Jump back in time to 2006, when George W. Bush was president. The Washington Post ran an article entitled The Left, Online and Outraged. It was all about how leftist bloggers (remember, blogging was really getting going not long before this) were Outraged at Bush, how they would wake up, grab a non-alcoholic beer and a cigarette, and think about how they could attack Bush and his associates. It really paints them in a deranged light.
Sounds like what the Washington Post Editorial Board is doing these days
Trump sends the wrong message on New Zealand. World leaders must denounce the attack.
THE UNSPEAKABLE carnage in New Zealand must be called out by its proper name: a terrorist attack by a white-nationalist bigot consumed by Islamophobia and impelled by the fervid extremism that suffuses the Internet’s darkest crevices.
The alleged gunman’s garden-variety racism — his rantings about the peril posed to whites faced with “replacement†by Muslims — is of a piece with other hatreds espoused by other racist killers in other places and times. That he spent his days slinking through online cesspools and communing with like-minded social networks gives his crime a postmodern gloss.
Not mentioned are his rantings about the wonders of socialism, government paying for everything, and loves China’s political system of communism. This wackjob was really all over the place.
Still, it’s critical that world leaders clearly and precisely denounce this ghoulish act. An attack on mosques, as on any place of worship, is especially sinister and dangerous. Online racists lionized the murderer as a hero and cheered his killing spree as he streamed it live. In fact, he is a monster who slaughtered innocent people — parents and children, the old and the young.
President Trump is not to blame for the tragedy, despite his own history of Islamophobic statements and a travel ban that targets predominantly Muslim nations. Still, he should go further than he has; for starters, by condemning the alleged killer, whose nativist rhetoric — he called immigrants “invaders,†attacked “mass immigration†and wrote that he hoped to “directly reduce immigration rates†— overlaps with the president’s own. On Friday, Mr. Trump cited an “invasion†of immigrants to justify his national emergency declaration to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
First, here’s what Trump tweeted out
My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 15, 2019
There’s also a tweet about speaking with New Zealand’s president and offering America’s help. He was sympathetic, instead of offering the anger the TDS infused WPEB wants, but, let’s be real, had Trump come out angry and denounced the killer, the WPEB would have found a way to have an issue with that.
Second, it’s cute the way they manage to drag in protecting our borders and nation from uninvited people who cross our borders/overstay their visas. Remember, liberals aren’t for Open Borders, though!
Third, let’s also remember that liberals, including at the Washington Post, tend to protect radical Islam after each Islamic terrorist attack. They freak out when Muslims are asked to denounce the attacks. They say that the attacks have nothing to do with Islam, despite the jihadis stating this has everything to do with Islam. They run articles about Muslims being afraid of the backlash, and for people to not engage in Islamophobia. It’s an interesting standard, eh?

“They say that the attacks have nothing to do with Islam, despite the jihadis stating this has everything to do with Islam.”
Interesting. We know that the New Zealand terrorist specifically praised Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.â€
But I suppose that Porter Good would tell us that the New Zealand terror attacks had nothing to do with Donald Trump — even in the face of hard evidence that yes, actually, they did.
“let’s also remember that liberals, including at the Washington Post, tend to protect radical Islam after each Islamic terrorist attack.”
Let’s also remember that what Porter Good is doing here is lying outright, and he knows it. No one “protects radical Islam” after a terror attack. What we do point out is that blaming all Muslims for the actions of the radical few is wrong.
Of course what happened in NZ had nothing to do with The Donald.
Any more than Moslem attacks have anything to do with the fact that the Lefties are a) scared to death of the Moslems and b) think they can get all the Moslems in the country to vote Democrat.
No one “protects radical Islam†after a terror attack. What we do point out is that blaming all Muslims for the actions of the radical few is wrong.
Always lone wolves, not connected to any group[, blah, blah; blah, blah.
“Of course what happened in NZ had nothing to do with The Donald.”
formwiz is, of course, lying outright. The attacker made it clear that he had been encouraged by Donald Trump’s support of white naionalism.
Right. Donald Trump goes on the TV and stirs up white attacks on non-whites.
PS Just because some nut thinks something doesn’t make it true.
Jeffery dressed up like Jessica Rabbit or Honey Boo Boo still doesn’t make global nonsense anything but a scam.
Why hell, they’re even blaming Chelsea and dumb bitch that she is “apologizes”.

To the woods…
Right. The New Zealand attacker states outright in his manifesto that Trump is “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose†— and formwiz simply ignores that inconvenient fact.
Once an ignorant denier, always and ignorant denier…
“What we do point out is that blaming all Muslims for the actions of the radical few is wrong.”
I agree. Like blaming all white supremacists for the actions of the radical few is also wrong.
Kye typed: Like blaming all white supremacists for the actions of the radical few is also wrong.
Like saying that moderate, peace-loving white supremacists should criticize and control the radical white supremacists.
Are there many moderate, peace-loving white supremacists who don’t work for the oppression of non-whites?
Like calling any white man a white supremacist/nationalist if they don’t agree with your Commie ideas.
Are there many moderate, peace-loving white supremacists who don’t work for the oppression of non-whites?
Might want to ask Kamala about that in the wake of the Lefties throwing her over for a phony Mexican because he is soooo “Kennedyesque”.
A commentnatrix typed: Might want to ask Kamala about that in the wake of…
Thanks, but was asking Kye if “there many moderate, peace-loving white supremacists who don’t work for the oppression of non-whites?”
You’re not worth it, sorry.
Because I nailed your hypocrite ass to the wall is more like it.
You’re the worst kind of race traitor. You don’t even care when one of your own gets shafted.
But they won’t forget you, will they? You’ll get your $15/hr.
It’s the ones like you that go to the wall first.
You forget nignorant has an affinity for ass nailing…
“Are there many moderate, peace-loving white supremacists who don’t work for the oppression of non-whites?”
I don’t know, do you? I don’t know any peace-loving Mohammadans who refuse to enable the terrorists among them and who don’t want to see the Caliphate either and they’ve had 1400 years of spreading terror, murder, rape and child molesting to hold a Reformation and have failed to do so. That indicates evil and hatred to the bone. To the bone, Elwood!
“That indicates evil and hatred to the bone.”
Actually, spreading lies and fantasies to stoke the fires of racial bigotry — as Kye does — indicates evil and hatred to the bone.
The editors wrote:
Looks to me like it was quite speakable, given that the editors were speaking about it! But I’d like to know: have the editors ever written:
Inquiring minds want to know.
Well, we don’t need to be shown this, because the editors would never write something that could be considered as Islamophobic. Chelsea Clinton, of all people, visibly pregnant and at an NYU service to honor the victims in Christchurch, was accosted by some leftist idiot, blaming her for the tragedy, because she had spoken out against the anti-Semitism of Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and we have been shown, full well, that for the radical left, condemning anti-Semitism = Islamophobia.
Have editors ever condemned anti-Semitic, anti-west, Muslim terrorists? Seriously? Were you alive the past few decades?
We are seeing the spread of white nationalism through the west, i.e., Europe, the US, NZ/AUS.
Today anti-government right-wing reactionaries are rioting in France. White supremacists are marching in US cities screeching, “Jews won’t replace us!”, “You won’t replace us!”, “Blood and Soil!”. Our current president campaigned on an anti-Muslim (he says Mooslim) platform. White supremacist terrorists murder “others” in churches (Charleston), synagogues (Pittsburgh), mosques (Christchurch and Quebec), Sikh temples (Milwaukee).
There’s a wave of white nationalism sweeping the west, and we can’t ignore it.
All the white nationalists are hiding under your bed.
Spooky huh?
They used to hide. The NuCons aren’t new, they were just hiding from decent society. We remember them – Bull Connor, George Wallace, Orval Faubus, in fact most white southerners – but following the civil rights movement they all had to crawl back under the woodwork. Now, thanks to DJ Trump, they feel there’s been a re-awakening.
The NuCons have been emboldened by and have rallied around Trump – a modern president who has finally given legitimacy to white nationalism – a conservative white Christian movement.
Blood (white genes) and Soil (America!)
So you hate white Christian conservatives, huh nignorant?
Actually doubt that you know any personally.
They were all Democrats, loved by people like Woody Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.
Didja know Orval Faubus was Willie Whitewater’s role model?
most white southerners
and where do we get this information?
Could be the only reawakening is the Commie crazies like the Aussie that murdered the Moslems in NZ.
a modern president who has finally given legitimacy to white nationalism – a conservative white Christian movement.
Isn’t this the castrato who was whining just yesterday about how name calling was the mark of someone who’s losing, how they have nothing but hate?
How flime ties.
Blood (white genes) and Soil (America!
Or Blood (Brown Wave) and Soil (Reconquista!).
We are seeing the spread of white nationalism through the west, i.e., Europe, the US, NZ/AUS.
Too bad it’s Commies taking the phony hate crime one step further.
Today anti-government right-wing reactionaries are rioting in France.
Yeah, No Taxation Without Representation.
What a concept.
White supremacist terrorists murder “others†in churches (Charleston), synagogues (Pittsburgh), mosques (Christchurch and Quebec), Sikh temples (Milwaukee).
Too bad it turns out not all of them were. Some were just plain old Commies doin’ what Commies do.
“Too bad it turns out not all of them were. Some were just plain old Commies doin’ what Commies do.”
formwiz is, once again, lying outright. Each of the perpetrators in the atrocities mentioned by Elwood were, in fact, white supremacists.
We are amused that people such as yourself, Elwood seem to go out of their way at every possible event to accuse white people of “supremacy”, “privilege”, racism and every other “ism” known to radical leftists yet when you push some nut too far and he shoots up the joint you blame him for the hate YOU instilled in him. How many times have you and people like you tauntingly bark about how “people of color” are taking over America and the West and by 2030 or 2050 or some such date the White Man will be a minority in his own country? So you threaten whites with cultural genocide and demographic obliteration then wonder why they get pissed off? Really? You are the cause of things like this because you pit one group against another just to cause hate.
He’s not a white supremacist, he’s a white survivalist!
What’s a white nationalist to do when criticized?? Shoot! They made us murder them! You excuse right-wing violence as inevitable.
The privileged will always push back when their privilege is threatened. The privileged will always condemn the oppressed for demanding equal rights. Always.
Trump is provoking fear in conservative whites for his own benefit – evil immigrants, violent Blacks, perverted gays, commie liberals, murderous Muslims – all tropes that you repeat.
