Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was already mad that the U.S. Senate was going to be debating and voting on her Green New Deal resolution, because how dare lawmakers do that! Notice that co-sponsor, Sen. Ed Markey, is mostly quiet about this, because he’s a pro and understands how the political game is played. AOC was also ticked that they’d dare do this in the Senate because it was a House resolution! Totally forgetting that Markey is a Senator, and submitted it to the Senate. Anyhow
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is on the Senate floor right now discussing @AOC and @SenMarkey's Green New Deal.
These are not photoshopped.
— Waleed Shahid ???? (@_waleedshahid) March 26, 2019
A bit of text to go with that
(Salt Lake Tribune) To poke fun at a liberal plan to tackle climate change, Sen. Mike Lee on Tuesday took to the Senate floor with a poster of President Ronald Reagan riding a dinosaur while firing a machine gun.
No joke.
The Utah Republican, a serious conservative not generally known for prop-supported political stunts, said his point was that the Democrats’ Green New Deal was as absurd as the poster he was showing.
“I rise today to consider the green new deal with the seriousness it deserves,†Lee said.
Wait, it gets better
“I’m not immediately afraid of what the Green New Deal would do to our economy and our government,†Lee said. “After all, this isn’t going to pass, not today, not any time soon certainly. Rather, after reading the Green New Deal, I’m mostly afraid of not being able to get through this speech with a straight face.â€
“The aspirations of the proposal have been called radical. They have been called extreme,†Lee added. “But mostly they’re ridiculous. There isn’t a single serious idea here. Not one.â€
So, Rep Thin Skin had a fit
GOP Senators are using their Congressional allowances to print Aquaman posters for themselves to argue that a #GreenNewDeal saving our nation from climate change is a ‘waste of money’ ????
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 26, 2019
She then went and played the Female Victim Card
Like many other women + working people, I occasionally suffer from impostor syndrome: those small moments, especially on hard days, where you wonder if the haters are right.
But then they do things like this to clear it right up.
If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything.
She’s really not ready to swim in the deep end with the big kids with this kind of whining.
The Daily Caller has the video of Lee’s speech, well worth the watch.
The vote was 0-57 for moving it forward, with 43 Democrats voting present, and Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), Doug Jones (D-Ala.) and Angus King (I-Maine) voting with Republicans against the measure.

What is imposter syndrome??
And if we are all going to die in 12 years, then why worry about the climate, we should be partying.
david7134, I’m just so relieved another half black, queer leftist and victim of intersctionalism was found (after paying $100,000) not guilty of writing a $3500 check to two Nigerians with a note how to pull it off and they had the nooses an bleach. Jussie is friends with Don lemmon and Michele O. He’s above the law. After all America is bigoted. Ask Traitor Bill he’ll tell ya!
See all that “white privilege”? Either a judge was bribed or the prosecutor was. (Surprise! person of color). You pick. Maybe Cameltoe Harris is involved.
I am thinking the shoe shine boy.
According to formwiz, Jussie Smollett has been entirely exonerated.
There’s plenty of evidence against Smiollett.
What’s the evidence against Trump?
formwiz stated:
“in this country, not enough evidence to indict or convict, you’re exonerated. “
Clearly, the prosecution did not have sufficient evidence to convict Smollett.
Therefor, according to formwiz’s own “logic”, Smollett is exonerated.
Clearly, the prosecution does have enough to convict Jussie the queer and the police said so plus they showed us last week. Or did you not see the evidence? Even a corrupt slob like Rahm is against this. It smells as a typical leftist payoff/bribe in a corrupt DemCom city. But being a corrupt Traitor you can’t admit it. Figures. Now you know why no one believes a word you say.
Smollet was exonerated and clearly the victim of a witch hunt.
It could be the prosecutor didn’t feel he had a good enough case.
Sound familiar?
No, the prosecutor apparently didn’t want to press charges after some questionable contact with him.
Not only inaccurate, but also illegal.
