This is pretty bad
(Fox News) One person has been charged in connection with a “well-planned†terrorist attack that killed 49 people and injured dozens more in two New Zealand mosques on Friday, authorities said.
The New Zealand police said four people — three men and one woman — were in custody in connection with the mass shooting at both places of worship in the city of Christchurch. The charged male suspect is expected to appear in court Saturday, Police Commissioner Mike Bush told reporters at a news conference. He said the principal suspect was a 28-year-old Australian-born citizen who earlier claimed responsibility for the attacks.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said none of the suspects were on any security watch lists.
“These are people who I would describe as having extremist views, that have absolutely no place in New Zealand,” Ardern said.
He supposedly posted a wacko, rambling, 73 page manifesto online, which no one seems to have a link to, at least that I’ve found, that references ““To take revenge for Ebba Akerlund [a victim of the Stockholm terror attack].”
Of course this has happened
(Newsbusters) Minutes after news broke of a tragic shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand (at what ended up being at least two mosques) during the second hour of CNN Tonight and with almost no information for the shooter or shooters, Intercept columnist Mehdi Hasan claimed that “far-right terrorism†was on the rise in the United States and blamed President Trump for attacks both here and abroad.
After listening to New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern deliver a press conference on the shooting, Hasan was the first guest host Don Lemon went to and cited his guest’s Muslim beliefs.
“And I think to kind of talk about the story we talked about before in terms of Trump’s rhetoric as well. Western government has turned a blind eye to domestic terrorism, to domestic far-right terrorism,†Hasan proclaimed.
Hasam continued blaming Trump. And there are plenty of people on Twitter linking/blaming Trump, as you’d expect. Also, blaming gun supporters in the U.S.
And, of course, this twit had to hit the keyboard
this is incredibly insensitive to my muslim brothers and sisters who were slain in cold blood while they were literally praying because they want to be closer to their creator and they want to become better people.
— siraj hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) March 15, 2019
She went on to attempt to shift the discussion to the U.S. with several tweets about “hate” in our own communities. And she retweeted one blaming/linking Trump

These terrorists are cowards. Whether Christian white supremacists or Islamic radicals, they always pick targets who are not extremists but are peaceful.
What if we find an unpopulated island, put all the Islamic extremists and Christian white supremacists there and let them fight it out. Once they’ve determined a winner, we drop an A-bomb on the island.
It is important to remember that it is an article of faith among far right extemists — and Porter Good is one of these — that no act of terrorism committed by a white perpetrator can ever be acknowledged as an act of terrorism.
Nor can far right extremists admit that their Dear Leader Trump has regularly and consistently employed violent rhetoric, and has encouraged his followers to acts of violence.
It was only ” pretty bad”
A rather tepid response to mass murder at a religious gathering
Well, the victims were melanin-enhanced, and the perpetrators were melanin-challenged… so the most that a far right extremist would be willing to say about this atrocity is that it was “pretty bad”.
It is unsurprising that Porter Good could muster only four words about the atrocity itself, and then spent the majority of his post ridiculing people who decry far-right hatemongering. Hatemongering is a feature of far right extremism, not a bug.
When you are bereft of any ideas or any original thoughts, just fan the flames of racism, real and imagined, little douchenozzle.
To the woods for you’re full of shit and fool nobody.
Pretty bad ?
Or very very bad ?
Bill and Elwood your getting your personalites mixed up. Bill is supposed to be the calm logical one and Elwood the raving lunatic. You got it backwards.
Secondly why is it that people such as you are nearly silent when a jihadi blows up muslims all over the mid east but a white man kills some muslims in New Zealand and you guys are frothing at the mouth.
Violence is violence. No race is immune from their own crazies. No religion and no political affiliation is absent its own personal purgatory. In this case this is pure evil and in fact is terrorism. Nothing is ever solved by violence.
Mr Alive wrote:
And here I thought that
JeffreyJeffery was simply changing his handles to be amusing; I hadn’t realized that he actually has split personalities! Admittedly, that would explain a lot!MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The number of those injured in the Thursday morning car bomb blast in southeastern Iran has risen to 42 people, while two others were killed, Isna reported.