Do you hear yourself?
“people like you tauntingly bark about how “people of color†are taking over America and the West and by 2030 or 2050 or some such date the White Man will be a minority in his own country?”
“his own country”??? The men and women living here when the Europeans arrived might argue that point.
America is not the “white man’s” country, it’s the country of all Americans – white, Black, Hispanic, Christian, atheist, Muslim, Hawaiians, Jews, Inuit, immigrants, natives, men, women, transgendered, gay, straight, children, seniors, Chinese-Americans, Italian-Americans, Polish-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Ghanaian-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Indian-Americans, Iranian-Americans, Russian-Americans, Irish-Americans, Egyptian-Americans, English-Americans, Chilean-Americans, etc – but all are Americans, created equal, protected by a Constitution and American ideals.
What’s a nignorant angry little sodomizing negro fella from st. louis to do?
White European Christian men discovered, explored, conquered and developed The New World including America. The United States was settled, founded and built by White Christian Men. You know that so don’t play dumb. All the ideals and Freedoms encapsulated in the Declaration and the Constitution exist because White Christian men wrote them. Period.
All those hyphenated groups you list are not American. Americans are not hyphenated. We are just “American”, nor are we “Jews” or “Inuit” or “gay”, just American. You should listen to yourself since you personify the filth that is destroying this Great Country. You don’t even love this country, all you see are it’s faults.
You and people like you are deliberately importing Hispanics, Africans, Mohammadans and Asians into America to obliterate the white majority. The very majority that made this country great. The very majority that built a country all these other second and third worlders want to get in to. And the only reason is for your own power. You think you can control the colored folks and make America a one party nation. Something whites would never allow.
You hate white people and you hate America. If you didn’t you’d be calling for European immigration too, but you’re not. If it was all about “diversity” you’d be calling for Japan to take 10 million Mexicans and China to take 10 million Mohammadans. But the object isn’t diversity it’s destruction. America and Europe have as much right to be white as Africa to be black and Korea Asian. You just hate whites. If you cared about America you would make it hard to get in not easy. If you loved America you would set standards in health, wealth and education to come here but you don’t All in all you are a traitor. A seditious and anti American useful idiot of the world wide communist conspiracy.
Since I’m a traitor, seditious and an anti-American communist, what do you recommend be done with me? Treason and sedition are serious crimes.
I welcome ALL immigrants who meet our criteria for coming to America, including Norwegians, French, Iranians, Italians, Japanese, Koreans, Belgians, Germans, Pakistanis, Brazilians, Syrians, Austrians, Nigerians, Brits, Turks, Nicaraguans, Canadians, etc, etc and so forth. Why do you only want Caucasian immigrants?
As I explained all those hyphenated groups ARE Americans. You don’t get to decide who is or is not an American. Who am I to tell Japan and China how to conduct their business?
Do you think the founders intended America only for white Christian?
Too bad this guy turns out to be a Commie, just like Harvey.
The privileged will always push back when their privilege is threatened. The privileged will always condemn the oppressed for demanding equal rights. Always.
Trump is provoking fear in conservative whites for his own benefit – evil immigrants, violent Blacks, perverted gays, commie liberals, murderous Muslims – all tropes that you repeat.
Do you hear yourself?
No, but we hear you. When are you going to start killing Moslems as some kind of false flag?
America is not the “white man’s†country, it’s the country of all Americans – white, Black, Hispanic, Christian, atheist, Muslim, Hawaiians, Jews, Inuit, immigrants, natives (do you mean American Indians? because I’m a native; can’t speak for you), men, women, transgendered, gay, straight, children, seniors, Chinese-Americans, Italian-Americans, Polish-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Ghanaian-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Indian-Americans, Iranian-Americans, Russian-Americans, Irish-Americans, Egyptian-Americans, English-Americans, Chilean-Americans, etc – but all are Americans, created equal, protected by a Constitution and American ideals.
Too bad you don’t believe in all that.
And it’s Anglo-Americans (God, he’s as ignorant as Zippy).
[…] The Pirate’s Cove: Obviously, The Washington Post Editorial Board Is Unhappy With Trump’s Me… […]
I want this in its own comment because it would otherwise get lost in the drivel Honey Boo Boo and Jessica are putting out.
To wit the guy who killed the Moslems in NZ? Hold on to your bustle.
He’s a Socialist ecoterrorist who praises Red China and condemns Conservatism. His manifesto only mentions Trump once and that is in condemnation.
He considers himself “an Eco-fascist by natureâ€.
“His manifesto only mentions Trump once and that is in condemnation.”
That’s a lie, of course. What the manifesto says about Trump is:
“Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump? As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure.”
When faced with uncomfortable, inconvenient facts, a regressive white nationalist like formwiz will always start throwing out blatant lies. He is incapable of honest discussion on any topic whatsoever.
The New Zealand shooter called immigrants “invaders.†Hours later, so did Trump.
Alex Ward – March 15, 2019
President Donald Trump just used similar language to describe immigrants coming into the United States that the alleged mass shooter did to justify killing nearly 50 Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand.
On Friday, Trump issued the first veto of his presidency to override a congressional blockade of the national emergency he declared at America’s southern border. During the veto signing ceremony, Trump explained why he felt a national emergency was warranted to stop migrants from entering the US.
“People hate the word ‘invasion,’ but that’s what it is,†he said, according to the White House pool report.
That is chillingly similar to the language the main suspect in Friday’s Christchurch terrorist attack used to explain why he chose to gun down at least 49 Muslims. In the rambling 74-page manifesto the 28-year-old suspected shooter posted online shortly before the attack, he writes that he was committing the killings “to show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands.â€
It’s also the same language the man who killed 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh last October used: In that case, the perpetrator blamed Jews for helping what he called “invaders†in the Central American migrant caravans who were trying to enter the US.
To be clear, Trump did not use this language to justify killing Muslims, Jews, immigrants, or anyone else. In fact, he said the New Zealand attack was “horrible†and has expressed his condolences in more ways than one, including directly to the country’s prime minister.
But his rhetoric around both Muslims and immigrants echos some of the same exact tropes that white nationalist extremists frequently traffic in — and it has for a long time.
Ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, Trump tried to stoke fear and gin up Republican support by labeling a so-called caravan of Central Americans trying to enter America an “invasion†as well.
“That’s an invasion. I don’t care what they say. I don’t care what the fake media says. That’s an invasion of our country,†Trump said during a rally last November as his supporters chanted, “Build the wall.â€
Meanwhile, Trump says he doesn’t think white nationalists, like the alleged terrorist in New Zealand, are becoming a global problem. “I think it’s a small group of people,†he said when asked Friday if he’s concerned about the spread of the hateful ideology around the world.
Yogi, you lost on Nicholas Sandmann, you’re going to lose on this.
Quit, while you still have a head.
That is chillingly similar to the language the main suspect in Friday’s Christchurch terrorist attack used to explain why he chose to gun down at least 49 Muslims. In the rambling 74-page manifesto the 28-year-old suspected shooter posted online shortly before the attack, he writes that he was committing the killings “to show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands.â€
Too bad he’s been outed as a Commie. Kinda takes the wind out of it.
There are more than 1.7 million illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico who have deportation orders or pending deportation orders that have yet to be deported from the United States.
To the woods dipshit.
That collection of stupidity sounds just like Occasional Cortex, it is that ignorant. But it does sound like the usual mutterings you see on liberal sites, God you are dumb. The killer clearly stated that his ideal state government is communist China. He does use the same words as Trump, so what. Trump was moved to support the Southern border due to pleadings from the border authorities. Congress agreed with this in the bill they passed, but clearly due to politics the Dems only marginally funded a needed barrier this placing us in a bad situation. Trump has not changed policy nor has he made a major policy change. Trump is rising above politics, the liberals are showing disdain for the citizens of this country. The killer also came up with this terrorist action to harm the U.S. knowing that idiots like you would react in a manner that would be abhorrent to the thinkers, workers and people that actually support the country. You are that killer.
“Trump has not changed policy nor has he made a major policy change.”
That is a lie, of course. Trump has instituted the family separation policy for immigrants, pulled the US out of the Paris climate accords, and started trade wars with several countries.
All are significant changes in policy.
Let us note here, for the record, that Porter Good has also referred to immigrants as “invaders” — more than once.
Good is every bit the white nationalist, just as Donald Trump and the New Zealand attacker are.
Frankly, my dear, we don’t give a damn.
Try to change the subject all you want. Ain’t gonna work.
The NZ attacker is a eco-terrorist by his own admission, anti capitalist and anti American. Basically, Bill Bare he’s a downunder you.
Donald trump like myself, is white and loves his nation so I guess we’re both white nationalists. I assume you see some evil in being a patriotic white man, do you actually know any? Or are you the usual self-enforce ignorant radical leftists who confuses a “white supremacist” with a white nationalist? Just so you know, the two are NOT the same.
You know, it’s one thing for
JeffreyJeffery to change his handle — and this fine site does allow pseudonyms — but using two different pseudonyms, Bill Bear and Elwood P Dowd, in the same comment thread seems a bit much. The regular denizens of The Pirate’s Cove know all about this, but a newcomer would not.And then, to top it off, though our esteemed host never said the first thing about it,
JeffreyJeffery decided to use our host’s real name — which is not hidden; he notes it in his About me page — rather than the pseudonym under which our host posts.dana/formwiz/gitar,
I’ve used Teach’s name on occasion too. Just as commenters here use what they believe to by my real name (and address!). So what?
So Jeffery Keene is not your real name?
You’ve posted it on numerous occasions.
Not as often as you and Porter have. Why is that?
So why post your own name in the first place?
He went by it forever.
I guess it’s causing a little unwanted attention.
For me, she can use all the aliases she wants. She can change her avatar.
She’s still instantly recognizable.
Because all she has is hate. And a very limited worldview.
Why do I believe that Messrs Dowd and Bear are the same person, not that either deny it? Because they write the same way! How do you think that all of the regulars here came to that conclusion?
It’s juvenile?
As I said, while the regulars visiting this site can tell who your are, despite your multiple names, new visitors would naturally believe that Mr Dowd and Mr Bear are two different people, thinking that there are two people in opposition here rather than one. At that point, the use of multiple screen names becomes deceptive rather than amusing.
Do you really believe Bill Bear and I are the same person? How about Zachriel?
Are we 3-in-1?
