It’s interesting that people with manifestos are usually wackos. The person involved with the mosque massacre in New Zealand, who followed the Norwegian terrorist and mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik and Swede Anton Lundin Pettersson. Of course, you also have Karl Max, Lenin, Mao, and others. Now there’s this
A manifesto for tackling the climate change crisis
We’re the UK Student Climate Network. We’re young, we’re students and we’re calling for change. Our movement started in February when tens of thousands of young people took to the streets in towns and cities around Britain, in an unprecedented emergence of a youth climate justice movement.
We’ve joined a movement that’s spreading rapidly across the world, catalysed by the actions of one individual in taking a stand in August last year. Greta Thunberg may have been the spark, but we’re the wildfire and we’re fuelled by the necessity for action.
The climate is in crisis. We will be facing ecological catastrophe and climate breakdown in the very near future if those in power don’t act urgently and radically to change our trajectory. Scientists have been giving increasingly dire warnings about the state of our planet for years, with the urgency and severity of their message escalating in recent times. It’s abundantly clear: change is needed, and it’s needed now!
What do the little brainwashed snowflakes want? First, “Declare a climate emergency.” Then
Education: Our education system is failing us. We’re not being adequately taught about the climate crisis in our classrooms. Schools are not preparing us for the world we’re about to enter, yet still prepare us for jobs and a society based on the system that caused the crisis. We must urgently reform the national curriculum and learn to address the ecological crisis as an educational priority.
So, wait, the leftist run education system is failing them? Huh.
Tell us the facts: The government must also communicate to the general public the severity of the ecological crisis and the necessity to act now. The population cannot be expected to hold those in power to account without the necessary information. Our environment is being destroyed and we have a right to know the facts.
Yes, because we can trust the same government that is failing you, right?
And, of course, the want to lower the voting age
The government must recognise that us, young people have the biggest stake in the future. Legislation must be immediately adopted to lower the voting age to 16 and incorporate youth views into policy making. For too long we’ve been disenfranchised and frozen out of the political system. It’s clear that politics isn’t working. We can’t keep operating within these failing models of civic engagement. Without reconfiguring the way decision making takes place, we’ll be incapable of addressing the climate crisis.
Why 16? Why not 10? 8? 4? Why are their voices being excluded. Bigots!

“It’s interesting that people with manifestos are usually wackos.”
Oooo-kay then…
The Tea-Party Manifesto
The ‘Warmists’ have been caught in so many lies, it is idiotic to believe them further.
But this is one eternal truth:
“Global Warming Provides A Marvelous Excuse For Global Socialism.” – Margaret Thatcher
Didn’t Christopher Monckton claim to be Thatcher’s science advisor? If so, it’s likely she didn’t understand global warming, based on bad advice from Monckton.
Do you remember when Monckton claimed that satellite temp measurements were superior to others because of the better thermometers on the satellites?
“The satellite datasets are based on measurements made by the most accurate thermometers available – platinum resistance thermometers, which not only measure temperature at various altitudes above the Earth’s surface via microwave sounding units but also constantly calibrate themselves by measuring via spaceward mirrors the known temperature of the cosmic background radiation…”
Sounds reasonable to me. Probably better than the ones guys like Michael Mann use to create their phony data.
And Dame Maggie was one smart broad. And she nailed global nonsense to the wall.
Did you actually read it?
It’s just Joe Farah’s summation of the Tea Party ideals, not a formal document or declaration.
I know you clowns like to throw the shot about reading comprehension at people, but you are an embarrassment.
Even with the word ‘manifesto’ in the title, formwiz chooses to deny the fact that the book is a manifesto.
If formwiz were even marginally more competent, he would know enough to be embarrassed to have been so obviously and blatantly dishonest.
“…little brainwashed snowflakes…”
It’s interesting that people who immediately resort to ad hominem slurs are usually bereft of anything useful to add to the conversation.