(CNN)Three people were killed and 13 others wounded when a car bomb exploded in an outdoor market in the city of Tal Afar in northwestern Iraq on Tuesday, according to Iraqi military Brig. Gen. Abdul Jabbar al-Darraji.
CNN)A Toyota van loaded with explosives tried to ram the police headquarters in Iran’s southeastern port city of Chabahar, killing two police officers and the attacker, Iran’s state-run IRNA agency reported Thursday.
BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi officials said five people were killed in a car bomb blast in the city of Tikrit on Sunday, the latest security breach to rattle the country in recent weeks.
20 killed as three car bombs rock Damascus
Toll rises to 35 in car bombing outside Benghazi mosque
People who claim they do dont give a shit about Muslims and them being terrorized. They only want to point a finger at a white crazy and then blame trump for it. Its convienient for the Russian paid trolls here and around the world to whip up a frenzy of hate and try to divide Americans against each other.
Why is it that terrorists in the Middle east use bombs instead of assault rifles? That would be because if you walk next to where ever your trying to blow up their are 50 people carrying assault rifles. But it does not matter how people die. Its the fact they are killing each other all over the planet and Americans DONT CARE….UNTIL ITS A WHITE NATIONALIST that can somehow be blamed on the right and then all hell brakes lose.
these people make me sick.
An American couple decided to bicycle around the world in an attempt to prove evil does not exist. They chose to bicycle through ISIS territory and ISIS killed them.
Evil exists. Everywhere.
Compare and contrast…
“MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The number of those injured in the Thursday morning car bomb blast in southeastern Iran has risen to 42 people, while two others were killed, Isna reported.”
Sputnik is a news agency operated by the Russian government.
“Its convienient for the Russian paid trolls…”
White Nationalism Is as Much of a Threat to U.S. as ISIS, FBI’s Open Investigations Show
By Harriet Sinclair
September 27, 2017
The threat of white nationalist violence in the U.S. is at least as big a threat as that posed by the Islamic State (ISIS) and similar groups, the FBI revealed Wednesday.
Director Chris Wray told the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee that there are currently 1,000 open investigations into domestic terrorist groups and another 1,000 probes into groups with radical Islamist ideology.
But the similar numbers did not satisfy some members of the panel, with several complaining of a double standard in how attacks from white supremacists were investigated compared with those carried out by people who identified as having radical Islamist ideology.
The number of attacks carried out by white supremacists were “almost triple†those of those carried out by people who identified with groups such as ISIS, said Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri. And government data obtained by The Hill suggests the number of white supremacist attacks compared to those from radical Islamist groups was as many as two to one.
“We have had zero hearings on the threat of domestic terrorists and the threat they pose and our response to it,†McCaskill said, explaining there had been a number of hearings about ISIS, but none about white supremacists.
But said white nationalism is no more or less of a priority for the FBI that threats from terrorist organizations.
“We take both of them very, very seriously,†The Hill reported Wray as saying. “Our focus is on violence and threats of violence against the people of this country. That’s our concern; it’s not ideology.â€
Wray also explained domestic and international terrorism was investigated differently, with crimes such as shooting typically classified as terrorism only if there is a link with an international organization or ideology.
“A lot of the [domestic terrorism] cases we bring, we’re able to charge under gun charges, explosive charges, all manner of other crimes,†Wray explained.
“We also work a lot with state and local law enforcement who can sometimes bring straightforward, easy-to-make cases; homicide cases, things like that,†he added.
His comments on the open investigations at the department come as the Department of Justice announced there were “systemic†problems within the FBI that included failure to properly tackle allegations of serious misconduct, and FBI employees failing polygraph tests.
U.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism. Now They Don’t Know How to Stop It.
By Janet Reitman
November 3, 2018
White supremacists and other far-right extremists have killed far more people since Sept. 11, 2001, than any other category of domestic extremist. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism has reported that 71 percent of the extremist-related fatalities in the United States between 2008 and 2017 were committed by members of the far right or white-supremacist movements. Islamic extremists were responsible for just 26 percent. Data compiled by the University of Maryland’s Global Terrorism Database shows that the number of terror-related incidents has more than tripled in the United States since 2013, and the number of those killed has quadrupled. In 2017, there were 65 incidents totaling 95 deaths. In a recent analysis of the data by the news site Quartz, roughly 60 percent of those incidents were driven by racist, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, antigovernment or other right-wing ideologies. Left-wing ideologies, like radical environmentalism, were responsible for 11 attacks. Muslim extremists committed just seven attacks.
