Why is a summit necessary? We were told that the Paris Climate Agreement was historic and super mega awesome and would solve the issue. No? What will solve it are hundreds of people taking fossil fueled flights to tell us that fossil fuels, and capitalism, are bad? This is António Guterres, the General Secretary of U.N.
The climate strikers should inspire us all to act at the next UN summit
Tens of thousands of young people took to the streets on Friday with a clear message to world leaders: act now to save our planet and our future from the climate emergency.
These schoolchildren have grasped something that seems to elude many of their elders: we are in a race for our lives, and we are losing. The window of opportunity is closing – we no longer have the luxury of time, and climate delay is almost as dangerous as climate denial.
My generation has failed to respond properly to the dramatic challenge of climate change. This is deeply felt by young people. No wonder they are angry.
Thankfully, we have the Paris agreement – a visionary, viable, forward-looking policy framework that sets out exactly what needs to be done to stop climate disruption and reverse its impact. But the agreement itself is meaningless without ambitious action.
That is why I am bringing world leaders together at a climate action summit later this year. I am calling on all leaders to come to New York in September with concrete, realistic plans to enhance their nationally determined contributions by 2020, in line with reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45% over the next decade, and to net zero by 2050.
The summit will bring together governments, the private sector, civil society, local authorities and other international organisations to develop ambitious solutions in six areas: renewable energy; emission reductions; sustainable infrastructure; sustainable agriculture and management of forests and oceans; withstanding climate impacts; and investing in the green economy.
So, we have the Paris agreement, but it was apparently worthless, so they’ll bring together all these people who take long fossil fueled (and mostly taxpayer funded) trips to yap about ‘climate change’ just a few months after they had a big meeting in Poland, the yearly UN IPCC meeting.
This means ending subsidies for fossil fuels and high-emitting agriculture and shifting towards renewable energy, electric vehicles and climate-smart practices. It means carbon pricing that reflects the true cost of emissions, from climate risk to the health hazards of air pollution. And it means accelerating the closure of coal plants and replacing jobs with healthier alternatives so that the transformation is just, inclusive and profitable.
How much in the way of fossil fuels will be used for this meeting? And, of course they want more taxes/fees.
#ClimateStrike for communism.
Don't take my word for it.
Read the sign.#FridaysForFuture #StudentStrike4Climate pic.twitter.com/oRGXsaILTv
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) March 15, 2019
It’s not necessarily for communism, but it’s certainly for destroying capitalism. Go read the signs. Read more on Twitter and Instagram and such.
It is funny, though. Despite all the hysteria on this, in most Democrat leaning cities around the U.S. you weren’t getting more than a couple dozen, maybe 100 students showing up. Heck, many had less. Here in Raleigh, not one news outlet (WRAL, WNCT, WTVD, News and Observer, Spectrum News) bothered to cover the protests here or in Durham nor Chapel Hill. I’m told they were tiny. Across New Jersey the protests were rather tiny. There are also a whole lot of adults appearing at the marches.
And a whole lot of fossil fuels were used to get the kiddies to the demonstrations, along with lots of wooden sign holders made from murdered CO2 sucking trees.
The crisis of climate change is the crisis of Capitalism! We're here with the youth of Canterbury striking for the Climate!#Marxism #socialism
#ClimateStrike pic.twitter.com/x5z8Sp6RCX— Kent Communists (@Kent_Communists) March 15, 2019
incredibly powerful #climatestrike pic.twitter.com/hVUkT5TCaa
— Earther (@EARTH3R) March 15, 2019
Damn, that’s a pretty white crowd appropriating the Black Power fist.

Only white people can be this self-hating and purely stupid at the same time. Yes, crackers, let’s throw away millennia of cultural and technical progress because you don’t understand the weather or economics.
“This means ending subsidies for fossil fuels and high-emitting agriculture and shifting towards renewable energy, electric vehicles and climate-smart practices.
It means carbon pricing that reflects the true cost of emissions, from climate risk to the health hazards of air pollution.
And it means accelerating the closure of coal plants and replacing jobs with healthier alternatives so that the transformation is just, inclusive and profitable.”
That hardly seems to be a call to global communism.
Unless you realize that changing people’s lives like that will require a rapacious dictatorship that will imprison anyone who refuses to comply and has no problem watching millions, perhaps billions, die when vital services can’t reach them.
After all, are they not traitors to Glorious World Socialist Revolution?
This means ending subsidies for fossil fuels and high-emitting agriculture
So, food production in the hands of government (whatever high-emitting agriculture is).
climate-smart practices
Like shutting off heat to people?
It means carbon pricing that reflects the true cost of emissions, from climate risk
Like the carbon indulgences (whoops, offsets) of Albert Gore, The Living Redwood?
Climate risk? People will now pay for a risk?
replacing jobs with healthier alternatives so that the transformation is just, inclusive and profitable.
IOW Welfare. And we’ve seen Lefty justice. The people in the dachas get to do what they want.
Inclusive? Tell it to Kamala.
Profitable? All the white Democrats get all the money.
“Global Warming Provides A Marvelous Excuse For Global Socialism.” – Margaret Thatcher
And that is ALL this is about.
The ‘Warmists’ have been caught in way too many lies to ever take them seriously.
Believe science instead of the Warmists.
They’re called tax breaks, J, tax breaks. Not subsidies
“That hardly seems to be a call to global communism.”
It never does. That’s why it’s insidious. By the time you realize what happened the only way out is to shoot your way out.
Why do you think the left want to confiscate your guns? You can’t shoot your way out if you’ve been disarmed.
So, the “young people” are calling for some sort of action, but when such action was put to a vote, in very liberal Washington state, the voters, all of whom are 18 or older — as in: mostly people who have to do radical things like pay bills and buy groceries — decided that no, thank you very much, they didn’t want to take money out of their pockets for something that might, might! hold climate change down to 1.5º C a hundred years from now. They decided that, yeah, it was more important to take care of their families today.
Which part of the three proposals from the artical are leading to global communism?
The societal transition from fossil-fuels to renewables?
A carbon tax?
Closing coal-burning plants?
The societal transition from fossil-fuels to renewables?
Government regimentation of people’s lives. Severe punishment for those who want to keep their Stingrays and Mustangs. Dependence on government for energy – heat in the winter, who’s allowed to cool their homes in the summer.
A carbon tax?
According to Albert Gore, The Living Redwood, it will weigh in at $15T. That means command economy, government ownership of the means of production.
Closing coal-burning plants?
Government seizure of private property. Impoverishment of large areas.
The NKVD will be needed to “maintain order”.
All three require coercion from government. IOWs, communistic.
Are all taxes “communistic”?
Are all pollution regulations “communistic”?
Red herring alert!
The point is there is no reason for transition, unless one goes to nuclear.
Why is the U.S. subsidizing the U.N, anyway?