I have watched this unfold and it is apparent that someone very, very high pulled strings. That required a significant expenditure of political capital, likely money as well. This would be higher than the state level so who would have the influence to muscle in and change a situation in the way they have. I would start with Obama and group. Now why would they be involved? Old Jess has something they don’t want out, I would start with the fact he may be Obama’s lover.
But Jussie, as his mother’s son, has comrades in high places, and he is a member of the four most protected classes in the country — he’s black, gay, left-wing, and a Trump-hater. In other words, as an oppressed and marginalized victim of an unjust, racist system, he cannot be held accountable.
Mother Janet Harris Smollett taught him well — lies are facts that will happen sometime, somewhere, because America is a racist, oppressive country.
Janet has quite a history of intimate involvement with communists, black supremacists, and Black Panthers, so it is no surprise that Jussie was involved in an anti-Trump hoax with his red diaper baby upbringing. Jussie’s tweets about President Trump during the campaign and after his 2016 victory evoke the hate-filled rants he must have heard every day from his Black Panther mother. A year before he was arrested and charged with a felony count of filing a false police report, Smollett tweeted this message to President Trump:
Shut the hell up you b—- a– nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal s— currently represents America to the world.
Janet Harris Smollett instilled this hate into her children. She was mentored by Julian Bond, a founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center with numerous ties to communist front groups. According to her own son, Janet was tight with the cream-of-the-crop of black radical communists, Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, and Angela Davis.
“To this day, Angela Davis is one of her dearest friends. We’ve spent Mother’s Day with Angela,” said Jussie.
these are the traitors that make up the new Democrat-Communist Party. The Traitor Bills and Elwoods mentors.
But at least Smollett didn’t work with the Russian government to bugger the US electoral process.
Only white guys seemed to be in on that.
Since most people committing similar crimes would not be subject to prosecution, you should make the observation that Smollett was being charged BECAUSE he was Black, gay and famous.
Which white guys do you mean?
Teddy Kennedy, I presume.
Only one working with Russians was Hillary. Need to keep up jeff.
Other alleged perps charged with similar non-violent crimes are usually dismissed. Smollett was semi-famous so made a bigger splash in the media.
Prosecutors have to use discretion in deciding which crimes are worth prosecuting.
Do you think just because someone is charged with a crime that they are guilty?
Elwood you are supporting the corruption of the law. I would expect nothing more from a deranged communist tool. You leftist are really lower than shit.
“The stench of corruption in Chicago surrounding the Jussie Smollett fake “hate crime†case has enraged the police chief, the mayor and everybody else with a sense of justice and propriety. Suspicions have focused on Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, who exchanged text messages with former Michelle Obama chief of staff Tina Tchen shortly after Smollett perpetrated his clumsy hoax:
Just days after Jussie Smollett told Chicago police he had fought off a pair of attackers who targeted him in an apparent hate crime, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx tried to persuade Police Supt. Eddie Johnson to turn the investigation over to the FBI.
Foxx’s call to Johnson came after an influential supporter of the “Empire†actor reached out to Foxx personally: Tina Tchen, a Chicago attorney and former chief of staff for former First Lady Michelle Obama, according to emails and text messages provided by Foxx to the Chicago Sun-Times in response to a public records request.
Tchen passed Foxx’s number to a relative of the actor, and the ensuing conversations with the family member were cited by Foxx last month as the reason she recused herself from Smollett’s prosecution . . .
Text messages show Tchen contacted Foxx on Feb. 1, three days after Smollett said he was jumped by two men as he walked home from a sandwich shop near his Streeterville home. Tchen texted Foxx to set up an early morning phone call.
“I wanted to give you a call on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know. They have concerns about the investigation,†Tchen wrote in a text sent before 5 a.m., seeking to set up a call with Foxx before Tchen left on an 8 a.m. flight to New York.
A few hours later, Foxx received a text from a relative of Smollett, who said she’d received the number from Tchen.