I would be interested in learning how Bear and Zachriel found this obscure site.
As for me, years ago TEACH had a post on the Gateway Pudendum that displayed stunning ignorance regarding global warming, and being blocked from commenting at the Pudendum, I visited and discovered the hatred of the right appeared to be endemic! I had learned of The Pudendum, the odious jimhoft, from his richly deserved reputation as the “stoopidest man on the internet” and from his connection to a local right-wing FOX radio host (since fired from both his radio and TV gigs for saying he was going to use a hot poker to rape one of the Parkland shooting survivors).
Yeah and nignorant joined the Army “during Vietnam, you know.”
Such a tool.
Does anyone here doubt that Messrs Dowd and Bear are the same
trollperson?JeffreyJeffery didn’t even attempt to deny such previously, which is, as far as I can see, it confirmation.You’re just being deceptive here, which shouldn’t surprise anyone.
I’m interested in your reasoning that Bill Bear and I are the same person.
Can you share why you’ve reached that conclusion?
Of course, what others here think is irrelevant – especially considering the quality of your supporters. Sadly, you’re the most reasonable of the reactionaries commenting here! (And as did gitarcarver, you’re slipping into the Trump swamp).
Conservatives are now falling into two camps. Reactionary tRumpitistas (Abandon ye all hope who enter here!) or former GOPhers.
Trump realized that white nationalism brings him a stable of loyal followers – My Trump Right or Wrong! Debt = $ 22.13 trillion and rising at nearly $ 1 trillion per year. Trump has made the GOP decide between fiscal responsibility and white nationalism. You’ve made your choice.
What’s a nignorant angry little sodomizing negro fella from st. louis to do?
If the term “invaders” displeases you, perhaps you can tell us how it is inaccurate?
The illegal immigrants are crossing our borders in violation of our laws, some of them en masse.
The illegal immigrants crossing our borders fit the definition. They come to take what is not rightfully theirs, to raid our welfare systems, to plunder our tax dollars, and some, Alas! to commit crimes against our citizens.
I note also that Mr Bear/Mr Dowd/Mr Bodine referred not to “illegal immigrants,” but solely to “immigrants,” as though our host has referred to all immigrants as invaders. I have seen nothing holding that Mr Teach opposes legal immigration; I certainly do not. Our immigration laws are meant to encourage foreigners with the skills and education to contribute positively to our economy and our communities to come here, in a measured and controlled manner, subject to proper background checks to prohibit the entrance of criminals.
But the illegal immigrants? They lack the education and skills to be a productive part of our economy; if they had those things, they’d be well employed in their home countries, not fleeing them. Few have more than manual labor abilities, and most don’t speak English well enough. Though the law prohibits them from receiving welfare, many do anyway, and they put real burdens on our public schools, our hospitals, and our housing. One in five federal inmates is a ‘criminal alien,’ someone who has committed a criminal offense other than just entering the country illegally.
Don’t give them facts… facts are racist…
Commenter typed: One in five federal inmates is a ‘criminal alien,’
Do you have a point to make?
Only about 10% of American prisoners are in federal prisons (about 180 thousand), while most (about 1.8 million) are in state and local prisons and jails. Of the 35,000 or so illegal immigrants in fed lockup, most are there on charges related to immigration and for federal drug crimes. (NB: The feds prosecute most immigration and felony drug crimes). Most Americans (about 145,000) in federal penitentiaries are there for federal drug crimes, federal weapons violations and violent offenses.
And aren’t Americans today costing future Americans at least $22 trillion as of today, and we’re adding a trillion a year. All Americans are taking more than they pay in!!
First generation immigrants (legal and illegal) do cost, but the subsequent generations do not. Overall the impact of immigrants is economically positive.
Harvey wants desperately to change the subject, but, face it, what we’re getting is welfare queens and murderers, so, try though she might, the subject is still the slugs coming in over the border.
If they voted R, nobody would be screaming louder than Harvey for their removal.
BTW Politifact? Really?
And aren’t Americans today costing future Americans at least $22 trillion as of today, and we’re adding a trillion a year. All Americans are taking more than they pay in!!
Says the bunny Hef rejected (who wouldn’t?) who, in previous episodes, was whining about Trump trying to trim the fat of entitlement (classic Democrat dodge).
You’re worried about the debt? A dandy place to start would be to deport all those illegals whose court-ordered government services cost about $116B/yr.
BTW It does sound also as if she wants some of us Americans (y’know, white, Conservative, Christian, heterosexual) “eliminated” to cut the cost of said debt. It would also reduce the carbon footprint.
Yeah, dat’s da ticket.
As usual nignorant’s numbers are wrong.

Too bad he didn’t read the citation before he made a fool of himself… again.
They were referring to illegal immigrants as invaders, not immigrants. But that was known beforehand…
And here’s something from Gutfield who tells us how closely allied the nut in NZ and Harvey are.
Another “Elder” Phillips and Idiot Girl can’t wait to shoot off her mouth.
I love it.
Islam is the millstone. It’s nothing more than the globalization of 7th Century A.D. predatory Arab tribal culture with a thin veneer of supremacist religion as its public face. If your plan doesn’t include constraining, undermining, or eradicating Islam, you don’t have a plan. What you have is a hope.
Do you understand why Muslims might have a problem with fundamentalists who wish to eradicate Islam? How would you do it? Deport all American Muslims? Block all Muslim immigrants?
Would you be upset if someone proposed the eradication of Christianity?
Like the Moslems?
Y’know, the book, the tax, or the sword?
How many massacres of Christians are going on in Africa, Indonesia, and in Europe and America?
How many gang rapes of Christians?
In many parts of the world, that destroys a woman forever in terms of the view her society has of her.
Do you understand why Muslims might have a problem with fundamentalists who wish to eradicate Islam? How would you do it? Deport all American Muslims? Block all Muslim immigrants?
Never heard of anybody on our side advocating eradication of Islam. Another of Harvey’s straw men.
Well, lessee, Trump has the travel ban to keep the crazies out. And deporting all the ones Zippy and the Hildabeast imported seems like a reasonable idea after we’ve seen Hell’s Harem in action.
So, yeah, works for me.
formwiz typed: Never heard of anybody on our side advocating eradication of Islam.
Kye typed (March 16, 2019 at 6:43 pm): If your plan doesn’t include constraining, undermining, or eradicating Islam, you don’t have a plan.
Well, that’s one.
It’s like this. No matter how much we explained the Muslim problem, you are too stupid and ignorant to understand. In the end, we waste our time and you just call us names.
Nurse david,
What is America’s Muslim problem?
That about 1% of Americans practice Islam? That’s it against the law for you to murder them?
Right-wing extremists are a bigger problem at this time.
Even if nignorant doesn’t read or comprehend it others will.
A bunch of crazies killing anyone that disagrees with them.
Just like you.
Commenter typed regarding US Muslims: “A bunch of crazies killing anyone that disagrees with them.”
Sounds more like white nationalists, doesn’t it?
The Trump administration has welcomed white nationalists into the fold, e.g., Steve Bannon (ex), Darren Beattie (ex), Ian Smith (ex), Sebastian Gorka (ex), DJ Trump and Stephen Miller. And there are several Trump admins associated with the anti-immigrant FAIR.
“Between these two religions, thus contrasted in their characters, a war of twelve hundred years has already raged. That war is yet flagrant; nor can it cease but by the extinction of that imposture, which has been permitted by Providence to prolong the degeneracy of man. While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet [Mohammad] shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and good will towards men. The hand of Ishmael will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him.”
– John Quincy Adams
And since he wrote that 200 years ago nothing has changed with the Mohammadans. The Founding Fathers never gave a thought to Mohammadans coming to America because if they had they would have forbade it without a complete renunciation of Islam.
“Faced with a clash of civilizations, the Western elite chose to surrender and invite Muslims to come to the West and help themselves. Open borders has created situations where Muslims are able not only to enter Congress, but create enough political and cultural pressure within Western societies so that they can, at least on the local level, impose Shaira law at will in addition to creating networks for supporting terrorism.
Take the situation in Twin Falls as an example. A group of Muslim teens gang rape a 5 year old Christina girl. The entire Islamic community approves and supports this attack. And leading Muslims such as the head of the Chibani Yogurt company successfully pressure the local judge and prosecutor so that the boys do not spend a day in jail.
Twin Falls, Rotherham, Paris, Colonge, Stockholm, Malmo – city after city becomes Islamic no go zones. Mass episodes of rape, child sex slavery, robbery murder. And the response of the Western elite? “Diversity is our strength. Islam is a religion of peace. You are intolerant, racist, islamophobes and you deserve whatever you get. Now turn in your guns”.
Open borders, multiculturalism, diversity, racial caste laws, law as a tool for the elite, – Western elites have been essentially pouring acid into the machinery of society that enables different groups to live in peace, machinery that never worked perfectly to begin with. It is regretable but not surprising that as that machinery (controlled borders, rule of law, basic fairness, objective individual rights, the Constitution, etc;) fails tribalism returns.
Tribalism in the West, to the extent it is happening, should be seen as a reaction to an internal clash of civilizations. Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, Progressives – all are allowed to impose their own tribal rules which advantage themselves only. Instead of insisting newcomers assimilate and accept a common civilization based on the constitution, Judeao-Christian moral values and rule of law; Western elites offer – multiculturalism, which is another way of saying privileged groups and classes are exempt from the rules others are expected to follow.
Tell people Blacks must be given room to destroy. Tell them Hispanics cannot be expected to obey immigration laws, that its ok for them to commit identity theft, drive drunk, carry no insurance, leave the scene of accidents. Tell them its racist to object if Muslims rape their sons and daughters in swimming pools. Keep telling them that they alone must obey all rules and laws while others do not. Eventually, you will have anarchy or worse. The first responsibility of any government is to protect the lives and property of its citizens. If Western governments are unable or unwilling to do so, they will inevitably forfeit the “mandate of heaven” and lose legitimacy.
When legitimacy is lost only force remains. It will not end well.
Islam, has bloody borders and the fact is, there is constant warfare between Muslims and non-Muslims regardless of location. To take just a few examples:
In Egypt, Coptic Christians are routinely attacked. Girls are kidnapped, raped, forced to convert at knife point, churches are bombed.
In Nigeria, just last week dozens of Christians were massacred by Muslim terrorists.
