You can thank the Open Borders advocates for creating a situation where people from Central and South America attempt to storm our borders
CBP commissioner visits El Paso border, says immigration system at ‘breaking point’
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan said the border has hit it’s “breaking point” during a visit to El Paso.
A huge influx of Central American migrants has made the El Paso Sector the second-busiest location on the U.S.-Mexico border.
McAleenan spoke Wednesday morning along the border in the Chihuahuita neighborhood in Downtown El Paso.
The immigration system “breaking point has arrived this week,” McAleenan said.
“CBP is facing an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis all along our Southwest Border — and nowhere has that crisis manifested more acutely than here in El Paso,” McAleenan said.
In the past two mornings, border officers took more than 12,000 migrants into custody along the border, McAleenan said.
“A high number is 4,000 — 6,000 is crisis level,” McAleenan said. “Twelve thousand is unprecedented. On Monday, we saw the highest total of apprehensions and encounters in years, with over 4,000 in a single day.”
He continued, “We are now on pace for over 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants, with 90 percent — 90,000 — crossing the border illegally between ports of entry. March will be the highest month in over a decade.”
Realistically, they should be checked for medical issues, given a hot meal, and sent back to the other side of the border. But, we can’t really even do that, because if we let them across the border to check them out and feed them then they will claim asylum and they have to be given a hearing, which means they’ll have to stay in America till then, and there are only so many detention beds. And Open Borders groups will sue to get them released, at which point the illegals will disappear and fail to appear for their hearings.
He said that 10 to 15 percent of migrants have legitimate asylum claims, but it will take years for those claims to be heard in court.
The problem there is that most of them who qualify are also the dregs of their society, and will immediately be on government support, diverting aid from legal U.S. citizens who need that help.
While 65 percent of border crossings are families and children surrendering to agents, the rest are adults trying to evade capture, including some with criminal backgrounds, McAleenan said.
This is the new method, as pushed by the Open Borders groups, which tell the migrants to show up and demand asylum. And then, when they disappear into America, the same groups say we should give them amnesty.

Isn’t the whole idea under the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” to bust the assets and abilities of our government beyond the breaking point and usher in the Age of New Communism? They’ve broken our education system, overloaded our welfare state are in the process of destroying our health care system so why would anyone be surprised at the destruction of our border security. Throw in mass disinformation by the propaganda arm of the DemCom state known as “the Fake News media” and most non-thinking Americans (i.e. leftists like Traitor Bill and El Wood) have no ability to think. Mission accomplished for the seditionists.
Kye, of course, is again using eliminationist rhetoric, as defined by David Neiwert:
As I’ve explained previously, eliminationism first is expressed in rhetoric, and then that rhetoric inspires action. It’s a rhetorical twofer, expressing both contempt (placing the target beneath them) and disgust (evoking the impulse to purify).
Eliminationist rhetoric has very distinct and immediately identifiable traits. It always depicts its opposition as simply beyond the pale, and in the end the embodiment of evil itself – unfit for participation in their vision of society, and thus in need of elimination.
It often depicts its designated “enemy†as vermin (especially rats and cockroaches or lice).
It also associates them with disease, depicting them either as diseases outright or as carriers of horrible diseases such as leprosy. We have seen multiple recent examples of this, thanks again to Lou Dobbs and Fox.
At other times, it depicts them as “invaders†or their presence as an “invasionâ€:
A slightly less virulent variation on this are claims that the opponents are traitors (who will “stab us in the backâ€) or criminals, or gross liabilities for our national security, and thus inherently fit for elimination or at least incarceration.
Regardless, any target of eliminationist rhetoric is depicted as a threat to the purity of the community – with clear sexual overtones. They are often depicted as threats to “virtuous white womanhood†– that is, potential rapists.
And yes, it’s often voiced as crude “jokesâ€, the humor of which, when analyzed, is inevitably predicated on a venomous hatred.
The most important aspect of eliminationism, however, is how it functions, i.e., what it does: It creates permission. And what it creates permission for, ultimately, is the unleashing of our darkest id, our violence. It’s easier to kill something you see as vermin.
=== end quote ===
Emphasis mine.
I’m not using anything, ass hole. I’m giving my opinion on how the radical left is using the Cloward-Piven Strategy to undermine our country and it’s social, cultural and legal infrastructure. Instead of trying to play a psychiatrist on the internet you’d be better served participating in the discussion or just ignoring it because we are not impressed with your “diagnosis”.
If you want to see “venomous hatred” you should take a good long look in the mirror. Had you not started calling everyone here hateful and marginalizing names months ago you might be on better terms today. It’s not too late to start. You can begin by finding a way to withhold you impulse to call everyone a liar who makes a mistake, misquotes or simply disagrees with ya.