In an interview with the Sun-Times this week, Foxx said that the family member expressed concerns about leaked information about the investigation — information that media outlets attributed to “police sources.â€
“They had no doubt about the quality of the investigation, but believed that the FBI would have a tighter lid on the information,†said Foxx, adding that Johnson initially seemed receptive to the idea of turning the case over to the FBI.
People are angry about this gross miscarriage of justice:”
just a snip from The Other McCain
Notice that Kye is afraid to answer the question put to him by Elwood:
“Do you think just because someone is charged with a crime that they are guilty?”
I wonder why that question terrifies Kye so?
Um, then why are the Feds looking at charging him?
Because tRump was offended.
No, that is a lie.
Like all #regressives, Porter Good makes no attempt to hide his contempt for women, belittling them at every opportunity. AOC did no whining — she pointed out exactly what kind of intellectual lightweight Mike Lee truly is.
Thats like calling the kettle black. Intellectual Lightweight? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
I think Mike Lee is a light weight. What he doesn’t seem to realize is that in AOC and The democrats new world order those animals would be genocided as well. See if they are willing to kill babies after they are born what kind of compassion are they going to have for cows, horses, pigs, donkeys, DOGS, CATS and anything else they can get their hands on that FART METHANE.
AOC is nothing but a whinny little entitled actress bought and paid for by the YOUNG TURKS, Interviewed for the job and then funded by outside sources to primary an establishment democrat who is in bed with corporations. She got 15,000 votes out of a district of over 900,000 people.
She is now on cruise control refusing to take the time to learn about issues, instead using her fame and fortune to have FOUR ETHICS violations lobbed at her, paying her boyfriend out of campaign funds, violating campaign finance laws and still you she is defended by people like you.
We LOVE AOC. PLEASE DEAR LORD I HOPE SHE IS NOT KICKED OUT OF CONGRESS. She is the face of your side of the AISLE. totally clueless and full of dreams that only exist in her head. Keep it coming. I mean seriously the latest poll has Joe Biden 39 percent. Sanders with 24 percent and the rest in single digits as far as democrats favoring who should run against Trump.
TWO OLD WHITE GUYS who will turn off the entire progressive base of the left and many who have said if they are nominated they will vote for Trump. The #WalkAway movement is having a huge Rally in downtown HARLEM tonight, expecting thousands. The democrats are in a mess because of Orange Man BAD.
You are Right Bill Bear, AKA Jeffery, aka Elwood. Trump is horrible…..for the democratic party. They have imploded and are doing nothing but going so far left as to become unelectable in 2020.
Like all #regressives, StillAlive makes no attempt to hide his contempt for women, belittling them at every opportunity. Like Mike Lee, StillAlive is incapable of honest, rational, fact-based discussion — of anything.
Like all Leftists, Whiny The Poo makes no attempt to hide his contempt for people whom her handlers tell her must be destroyed, belittling them at every opportunity. Like Occasional Cortex, Whiny is incapable of honest, rational, fact-based discussion — of anything.
All you have is hate.
Like all Leftists, Whiny The Poo makes no attempt to hide his contempt for people whom her handlers tell her must be destroyed, belittling them at every opportunity. Like Occasional Cortex, Whiny is incapable of honest, rational, fact-based discussion — of anything.
All you have is hate.
The Trump administration just handed Democrats their best 2020 issue
When you’re the opposition party, much of what the administration does will make you angry, even horrified, but you often struggle to make the public share your outrage. Yet every once in a while, the administration will do something so obviously awful that you can only see it as a political gift.
That’s what the Trump administration just decided to do:
In a significant shift, the Justice Department now says that it backs a full invalidation of the Affordable Care Act, the signature Obama-era health law.