These statistics belie the strident rhetoric around “foreign-born†terrorists that the Trump administration has used to drive its anti-immigration agenda. They also raise questions about the United States’ counterterrorism strategy, which for nearly two decades has been focused almost exclusively on American and foreign-born jihadists, overshadowing right-wing extremism as a legitimate national-security threat. According to a recent report by the nonpartisan Stimson Center, between 2002 and 2017, the United States spent $2.8 trillion — 15 percent of discretionary spending — on counterterrorism. Terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists killed 100 people in the United States during that time. Between 2008 and 2017, domestic extremists killed 387 in the United States, according to the 2018 Anti-Defamation League report.
“We’re actually seeing all the same phenomena of what was happening with groups like ISIS, same tactics, but no one talks about it because it’s far-right extremism,†says the national-security strategist P. W. Singer, a senior fellow at the New America think tank. During the first year of the Trump administration, Singer and a colleague met with a group of senior administration officials about building a counterterrorism strategy that encompassed a wider range of threats. “They only wanted to talk about Muslim extremism,†he says. But even before the Trump administration, he says, “we willingly turned the other way on white supremacy because there were real political costs to talking about white supremacy.â€
In March 2018, a 20-year-old white evangelical Christian named Mark Anthony Conditt laid a series of homemade I.E.D.s around Austin, Tex., in largely minority communities. The bombs killed two African-Americans and injured at least four others over the course of several weeks, terrorizing the city, yet the local authorities preferred to describe Conditt, who committed suicide, as a “very challenged young man.†Also last spring, another white man, 28-year-old Benjamin Morrow, blew himself up in his apartment in Beaver Dam, Wis., while apparently constructing a bomb. Federal investigators said Morrow’s apartment doubled as a “homemade explosives laboratory.†There was a trove of white-supremacist literature in Morrow’s home, according to the F.B.I. But local cops, citing Morrow’s clean-cut demeanor and standout record as a quality-control manager at a local food-processing plant, made sure to note that just because he had this material didn’t mean he was a white supremacist. “He could have been an individual that was doing research,†the local police chief said.
In this atmosphere of apparent indifference on the part of government officials and law enforcement, a virulent, and violent, far-right movement has grown and metastasized. To combat it, some officials have suggested prosecuting related crimes through expansion of the government’s counterterrorism powers — creating a special “domestic terrorism†statute, for instance, which currently doesn’t exist. But a report released on Oct. 31 by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School argues that the creation of such a statute could easily be abused to target “protesters and political dissidents instead of terrorists,†and that law enforcement already has ample authority to prosecute domestic terrorism: “Congress must require that counterterrorism resource decisions be based on objective evaluations of the physical harm different groups pose to human life, rather than on political considerations that prioritize the safety of some communities over others.â€
Nice try.
You’re full of shit. Go find the woods.
I am saddened when I see people use events like this to support their own political narratives. Life is not a spectator sport. But it still happens every single time.
Donald Trump Threatens The Left With Violence Since He Has Police, Military And Biker Gangs
By John Amato
Trump had the audacity to whine — (okay, he always whines) — about how vicious and cute the left is and then issued a veiled threat, like the kind Michael Cohen talked about in his Congressional testimony (remember the tie?) to warn those that are investigating him.
Trump told Boyle, “So here’s the thing—it’s so terrible what’s happening. You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay?”
He continued, “I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad. But the left plays it cuter and tougher. Like with all the nonsense that they do in Congress … with all this invest[igations]—that’s all they want to do is –you know, they do things that are nasty. Republicans never played this.â€
In other words, if the many investigations into his businesses, his charity, (I use that word very loosely) his inauguration, his campaign, the Special Counsel and the House, just to name, a few happen to uncover more damaging charges and further indictments, he’ll let the dogs loose.
