Well, AG Barr didn’t actually say shut up, he just implied it. It would be more fun if Barr was more like Trump, then he would have told the Democrats to cool their jets and untwist their granny panties due to the constant whining about releasing the full report
‘Everyone will soon be able to read it,’ Barr says of Mueller report
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report detailing his investigation of President Trump and Russia’s election interference will be delivered to Congress by mid-April, Attorney General William P. Barr said Friday in a letter to lawmakers offering important new details about how the document will be edited before its public release.
“Everyone will soon be able to read it on their own,†Barr wrote.
Barr’s new letter lays out a timeline for the next steps of the hotly-debated process by which Justice Department officials are sharing the nearly 400-page report.
In the letter, Barr said he does not plan to submit the report to the White House for review.
“Although the president would have the right to assert privilege over certain parts of the report, he has stated publicly that he intends to defer to me and, accordingly, there are no plans to submit the report to the White House for a privilege review,†Barr wrote. (snip)
Since that Sunday letter, Democrats have demanded to see Mueller’s full report immediately — and they have threatened to issue a subpoena for the document if they don’t get it by Tuesday.
That second to last paragraph is rather important, as it means there really isn’t anything that will hurt Trump and his team. It means that the full release of the Mueller report will be another Big Letdown for the Russia Russia Russia crowd, though, as Rush always says, don’t doubt me on this, Democrats will seize on the redactions and caterwaul over them. Barr is also offering to testify in front of Congress on it. Democrats are not going to get the Muellermas they thought. If they were smart, they’d just admit defeat and move on. “Russian collusion? What are you talking about? You’re weird.” They won’t.
Meanwhile, at the NY Times we get this piece written by Alexey Kovalev, who is not an NHL player, but a Russian journalist
Russians Always Knew There Was No Collusion
Russians weren’t waiting for Robert Mueller’s report with quite the same excitement as Americans.
Russian state media’s coverage of Donald Trump’s campaign and presidency has vacillated between breathless adoration, mockery and outrage, but one thing has been consistent: The idea of Russia electing and controlling an American president has always been deemed absurd. Most references to the Mueller inquiry and the Trump-Russia story in state media are preceded by a qualifier: “the so-called Russia investigation,†as the prominent TV host Dmitry Kiselyov puts it.
It’s not just the state media that has rejected the idea that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia. Even liberals and opponents of President Vladimir Putin have been deeply skeptical, pointing out that Russia’s ruling circles are barely competent enough to prop themselves up, let alone manipulate a superpower.(snip)
Alexey Pushkov, a former diplomat and a political analyst, tweeted to his 360,000 followers on Tuesday, following the release of Attorney General William Barr’s summary of the report: “The results of Mueller’s investigations are a disgrace to the U.S. and their political elite. It’s now confirmed that all their allegations have been plucked out of thin air. The media have played a shameful role of lie-mongers in a campaign built on lies. The adherents of this conspiracy theory are discredited. Only an idiot can believe them now.â€
The rest if good. Of course, collusion conspiracists will say “well, that’s what those involved in collusion would say, wouldn’t they?” Probably starting with Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff.

A redacted version to protect the Grand Jury and innocent people whose names would appear in the report and the conspiratorial left would then dox them and burn their houses down.
Several on the left have called for an unredacted version to be released. They know the report is full of classified information and there is no way BARR will release the full version. SO when its released in redacted form, the left will scream. See!!! TRUMPS AG is hiding all the bad stuff that would prove Trump is the new head of the KGB.
Take it to the bank. Once the REDACTED version hits, Jeffery and Bill will be screaming the lefts mantra that the AG is hiding the truth.
Additionally the left will be allowed to read the complete version in a secret room where it is impossible for them to heist the contents. They will come out and say all kinds of horseshit and WHO CAN PROVE THEM WRONG? I mean they can say Trump is from Venus and intends to start WW3 IF he loses the election and if its in a report that no one but them can look at. Who can prove them wrong.
ITS perfect for them. They get two more years of calling trump a Treasonous KGB agent.
Trump’s campaign colluded, conspired, cooperated with the Russian government, but so what. No one cares.
The TRumpists are trying to inoculate (NO COLLUSION!! COLLUSION DELUSION! HILLARY!! LOCK THEM UP!!) against the coming embarrassing rehash of The Trump Tower Meeting, Manafort, Jr, Trump’s lies, Kislyak, Steele dossier, Wikileaks, Moscow hotel, Putin, Cohen yada yada yada. It’s all baked in and no one but his base cares. We all know what Trump is.
