…is a bike painted in a horribly sexist color, and we all know that climate change causes sexism, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Animal Magnetism, with a post on daily political stunt news.

…is a bike painted in a horribly sexist color, and we all know that climate change causes sexism, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Animal Magnetism, with a post on daily political stunt news.
16 is a bit marginal.
In the news:
Trump picks Gorsuch, Kavanaugh take opposite sides on 2 of 3 Supreme Court rulings Tuesday. Once again all those fears the left have of a conservative bench running amuck just are not true. Originalists or CONSERVATIVE judges tend to interpret the constitution as it was intended NOT as they want it to be unlike liberal judges.
More terrific news:
Caroline Farrow, a mother of five, said authorities want to have a “taped interview under caution†with her amid reports of transphobic behavior on social media that have prompted a probe under the country’s Malicious Communications Act, which bars offensive, threatening and abusive content online.
This is what the left is driving hard for in the United States. Authoritarianism as they demand over and over people be banned from social media because they do not like their version of free speech. Remember left. What goes around comes around.
Bharara was fired three months into Trump’s presidency after he refused to resign along with dozens of other federal prosecutors who were holdovers from the Obama administration. He appeared on MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber” and talked about his brief and uneasy relationship with Trump that he said started with their first meeting shortly after Trump won.
You see this is how DC works when you get a new prez from a different party. You lose your job. Its like just how it is in DC
“I will tell you one thing, now that it’s been some months,” he said. “I believe based on the information that we have on the president talking to Jim Comey relating to Michael Flynn, the information about the president talking to Jeff Sessions about the case of Joe Arpaio, and how he wanted both of those cases to go away — that had I not been fired, and had Donald Trump continued to cultivate a direct personal relationship with me, it’s my strong belief that at some point, given the history, the president of the United States would have asked me to do something inappropriate.”
GUESS WHAT?? I found this report trashing Trump on FOX NEWS WEBSITE. Again anyone on the right has to start feeling like they are being backed into the proverbial corner in America.
SA typed: “Malicious Communications Act, which bars offensive, threatening and abusive content online.
This is what the left is driving hard for in the United States.”
This is a British law, not the US.
Meanwhile: Conservative Snowflake, Representative Devil Nunes (R-Trump’s Pocket), has sued twitter for allowing tweeters to poke fun at him. This is consistent with his master’s desire to tighten defamation laws and to have the FEC/FCC investigate Saturday Night Live.
Moral: With NuCons, it’s always projection. You worry about British laws controlling hate speech, yet cheer Republican efforts to stifle the free speech of those with differing political views.
SA typed: Again anyone on the right has to start feeling like they are being backed into the proverbial corner in America.
Maybe, just maybe, you might consider that the far-right is PAINTING itself into the proverbial corner. You guys are moving so far right, working toward the white homeland, that even FOX is running scared.
It’s nothing of the sort, J. The suit is against shadow banning, in which Twitter only allows the person who wrote the post to see it, and nobody else. The suit alleges that only conservative comments are banned, not liberal ones. It has absolutely nothing to do with “allowing tweeters to poke fun at him.†As far as the banning, more evidence that the only way libs can win a debate is by not having it
His point, This is what the left is driving hard for in the United States, genius, is that you would love something like that here.
Which always makes me ask, if the Lefties are so right and so smart and have the people on their side and are the wave of the future, why do they need to silence a few bloggers?
Representative Devil Nunes (R-Trump’s Pocket), has sued twitter for allowing tweeters to poke fun at him.
Try again, jerk. I know Fake News is spinning it that way, but the suit is in reference to Twat’s anti-Conservative bias and shadow-banning.
Nunes merely wants Twat’s rules applied evenly. Why are you people so afraid of free speech?
you might consider that the far-right is PAINTING itself into the proverbial corner. You guys are moving so far right, working toward the white homeland, that even FOX is running scared.
Now that’s projection.
With lunatics like Occasional Cortex, Pancho Vanilla, and Hell’s Harem running the Democrat party, you’re the ones who are scared.
Wanna talk about WALKAWAY? Homosexuals leaving the Demos.
BLEXIT? Blacks leaving the Demos.
LEXIT? Latinos (could also be ladies) leaving the Demos.
JEXODUS? Jews leaving the Demos.
You’re the ones in the corner.
Is Alaska the most commie state in America, even the world??