In Syria and Iraq, ISIS institutionalized the sexual slavery of Yazdi Christian girls as young as 10, among many other atrocities. And Muslim men from all over Europe and the US flocked to join ISIS until its caliphate was destroyed.
In Mynamar Muslims attacked and burned police stations and army posts until the Buddists retaliated with ethnic cleansing.
In Paris, Muslims throw old Jewish ladies out of windows, smash Jewish shops, attack Jews on sight.
In Colonge, Berlin, Stockholm, Malmo – attacks and rapes are routine. So much so that Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe.
In Rotherham, England, thousands of girls were forced into sexual slavery by Muslims. The authorities were more concerned about not being called racist and did nothing.
In NY, Jews are attacked and beaten in the streets daily. In Twin Falls, 5 year old girls are gang raped by Muslim teens.
And the Western elites not only tolerate all this, but demand that the victims admit their guilt and do nothing to defend themselves. “Get off your high horse and remember the crusades” said the great liberal hero Barack Hussein Obama. Governments that fail to defend their populations forfeit any claim to legitimacy. Or loyalty. Why be loyal to people who have nothing but contempt for you? Why obey them?”
“Take the situation in Twin Falls as an example. A group of Muslim teens gang rape a 5 year old Christina girl. The entire Islamic community approves and supports this attack.”
Kye is, of course, lying. The Twin Falls case was not a rape, and the Islamic community did not in fact express any approval of an “attack”.
Lying is a common tactic among white supremacists like Kye. When the facts do not support their views, they invent fantasies.
Story of Syrian refugees raping Idaho girl is wrong, prosecutor says
JUNE 20, 2016 11:22 AM
Authorities are denying reports that Syrians gang-raped a child at knife-point in a Twin Falls apartment complex earlier this month, saying the false claims are being spread to incite anti-refugee sentiments.
“There were no Syrians involved, there was no knife involved, there was no gang-rape,†Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said Monday morning.
His comments largely refute several differing accounts about the incident circulating on anti-refugee resettlement and conspiracy websites and anti-Muslim blogs. Most of those accounts claim a group of Syrian refugees sexually assaulted a mentally disabled girl at knife-point June 2 in the laundry facilities of Fawnbrook Apartments, a low-income housing complex in Twin Falls, and that the attack was celebrated by the perpetrators’ families as city officials orchestrated a cover-up.
Investigators and the prosecutor were quick to dismiss nearly all those claims Monday. Loebs said he didn’t want to “fan the flames of anti-Syrian refugee people†but suspects the false reports are the work of a local group opposed to refugee resettlement who hoped to stir up trouble by claiming the incident involved Syrian refugees who committed a violent sexual assault.
“There is a small group of people in Twin Falls County whose life goal is to eliminate refugees, and thus far they have not been constrained by the truth,†Loebs said. “They have not been constrained by the truth in the past, and I don’t expect them to be constrained by the truth in the future.â€
An incident did occur, Loebs said, and two juveniles have been charged after authorities obtained video shot on a cellphone. But the details of the case don’t match what’s being reported by anti-refugee groups, the prosecutor said.
The criminal cases against those juveniles have been sealed, as is customary when children are charged. Although prosecutors and police are barred from discussing certain details in sealed juvenile cases, Loebs laid out the basics in an interview Monday with the Times-News. And Twin Falls Police Chief Craig Kingsbury briefed the public on the incident at a City Council meeting later in the evening, saying he wanted to clear up falsehoods circulating on social media.
According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the Uniteds States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.
There were no adults involved, Loebs said, the boys didn’t have a knife, and the incident wasn’t a “gang-rape†instigated by the oldest boy.
“All those involved are juveniles, and the older one didn’t touch the victim in any way,†Loebs said. Only one person is alleged to have touched the victim, said the prosecutor, though he declined to elaborate.
The police chief also said there is no evidence to support claims the suspects’ fathers high-fived or praised the boys for committing the alleged assault, as has been reported on anti-refugee websites.
The prosecutor received a report Thursday from police. Further refuting claims made in the stories online that police bungled the investigation or tried to cover it up, Loebs said the police investigated the incident thoroughly, interviewed everyone who needed to be and followed proper protocols.
The police chief told the public the victim’s health and safety were the department’s first priority, and apprehending the suspects was the second — regardless of either’s ethnicity or religious beliefs.
Kingsbury also addressed claims that it took the police department more than two hours to respond.
“Simply, that just is not true,†the chief said. “The Twin Falls Police Department, the Magic Valley Paramedics, even the Twin Falls County Sheriff’s Office, responded in due time.â€
Earlier in his comments, Kingsbury said the call originally came in as “something a lot less serious than a sexual assault or lewd and lascivious conduct.â€
Loebs said sex cases between minors aren’t uncommon and implied that this case is being exploited by the local anti-refugee movement to make a political point.
Refugee-resettlement officials called the online reports deceptive attempts to incite anti-refugee sentiments.
Only a handful of people from Syria live in Twin Falls County — 11 Syrians were receiving food stamps in the county and eight were on Medicaid in 2015, according to state statistics. No Syrians have been settled in Twin Falls through Idaho refugee programs, said Jan Reeves, director of the Idaho Office for Refugees.
“There have been periodic website postings about hundreds of Syrians coming to Idaho that have all proven to be false in the past, and this is probably just one of those attempts to try and stir up hatred and bigotry,†he said.
Loebs said the College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center, which oversees refugee resettlement in the Magic Valley, did not resettle the boys involved and that the program has “absolutely nothing to do with this.â€
Zeze Rwasama, director of the CSI Refugee Center, said he knows no details about the incident or the names of those involved but is deeply concerned about what the online claims and misinformation are doing to the community.
A headline at the online news site Drudge Report read: “REPORT: Syrian ‘Refugees’ Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho.†Snopes, a fact-checking website, said the story was “mostly false.â€
“I think the community has seen a lot of negativity around the refugee programs,†Rwasama said. “Speculations are things that can destroy the entire community.â€
Echoing statements by the prosecutor, Rwasama said refugee opponents are trying to promote an agenda, particularly against Syrian refugees. He asked residents to confirm facts and refrain from speculating online.
“It breaks my heart when people in the community are divided around issues of resettling refugees,†he said.
Last week, residents at a City Council meeting called on city officials to release more information about the incident and questioned whether authorities were covering it up. The story blew up over the weekend when the juveniles were arrested, and differing accounts were widely circulated on conspiracy-oriented blogs such as Dr. Rich Swier, Refugee Resettlement Watch, Creeping Sharia and Info Wars.
People packed the Council’s meeting on Monday, some speaking in favor of refugee resettlement and others warning that resettlement was a federal government plot overseen by President Barack Obama to allow Muslims to infiltrate the United States.
Supporters of the family started a Facebook group, “Justice For Our Children,†that had almost 9,000 members as of Mondaymorning. They have also started a GoFundMe page to raise money to help the family move and an online petition that had more than 1,100 signatures from all over the country as of Monday.
The incident is just the latest to rekindle a debate in Twin Falls over refugees, security, culture and religion.
News last year that Syrians fleeing a years-long civil war could be among about 300 refugees to be resettled in Twin Falls this year touched off an anti-refugee movement that sought to close the local resettlement office. Those efforts failed when organizers couldn’t gather enough signatures to put the measure before voters. Critics of the program have raised concerns about security and refugee vetting, but some of the movement’s most prominent members have also pitched wild conspiracy theories and tried to frame the debate around religion by frequently making disparaging remarks against Muslims.
Though no Syrians refugees have been resettled in Twin Falls, 36 have been resettled in Boise.
“These were all families,†said Reeves, the director of the Idaho Office for Refugees. “They’re now resettled here. They’re moving on with their lives.â€
I find it interesting that Twin falls would make this claim given I just looked up the demographics of the city: White alone 38,000 citizens. Hispanic 7500 citizens, Asian alone 1100 citizens, Two or more races 641 citizens, American Indian 540 citizens, Black alone 485 citizens, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 44 citizens.
The point being they do not even list Muslims by potential ethnicity. In this case if you assume they are Asian then there are only 1100 citizens or 2.3 percent of the population yet the city government would have you believe there is a huge racial problem in a city with Muslims and not the 7,500 Hispanics in a town that is nearly 79 percent white.
Why? WHY? WHYYYYYY? did this spiral out of control?
Lets look at the facts as presented by the POLICE CHIEF IN A PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON THE MATTER:
Here is what we actually know to be true.
One thing seemed clear: a 5-year-old girl had been sexually assaulted.
But a judge had sealed details of the alleged incident from public view, and half-truths, wild speculation and rumors now filled the information void.
Sealing the truth from the public spread rumors like wildfire because MINORS were involved. That is why things were sealed and the city government did a horrible job in dispelling the rumors letting them run out of control before trying to put out a forest fire by PEE’ing on it.
Police Chief:
“The No. 1 priority is the victim,†Kingsbury said. “We can’t forget this. We have a young girl who has been victimized.â€
But, he added: “There’s a lot of disinformation on social media. I don’t know if they made it up or what, but it’s just not true.â€
Because everyone knew it was Muslims involved and the city did nothing to dispel the rumors until way too late.
Now to the Truth:
To begin with, the chief said, the victim had not been raped but was believed to have been sexually assaulted.
Two individuals alleged to have been involved with the assault were arrested and taken to a juvenile detention center.
The suspects were not from Syria, but from Sudan and Iraq.
So what we have is an incident in which key people KNEW that ONE a young girl was sexually assaulted and two the perpetrators were From foreign countries of Iraq and Sudan and were arrested for the incident. Then the city went quiet, letting speculation swirl until even the internet became involved.
This is the perfect example of FAKE NEWS surrounding a legitimate event. The child was SEXUALLY ASSAULTED by two middle eastern refugees taken in and relocated to Twin Falls. The story was basically true how ever it was allowed to spin out of control because the original details of the story were SEALED by the JUDGE to protect MINORS.
On a side note. I live in a town. I own my own home and right behind us are assisted income housing. In other words you have to work and make a certain amount of money to live there, BUT the government subsidizes the cost of the apartments to keep them reasonable for modest income families.
Everyone started noticing about three years ago that the turnover rate was growing and they were fixing up the apartments but NOT replacing them with new tenents. No one bothered to think much on this until one day over 25 families of Somalians moved into the complex, each with many children. The once nice complex was over run by a swarm of little kids destroying nearly everything in site because they came from the streets of Mogidishu and had no other understanding of how things operated in the west or the USA.