The woods. Go find them. You’re all full of shit and not very clever. Or maybe just go find a grandson to ass rape.
It is Jeff using one of his many names, the guy is so stupid that you can easily pick up on his identity. I am waiting for him to start arguing with himself, he really is that dumb.
OH Bill, Bill, Bill how easily you slip and fall in the shit you were told to clean up.
Hundreds of these on the internet.
John Cassidy
Bernie Sanders’s Progressive Manifesto
The Progressive Manifesto 2017…… We the progressive people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, question whether or not justice was ever truly established, blah, blah, blah.
The LGBT manifesto: Important for everyone
Gay Liberation Front Manifesto
LGBT Manifesto The LGBT Chief Executives Network, facilitated by LGBT Consortium, have produced this manifesto. It should be read alongside the trans manifesto produced by a developing alliance of Trans organisations.
Sierra Maestra Manifesto (July 12, 1957)
Nurse dave,
Wrong again, Einstein. Ask Teach if we’re the same person. He’ll set you straight. Remember when you used to think john and I were the same? Good times.
Out in the real world, rather than your cloistered one, you’ll find many people who disagree with your worldview.
We might think that nurse david, the naughty puppy and the H&R formwiz are the same person as not one of you has anything of substance to type, ever. It’s just one ad hominem defamation after another.
That’s some funny shit right there, nignorant. Teach won’t help you out.

Please talk to us about ad hom defamation.
You’re not very clever, lil’ assraper.
If Harvey really believes what she says, he must be schizoid. That’s why he speaks of herself as WE.
Ask Teach if we’re the same person. He’ll set you straight.
Anybody can have more than one computer, more than one place to send his nonsense.
you’ll find many people who disagree with your worldview.
Unfortunately for you, most of those people are crowded into only 6 states.
We might think that nurse david, the naughty puppy and the H&R formwiz are the same person as not one of you has anything of substance to type, ever.
Too bad our writing styles are nothing alike. As for substance, it’s not us peddling nonsensical theories about science, politics, economics, and human behavior.
Commenter: Too bad our writing styles are nothing alike.
What you do is not writing, it’s typing.
Is it an ad hominem slur if it’s true? Or only if it’s made by a non leftist? He also said “people with manifestos are USUALLY wackos”, not ALWAYS. You do understand the difference, don’t you? IOW, you don’t think using a bunch of little kids to do your bitching for you isn’t brainwashing? These kids have been and are continuing to be brainwashed to believe in a theory not proven and to destroy their culture to “fix” a problem which may exist naturally at an age where they don’t know shit about it other than what they’re told. That’s the textbook definition of “brainwashing”.
Do you consider middle class tax paying working Americans getting together to peaceably protest that they feel Taxed Enough Already wackos? I don’t. They weren’t burning cars, throwing Molotov cocktails, smashing windows, looting stores, shitting on cop cars, raping women, stealing or assaulting anyone. Hell, they even cleaned up after themselves. Do leftists do that? Do wackos?
Says the one who always resorts to it.
So go find something useful to do.
For kids, any excuse to get out of class is a good one.
Teach typed “little brainwashed snowflakes”
Speaking of brainwashing…
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Deuteronomy 4:9-10 And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren. Never forget the day when you stood before the Lord your God at Mount Sinai, where he told me, Summon the people before me, and I will personally instruct them. Then they will learn to fear me as long as they live, and they will teach their children to fear me also.â€
Aw FFS, the nignorant angry little negro sodomite is now quoting scripture out of context.
Well bless his little heart…
We’re not surprised you are frightened. White nationalists are terrified that the white genocide they hear so much about is true. Frightened white nationalists are murdering Muslims in New Zealand, immigrant-supporting Jews in Pittsburgh, Black worshipers in Charleston, Muslims in Quebec, Sikhs in WI…
You’re scared and you don’t have the emotional and intellectual tools to cope.
Scared animals lash out at their surroundings.
