comprehensive federal and state regulations to limit emissions from both stationary (industrial) sources and mobile sources.
Amendments in 1977 and 1990.
SC ruled in 2014 that EPA can regulate GHG emissions from stationary sources.
And who gives a damn.
Uh, the 1970 one is the one people remember because that was the one trying to remake the world.
Having lived through ’55 and ’63, I can’t honestly recall any clean air acts.
I’m going to guess it was all heavy industry (Kaiser steel) and refineries shutting down decades ago. Since the clean air act, surface traffic (cars and trucks) have tripled.
SC ruled in 2014 that EPA can regulate GHG emissions from stationary sources.
Once again the leftist loons consider Co2 a life giving substance as a POLLUTANT.
The earth FLOURISHED when CO2 was 1700 ppm and again when it was 4400 PPM. I can’t repeat this enough.
************************WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ICE AGE……..ITS LONG OVERDUE TO RETURN TO AN ICE AGE**************************
What part of this does the loons on the left not understand when they are screaming about C02. GAWD they have been so brainwashed into believing we are all going to die if co2 goes up to 500 or 600 ppm. YOU people are IDIOT for being SHEEPLE of the leftist new world order.
When they start taking away your internet, IPHONES and XBOXES you will be singing a different tune you MORONS!!!