The once quiet apartment complex had police there non stop day and night. Now in defense of the Somalians, they were ripped from the streets of Mogidishu and sent to my city. They lived here about nine months. Intersting fact about this under the Obama watch. This was the fifth state they had lived in and the federal government was moving them from state to state when local funds ran out. They were all being sent to RED states who were then forced to use local assets to take care of them. Once their funding ran out they were moved to another state. In our case the Somalians were then relocated to Michigan which they told me was their final destination.
And now you know the reality of Idaho Falls. Not fake news. Just not the truth because once again the government allows things to get out of control before addressing the problem.
Quite a story. Thanks for posting.
Ya know Bill, if you spent half as much time defending white people and Americans as you do Somalians and communists you’d actually be a patriot. But you aren’t.
Nice of you to once again call me a liar. Just happens I copied that BEFORE it became wide known the girl was assaulted (what does that mean exactly) not raped. So I was mistaken, not lying, asshole.
Calling people liars is how leftists deflect the damage they cause to the country, the people and everything they touch. Any error with a leftist is a LIE!!! but when they’re wrong it’s –move along, nothin’ to see here. You call me a white supremacist when I’m not. I do not believe white people are superior to the detriment of any others. I’m a race realist which you can’t face because it is you who lies. Mostly to yourself claiming to be virtuous. BS! Fact is generally speaking Blacks are better at sports and are physically stronger, whites are more creative and have technical strength (and the best warriors) and Asians are excellent at improving existing technology and have better organizational ability. If your life experience has not revealed this truth to you then you need to grow up some before you call people names.
Now that said, if Caucasians do not have a superior (not “supremacist”) culture why then is the First World almost all white and why are white countries the one people want to immigrate to? Huh? Because we have better beaches than Somalia or Lebanon? The sky is bluer here than over Yemen or Jordan? Our trees are greener than Venezuela or Peru? Explain to me why white nations are the ones people want to come to if white culture and society are not superior.
The “promise” of “free stuff”.
Conservatives and Trump also accuse others of lying. Any evidence contradicting Trumpian dogma is labeled “fake news”, so that the only truth is what Trump says it is. “Trump said it; I believe it; that settles it!” It’s dangerous.
No, what’s dangerous is you believing what a pack of phony scientists say is true when the falsity of it has been made apparent.
Kye’s excuse for spreading the lie regarding events in Twin Falls is that he copied it from some fleabag regressive blog, and never bothered to check the facts.
If Kye is too stupid to find out if the information he vomites in a comment is correct or not, then there is precious little daylight between his tactics and those of a deliberate liar. Given that the end result is the same, then yeah… I’ll stick with calling Kye a liar.
“Calling people liars is how leftists deflect the damage they cause to the country”
How about liars like Kye himself? Has Kye ever reflected on the fact that his habit of posting and reposting racist falsehoods might do some damage to his beloved country?
Naaaahhh… that would require a little something called ‘self awareness’.
Note carefully. First Kye states:
“I do not believe white people are superior to the detriment of any others.”
Then he spends the entire final paragraph telling us that majority white countries are better than others.
Again — self awareness is not a strong suit among white nationalists like Kye.
We’re going to hear how this is a Rightist crime right along with how the world is warming.
Too bad the facts are against her in both.
“You’re the worst kind of race traitor.”
And by the use of that simple phrase, formwiz has confirmed that he is a racist.
One does not even have to turn over the rocks. His kind crawl out all by themselves.
To the woods with you being full of shit and all.
No, I just prove I care more about black people than you.
The New Zealand shooter’s manifesto shows how white nationalist rhetoric spreads
Jane Coaston
March 15, 2019
There is a lot we don’t yet know about what motivated the 28-year-old man charged with murder in a shooting that killed 49 people and injured at least 48 others in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
But his writings suggest that the white nationalist ideas behind violence and attempted violence in the United States and elsewhere influenced him deeply.
The shooter reportedly left behind a 74-page manifesto. It’s the kind of document instigators of mass violence often write to inspire copycat attackers (which is why I chose not to link to it).
Still, the document is worth understanding in context. There are throughlines in the manifesto that are similar to the ideas described by other shooters or those who have attempted shootings in recent cases in the United States and around the world.
In February, a “white nationalist†Coast Guard lieutenant in Maryland was accused of planning attacks on members of the media and left-leaning politicians. (The attacks may have been stymied because of his web searches related to drugs and violent extremist acts.) The Christchurch shooter and the Coast Guard lieutenant used similar language, made similar references, and most disturbingly, revered the same people for their use of horrific violence in the furtherance of white nationalism.
A word on terrorist manifestos
The reason it’s important to both understand the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto and refuse to spread its contents without context is that a manifesto is a published and public declaration of intent or belief — and the critical term to remember is “public.†The Christchurch shooter wrote his manifesto with the clear intention of it being shared widely after he committed an act of mass murder.
That means that historically, terrorist manifestos have never been accurate documentation of either their belief system or the planning that went into their attacks. The main intention of terrorist manifestos is not to help everyday people understand how they became terrorists — it is to create new terrorists.
In this particular manifesto, the author is not attempting to provide a fully factual history of himself or his reasoning behind his actions. Much of the first 10 pages of the manifesto are the shooter responding to questions he’s posing to himself about who he is (“just an ordinary White man†and why he decided to kill (“to show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands, our homelands are our own and that, as long as a white man still lives, they will NEVER conquer our landsâ€). The manifesto intersperses details about why the shooter targeted New Zealand with self-aggrandizing rhetoric about the shooter’s own personal bravery.
And it’s also worth mentioning that a lot of the document is akin to what’s known as “shitposting†— intentionally throwing out red-meat content to readers to distract them or draw them deeper into the same online pits where he himself was radicalized.
For example, the Christchurch shooter mentions a popular YouTube personality and a popular American right-wing figure before joking that he was radicalized in reality by the game Fortnite, which taught him to “floss on the corpses of my enemies†(flossing being a dance move that the game helped popularize.) He also describes himself as an expert in “gorilla warfare.†Many people reading the manifesto jumped on those mentions immediately, which is, as Robert Evans, a journalist and expert on far-right terror communication argued, exactly the point.
While “shitposting†is a common thread in far-right online culture — meme-ing racism and anti-Semitism is how white supremacists hope to spread their ideology — jokey characteristics of the manifesto are in line with similar language used in older far-right groups as well.
In short, everything in the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto is what the Christchurch shooter wants us to know about him. Like Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber who killed three people and injured 23 others in a nationwide bombing campaign from the 1970s to the 1990s, or even Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, published in 1925, the point of these manifestos is not to be factual or realistic about the inner worlds of their authors. In Mein Kampf, Hitler portrays himself as a talented artist and lover of architecture. In Kaczynski’s manifesto, he portrays himself as a man profoundly concerned about the material problems of industrial society. Manifestos aren’t honest. Manifestos are for mass consumption.
But that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful for people who study terrorist movements, particularly white nationalism. Rather, connections between manifestos and the terrorists who write them — what they say, how they say it, and who they mention — tell us about the international flow of white nationalist ideology.
The New Zealand shooter’s manifesto shows how white nationalist rhetoric spreads
The common language of white nationalism and white supremacy
Modern white nationalism has a common history and a common language that transcends borders. The Christchurch shooter’s manifesto uses it, as do others who have either committed or attempted to commit mass violence in the name of white nationalism.
Most extremist movements believe their waking reality has already become dystopian and they are participants in what Mark Juergensmeyer calls a “cosmic warâ€. For jihadist groups like al Qaeda and ISIS, this belief is articulated as a global “war on Islamâ€. For anarchists and socialists, a fascist oligarchy controls free market societies. In the case of white nationalism, the “white race†is threatened with extinction due to widespread miscegenation and the erosion of white supremacist social norms.
And the Christchurch shooter notes this in his manifesto, describing himself as European by blood because Australia is “simply an off-shoot of the European people†right alongside his discussions of eco-fascism. The Coast Guard lieutenant who planned to kill politicians and media personalities felt very much the same. In a deleted email recovered from his computer, he wrote:
Liberalist/globalist ideology is destroying traditional peoples esp white. No way to counteract without violence. It should push for more crack down bringing more people to our side. Much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch. For some no amount of blood will be enough. They will die as will the traitors who actively work toward our demise. Looking to Russia with hopeful eyes or any land that despises the west’s liberalism. Excluding of course the muslim scum. Who rightfully despise the west’s liberal degeneracy.
It is clear that the author is not thinking of himself as an American citizen but as a white person, united with all other white people against everyone else.
On Friday morning, I spoke with Kathleen Belew, a University of Chicago historian and author of Brinag the War Home, which traces the white supremacist movement’s relationship with the Vietnam War. She told me about how white nationalist groups like Aryan Nations sent their materials around the world, and how groups like Wotansvolk and the World Church of the Creator set up chapters in dozens of countries — mainly those with large white populations, including Canada, France, and yes, New Zealand.
“As you can see,†Belew said, “these places map on to an idea of whiteness that transcends national boundaries, which is part of why I argue for calling this “white power†rather than white nationalism. The nation in white nationalism is the Aryan nation, not the US or New Zealand.â€
She added, “Scholars have documented how these flows took materials, propaganda, training, language, and weapons to other countries, often those, like New Zealand, considered by the movement to be part of a white world that could be salvaged from racial others.â€
The common language of white nationalism is rife throughout the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto. For example, alongside Nazi imagery, the Christchurch shooter made frequent reference to the concept of “white genocide,†writing of immigration as an “assault on the European people†and adding, “This is ethnic replacement. This is cultural replacement. This is racial replacement. This is WHITE GENOCIDE.â€
The concept of “white genocide†— the idea that nonwhite immigration or mixed-race relationships that result in multiracial children poses an existential, genocidal threat to white people around the world — was coined by an American white supremacist named David Lane. As I wrote last year:
David Lane, a white supremacist responsible for the murder of a Jewish radio host in 1984, wrote the “White Genocide Manifesto†while in prison, arguing that “‘racial integration’ is only a euphemism for genocide.†He later shortened his three-page manifesto to 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.†Three decades later, the term “white genocide†is the single most popular hashtag used by white nationalists on Twitter.
The 14 words? Also of apparent importance to the Christchurch shooter, who recites themin his manifesto and reportedly posted images of a gun with the number 14 drawn on it on Twitter.