It presented its position in a legal filing Monday with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in New Orleans, where an appeal is pending in a case challenging the measure’s constitutionality. A federal judge in Texas ruled in December that the law’s individual mandate “can no longer be sustained as an exercise of Congress’s tax power†and further found that the remaining portions of the law are void. He based his judgment on changes to the nation’s tax laws made by congressional Republicans in 2017. […]
If the Justice Department’s position prevails, it would potentially eliminate health care for millions of people and cause disruption across the U.S. health-care system — from removing no-charge preventive services for older Americans on Medicare to voiding the expansion of Medicaid in most states. A court victory would fulfill Republican promises to undo a prized domestic accomplishment of the previous administration but leave no substitute in place.
Why would the administration do something that is both so substantively horrifying and so politically bonkers? I have a theory, one rooted in President Trump’s unusual approach to both ideology and politics.
But first, let’s be clear about just what it would mean if they prevailed.
This lawsuit was brought by a collection of Republican states, which filed it in a particular district in Texas precisely so it would be heard by Judge Reed O’Connor, who has a well-earned reputation as a partisan Republican. Yet when he did what they wanted and ruled that the entire ACA should be wiped from the books, even many conservatives were aghast (see here or here), as they realized what the fallout would be if their long-standing effort to destroy the ACA were to actually succeed.
And what would that fallout be? Never in our history has the health-care system undergone an upheaval such as what the Trump administration and other Republicans are seeking. It would be an absolute catastrophe for tens of millions of Americans.
The expansion of Medicaid would be rolled back, snatching coverage away from millions of Americans. So would the subsidies that millions more receive to afford coverage. Protections for preexisting conditions? Gone. Insurers would once again be able to deny you coverage if you’ve ever been sick or had an accident. Young people allowed to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26? Not anymore. Women could once again be charged more for insurance than men. Yearly and lifetime caps on coverage would come back, as would the Medicare prescription drug “donut hole.†Rural hospitals would be starved of funding and would close.
That covers just a portion of what the ACA does. There are dozens of other provisions that in the years since the law was passed have profoundly altered the shape of the American health care system. To just chuck it out the window would be an instant cataclysm. As the ordinarily measured Nicholas Bagley puts it, “The notion that you could gut the entire ACA and not wreak havoc on the lives of millions of people is insane.â€
Just a couple of important numbers: As a recent Urban Institute analysis concluded, eliminating the ACA would cause 19.9 million Americans to lose their health coverage. The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that 52 million Americans, or more than a quarter of all non-elderly adults, have a preexisting condition that could shut them out of health coverage were the ACA not in place.
Especially after health care was the most important issue of the 2018 election, in which Republicans desperately tried (and failed) to convince voters that they’d protect people with preexisting conditions, it’s difficult to find words to adequately describe how politically stupid it is for the administration to take this position.
Which brings us to my theory about why such a thing could happen. When he ran for president, Trump made lots of noises that suggested he was something of a moderate, at least on a few issues. He’d claim that he’d protect Medicare and Social Security, and even promised that he’d provide “insurance for everybody.†But no one really took those statements seriously, because it was obvious that outside of trade and immigration, Trump has no particular beliefs about any issues, much less a coherent ideology that guides him.
But instead of producing moderation, Trump’s ideological blurriness led to a more conservative set of administration policies. His own beliefs provide no borders within which his aides are required to work. And since he is so corrupt and personally despicable, many of the more sensible Republican policy wonks who would have staffed a different Republican administration chose to stay away, leaving the administration to be filled either by people who shared Trump’s penchant for self-dealing or by extremist ideologues who correctly surmised that a president who didn’t care about policy would give them free rein to indulge their wildest fantasies.
Now add in the fact that unlike other Republican presidents, Trump sees no political advantage in expanding his support. He firmly believes that his political survival depends only on keeping his most ardent supporters satisfied with what he’s doing while also keeping them agitated and angry at his opponents. So there is never a moment when Trump will say, “Hold on, that’s going too far — moderate and independent voters will be angry if we do that.â€
When you combine these two factors — Trump’s indifference to policy, and his desire to play to his base and only his base — the result is an administration that is in many ways more conservative than any in modern history.