Since it’s “always projection”, what does your obsession with anal rape tell us?
Was it your dad? Uncle? Big brother?
It seems most likely you were raped at a very young age by a Black man. One of your mom’s many boyfriends? A stranger?
Is this where the nignorant angry little sodomite negro fella gives us a sermon on ad hom defamation or just his usual projection on others?
Projection, straw man, ad hominem, ad homonem. And that’s just for starters.
Nobody mentioned anal rape or projection but you.
I take it Dad, Uncle, Big brother, One of your mom’s many boyfriends, a stranger all raped at a very young age.
Seek help or Dylann Roof will have a cellmate.
formwiz is lying again.
formwiz typed: Nobody mentioned anal rape or projection but you.
Liljeffyatemypuppy typed: (March 15, 2019) You’re not very clever, lil’ assraper.
No, you’re scared. Trump’s winning and your side is facing a bloodbath next year.
As for anal rape, whatever turns you on.
Frightened white nationalists are murdering Muslims in New Zealand, immigrant-supporting Jews in Pittsburgh, Black worshipers in Charleston, Muslims in Quebec, Sikhs in WI…
You forgot all the illegals murdering white people and the Moslems who murdered so many in San Bernadino.
Those commandments have been the foundation of Western society for 2000 years. We all know you want them replaced by those of Marx and Lenin, but I don’t think you’re going to get your way.
The smart, thinking people are all on our side.
LOL sounds like good advice to me P. Brain. Teach your children the 10 commandments you know…dont kill, dont lie, dont sleep with your neighbors wife mundane stuff like that. As for the other that would be you know, teach your child morals and behavior and give them a good life so they grow strong and lead a productive life.
I guess thats too difficult for a wiccan observer who denies the existence of god to comprehend that there is actually good in the bible.
Teach compares youngsters concerned about global warming to murderous right-wingers Anders Breivik, Anton Lundin Pettersson and tyrants Mao and Lenin, not to mention German economist Karl Marx. He left our murderous right-wingers Dylann Roof, Brenton Tarrant and Robt Bowers.
The youngster’s manifesto demanded of governments:
Declare a Climate Emergency
Teach Climate Change in School
Tell the Truth about Global Warming
Lower the Voting Age to Sixteen
Not exactly like the Gulag, the murder of teenagers or the murder of Jews, is it?
Harvey needs to dredge up bad news from the Choom Gang days because things now.
As for the non sequitur about gulags, Tell the Truth about Global Warming is a no-go because the truth is it’s a crock.
As for Lower the Voting Age to Sixteen, lowering it to 18 was a mistake, but I understand why the Lefties want young, dumb, impressionable minds responsible for the safety of the Republic.
Trolling, trolling over the ocean blue. Elwood P Brain is a communist troll paid by Moscow to divide America. No doubt by the 10’s of thousands of posts he has put on this website in the last however many days he has been assigned this weblog by his commisars.
If by Moscow you mean Putin, I have some shocking news for you. Putin is not a communist.
The Communist Party was banned in 1991 in Russia, but re-emerged as the CPRF, a minority party in today’s Russia.
Is this who pays me? A minority Russian political party? Certainly you can’t be saying that Putin is paying me to harm his puppet Trump.
And as I proved the other day with modern arithmetic, I’m not the most prolific poster here, but H&R Block formwiz is, even during tax season. And your epic, rambling, insane comments are often longer than Teach’s original posts.
Sure, Poot was elected as a minority party candidate. /sarc
And guess what, as the guy calling the shots in Russia, he controls the purse strings.
Certainly you can’t be saying that Putin is paying me to harm his puppet Trump.
Well, the FBI couldn’t prove it. And the judge in the Manafort case conceded it. So has Mule Ears (where is that blockbuster report?). And even Pelosi Galore has told the Demos (who are the ones paying Harvey) to forget impeachment.
As a heathen you really need to stop quoting the Bible, it makes you both a heathen and a hypocrite.