David Lane was himself inspired by William Pierce, an American white supremacist and author of The Turner Diaries, a book that has become a white nationalist staple since its publication in 1978. (Timothy McVeigh, who murdered 168 people in April 1994 in Oklahoma City by bombing a federal building, was a huge fan.)
And The Turner Diaries was also allegedly part of the inspiration for Anders Breivik, who murdered more than 75 people, mostly teenagers, in a series of terror attacks in Oslo, Norway in 2011. Breivik also wrote a manifesto to “explain†his actions, a document that stretches more than 1,500 pages. Parts of it are extremely similar to passages from the Diaries (while also citing Kaczynski’s manifesto as well). And now, Breivik has become an inspirational figure himself, with his name reportedly cited by both the Christchurch shooter and the Maryland Coast Guard lieutenant.
You stayed up all night writing this drivel.
Everybody else went out and had fun.
Must be Hell being you.
Don’t be fooled, formwiz, Bill Bare just cuts and pastes his anti-white propaganda from approved suppliers. To the radical communist left anybody who is white, pro-white (as opposed to multiculturalism), pro-West or pro-American is a bigot and racist. One can’t discuss race because by doing so makes you a bigot and racist. One cannot hold an opinion on race contrary to the radical left communist opinion or he is a bigot and racist. Anyone trying to compare and contrast the history of the races, the cultures or the technological differences is a bigot and racist.
The radical left communists in America don’t believe one can see differences in the races and differences which make one race superior to another in that particular area because to acknowledge such differences to them means we are all not EQUAL. They cannot understand in their totalitarian minds that Free people are allowed not only to be different but also to have different ares and levels of success. They cannot understand how a man can see, recognize and even talk about these differences and still see All Men Created Equal and all are Entitled to Equality Under the Law. To them seeing the difference and treating people equally is mutually exclusive.
And sadly the end result of their belief is to degrade and alienate white people by casting them as privileged racists which causes huge amounts of hostility between the races. Similarly, they have held the minorities down by giving handouts to “equal” the playing field instead of a hand up to equal the success rate.
American white nationalists/supremacists desire a white homeland, in violation of the US Constitution, but being practical, will settle for permanent white privilege.
Kye makes the bizarre claim that since white Europeans invaded and conquered America that they’re entitled to permanent dominion, and will keep it by force if necessary. His contention that non-whites are genetically inferior to whites is part and parcel to the white supremacist viewpoint.
Liberals do not hate white people, we hate white supremacists.
“Bill Bare just cuts and pastes his anti-white propaganda”
Kye is lying — again. Nothing in the article I reproduced here can be rationally construed as “anti-white”. The article simply describes how racist propaganda is spread by white nationalists.
Perhaps Kye is sensitive because the article described the vector by which he was infected with racial bigotry.
The New Zealand shooter’s manifesto shows how white nationalist rhetoric spreads
The Maryland Coast Guard lieutenant reportedly used Breivik’s manifesto as a guide to help plan his attack on political figures and media members, even using Breivik’s classification system to determine his “priority targets,†in Breivik’s terms. And in the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto, he describes Breivik (or as he writes, “Knight Justiciar Breivik,†most likely an elaborate joke aimed at his friends on 8Chan and Reddit) as a figure taking a stand against “ethnic and cultural genocide.†Another person listed as an inspiration in the manifesto: Dylann Roof, an American white supremacist who murdered eight black people in a Charleston, South Carolina, church in 2015 and has now become a sainted figure in some right-wing circles.
The role of America, and America’s racial past
America has a central role in the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto. He claims he used guns to stir up America’s debate over gun rights versus safety in hopes of dividing the country over racial and cultural lines, writing, “This balkanization of the US will not only result in the racial separation of the people within the United States ensuring the future of the White race on the North American continent, but also ensuring the death of the ‘melting pot’ pipe dream.†(He also expresses some anger about the United States’ involvement in the 1990s war in Yugoslavia.)
In general white nationalist rhetoric, Europe is “lost†in racial terms because of nonwhite immigration and low birthrates among white Europeans across the continent. But America — alongside New Zealand and Australia, to some within the movement — is viewed as perhaps the last hope for white nationalists to create an idealized “white homeland.â€
Over the last 50 years, those ideas have been further developed with a surprising degree of specificity. David Lane, whom I mentioned earlier, was in favor of the so-called Northwest Imperative, the white nationalist idea of creating an “Aryan homeland†in the Pacific Northwest. The man who stabbed two people to death on a train in Oregon in May 2017 was reportedly an adherent of this idea, posting on Facebook before the attack that America should be “balkanize(d)†— the same word used by the Christchurch shooter.
And the Coast Guard lieutenant who allegedly planned attacks made similar points in an email to white supremacist Harold Covington, writing, “How long can we hold out there and prevent niggerization of the Northwest until whites wake up on their own…â€
All of these ideas have been shared and combined, with concepts created by white nationalists in the United States spreading to white nationalists living in Britain, Italy, and South Africa, and vice versa.
“One thing to consider is that transnational flows of ideas and materials work in multiple directions,†Belew told me. “The white power movement in the US was heavily influenced by inflows like British Israelism (from Canada) and skinheads (from Great Britain). But in part because of the power and force of its activism in the period I study, [the white power movement in the US] also became a huge exporter of white power activity in the 1990s.â€
In other words, white nationalism has been internationalized, with adherents finding inspirationin figures ranging from American neo-Nazis to Norwegian mass murderers, and finding common cause on forums like 8Chan that attract an international audience of shitposting racists who view racism and white nationalism as both a worthy cause and a hilarious chance for memes.
The Christchurch shooter was seemingly influenced by dozens of other white nationalists before him, whose names and ideology created the common framing he and other committers of racist violence have continually used. And through his manifesto, the Christchurch shooter, like the Coast Guard lieutenant, hoped to do the same for someone else.
Of course he was.
Just because he’s a Commie means nothing.
Give it up, Yogi.
You lost this one. This guys has taken the phony hate crime to a new level.
American white nationalists/supremacists desire a white homeland, in violation of the US Constitution, but being practical, will settle for permanent white privilege.
Kye makes the bizarre claim that since white Europeans invaded and conquered America that they’re entitled to permanent dominion, and will keep it by force if necessary. His contention that non-whites are genetically inferior to whites is part and parcel to the white supremacist viewpoint.
Liberals do not hate white people, we hate white supremacists.
Sure doesn’t sound like what Lefties have been shooting across the Interwebz. Quite the opposite, they want all white people gone.
And Kye said nothing of the kind.
As for homelands for a given race, that’s Elijah Mohammed talking about black nationalism. He wanted MS as a permanent black state.
A threefer!!!! Three lies in one comment.
Hardly a record for the bunny/bear schizoid, but typical of her mind.
Funny, that’s what you get with universal healthcare.
Commenter typed regarding US Muslims: “A bunch of crazies killing anyone that disagrees with them.â€
Sounds more like white nationalists, doesn’t it?
The Trump administration has welcomed white nationalists into the fold, e.g., Steve Bannon (ex), Darren Beattie (ex), Ian Smith (ex), Sebastian Gorka (ex), DJ Trump and Stephen Miller. And there are several Trump admins associated with the anti-immigrant FAIR.
Actually sounds like Lefties. That’s what Harvey wants. All white people swept away by the Brown Wave. And, as we all know, when a Lefty makes such statement, they’re telling you what they intend to make happen.
But Moslems are exactly like that, too.
And I notice Jessica lists a lot of exes in the Trump Administration. Could be Trump isn’t the racist (not that Bannon, Smith, Gorka, or Beattie are, either).
And I can imagine why Bugs dislikes FAIR. No more immigrants taking the jobs of native-born Americans, so they won’t have to go on welfare and become thralls of the Democrats.
What I can’t understand is why Jeff holds Muslims in high esteem but distains the KKK. They are virtually identical except the KKK is less inclined to harm innocents and holds women in high regard. The KKK might be white supremacist but Muslim have a stated policy of killing all non Muslims.
Nurse David typed: “What I can’t understand is why Jeff holds Muslims in high esteem but distains (sic) the KKK.”
I do not hold Muslims in unusual high esteem, I just don’t believe we should discriminate based on religion. It’s in the Constitution.
You appear to believe that all Muslims are suspect and dangerous, but obviously most Muslims are not. Do you think US Muslims are just waiting for the perfect time to attack non-Muslims?
You are certainly welcome to attempt to convince me and others that there exist “moderate” Klansmen. A Muslim family lives 3 houses down from us and we have no worries. On the other hand, if a KKK family lived there I’d be worried.
Actually, no such thing is in the constitution.
All it says is Congress can’t. Your average American has no such infringement on his liberties.
Which only shows you know nothing about the Constitution.
You appear to believe that all Muslims are suspect and dangerous, but obviously most Muslims are not. Do you think US Muslims are just waiting for the perfect time to attack non-Muslims?
9/11 ring a bell, jerk-off?
You are certainly welcome to attempt to convince me and others that there exist “moderate†Klansmen. A Muslim family lives 3 houses down from us and we have no worries.
You think every Klansman (and there really aren’t very many, you live in the 20s) spends every waking moment thinking about black people?
Hell, no, he also thinks about Catholics, Jews, and other people. White people.
Don’t hold yourself so special.
You’re not.
“9/11 ring a bell, jerk-off?”
How many Muslims committed the attacks on 9/11?
Go on, formwiz… I know you can answer the question.
“All white people swept away by the Brown Wave.”
Let us see if that claim is backed up by anything resembling a fact.
Can formwiz provide a link to Elwood actually making this statement?
It’s what you said. And we know the regard you have for facts.
PS You know Teach doesn’t like us doing that.
Howsomever, should he give me dispensation, I’ll bet I can.
Ya feel lucky, punk?
“It’s what you said.”
formwiz is lying, of course.I have never made that statement.
Can formwiz provide a link to Elwood actually making this statement?
J-could these be “Muslim nationalists†or some such silly label like you put on alleged groups every day? https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/03/17/media-silence-surrounds-muslim-massacre-of-christians/
They could be Fulani nomads raising cattle and having violent conflicts with local farmers and townspeople.
Are you certain the Breitbart reports are accurate?
Jessica clearly doesn’t care about the 100 or so Christians murdered by Moslems in Nigeria.
As I say, race traitor. If you’re not a Commie, you can go to Hell as far as Bugs is concerned.
As I say, H&R taxboi is a white supremacist (when he’s not bilking poor Americans during tax season). And a liar.