Just think, you formulated a large comment, you spent time researching and typing, yet it means nothing. Your application of this statement has nothing to do with anything real. You are responding to voices in your head that no other can hear. Your statement does not enlighten us in any way. You have not added to the discourse other than to show how silly and ignorant liberals are. Why don’t you explain why you and Jeff are racist and support the creation of a stratified society with a clear royalty and elite class that is above The law.
nurse dave typed: you spent time researching and typing, yet it means nothing
Well sure it means nothing to you. As a Con Man, nothing means anything to you unless you already believe it. Facts and evidence mean nothing to the Con Man. It’s how we diagnose ConManism. You’re a conmanist.
Can you do anything but whine about others? Why not discuss a topic?
Yes this is actually what the demorcrats do. Don’t let Bill Bear make you mad. That is what trolls do. They hit you with facts that sometime are irrelevant. His elimination rhetoric is exactly the tactic being used by the Left and the SJW culture which is now eating itself.
The left including Bill Bear are in panic mode as members of their own tribe are cannibalizing each other over remarks they make. For example Rahm Emmanuel is outraged over Jesse Smollet and it being savaged for daring to be so against the SJW warriors who then enter cannibal stage and eat anyone alive who dares stand up and voice their opinions.
Bill Bear uses the same tactic. He cannibalizes anyone who expresses an opinion. Ignore him. He is nothing. Less than nothing. A sad creature most likely cowering in his basement in rage or more likely a paid lackey of George Soros funded PAC groups which were very prevalent during the Obama administration, filling web logs constantly trashing anyone who dared to attack Progressivism or Obama himself.
Ignore him. He is only as important AS YOU MAKE HIM. Stop empowering him.
“His elimination rhetoric is exactly the tactic being used by the Left and the SJW culture”
False. Elmininationist rhetoric such as that employed by Kye is almost entirely a product of the extreme far right of the political spectrum.
Mangoldielocks is lying, of course.
That’s what liars do.
They are all trying to get in before the rules change.
Kye wrote:
“I’m not using anything, ass hole.”
False, of course. Any written or spoken communication employs rhetoric of some variety. The eliminationist rhetoric that Kye employs is, as noted above, designed to give permission — to Kye and others of like mind — to eventually employ violence against those with whom they disagree.
No, that is simply your assessment. Since we know you are mentally unstable, that substantially reduces your ability to understand and evaluate.
Are you aware that 75% of black boys in California can not read or write. How is that applicable to our discussions. It shows the utter failure of liberals to accomplish even the most fundamental and important task even when large amounts of money are readily available and there is almost 100% support.
“Are you aware that 75% of black boys in California can not read or write.”
david7134 provides no factual evidence for his claim. Given his consistent mendacity, there is no reason to believe his claim until such evidence is provided.
If I had a measure of respect for you and your opinion, then I might provide more. But it is worthless, all you are here for is to be argumentative. How that turns you on is beyond me, but your appearance is the same as jeff, you are both low information fools. Keep making your very long comments, they are funny and full of lies and incorrect material. If this is how you spend your life, it is pathetic.
Actually, david7134 is not providing evidence for his claim because he cannot provide evidence for his claim. Everything else he says is a transparent attempt to camouflage the fact that he can’t support his nonsensical allegation.
Liars are like that.
Are you really that stupid?
Exactly where in that crazy little brain of yours did you hear or read me giving “permission permission — to Kye and others of like mind — to eventually employ violence against those with whom they disagree”? You realize it is your side who perpetrated “violence” on people all through the last century, don’t you? So why are you dragging me-“and others of like mind” into the conversation?
Do you often hear these voices talking in your head?
Are you willing to live peacefully with your fellow citizens who hold political views from your own? Or do you wish all those awful liberal/progressive/Democrats were gone?
Do you believe that Rep Ocasio-Cortez is less American or less patriotic than you?
Do you believe that “Black fags” are less American than you?
If Don Trump were to declare himself King of America with the support of the military, and if he invited his supporters to start eliminating fake news/commies/seditionists and traitors, would you support that?
It is you and your bunch that use violence. Occasional Cortex is amusing and goes to show the stupidity of your positions. She is definite a treasure to Trump as she has made his re-election certain.
“It is you and your bunch that use violence.”
False. Right-wing extremists have killed far more Americans in recent years than left-wing or Islamist attackers.
david7134 is lying.
That’s what liars do.
Neo-Nazi sympathizer pleads guilty to federal hate crimes for plowing car into protesters at Charlottesville rally
CHARLOTTESVILLE — An avowed neo-Nazi who killed one woman and injured 35 other people when he plowed his car into a group of counterprotesters at an infamous white-supremacist rally here pleaded guilty to hate crimes in federal court Wednesday.