For them, the thought of taking away health coverage from tens of millions of Americans and removing vital protections from tens of millions more isn’t an unfortunate consequence of their effort to destroy the Affordable Care Act; it’s the whole point. That’s what victory looks like to them.
Unless, of course, someone stops them. Don’t be surprised if that someone is Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., who is smart enough to know when the Republican Party needs to be saved from itself. But even if Roberts winds up joining with the liberals on the Supreme Court to rule against the administration and send this abomination of a lawsuit where it belongs, the Democrats just had much of their 2020 campaign written for them.
Oh, right, every American loves IdiotCare so much they’re trying to think of new ways to get out of it.
What happens if RBG and/or The Wise Latina have shuffled off the mortal coil and Amy Coney Barrett and Joan Larsen have replaced them by the time this gets to SCUS? What if Breyer is replaced by Thomas Hardiman?
Roberts likes to go with the flow.
What if the Republicans take health insurance away from tens of millions of Americans?
formwiz simply cannot bring himself to consider that question. Intellectual cowardice is a hallmark of the regressives of the extreme right.
Jeff, or bill, lets just say jerk,
Obama care does not provide health care, only a worthless insurance policy. The reason the Republicans lost the House is that they did not act on the wall or get rid of Obama care. I would say it is not worth having the election in 2020 as Trump is going to win big, so why waste the money.
“Obama care does not provide health care, only a worthless insurance policy.”
david7134 has made an interesting allegation. Now we need to find out if he can back up that claim with facts.
david7134 claims that health insurance policies purchased on the Federal exchange are “worthless”. That would mean that they do not provide the benefits that they are advertised to provide.
Plans available through the exchange can be reviewed here:
I challenge david7134 to select five different plans — any five he likes — and provide documentary evidence that these plans routinely fail to pay the benefits they claim to provide.
Now we know for sure than Bill and Jeff are the same. He used the same idiotic method of irritating everyone and using his give me 5 examples rheortic. Jeff, as an expert and well versed in these issues, I can state without some ridiculous search on the web that my statements are true. You have to provide contrary evidence. Your only claim to medical experience is as a pharmacist. That is zero ability to make an analysis of anything except pill counting techniques. Now to will put on your little girl panties and start saying stupid things about not giving evidence of lying. I could give a damn. I don’t understand why you are on this site as all you do is lie and call people names. It would be nice to hear a liberal view for their ignorance and stupidity, but you can’t even do that.
If you’re talking Medical Assistance, nobody said they would, but the Lefties have to scare people with something, so they get their vote, right?
Jeffey, Why do you keep changing your handle?
There was a guy on the Interwebz who called himself Montana Urban Legend who kept changing his handle, but everybody knew who it was. He was annoying, but he could be original.
At least he didn’t copy and paste what some trollmassa told him.
Jeffery is trying to show she is a Man for All Seasons.
She’s lucky she gets Tuesday right.
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is considered an intellectual heavyweight by the GOP.
How funny and sad. Bittersweet actually.
Rep Ocasio-Cortez summed it up best: “If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything.”
Drop.The.Mike. (umm… Mic).
Using Occasional Cortex as your rebuttal is what’s funny and sad.
Even the Demos want her out.
Other alleged perps charged with similar non-violent crimes are usually dismissed. Smollett was semi-famous so made a bigger splash in the media.
Prosecutors have to use discretion in deciding which crimes are worth prosecuting.
Do you think just because someone is charged with a crime that they are guilty?
Obviously you do.
“Obama care does not provide health care, only a worthless insurance policy.â€
david7134 has made an interesting allegation. Now we need to find out if he can back up that claim with facts.
david7134 claims that health insurance policies purchased on the Federal exchange are “worthlessâ€. That would mean that they do not provide the benefits that they are advertised to provide.
Plans available through the exchange can be reviewed here:
I challenge david7134 to select five different plans — any five he likes — and provide documentary evidence that these plans routinely fail to pay the benefits they claim to provide.