Notice Harvey can’t answer my retort.
Also notice, he tries to avoid mentioning I worked for the IRS, not a private firm, so, if anybody gets bilked, it’s by that government he wants to impose carbon taxes that will drive us all to the poorhouse.
They “could†be? Or they couldn’t be. Your link talks about cows being killed, not people. Sure you had the correct link, J? Are the cows all Christians?
It’s not surprising you don’t understand. The Fulani herders were alleged to have attacked the townspeople murdering dozens, but only right-wingers are reporting that now – likely fake news planted by locals who want to influence the coming election. “Bandits” from the village killed dozens of cattle, at least according to the local reporters who must have missed the murder of people that Breitbart “reported”.
And nowhere in the story is there anything about murders or religion
And why do you think that is? Either it didn’t happen or the worldwide news organizations are suppressing the story.
Do you have ANY confirmation from a legitimate news source that the massacre even occurred?
It’s likely just right-wing fake news (is there any other kind?).
And you may have missed this…
This is what the right-wing authoritarians want for the US.
Wouldn’t you love to chase the Muslims out of America?
“Do you have confirmation from a legitimate news source that the massacre occurred?†Do you have any source that it didn’t occur?
But the WaPo didn’t want to mention the massacre of 120 Christians.
Or that the it may have any action may been in relation to Moslem atrocities. The Lefties are scared to death of the Moslems and will do anything to placate them.
Of course, they’ve been doing it for better than 80 years, which brings us to a quote from someone who always had their number.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.â€
PS The Buddhists in Indonesia are fighting back against the Moslems. Wonder why?
It’s likely just right-wing fake news (is there any other kind?).
Hey, you’re the idiot who copies off the WaPo.
As for reliable sources, this piece is from West Point and details what was going on 7 years ago. Looks like the WaPo only wants to report on the Christians fighting back.
But Breitbart has the story, with pictures.
Funny how the Lefty media ignore it, huh?
Why hasn’t Trump talked about this yet? Does he not trust Breitbart?
If it were true wouldn’t he be on this like a duck on a june bug? Even if it was a good lie Trump would push it.
“Vile Muslims massacre hundreds of Christian men, women and children!”
Do you think the Deep State intelligence services are also suppressing the story???
You tell me, but it seems the Lefties are trying to blame him for the one the Commie committed in NZ, so he’s tied up with that. But you state what happened in exactly the correct manner.
Plenty of copy about it, just not in the fake news.
Could it be they’re afraid to tell it?
formwiz is lying — again. No one has outright claimed that Trump is directly responsible for the actions of the New Zealand attacker. But his racist rhetoric has encouraged white nationalists around the world. The NZ attacked specifically called out Trump as being sympathetic to his cause.
During Barack Obama’s tenure in the Presidency, many regressives — sans evidence, of course — claimed that Obama’s words were encouraging racial division in the US. Now that one of their own occupies the Oval Office, suddenly the claim is reversed… the rhetoric employed by the President has no effect whatsoever on anyone.
No, Zippy took every opportunity to stir racial discord. witness the anti-Semitism in the Democrat party.
As for The Donald, Honey Boo Boo’s cites an example as soon as she denies it.
H&R typed: NZ, so he’s (Trump) tied up with that.
He had time to tweet some 50 times this weekend (and more today), including some nasty ones about Senator John McCain and threatened gov’t actions against a re-run on Sat Night Live. But just no time to comment on hundreds of Christians being massacred in Nigeria by Muslims, which if true would be helpful to Trump. It’s why right-wing news and bloggers are pimping it so. But did it happen?
That Trump hasn’t commented on it strikes me as peculiar.
Do you think Trump understands that he works for the American people and spending his time twitterbating is a waste.
That the WaPo didn’t say anything is far more interesting.
Why not report on something that horrific, unless it’s now so common that’s is not considered news? Perhaps because the Fake News makes up its own as it goes along.
Of course, Harvey refuses to take note of all the verification that the world is not warming, so it’s pretty clear she only listens when it’s something she wants to hear.
Walter Duranty lives.
Are you sure the picture is from the recent alleged “killings” of 120 Christians as reported by Breitbart?
The stamp of the picture says: Coffins are prepared for burial during a funeral service for 17 worshippers and two priests, who were allegedly killed by Fulani herdsmen, at Ayati-Ikpayongo in Gwer East district of Benue State, north-central Nigeria on May 22, 2018.
Do you agree that Christians murdering Muslims is as bad as Muslims murdering Christians?
Come back with confirmation of the massacre please. Thanks.
If you agree Americans murdering Nazi’s was as bad as Nazi’s murdering Americans I will. Bear in mind, Mohammadans are AT WAR with us whether you like it or not. They have declared a jihad and it is in effect.
And Kye fails — again — to produce any independently verifiable documentary evidence for his claim.
“Bear in mind, Mohammadans are AT WAR with us whether you like it or not.”
Bear in mind that there was another society that, in the 1930s and 1940s, took aim at a specific minority group and declared that all members of that group shared collective guilt for various real and imagined crimes.
That society committed atrocities that will never be forgotten. Kye and fellow white nationalists are now laying the groundwork for more such atrocities that they hope will be committed in the name of their own deeply racist philosophy.
Honey Boo Boo clearly hasn’t picked up a paper or listened to the news in the last 25 years.
Bear in mind that there was another society that, in the 1930s and 1940s, took aim at a specific minority group and declared that all members of that group shared collective guilt for various real and imagined crimes.
Presumably this is the Communists.
Kye and fellow white nationalists are now laying the groundwork for more such atrocities that they hope will be committed in the name of their own deeply racist philosophy.
Which is why bunny and panda can’t wait for the Brown Wave.
How do you know it wasn’t?
But then your willful ignorance surpasses all tolerance.
You can take this, as evidence, but it just shows fake news is just that.
Bill Bare just cuts and pastes his anti-white propaganda
Kye is lying — again. Nothing in the article I reproduced here can be rationally construed as “anti-whiteâ€. The article simply describes how racist propaganda is spread by white nationalists.
Perhaps Kye is sensitive because the article described the vector by which he was infected with racial bigotry.
From episode 3 of Honey Boo Boo in Wanderlust
In general white nationalist rhetoric, Europe is “lost†in racial terms because of nonwhite immigration and low birthrates among white Europeans across the continent. But America — alongside New Zealand and Australia, to some within the movement — is viewed as perhaps the last hope for white nationalists to create an idealized “white homeland.â€
What point is formwiz trying to make here?
If he is saying that this statement is anti-white, he is incorrect. This is nothing more than a description of an oft-repeated refrain in white nationalist rhetoric. It says so, right there in the first five words.
No, it’s is nothing more than a description of an oft-repeated refrain in Lefty propaganda.
formwiz is, of course, lying. White nationalists use the rhetoric discussed above to fan the flames of race hatred.
And apparently, in the case of formwiz himself, this is working.
formwiz wrote:
“Zippy took every opportunity to stir racial discord”
As I said earlier — sans evidence.
Lessee now,
“The police acted – stupidly” – the Skippy Gates mess.
Poll says race worse under Zippy – Commie News Net – also in the gray Lady
“If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”.
“Typical white person” (about the woman who raised him)
Stick it up your picanic basket.
None of the statements quoted by formwiz were racially divisive — except in the eyes of racists like formwiz himself.
As I said — sans evidence.
No, they were all considered racially divisive, because they were.
I take it this is the new tack handed down from Troll Central. Deny all facts from the other side.
Well, it ain’t just a river in Egypt.
What are you afraid of.
9/11 ring a bell, jerk-off?
How many Muslims committed the attacks on 9/11?
Go on, formwiz… I know you can answer the question.
How many in Al Qaeda and affiliated organizations? How many Moslems danced when they heard the news?
Evasion noted. I will ask again — and we will most likely watch formwiz refuse to answer this simple, fact-based question. Fear of fact-based discussion is a common personality trait among regressives.
How many Muslims committed the attacks on 9/11?
No evasion, simple fact.
Any terror expert will tell you that, for every striker, there are literally, hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the organization doing support work. Then there are the people who sympathize, give money, etc.
Honey Boo Boo tries to minimize the number who support the activity. The Lefties are trying very hard to suppress any resistance to the Moslem terrorists and Jeffery and all his little voices are doing their part.
we will most likely watch formwiz refuse to answer this simple, fact-based question.
And you just know she has a pre-digested screed ready when someone gives her the number.
Makes you wonder why.
“No evasion, simple fact.”
formwiz is, of course, lying — again. He has yet to answer the the question.
Let’s watch him evade the question again:
How many Muslims committed the attacks on 9/11?
“Any terror expert will tell you that, for every striker, there are literally, hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the organization doing support work. Then there are the people who sympathize, give money, etc.”
Interesting. That would mean that hundreds, if not thousands, of whites are responsible (through their support) for the actions of Brenton Tarrant.
That is right, Tarrant has the backing of the liberals in the US as his actions were predicated with the intent to mobilize the liberal faction to tyranny that would assure civil war in the US. So, you are part of that group.
Nurse david,
Do you have any evidence at all that the white nationalist terrorist who murdered dozens of innocent Muslims was part of an international conspiracy to mobilize liberals to start another US civil war?
Or are you just a mendacious primate?
In your opinion, are all or most of the right-wing attacks on churches, mosques, synagogues and temples false-flag operations in support of commie/lib tyranny?
“Tarrant has the backing of the liberals in the US”
david7134 is, of course, lying. It is white supremacists who support terrorists like Tarrant.
Your writing techniques are well known to people here as you say very stupid things to get a so called discussion going and constantly lie and act in a very immature manner. That includes all your little personalities or identities. You are consistently wrong and this seems to be the only activity in your pathetic life. Researching your life on the web does not disclose a thing of benefit to man or to help the world or even community to make it a better place. I would suggest that you spend more time with your family, unless you have driven them away. Or get involved with organizations that would help support your community, like cleaning the streets or helping the poor and elderly. Most of the people here are obviously doing their part, but not you. To me you are a disgusting, very tiny man child.
“How many Muslims committed the attacks on 9/11?”