“Alaska is the only place in the world where everyone, rich or poor, young or old, is seen as having equal ownership of land. As equal co-owners, everyone receives an annual cash dividend that represents their share of the revenue derived from their land, through the oil reserves buried under it.
This is not a tax. It is a voluntary contract between the owners of land and the companies who wish to drill into it. The oil companies agree to pay money to Alaska up front as a cost of doing business. As a result, they see less profit than they otherwise would if they were given free access, but they still profit handsomely. Most of this revenue goes to the government of Alaska to spend on government services so as to avoid a state income tax, but a quarter of it bypasses government coffers entirely, and is instead added to the Alaska Permanent Fund.
This fund, which is now over $50 billion in size, is invested and pays out dividends which are equally shared by all Alaskans once a year. This is pre-distribution as opposed to redistribution, because the funds are diverted past state coffers and directly into the hands of people, and as a result Alaska is consistently among the most equal of all US states, with the lowest rates of poverty, and the highest Well-Being Index scores.”
It is a voluntary contract between the owners of land and the companies who wish to drill into it. The oil companies agree to pay money to Alaska up front as a cost of doing business.
ICYMI that’s called a slush fund. Of course, Commies and Socialists have always been crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
The part that’s interesting is it’s a nice way to avoid a big state tax, so it’s a win for the public.
This fund, which is now over $50 billion in size, is invested and pays out dividends which are equally shared by all Alaskans once a year.
If you privatized Social Security, that’s pretty much what it would look like. No means test, but you can’t have everything.
The US government gives earned income credit FOR FREE does that make America a socialist nation?
So Elwood why is it that your famous socialist state VOTES GOP consistently and is a deep red state if they are socialist? I mean after all Free money is the democrats wet dream. I know its yours for sure.
The question I have for you is why would Alaska vote for republicans given their VASTLY COMMUNIST STATE?
The question is simple. the money comes from OIL. WHO hates oil and wants to get rid of it?
Why yes Elwood. That would be democrats including you. YOU think you know whats best for Alaskans in your townhome in Missouri. This has always been the problem with overreaching governments. They think whats good for New Yorkers is good for Alaskans.
Is it fair that Alaska and a dozen other states have oil and gas revenue when other states do not? How can we make this fair. Should Alaska share with Maine and Vermont who have almost no oil and gas revunues. I would think why yes they should. After all that is what democrats want. To redistribute income based upon equality. And in your world its not fair that Alaskans get free money while the other 49 states do not even though Alaska has the highest cost of living in the United States, Canada and all of the Americas.
So they all profit from evil oil? Be careful, or they’ll kick you out of the doomer club.
If Harvey wants to see how stupid he looks to the rest of the universe, all she needs to do is look at today’s Dilbert.
OMG. I would think Dilbert will be banned from every newspaper in the country after making a joke about the impending end of the world. I mean Marvel was absolutely ripped a new one by the SJW feminists because of the Avengers endgame trailer in which Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel is approached by thor who summons his stormbreaker past her head to his hand. She doesn’t flinch and Thor says I like this one.
Now what could be wrong with that? Well in the feminazi’s world Brie Larson was WEARING LIPSTICK AND MAKEUP and it was supposedly ARMAGEDDON. The entire scene is like 5 seconds and the context is missing. Perhaps she was getting dressed to go on a date, have cocktails or whatever and the avengers show up but NOOOOO…… Bria Larson is disrespected for looking amazing. I guess thats mysoginist too on my part for complimenting a woman on her looks.
Lord have mercy.
Are you suggesting commie countries actually “share” the wealth of the land? Ask Venezuelans about how they get dividends from their oil. Actually, what Alaska has is quite Free Market since it was an agreement between the People, the State and the Businesses. It’s free market capitalism with each player working toward his own well being. In this scenario the State acts as the Landlord, the People as the Shareholders and the Oil Companies as the Entrepreneur as well as facilitate the labor. I don’t know how one would arrive at the idea this is “commie” Name a commie country that does this. Hell, in a commie country those people couldn’t even own the land let alone derive profit from it’s mineral rights. Do you know anything at all?
You’ll know when Alaska goes commie when the Democrat-Communist Party gets in power and that “Alaska Permanent Fund” suddenly and quietly disappears (like the Clinton Foundation did) and becomes the “Clinton/Obama Foundation and New Green Deal Fund for the Children” and the citizens of Alaska lose their “dividends” to combat man made glowball warming. And Obama moves into the whitest end of Martha’s Vineyard adjacent to Chelsea Mezvinsky and The Bern.