Again, criticism of Israel doesn’t make someone a Jew hater. But, when that’s all you have, when you can’t even condemn radical Islam, and cannot denounce Jew hatred, what you’re left with is hatred of Jews. When you have to defend the indefensible, well, here we go
Dem Whip: Omar’s Experience More Powerful Than Holocaust Survivors
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) claimed the media was treating Rep. Ilhan Omar(D-MN) badly for making several anti semitic comments. Clyburn defended Omar in an interview with The Hill this week. In fact, Clyburn said that Omar’s experience as a refugee was more empirical to the experiences of holocaust survivors.
“I’m serious about that. There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her,†Clyburn told The Hill. “I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.â€
Heck, if even newly converted Leftist nutjob S.E. Cupp can see it
Call me naive, but I never expected “Well, the Holocaust was a long time ago” defense of @Ilhan. But here we are.
— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) March 7, 2019
As Seth Mandel notes, this is like telling Holocaust survivors to “check their privilege.”
Not even trying to hide it.
Democrats have a huge problem on their hands and only themselves to blame.
— JWF (@JammieWF) March 7, 2019
The Dems are apparently “tweeking” their condemnation of pretty much everything to now include Latinos specifically, to go with a resolution “released earlier today mentioned several groups including African Americans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, immigrants.”
They seriously can’t just condemn anti-Semitism without going full on identity politics. If the GOP is not ready to run ads in 2020 highlighting the Democrats as the party of Jew hatred, then they deserve to lose. You can bet one thing: Team Trump will be ready on this.

Every Democrat I’ve ever known was anti Semitic, even the Jewish Democrats. Now that The Party has gone completely insane because they lost an election and has welcome in Mohammadans, Communists, anarchists, and assorted minorities with anti Jewish proclivities their total hatred of Jews and specifically Israel is out there for everyone to see. Except them of course. Just like they think they’re “moral” while worshiping at the altar of abortion and sexual perversion and can’t recognize their own immorality and filth.
I believe The New Democrat-Communist Party has decided if they can’t have absolute rule over everybody they would rather destroy the Republic. They’re doin’ a pretty good job so far.
I love watching as the leftists get exposed for the liars and haters they are.
“Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke endorsed radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar on Thursday as the “most important person in Congress.â€
David Duke posted a photo of Ilhan Omar to his Twitter account on Thursday with a “heart eyes emoji,†showing his love for her after her recent comments disparaging Jews and Israel.”
Makes, sense. The KKK was Democrat too.
So you agree that David Duke is a vile American with vile ideas. Good. He was at the heart of the Charlottesville white supremacy parade. Remember the angry white “men” screaming, “Jews Won’t Replace Us!!”?
The KKK were Dems when Dems were conservative racists, but those Dems moved to the GOP as you well know.
Be honest. Whom do you consider more vile, liberals or the white supremacy movement?
So you do agree Omar is a vile anti-Semite who ought to be deported even though she was brought here just to be another Democrat drone on welfare.
The KKK were Dems when Dems were conservative racists, but those Dems moved to the GOP as you well know.
No, most stayed Democrats until they died. And the Demos are still racists. They think it’s swell more black babies are aborted than brought to term.
Margaret Sanger’s dream.
e honest. Whom do you consider more vile, liberals or the white supremacy movement?
Lefties. At least the Klan doesn’t lie to anybody.
Just published my latest essay on the Dems and their Jew-hatred… hope you’ll take a look.
I know, I know, shameless self-promotion but a guy’s gotta get traffic somehow!
[…] William Teach on The Pirate’s Cove: Democrats Doing All They Can To Own Being Anti-Semites […]
“Anti-semetism” is a convenient smoke screen for the fact that almost all GoP and many Progs/Corruptocrats voted for a law that allows American citizens to be persecuted for expressing their opinion about the actions of a foreign government. To these traitors, the First Amendment of free speech means nothing compared to their donations/income. Omar (D, Somalia) is an Islamic enemy. Israel is doing a pretty good job stopping the Islamic savages who are attempting to kill Jews. But you know that next time, we will not be able to criticize the UK or Merkle-land. Omar is just a disgusting distraction that hides the drive to silence criticizm of the corrupt Uniparty that has been savaging the United States. Notice the early shift of “hate” to include Islam/immigrants (illegal aliens)/bathroom “creepers” and other “priviledged” identities. Omar focused her comments on dual loyalties to Israel. Maybe you will not notice that the esteblishment Uniparty voted to sacrifice American liberties. Israel is the least of our worries.
Democrats have always hated jews. The problem for the Jewish community in the United States is that the party of JFK was a liberty first, mind your own business party which suited the Jewish American population perfectly.