You want evidence? I don’t see mobs in the streets protesting the possible dissolution of IdiotCare.
This is like Mule Ears.
Be glad it’s over and walk away. The whole Lefties are never wrong rap is how you guys become laughingstocks for decades at a time.
david7134 wrote:
“I can state without some ridiculous search on the web that my statements are true. You have to provide contrary evidence.”
False. The burden of proof is on the individual who makes the claim.
david7134 has claimed that health insurance policies purchased on the Exchanges are worthless. very well — let him provide evidence.
PRO TIP: Repeating the claim is not evidence. Neither is a claim to be an “expert” (again, made without evidence).
“Your only claim to medical experience is as a pharmacist.”
False. I have never claimed to be a pharmacist.
Plans available through the exchange can be reviewed here:
I challenge david7134 to select five different plans — any five he likes — and provide documentary evidence that these plans routinely fail to pay the benefits they claim to provide.
Plans mean nothing. It’s a promise and we all know how the government does with promises.
Just ask an Indian. And apparently Whiny The Poo doesn’t understand insurance anymore than Zippy does. It’s supposed to get you the care you need, not dispense checks.
It’s follow through that counts and I have yet to hear any great groundswell of support for an American version of the NHS.
BTW For those wondering, some of the Establishment Demos have put out the word it’s time to get back to real issues and away from the ones that make them look like the idiots they are.
Insurance plans on the Exchanges are offered by provate insurance companies, not the US Government.
Plans available through the exchange can be reviewed here:
I challenge formwiz to select five different plans — any five he likes — and provide documentary evidence that these plans routinely fail to pay the benefits they claim to provide.
“I challenge formwiz to select five different plans — any five he likes — and provide documentary evidence that these plans routinely fail to pay the benefits they claim to provide.”
Right after you’ve selected five different plans-any plans you like- and provide documentary evidence the plans routinely pay 100% of all the claims submitted and have not raised their rates as promised and cover all doctors as promised.
You are the supreme artist of bullshit challenges. This is an internet blog ass hole, not a college dissertation.
The claim has been made that Exchange plans are “worthless”.
I have merely issued a challenge to back up that claim with facts.
Kye, of course, is terrified of fact-based discussion, and has once again advertised his fear of same.
They are worthless. I use Blue Cross blues shield of my state.
My premium for me and my family is 653.00 per month for a family of 5. I have an out of pocket expense of 15,800.00 per year. The plan pays 80 percent after my out of pocket costs which include the 12×653.00 per year.
I can afford to be sick. A family of five who makes very little money buys an exchange program that gives the very basics for very cheap. For very cheap they get very little and in fact any kind of serious illness is going to bankrupt them or have their wages garnished for years.
Obamacare sucks. It has destroyed the insurance for all of us and I blame both sides.
My insurance does pay very well for basics but any kind of serious illness and I am out thousands of dollars.
In years past we had insurance plans that paid 90 percent with an out of pocket maximum of only 250.00 per person and a maximum of 500.00 per family before the 90 percent paid everything. They were called Cadillac plans which Obama and the democrats wanted to bust because they were so good. Very good plan and the price was 750.00 per month.
MY 653. a month plan is half as good as that and if I can easily end up paying several thousand out of pocket dollars if I get seriously sick because of built in limits to the plan.
Obamacare sucks. It needs to be fixed. Seriously fixed.
Well, if IdiotCare makes it too expensive to see your doctor, I’d call that worthless.
And Kye will discuss facts, but Whiny The Poo only wants to hear things he likes.
Yes, but it’s all filtered through what the Idiots running IdiotCare want to offer.
Notice that Kye still has not mustered the courage to answer the question put to him by Elwood:
“Do you think just because someone is charged with a crime that they are guilty?â€
I wonder why that question terrifies Kye so?
Obviously, you think it does if that person is a white Republican.
I wonder why they terrify Whiny The Poo so.