Bigger threats to Trump/NuCons is the stalling economy, the GOP healthcare mess and global warming.
Golly gee, Harvey wants this to go on forever.
I forget which of the cartoon characters I mentioned this to last night, but it still applies.
People are tired of this. It’s over. It didn’t work.
the stalling economy, the GOP healthcare mess and global warming.
All those Help Wanted signs scream, “Recession”, I hear nobody complaining about healthcare except people with IdiotCare, and nobody, but nobody, believes about global bull except the climate psychos.
PS If the economy is stalling, why do we have all this?
Here’s the extent of J’s “proof†of his never ending assertions. Look out, Trump.
“Proof” beyond a reasonable doubt, certainly not according to Barr and Mueller. But “no indictment” is not the same as “no evidence”.
In my opinion OJ murdered two people but American justice saw it otherwise. Most Americans understand that the Trump campaign had a series of one-night stands with Russian evildoers, e.g., Donald Jr. solicited political “dirt” on Secretary Clinton from Russians associated the Russian government. The Special Counsel did not see that as criminal (at this time), but we can all agree it was sleazy – sort of like banging porn stars while your wife is raising your infant son – legal but sleazy – and as part of a whole, perhaps a sign of a rotted personality.
“No collusion… no conspiracy”
Doesn’t get any clearer than that.
And if there was evidence, Mule Ears would still be bilking the Ammerican taxpayer.
Most Americans understand that the Trump campaign had a series of one-night stands with Russian evildoers, e.g., Donald Jr. solicited political “dirt†on Secretary Clinton from Russians associated the Russian government. The Special Counsel did not see that as criminal (at this time), but we can all agree it was sleazy – sort of like banging porn stars while your wife is raising your infant son – legal but sleazy – and as part of a whole, perhaps a sign of a rotted personality.
Says someone who has a similar cloud above her head.
And most Americans do not believe that the Trump campaign had a series of one-night stands with Russian evildoers (Russian evildoers, says the Commie who wants to turn the country into a gulag for white men). Polls tell us that.
The rotted personality is the one who needs to tell lies about Lefty causes and defame anyone who stands in the way because the truth does not support her.
So in other words, nothing. Anyway, if the Russians did influence the election, even more need for voter ID. But what’s still interesting is many libs, when talking about the Russians, say “they didâ€, but offer no specifics (because there aren’t any) on how exactly they influenced the way people voted. Exactly what mechanism was used? They still have the inconvenient conundrum of “the Russians helped Trump win†mantra, but yet Hillary still won the popular vote. Those Russians sure are tricky…
“Trump’s campaign colluded, conspired, cooperated with the Russian government, but so what. No one cares.”
According to Mueller they did not. E-x-o-n-e-r-a-t-e-d! No collusion, no conspiracy (except the one from the Hillary/obama/DNC camp as you’ll see).
The economy isn’t “stalling” as much as people like you wish it would to hurt the working man. GOP health care is in the planning stage so keep an eye out for market based ideas rather than Hitleresque programs. And glowball warming is not now nor has ever been the threat you hysterics claim it is. Go peddle you phony nonsense elsewhere we’re all full up after three years of Russia lies.
Only the weak of mind can belong to your party any longer. You have left the realm of honesty and believability behind with “What difference at this point does it make?”.
“E-x-o-n-e-r-a-t-e-d! No collusion, no conspiracy”
When convenient facts are not available, regressives like Kye simply invent them out of whole cloth.
We do not know what the Mueller report says. We have only the word of Trump’s hand-picked consigliere, and even he does not claim that the report exonerates Trump.
Only the weak of mind need to pull horseshit out of thin air to support their pre-determined conclusions. Kye has proven himself to be a master horseshit wrangler. Unfortunately, what he wrangles is also blatantly obvious horseshit.
We also know it says no more indictments.
End the fact Whiny is getting profane tells us she is on the losing end.
And she knows it.
Bill Bear,
I have seen you and others try and latch onto the idea that Trump was not “exonerated.”
While the letter says just that, the fact of the matter is that the letter is being written by lawyers and legal eagles of which you and the general public are not.
By legal definition, “exoneration” is the declaration that a person who was charged or convicted of a crime or offense has been proven to be not guilty beyond all reasonable doubt.