Unfortunately the Democratic party has evolved into a hate spewing, free speech denying party that marched in the streets calling our last Republican President a Nazi and Hitler and this president’s treatment is no different. They are the party of intolerance except when it comes to Muslims, Who hate Jews, Literally. Hispanics and all manner of bizarre social justice including cheering the jailing of anyone who cant figure out if your a he or a she.
In the grand scheme of things there are two ends in the Democrats end game. The assimilation of the United States as they assimilated California. East LA is now 97 percent Hispanic with about 10 percent of them able to speak English….Fact checked. or
They will implode and begin a civil war with in their own party as the moderates which OUTNUMBER the radicals finally say enough is enough.
Power corrupts and right now even the moderates are willing to dance with the devil to get that coveted Government gig with that life time retirement after serving only 6 years in either the house or the Senate. Such cynicism only plays well so long before the truth becomes the very thing the left is trying to beat with a stick.
It’s a common trope amongst the right that Democratic voters aren’t smart enough to vote in their own self-interest, claiming that Blacks, Jews and Hispanics reliably vote for a party that hates them and works against them.
The white working class should examine its unquestioned support of the GOP.
Repeal and replace the ACA? … Losing.
North Korea nukes? …Losing.
Trade? Record trade deficits. …Losing.
Wall? …Losing.
National debt? …Losing.
Gov’t ethics? …Losing.
White nationalists? …Winning!
The NuCons rely on inciting hatred of any non-white, non-Christian, non-hetero American.
“With Cons, It’s Always Projection!”
The common trope amongst democrats is that black people are too stupid to get a photo i.d. in order to vote.
Why is that, nignorant?
“With cons it’s always projection”? You must be kidding.
Really? Trump and The Conpublicans talk about liberal fascism and violence, yet it’s Trump and The Conpublicans advocating actual fascism and actual violence.
You claim Jews and Blacks are too stupid to know how to vote, yet Trump supporters are getting buttf*cked by The Don and his wealthy constituency. And paying him for the “pleasure”.
You claim libs are stealing your freedoms and our democratic republic, but it’s Trump and The Conpublicans violating our laws and norms daily, ignoring our Constitution.
You claim liberal policies are hurting the working class, yet Conpublican policy is gutting the middle class, and has for decades.
It’s always projection and it’s a strategy.
The nignorant angry little fella is dumber than AOC. Never thought that was possible.
Trump didn’t take over GM. That’s National Socialism.
Antifa is the SA of the Democrats. Steve Scalise is a Republican.
You claim Jews and Blacks are too stupid to know how to vote, yet Trump supporters are getting buttf*cked by The Don and his wealthy constituency. And paying him for the “pleasureâ€.
Another of those words. He heard the Demos expect The Donald to win next year.
And how is that happening, sweetie? Trumplicans, along with all the other working stiffs you hate, have more disposable income, more are working, more are standing up for this country.
You claim libs are stealing your freedoms and our democratic republic, but it’s Trump and The Conpublicans violating our laws and norms daily, ignoring our Constitution.
Fatty Nadler Admits There is No Evidence Trump Obstructed Justice: It’s My ‘Personal Opinion’
Pelosi Says House Dems Launching Investigations Into Trump Without Evidence of a Crime is Their “Constitutional Responsibilityâ€.
You claim liberal policies are hurting the working class, yet Conpublican policy is gutting the middle class, and has for decades.
Oh, yeah, Eisenhower and Reagan just raped the working stiffs.
Try again.
It’s always projection and it’s a strategy.</i
No, dear, you can’t help it. Severe neurosis at the very least.
PS You talk about buttf*cked by The Don. Is that a secret fantasy of yours?
Repeal and replace the ACA? … Losing.
North Korea nukes? …Losing.
Trade? Record trade deficits. …Losing.
Wall? …Losing.
National debt? …Losing.
Gov’t ethics? …Losing.
White nationalists? …Winning!
Gutting IdiotCare (which nobody misses) Winning.
North Korea nukes (Yongbyon is shut down) Winning
Trade (citation?) Winning
Wall (going up) Winning
National debt (Trump cut the deficitt by a trillion) Winning
Gov’t ethics (Demos sounding like Goebbels and Beria) Winning
White nationalists (you mean Americans) Winning
The NuCons rely on inciting hatred of any non-white, non-Christian, non-hetero American.
Who keeps saying the world needs to be rid of white people? Who’s anti-Semitic? Who’s put blacks and Hispanics back to work?
With Cons, It’s Always Projection!
No, dear. That’s you.
“Team Trump” won’t be out of prison in time for the campaign.
No doubt The Don will score points with his crazy base that there are Muslims in the Democratic Party, just as Dems will point out that every neoNazi, KKK member and white supremacist identifies with the GOP.
And The Don may be gambling that he can ride out the coming indictments, win the election and buy another 4 years of statute of limitations. If he loses, he goes to prison. We think he’ll take a deal to avoid prison before the election, but he may not be smart enough to do that.