PS That’s a statement, not a question, so I take it english grammar is another area in which you are deficient.
Nothing “terrifies” me you little bitch. I was in Vietnam when you were in daddy’s balls. No, I do not think just because someone is charged with a crime they are guilty. Are you so stupid Traitor Bill, you think I do?
You just spent three years masturbating about the guilt of a man WHO WASN’T EVEN CHARGED WITH A CRIME and insisted he was all sorts of guilty.
But you know as well as the rest of us Jussie the fag is a liar and set the whole thing up. They showed the $3500 check, the two Nigerians admitted it and he was all set to go to trial until his queer-black-leftist privilege got somebody paid off.
Your entire Party is nothing but favoritism and corruption. Especially anything in Chicongo.
Are you OK? You’ve been getting increasingly agitated with violent ideation.
You don’t have plans to start shooting “traitors”, “leftists”, “DemComs” or “fags” do you?
Killing those they hate is a primary ambition of regressive extremists like Kye. Of course he wants to kill us, Elwood. That’s why he spends so much energy dehumanizing us — it silences whatever shriveled, dead remnants of a conscience still stuffed in a back corner of his pathetic excuse for a soul.
I told everyone it would happen. Jeff is now talking with himself.
The walls are closing in.
You can’t fool us. There can’t be three souls as worthless as you three.
“No, I do not think just because someone is charged with a crime they are guilty.”
Ah, at last an answer. Perhaps Kye checked between the sofa cushions and found where he’d dropped his intellectual courage.
“But you know as well as the rest of us Jussie the fag is a liar and set the whole thing up.”
Actually, no, I do not. The charges were dropped, and there was no trial.
But I do think it’s interesting that Kye took this opportunity to remind us — yet again — that he is a bigot and a hatemonger. I wonder what compelled him to advertise his character deficiencies this time?
This is what Porter Good and his kind wish for: millions of Americans without health care coverage, billions of dollars of additional drain on the economy… all because they hate the man who brought the plan into existence.
That’s what the Right is in America now — a movement devoted entirely to hatred and hurting other people.
What will happen if the Trump administration wins the lawsuit to repeal Obamacare?
Nearly every U.S. resident would be impacted in some way if the Trump administration gets its way and the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) is invalidated in court.
Susan Lyon of California, for example, is deeply concerned for her husband and business partner who has Parkinson’s disease. Without the ACA, she suspects her insurance would charge a lot more because of her husband’s pre-existing condition. She purchases health insurance through the ACA’s Small Business Health Options Program, meaning premium spikes would affect all nine of her full-time employees.
“It’s just terrifying†Lyon told ThinkProgress. “I have to put a lot of time and energy into this and this is energy I’m not putting into the business.â€
She’s even planned for a scenario where her husband loses insurance because of his medical condition: He’d leave the family business to try to get on disability until he is eligible for Medicare in a decade.
“Somebody with lifetime employment — they just really don’t understand what it’s like,†said Lyon, referring to Supreme Court justices.
It terrifies Elena Hung of Maryland that there’s even the slightest possibility that insurers can reinstate lifetime dollar limits on benefits and discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions. While her daughter Xiomara has multiple, serious health issues, she’s always been able to get the care she needs because she was born after ACA.
“I wasn’t worried about our medical bills. I wasn’t sitting here trying to sell things so I can pay for her bills or worry about unpaid bills — that’s what the ACA has meant for so many families and to have that under threat is just absolutely devastating,†said Hung, co-founder of the advocacy organization Little Lobbyists.
Hung became an activist the last time the ACA was in peril — when Republicans tried to repeal the ACA and replace it with something far less comparable. Now, the health insurance of millions is at risk thanks to a federal judge in Texas who ruled last year that no part of the ACA could stand without the individual mandate, a tax penalty imposed on those who opt not to have insurance.
Republicans eliminated the mandate in their 2017 tax bill. While the Texas judge’s decision won’t actually take effect until it goes through the appeals process, the Trump administration sided with the judge; the administration said as much in a letter deeming the entire 2010 health law unconstitutional.