Trump, in case you missed it, was never charged, much less convicted and therefore legally cannot be exonerated.
You may not like that, but words have meanings and now that you know the meaning, we should expect that you not make the ridiculous charge of “but Trump was not exonerated!”
That is what an intelligent, thoughtful adult would do.
Always the Semantician!
gc typed: “Trump, in case you missed it, was never charged, much less convicted and therefore legally cannot be exonerated.”
Yet gc typed: “While the letter says just that..” (i.e., Trump WAS exonerated).
In Florida, DJ Trump said “it was a complete and total exoneration”.
So it’s wrong to say he wasn’t exonerated, it’s wrong to say he was exonerated, but it’s OK for the AG and president to say the president was exonerated. All in one comment.
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
You just need a new hoax, nignorant, this one is over.
gitar was right. Nice point of law, but, in the court of public opinion, which had become mightily tired of all the nonsense, he was exonerated.
And the word is semanticist.
“we should expect that you not make the ridiculous charge of “but Trump was not exonerated!—
And when did I make that charge? Kindly provide a direct quote, and a link thereto.
If you want to deny you said it, that’s fine.
But let’s move forward, shall we?
Whiny The Poo wants to hide behind the fact Teach doesn’t wants us digging through each other’s comments.
It says more about her character than she would like.
If formwiz can produce a comment in which I actually stated that “Trump was not exonerated”, he may do so.
Otherwise, it will remain obvious that, like all other regressives, formwiz is terrified of fact-based discussion.
gitarcarver famously attributes false quotes to others he wishes to smear, then calls you a liar when you correct him.
He wasn’t always that way, so please give him a break. Like many formerly reasonable conservatives, when the choice came to stay reasonable or become a Trumpian acolyte, he chose tRump. Sad, actually, as he was the last intelligent cesspoolian.
Now it’s the incoherent Wiz and angry Kye.
If gitcarver wants to claim that I said “but Trump was not exonerated!”, he can provide factual evidence to back up his claim.
If he wants to stick with his story, that’s completely predictable. Regressives almost invariably double down on their claims when challenged to provide factual evidence. What they almost never manage to do is provide the actual evidence.
You are missing the point.
We aren’t going to waste our time looking back for things that we all saw you say. If you can’t remember or want to disavow that you said them, that’s fine. That’s on you. We just aren’t going to waste the time because we have been down this path before where we have cited evidence and you simply ignore it.
Once again, in case you missed it, Trump could not be exonerated because legally there was no charge or conviction.
Nice little point of law there.
“We aren’t going to waste our time looking back for things that we all saw you say.”
Translation: gitarcarver is going to stick with his story, despite the fact that he has no evidence to back it up.
Regressives fear fact-based discussion. They pull horseshit out of the air, and double down when challenged. They consider any interest in the facts to be a sign of weakness and impurity.
Whiny The Poo hates it when she has to take responsibility for her words.
That’s what she thinks she’s supposed to do to us.
I accept gitarcarver’s explanation and definition since I looked it up and he is 100% correct. Trump didn’t need exoneration to begin with. I misused the word (I do that often with “decimate”).
However, since it makes Traitor Bills blood boil; OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-E-D! We finally have a genuine American Patriot as President after eight years of that half breed (for TB again) Mohammadan/communist opportunist who was thrust upon us by a guilt ridden society of brainwashed white leftists.
I was absolutely thrilled to see a sort of revival of Patriotism at Trump’s Michigan rally yesterday. DemComs never mention let alone practice Patriotism, it causes the commie in them great pain. One can tell the DemComs on my street. They’re the ones who do NOT have a flag on their house even on Holidays.
The murder count for Traitor Bills favorite people is only one yesterday, shot to death by members of the (Peaceful) Islamic State in scenic Iraq. BUT, on this day in Kedumim Israel in 2006 a Palestinian (you know the non-terrorists according to TR) disguised himself as an Orthodox Jew and murdered four people. But they don’t count cause Palestinians aren’t terrorists, just ask Traitor Bill.
Winning. MAGA.
Et tu, Kye?
Trump could not have been exonerated, yet he was exonerated! And you think others are stupid??
And President Obama was a half-breed Muslim? Charming.
Do you really think those not flying Old Glory on flag days are communists?
When the Patriot trump consolidates his power over America, how would you handle your neighbor communists who are trying to undermine America, turning it into a communist/Muslim homeland?