Hard to answer. When I was in the Army I was told there were 57 support staff for every front line soldier. But with terrorist organizations I imagine there are hundreds in support of each actual fighter. Plus, there are thousands who support them monetarily and then of course the millions who back then in spirit, solidarity and by just not stopping them. So I’ll take a stab at it and say since their barbaric “religion of peace” calls for the killing of anyone not Muslim, and sneaking and lying are part of the taqiyya and infiltration of the enemy (that would be us if you’ve been paying attention) I have to say all of them. Trying to sort out the “good” Mohammadans from the bad is akin to sorting out the “good” Nazi’s or the “good” communists from the bad. They all want us dead so they’re all bad if you’re listening. When they chant “Death to America” they aren’t separating guys like Bill from guys like me. They mean ALL of us.
“Hard to answer.”
“I have to say all of them.”
“They all want us dead”
Three lies in one comment. Kye is doing what he does best.
No you are wrong. Read there worthless book.
How many Muslims committed the attacks on 9/11?
How many white nationalists are there?
I am not going to be drawn into your stupid discussion. You have absolutism zero knowledge of this or any other subject. Grow up.
Evasion noted. Like so many of his kind, david7134 is terrified of fact-based discussion.
Honey Boo Boo just wants how many strikers.
Of course, it like asking how many Americans were involved in the Normandy landings.
Correct answer, all of them. Everybody had their part to play.
And they do want all of us dead. As the mullahs like to say, “Death To America”.
formwiz is, of course, lying — again. He has yet to answer the the question.
Let’s watch him evade the question again:
How many Muslims committed the attacks on 9/11?
Why don’t you look up the answer yourself while taking a shit in the woods if the answer is so important?
Or quiz nignorant, your brother from another mother.
dana and david insist that Bear and I are the same person.
VOX is a far leftist news organization on the verge of bankruptcy. Anything they say is biased and half true at best.
I’m going to start discussing things the way Bill Baer does….LIAR,LIAR,LIAR!!! Every time any of us give him our opinion somehow our opinion is a lie. That’s all this idiot knows. LIE,LIE,LIE. He’s f****d up in the head, this one. Nobody’s allowed an opinion because…LIE! Nobody’s allowed to say anything not approved by the America Last Movement or it’s ……LIE! Man, what a knucklehead. I’ve decided not to address this idiot any longer. He’s way too full of hate for me and he’s way too afraid of listening to anyone he disagrees with. Wow, what a nut case.
Meanwhile back at the ranch with our Peace Loving Imported neighbors:
A federal grand jury in New Mexico has indicted five Muslims who, among other things, allegedly trained children to carry out spree killings, formally charging them with terrorism-related offenses, conspiracy to commit murder, and kidnapping.
The defendants are Jany Leveille, 36, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 40, Hujrah Wahhaj, 38, Subhanah Wahhaj, 36, and Lucas Morton, 41.
The quintet was arrested after authorities found 11 hungry, filthy children living in squalid conditions in a makeshift militant training compound in Amalia, Taos County, a remote part of New Mexico, during a raid by local police on Aug. 3, 2018. The children were being trained to commit school shootings, according to court documents. The remains of a three-year-old disabled boy, since identified as the son of defendant Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, were discovered on the property which was filled with weapons. The indictment accused the defendants of kidnapping the boy and transporting him from Georgia to New Mexico. The defendants were previously indicted on weapons and conspiracy charges on Aug. 31, 2018.
“The indictment alleges that the defendants conspired to provide material support in preparation for violent attacks against federal law enforcement officers and members of the military,†said Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers. “Advancing beliefs through terror and violence has no place in America, and the National Security Division continues to make protecting against terrorism its top priority.â€
Specifically, the new indictment lists seven counts: conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists; providing material support to terrorists; conspiracy to murder an officer or employee of the United States; conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States; possessing a firearm while unlawfully in the United States; conspiracy to commit kidnapping; and kidnapping. (Read the indictment here.)
The terrorist cell’s religious inspiration has been identified as Leveille, who is Siraj Ibn Wahhaj’s wife and an illegal alien from Haiti.
According to FBI Special Agent Travis Taylor, Leveille portrayed herself to children at the armed camp as a kind of prophet and claimed she was receiving divine messages from the “Angel Gabriel.†It is a tenet of Islam that Gabriel, an archangel, dictated the Koran to Muhammad.
Leveille and her husband “sought to recruit and train persons, including minor children, to be prepared to engage in jihad and train an army of jihad and to die as martyrs,†Taylor previously testified.
Leveille’s husband allegedly trained the children in the camp in military techniques, including the use of firearms and rapid reloading. He also reportedly told the children that “jihad†means killing non-Muslims.
Taylor said the children told him that the three-year-old boy died in early 2018 in the course of a Muslim prayer ritual. The child’s parents allegedly denied their son epilepsy medication, claiming the drugs caused him to become “possessed.â€
Leveille also allegedly told the children the toddler would be resurrected as “Jesus Christ,†at which point he would tell the terrorist group which corrupt government institutions they should destroy or convert to their beliefs.
Court documents say the five defendants “established a residence, training camp, and firing range at which they stored firearms and ammunition and engaged in firearms and tactical training as part of their common plan to prepare for violent attacks on government, military, educational, and financial institutions in fulfillment of†Leveille’s “religious prophecies.â€
The mainstream media has ignored the ties the defendants have to the Democratic Party.
Siraj Ibn Wahhaj’s father of the same name is a notorious jihadist imam. Wahhaj Sr. was close to Omar Abdel Rahman, the “Blind Sheikh†who orchestrated the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 that left seven people (including an unborn baby) dead. Imam Wahhaj testified as a character witness for the sheikh, calling him a “respected scholar … bold … [and] a strong preacher of Islam,†and that he felt honored to have hosted Rahman at his mosque.
Imam Wahhaj used to be a member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) national advisory board. He offered an opening prayer at an event called “Jumah at the DNC†at the Democratic National Convention in 2012 and has been called the spiritual adviser of jihad sympathizer and Bernie Sanders supporter Linda Sarsour. The openly anti-Semitic Sarsour sits on the board of the Women’s March organization and openly admits membership in America’s largest Marxist group, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
According to Discover The Networks:
[Imam] Wahhaj has been a longtime supporter of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an organization that seeks to create a worldwide Islamic caliphate, or kingdom, governed by Sharia Law. In the summer of 1994, Wahhaj attended a Hizb ut-Tahrir conference in London, where Islamists openly called for jihad, denounced democracy, and declared that “the Islamic system is the only alternative for mankind.†Less than a week later, back in the U.S., Wahhaj lauded Hizb ut-Tahrir’s “scholarly brothers” for their “good insight” and “their pushing for the Khilafah [Caliphate].”
“Every time any of us give him our opinion somehow our opinion is a lie.”
False. I do not label opinions as lies. However, when Kye or anyone else makes a claim of fact that is actually false, I will point out that they are lying. That’s what the word means, after all.
I should note that I have no wish to silence Kye or anyone else. So long as Kye and his kind are allowed to continue making their false claims, it will be glaringly obvious who the hatemongers and white nationalists among us are.
david7134 wrote:
“Your writing techniques are well known to people here…”
Translation: No, david7134 cannot produce the slightest crumb of evidence to backup his claim that the white nationalist terrorist who murdered dozens of innocent Muslims was part of an international conspiracy to mobilize liberals to start another US civil war.
Four suspected white supremacists indicted for inciting violence at political rallies
November 2, 2018 (UPI) — Four men associated with a white supremacist group were indicted by a federal grand jury in California on rioting and conspiracy charges Thursday.
Prosecutors say the men, believed to belong to the Rise Above Movement, incited violence at right-wing political rallies.
The defendants are Robert Rundo, 28, of Huntington Beach, Robert Boman, 25, of Torrance, Tyler Laube, 22, of Redondo Beach and Aaron Eason, 38, of Anza. Rundo is said to be the leader of the Rise Above Movement. The indictment says the group “represents itself publicly … as a combat ready, militant group of a new nationalist white supremacy/identity movement.”
They are accused of committing violent acts at rallies in Huntington Beach on March 25, 2017; in Berkeley on April 15, 2017 and in San Bernardino on June 10, 2017.
Laube was captured on camera attacking a journalist and then, the fight spread to counter-protesters who opposed Trump, a criminal complaint reads.
Rundo punched a counter-protester in the head, grabbed the back of his neck and threw him to the ground, landing on top of him, the criminal complaint reads.
“Rundo then held the counter-protester down with his left hand and threw several punches at the counter-protesters head while other RAM members looked on, cheered and prevented others from intervening,” the complaint reads.
If convicted on the conspiracy and rioting charges they could face up to five years in federal prison.
A federal grand jury in Virginia indicted four other Rise Above Movement members in October.
57 members of white supremacist groups charged with trafficking meth
Monday, April 30, 2018
A federal grand jury indicted 57 members of various violent white supremacist gangs in North Texas with drug trafficking and kidnapping charges, the Justice Department announced Monday.
Federal authorities said they arrested 42 of the defendants last week, while nine were already in custody on related charges. Six of the suspects remain at large, according to the Justice Department.
The defendants are accused of conspiring to sell 500 grams or more of methamphetamine from October 2015 through April 2018. According to the indictment, the defendants used stash houses and other locations to store the drug while they negotiated its acquisition, price, delivery and payment.
Four of the defendants kidnapped a non-member in January, holding him for several days over a drug debt, the department said.
The defendants chopped off a portion of the victim’s left index finger with a hatchet, hit him in the back of his head with a large wooden object and put a gun to his head, threatening to kill him, according to the indictment.
“Not only do white supremacists gangs subscribe to a repugnant, hateful ideology, they also engage in significant, organized and violent criminal activity,†Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement. “Under the Trump administration, the Department of Justice has targeted every violent criminal gang member in the United States. The quantities of drugs, guns and money seized in this case are staggering.â€
A joint investigation by local and state law enforcement officials resulted in the seizure of 190 kilograms of methamphetamine, 31 firearms and roughly $376,587 in cash.
The defendants were linked to a number of violent white supremacist gangs, including the Aryan Circle, the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, the Aryan Brotherhood, the Soldiers of Aryan Culture, the Dirty White Boys and the Peckerwoods.
Some defendants are also members of or associated with the Hispanic prison and street gang Tango Blast. The indictment doesn’t say why the white supremacists and a Hispanic street gang had partnered.
Federal authorities have been cracking down in white supremacist drug trafficking rings recently. Last year, 89 members of such groups were received a combined 1,070 years in federal prison for their role in a separate methamphetamine distribution operation.
“White supremacist” is the new leftist mantra.
Another loser meme like Russian collusion, Trump impeachment, global warming and rascism.