Ya say ya wanna revolution…
The Left talks tough until the Right fights back. They’re the whiners and now they want the Demos and the media to protect them.
You started this, Honey Boo Boo.
Welcome to the party, pal.
Hmm..The Counter Terrorist Project only lists the KKK, which was started by Democrats at the end of the Civil War, as the only one somewhat high on their list. The majority seem to be some sort of Muslim extremist groups.
I googled New Zealand’s gun control laws, and they are somewhat more restrictive than the Democrats’ proposals to make America safer, but somehow, some way, they still didn’t prevent this mass shooting.
Simply put, rather than firearm ownership being a right which can only be abridged if you are a convicted felon, Kiwis have to be approved by the police to own or purchase a firearm, and they have to demonstrate a lawful purpose for such ownership.
Shockingly enough, the perpetrators of this act violated the law, discharging their weapons illegally. Why, it’s almost as though criminals don’t obey the laws!
Of course, CNN wrote:
No, New Zealand’s gun control laws aren’t flawed, other than in their violation of the natural rights of a free people to own firearms. What is flawed is the thinking that criminals and terrorists who break the laws would somehow obey gun control regulations.
New Zealand has that luxury. NZ has no bears. You know what else NZ has? Very restrictive immigration policies and a natural barrier around their entire country to prevent undesirables from just walking in.
I don’t call a country’s restriction of our natural rights a ‘luxury.’
It’s instructive that not one word of sympathy for the 50 murdered mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands and wives was uttered by TEACH and his band of supportive typists.
Do you guys believe the Muslims brought this on themselves? Is that why you excuse and defend white nationalist terrorism? Do you think peaceful Muslims are valid targets in your “war” on non-white, non-Christian peoples?
Just as civilized and decent peoples declared war on Islamic terrorism it’s time to declare war on the white nationalist terrorism that is spreading globally like an awakened dormant virus.
Determining the origin of an epidemic and how to contain it is the proper course.
Almost om cue nignorant uses this tragedy to promote and support his own political narrative as Prof. Hale suggested earlier.
The “origin of the epidemic” as you call it is self hating whites who find it necessary to flood their predominantly Caucasian nations with hordes of blacks and Mohammadans in the name of “diversity” and “vibrancy” thereby threatening whites with becoming minorities in their own countries.
I imagine it would be a bit different if you leftists imported the best of foreign born people to join our countries but you don’t. On top of that you bring in Mohammadans who NEVER assimilate anywhere they have ever gone in history. On top of that they are at war with America and the West. That’s like bringing in Nazi’s in 1943. It’s stupid.
Diversity is not our strength, unity is. Hence E Pluribus Unum. Diversity destroys unity but then that’s your goal, destroy America.
Also once again in your eagerness to obfuscate and lie about what’s actually going on you used the term “white nationalist” when it’s the “white supremacist” that cause the problem. You are trying to make patriotism racist and it is not. We know your word tricks.
Kye is trying to make his racism patriotic, and it is not. We know him for the unrepentant bigot that he has told us that he is.
Your mischaracterization of other commenters tells us more about your own bigotry and racist philosophy.
Project much, dipshit?
To the woods with you.
Trump is likely emboldening hate groups. Time for tougher questions about it.
President Trump’s extraordinary response to the New Zealand massacre provides an occasion to intensify our scrutiny of a critical question: Are Trump’s words emboldening white-nationalist and white-supremacist activity at home and abroad?
Trump regularly engages in both veiled incitement of violence and anti-Muslim bigotry with a kind of casual regularity that almost seems designed to lull us into desensitization. That this is losing the power to shock is bad enough. But that’s producing another terrible result: This desensitization leads us to spend too little time focused on the actual consequences these verbal degradations could be having.
This is what the White House wants. That reality comes through clearly in an important appearance that acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney made on “Fox News Sunday,†which opens a window on these matters in a particularly illuminating way.