Fact is, legally, as gitar noted, he would have had to be charged, but, in terms of the public, they see him as exonerated.
As Ronaldus Magnus put it, “We Win, they lose”. In this case, you lose.
And President Obama was a half-breed Muslim?
That’s Moslem and, of course, he was.
Do you really think those not flying Old Glory on flag days are communists?
A lot of them are.
When the Patriot trump consolidates his power over America, how would you handle your neighbor communists who are trying to undermine America, turning it into a communist/Muslim homeland?
I don’t see the Donald doing anything like that. He’s given people a lot more freedom, but Harvey’s wet dream is that Commie homeland. The Moslems will go to the gulag just like Uncle Joe did.
“Trump could not have been exonerated, yet he was exonerated! And you think others are stupid??”
I said I used the word incorrectly. Or did you miss that part? I repeated it because it pisses you off so I accomplished my goal. Haha.
“And President Obama was a half-breed Muslim? Charming.”
You mean he’s not? Try again. His mother was white and father black. Hence half breed. “I shall stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift” and “The most beautiful sound in the world is the call to Muslim prayer”sounds like a Mohammadan to me. He did attend a Madrass did he not? Christians are not exactly welcome in a Madrass are they?
“Do you really think those not flying Old Glory on flag days are communists?”
Yes, and anarchists, and Nazi’s, and democrat socialists, and Mohammadans and just plain un and anti Americans. Also many real patriotic Aericans who happen to live in Hollywood, LA, New York or other commie cities and towns that my harm them for flying the flag just as they did for putting up “Trump for President” signs.
“When the Patriot trump consolidates his power over America, how would you handle your neighbor communists who are trying to undermine America, turning it into a communist/Muslim homeland?”
The Patriot Trump has consolidated his power, he was elected that’s how it’s done here. Unless you DemComs take over in a coup or fix an election. And in spite of you and all your minions of idiots and fools screaming at the sky shouting “Trump is LITERALLY Hitler” he has not taken away your guns, speech, papers, media or anything else you would do if you could. Just like your type do at colleges and internet censoring, doxxing etc.
Why is your goal to make others angry?
Half-breed, pseudo-christian tRump’s dad was German and his mammy was Scottish, hence half-breed.
Kye typed: He (President Obama) did attend a Madrass (sic) did he not?
It’s a requirement that Cons believe a lot of bullshit. This is just another example. No, President Obama did not attend a madrassa as a child, he attended a public school in Indonesia from age 6 to 10. No, President Obama is not and never was a Muslim. Why must you tell lies – lies that are so easily refuted. tRump says he attends church on easter and xmas.
So those not flying flags are communists, anarchists, Nazi’s, Muslims, democratic socialists – got it. Can an American citizen who is Muslim be a patriot? Can an atheist be patriotic?
Blow it out your ass, you nignorant hypocrite.
Is that the best you got, Lil Jeff?
It’s difficult for you, isn’t it? When’s the last time you typed anything relevant here? Even Kye and formwiz make an effort. Lil Jeff, not so much.
Actually, we’re still waiting for you to type anything relevant here.
No, moron, he’s all white, which is what Zippy would sell his soul (if he had one) to be.
And good luck on the madrassa thing. Essentailly, it’s a term for what’s known among us honkies as a parochial school. Even Zippy admitted it.
I know, all the Lefty “fact” sites try to split this hair, but he did.
It’s a requirement that Cons believe a lot of bullshit.
Projection as always. Somehow I get the feeling Harvey’s frustration at losing so much (profanity again) is beginning to cause doubts.
tRump says he attends church on easter and xmas.
So did Trampas. Going to church is not what makes a Christian ICYMI.
Can an American citizen who is Muslim be a patriot? Can an atheist be patriotic?
Find one and let us know.
PS Even an ignoramus knows it’s Xmas and Easter.
The Grand Wizard typed: No, moron, he’s (tRump) all white, which is what Zippy would sell his soul (if he had one) to be.
Trump is half Nazi, hence a half-breed.
Why would any Black man prefer to be white? According to NuCons, Blacks in America get all the breaks.
“I said I used the word incorrectly. Or did you miss that part? I repeated it because it pisses you off”
Parse this carefully.
Kye used a word incorrectly.
Then he says that he knows he used the word incorrectly.
Then he admits that he used it incorrectly again.
And then he pretends to himself that being fool enough to deliberately misuse the word somehow pisses off someone else.