James Alex Fields Jr., 21, of Ohio admitted guilt to 29 of 30 counts in a federal indictment as part of a deal with prosecutors, who agreed they would not seek the death penalty in a case that has come to symbolize the violent resurgence of white supremacism in the United States. Fields is set to be sentenced July 3.
Late last year, Fields was convicted in state court of first-degree murder and other charges for killing Heather D. Heyer, 32, and injuring dozens at the chaotic Unite the Right rally on Aug. 12, 2017. The jury in that case recommended a life sentence, and a state judge is scheduled to formally impose it in mid-July.
Admitting guilt to hate crimes marks a dramatic shift for Fields, whose attorneys argued during his trial in state court that he sped toward the crowd out of fear for his safety and confusion. They said he immediately regretted his actions.
On Wednesday, Fields, who has grown a bushy beard in the months since his state trial, entered a federal courtroom here in a gray-and-white-striped prisoner’s jumpsuit and handcuffs. He spoke only to answer a judge’s questions and displayed no emotion during the hour-long hearing.
Susan Bro, Heyer’s mother, said after the hearing she was satisfied with the result.
“There’s no point in killing him. It would not bring back Heather,†Bro said.
“It’s a relief to think we don’t have to go through another trial. It was exhausting the first time. I can get on with my life, and the other victims can, too.â€
Thomas T. Cullen, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Virginia, said he was gratified that Fields finally admitted he was motivated by hate, calling the crime “an indelible mark on the city of Charlottesville, our state and our country.â€
Fields pleaded guilty to one count of a hate crime that resulted in the death of Heyer and 28 counts of hate crimes that caused injuries and involved attempts to kill other people in the crowd. Each of the 29 counts carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. Attorney General William P. Barr approved the deal.
The events began on Aug. 11 when far-right groups mounted a torchlight march through the University of Virginia campus shouting racist and anti-Semitic slogans, including, “Jews will not replace us!â€
Fields was already on his way to Charlottesville, arriving the next day for a white-supremacist rally that was nominally held to protest the planned removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.
The event, involving hundreds of marchers, generated national media attention after rallygoers carrying Nazi flags and shouting racial epithets clashed violently with throngs of counterprotesters. Police eventually dispersed the groups.
A short time later, Fields was seen driving his gray Dodge Charger up to a group of counterprotesters on a narrow street. He slowly backed up and then accelerated down a hill directly into the group.
Harrowing video, which was played at Fields’s state trial, shows protesters tumbling and screaming as the car slams into them. Fields then reversed at a high speed, hitting and dragging others. Someone repeatedly yelled: “Oh, God! Oh, God!â€
Heyer was killed, while others were seriously wounded. One woman who limped to the witness stand at Fields’s state trial testified she had five surgeries and was about to undergo a sixth. Another described a broken pelvis and a third how he pushed his fiancee out of the way before he was hit by the Dodge.
At the state trial, a mental health expert detailed Fields’s psychiatric disorders dating to early childhood.
He did not deny running into the crowd, but his attorneys argued that he acted to protect himself. Prosecutors forcefully countered that argument, and the jury at the six-day trial rejected the defense.
Jurors were shown a deleted Instagram post by Fields shared three months before that crash that featured a car running into a group of people. A caption read: “You Have the Right to Protest, But I’m Late for Work.â€
A state prosecutor also showed a blown-up image of Fields in his car to counter the idea that he was frightened when he acted.
“This is not the face of someone who is scared,†a state prosecutor said at the time. “This is the face of anger, of hatred. It’s the face of malice.â€
As part of the plea agreement in federal court, prosecutors said Fields admitted that before the rally, he had used social media to “express and promote white supremacist views†including admiration for the racial-purity doctrine of Adolf Hitler. They said he used those accounts to “espouse violence against African Americans, Jewish people, and members of other racial, ethnic and religious groups he perceived to be non-white.â€
[From wary observer to justice warrior: How Heather Heyer’s death gave her mom a voice]
After Wednesday’s federal court hearing, Bro was asked whether Heyer’s killing had raised the community’s consciousness about racial disparities.
“Sadly, it took a white girl dying before anyone paid attention to civil rights around here,†she told reporters. “I wish we had woken up sooner.’
But Bro did describe one moment of healing. When asked whether she had ever come in contact with Fields’s mother, Bro said she had seen her just once, at the state trial.
“She looked at me, and I looked at her,†Bro said. “I said, ‘I’m sorry.’ She said, ‘I’m sorry.’ â€