President Donald Trump told reporters on Wednesday the lawsuit gives the GOP another chance at health care, saying “if the Supreme Court rules that Obamacare is out, we will have a plan that is far better than Obamacare.â€
Unlike the GOP health bill, activists likely won’t be able to influence the decision in a lawsuit.
“The attacks are coming from all different areas and so it’s hard to say when that peace of mind is — when we can all collectively breath again,†Hung told ThinkProgress.
Meanwhile, people are frightened. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that over half of the public are very concerned that they or someone in their family will pay more for health care if the courts side with the Trump administration. Nearly half are worried that they or a family member will lose coverage altogether. So, while it’s tempting to focus on the politics of it all — with some framing the issue as a win for Democrats eager to best Trump on health care — it’s important to remember real people stand to lose.
The number of uninsured people would increase by 21 million people, or 70 percent
Roughly 21.2 million more people will lose health insurance should the ACA be struck down — that’s an increase of about 70 percent, according to an Urban Institute analysis. People who purchased health care on the exchanges with federal subsidies or gained coverage through Medicaid expansion are most at risk.
The effects vary considerably by state. People living in states where officials embraced the ACA and thus reduced their uninsured populations would experience the greatest relative loss. For example, the number of uninsured in Kentucky would increase by nearly 151 percent, or to 379,000 people, compared with only a 12 percent increase in South Dakota which, as the researchers note, has not expanded Medicaid eligibility and has had low enrollment.
Black and Latinx people made major gains under the ACA and would be among the hardest hit. While there’s definitely room for improvement, the ACA helped lower the uninsured rate for black residents by more than one-third between 2013 to 2016, or from 18.9 to 11.7 percent, according the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.
Uncompensated care would increase by $53.3 billion
Substantial increases in the number of uninsured means increases in the demand of uncompensated care. Care provided to people who can’t pay for it is financed by the federal, state, and local governments, as well as by health providers.
“Funding for uncompensated care is not guaranteed to increase to meet this additional demand; consequently, a significant share of this increased demand could translate into further unmet medical need,†according to the Urban Institute.
Millions have pre-existing conditions that insurance companies can use as basis to deny coverage
As many as 133 million U.S. residents may have a pre-existing condition. Without the protections granted by the ACA, these individuals are at risk of losing coverage, as insurance companies may choose to deny health coverage or charge higher premiums, according to a government study. Pre-existing conditions includes common medical ailments, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, or chronic lung disease.
While far from perfect, the ACA — all 900-plus pages — is intertwined with the health care system. The health law is also critical to solving the opioid crisis and even the president’s own plan to reduce prescription drug costs. As the president roots for the Supreme Court to strike down the ACA, it’s critical to take note of the human consequences.
Bill or jeff,
Nice collection of lies.
Because that is what liars do.
So, let’s examine david7134’s claim that the article is nothing but lies.
The ACA requires insurers to cover patients with pre-existing conditions. The article states that “Without the protections granted by the ACA, these individuals are at risk of losing coverage, as insurance companies may choose to deny health coverage or charge higher premiums”.
Does david7134 claim that, if the ACA is struck down and there is no requirement for coverage of pre-existing conditions, insurance companies would under no circumstances deny coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions?
Let’s sit back now and watch as david7134 refuses to conduct a rational, adult, fact-based discussion of his accusation. He can be expected to respond with nothing but ad hominem attacks and half-witted evasion.
I just now watched the entire Senator Lee debacle. Yikes. It’s worse than we first thought. This is how GOP Senators spend their time? America’s last remnant of hope is rending before our eyes.
But he did add a tool to the GOP toolbox for Making America Great Again. In addition to tax cuts for the rich, he proposes Falling in Love, Getting Married, and Having Babies.
More babies today (and he said American babies!) means more future adults to solve global warming. Brilliant!!