Fox’s Chris Wallace pointed out that before allegedly massacring 50 people at two mosques, the New Zealand shooter declared that he supports Trump “as a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.†Wallace asked Mulvaney: “What does the president think of that?â€
Mulvaney replied that it is not “fair†to cast the shooter as a “supporter of Donald Trump.†Wallace pressed Mulvaney on Trump’s history of anti-Muslim remarks — which is long and ugly — and noted that just after the shooting, Trump described immigrants as an “invasion,†just as the alleged shooter did. He asked why Trump won’t state clearly that “there is no place in America for this kind of hatred.â€
Mulvaney repeatedly brushed off Wallace’s questions, bridled at the suggestion that the violence was Trump’s “fault,†and whined: “I’m not sure what more you want the president to do.â€
What’s particularly reprehensible about this performance is what’s hiding in plain sight: There are no signs that Trump is troubled by the fact that the man who allegedly murdered dozens of people because of their Muslim faith sees him as a symbol of the devotion to protecting white identity that drove this act.
“What does the president think of that?†Wallace asked Mulvaney, who treated this question as not worthy of a response. Mulvaney cynically cast the core issue as: Is Trump directly responsible for this act? In fact, it’s this: Are Trump’s words helping produce conditions that are emboldening and encouraging the type of white-nationalist and white-supremacist group activity that is leading disturbed proponents into violence and murder?
There are no signs that either Trump or the administration sees this as a question that should preoccupy them. Why not? Why aren’t Trump and his advisers asking themselves this question?
Trump keeps trafficking in rhetoric that inspires hate and murder
The man who allegedly gunned down 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue last October did so after ranting that Jews “bring in invaders†— meaning refugees — who “kill our people.†After that happened, Trump publicly lent support to the conspiracy theory that George Soros was funding the migrant caravans, and he has repeatedly described them as invaders since.
Robert McKenzie, a former counterterrorism adviser at the State Department, currently tracks white nationalist and white supremacist group activity online for the New America Foundation. He says he regularly sees clear evidence that Trump’s rhetoric energizes this activity.
“Trump at times fans the flames of anti-Muslim sentiment, and at other times, he’s an arsonist of anti-Muslim sentiment,†McKenzie said. “The rhetoric is absolutely resonating and connecting with white supremacist and white nationalist groups, who are over the moon to hear him use such language.â€
A rise in right wing extremism
There are many reasons for such spikes in right-wing extremist and terrorist activity (see this documentary for an overview). But the question is, what does Trump’s rhetoric in particular contribute to it? Indeed, what do the national security professionals inside Trump’s own administration think of that question?
According to Joshua Geltzer, the senior counterterrorism director at the National Security Council from 2015 to 2017, there are likely some on the inside who see this as problematic, because Trump is in effect validating the arguments driving this right-wing terrorism.
“The idea that you shouldn’t validate the rhetoric of terrorists, or vindicate them in the eyes of those who are trying to figure out whether to emulate them, is not really up for debate,†Geltzer told me. “Yet the president seems to go in the opposite direction at every opportunity.†Geltzer added that “most counterterrorism professionals†surely regard this as exactly the “wrong†response.
A contrast with Barack Obama
Former president Barack Obama engaged in complex deliberations over language — over whether blaming terrorism on “radical Islam†played into terrorists’ hands by feeding a narrative of civilizational struggle. Trump tore into Obama over his refusal to name “radical Islam†as the problem. During that debate, Jeffrey Goldberg reported that “no senior-level national security professionals†believe it’s in our interests to “risk making Islam itself the enemy,†meaning they mainly thought Obama was right.
We need to ask why Trump and his advisers are not engaged in any similar debates over his language and what impact it might have on the radical right.
Trump, of course, genuinely believes “Islam hates us,†and wants us to see Islam as a severe threat. But those beliefs do not require Trump to publicly validate the language of right-wing terrorism. Why does he continue doing this? Why isn’t Trump concerned about its impact? Is anyone else inside the administration concerned about that? What do his own national security officials think about it?
As Jacob Levy notes in an important essay, Trump’s language is degrading our politics in multiple concrete ways, yet the political world is puzzlingly reluctant to engage on this point. More scrutiny of these sorts of questions is one place to start.

BTW you’re FOS
It has now been one week since a white supremacist massacred 50 people in New Zealand… and Porter Good has yet to denounce the killer’s actions.
This reveals far more about Porter Good’s character than he might think.