Teaching your children morality, Love of God, gratefulness, honoring their parents, obeying the law is not brainwashing , dumbass, it’s good parenting. Something you should know when you quote the Bible.
Commenter typed: you really need to stop quoting the Bible
Should Christians stop quoting the Koran?
Can you explain why few adults give up agnosticism for christianist religions? That’s probably why christianists indoctrinate children.
Can only Christians be moral? Be grateful? Love their parents? Be law abiding?
It seems that you consider teaching science to be brainwashing whereas teaching religious myth is not.
Non sequitur, straw man, and a lot more.
How many Christians quote the Koran? Damned few.
Can you explain why few adults give up agnosticism for christianist religions? That’s probably why christianists indoctrinate children.
And we know this how? did this come out of all that climate data?
Can only Christians be moral? Be grateful? Love their parents? Be law abiding?
When the Moslems start acting like that, let us know.
It seems that you consider teaching science to be brainwashing whereas teaching religious myth is not.
It seems that you consider teaching religion to be brainwashing whereas teaching science myth is not.
“Should Christians stop quoting the Koran?”
If they’re using it for harm, yes. If they are informing , no.
“Can you explain why few adults give up agnosticism for christianist religions?”
First of al there’s no such word as “christianist”. Secondly if there were it would be capitalized. Finally, I have no idea why or why not agnostics do or do not switch to Christian, Jewish, Mohammadan, Hindu, Buddhist or atheist. You need to ask each and every one of them who doesn’t. I would suspect though, they are comfortable as agnostic. What do you think?
“That’s probably why christianists indoctrinate children.”
Christians do not “indoctrinate” their children if they are teaching the faith correctly. They are “teaching” the Way of Christ and how to be a better person. Indoctrination, or brainwashing a person to accept beliefs uncritically and without critical thought is what AGW believers do. You all seem to be at war with God but God created both science and the climate. You corrupt science to try and disprove God and put man in charge. He’s not.
“Can only Christians be moral? Be grateful? Love their parents? Be law abiding?
Of course not but they did develop Western Civilization and the superior culture, art, science and technology derived there from. The civilization it seems all people of all faiths and all colors from all over the world want to immigrate to frequently at risk of death. Those damn white Christian folks must be doing something right everybody wants to move into their neighborhood.
“It seems that you consider teaching science to be brainwashing whereas teaching religious myth is not.”
No, I consider teaching science as teaching science and teaching theology teaching theology. You are so prejudiced against the very idea of God you can’t even see the difference between the two. That’s why you convolute science with theology and that’s your problem. To the intelligent mind science and theology are not at war but rather complement each other. BTW, when it comes to teaching “myths” leftist have a corner on the market between AGW and communism, and 57 genders, and “trans” people etc., etc. Puleeze don’t use the word “myth” unless you are applying it to yourself.
He’s just trolling you. All of us. Every word from his fingertips is designed to piss people off here at this website in a thinly veiled disguise of debate.
Debate does not begin with the other side is wrong and here is why. Yet because of his long trollish history at this site it is hopeless to have debate with him.
When a black man kills another he is silent. Yet at another website no doubt he his calling them the N word because thats what hes paid to do. When a muslim kills hundreds per day around the world he is silent yet at another website he is trolling muslims to divide them, no doubt pretending to be a white nationalist.
When a white man goes bonkers a few times a year and kills people he is all over it screaming faux outrage while ignoring a million violent deaths a year caused by the other 85 percent of the worlds population.
Divide and conquer. Even main stream youtubers of the moderate center left and right are beginning to believe we are now in a civil war. What face that ultimately takes no one is sure but you can bet Russia and china and all of America’s haters are in ecstasy over what they see happening in America today.
Great Job Elwood. Your handlers are proud of you.
It’s a scientific fact that if enough people stand and raise their fist it can stop bad weather….
What you do is not writing, it’s typing.
And all you do is copy and paste, so we’re still ahead.