You cannot parody these imbeciles. They are masters of the art of self-parody.
Kye wrote:
“[Obama] did attend a Madrass did he not?”
Pat Robertson misleadingly says Obama was schooled at ‘Islamic madrassa’
Pat Robertson says President Barack Obama won’t take Islamic nations to task for harboring terrorists, and the big reason dates to the president’s early school years.
“The truth is, we have a president, we have a president whose stepfather was a Muslim, whose stepfather, in Indonesia, put him in an Islamic madrassa,” Robertson, a religious broadcaster based In Virginia Beach, said during the June 27 edition of his television show “The 700 Club.”
We checked on whether Obama really did attend an “Islamic madrassa.” Let’s start with some basics.
“Madrassa” means school in Arabic, but in English, the word has taken on additional connotations. Merriam Webster’s defines it as a “Muslim school, college or university that is often part of a mosque.”
The Congressional Research Service, in a 2008 report, defined a madrassa as an Islamic religious school.
Revelations that some terrorists developed radical political beliefs at madrassas have led to accusations that the facilities “promote Islamic extremism and militancy, and are a breeding ground for terrorism,” the research service said. The report also notes that others believe madrassas “have been blamed unfairly for fostering anti-U.S. sentiments.”
Moments after saying Obama attended an “Islamic madrassa,” Robertson added: “Now, Obama has visceral dislike for the standards that we have in this country. What he thinks is, America is an oppressor, and he thinks that the nation of Islam, the Islamic countries, at least should not be in any way called out for the actions that they have.”
Rumors and charges about Obama’s early education have been circulating since he began running for president in 2007. Generally, they accuse Obama of attending a madrassa espousing a rigid form of Islam that’s hostile to the West. They refer to the president’s school days in Indonesia from 1967 to 1971, when he was ages 6 to 10.
In his 2006 autobiography, “The Audacity of Hope,” Obama wrote that in Indonesia, he first attended a Catholic school and later went to a “predominantly Muslim school.”
In an earlier 2004 autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” Obama wrote that he spent two years at a Catholic school and two years at “a Muslim school.” He described himself as a youngster who was not very interested in either religion.
“In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies,” Obama wrote in 2004. “My mother wasn’t overly concerned. ‘Be respectful,’ she’d said. In the Catholic school, when it came time to pray, I pretended to close my eyes then peek around the room. Nothing happened. No angels descended.”
When the rumors arose about Obama’s Indonesian education, his campaign issued a news release saying he never was a Muslim and was raised in a secular household. Obama has said he became a Christian in his 20s while working as a community organizer in Chicago.
Several news organizations sent reporters to the school in question and found it was a public school that didn’t promote one particular religion.
“This is a public school. We don’t focus on religion,” Hardi Priyono, deputy headmaster of the school, told CNN in a 2007 interview. “In our daily lives, we try to respect religion, but we don’t give preferential treatment.”
The school provides some religious study. Priyono told the Chicago Tribune in 2007 that Muslim students learn about their religion, while Christians are taught about their faith.
The article said that when Obama attended fourth grade in 1971, there was two hours of religious study a week.
“At holidays, the school made a practice of teaching students about different religions,” the Tribune reported. “Students from all religions celebrated Christmas with a Christmas tree and carols. They celebrated the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha by handing out a sacrificed goat to the neighborhood’s needy.”
A spokesman for the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs told The Associated Press in 2007 that allegations Obama attended an Islamic school were baseless, saying the future president went to “a public primary school that is open to people of all faiths.”
We reached out to Robertson for evidence Obama attended an “Islamic madrassa.” Chris Roslan, a spokesman for the Christian Broadcasting Network, told us Robertson would address our question on air. On the June 29 broadcast of “The 700 Club,” Robertson said he felt a need to clarify his statement.
He walked back his previous comments but only up to a point. Robertson paraphrased from Obama’s autobiographical accounts of his time in Indonesia.
“He said he spent two years in a predominantly Muslim school in Indonesia where he studied Islam,” Robertson said. “So I want to correct that was not a – but in Arabic, a madrassa is a school. That’s what the term in Arabic is. You say ‘school,’ and it translates as ‘madrassa,’ but it’s become now a training ground of Islamic, and apparently, we’re not sure that the president attended one of them, so I want to correct that and let everybody this is precisely what he said – ‘I went to a predominantly Muslim school in Indonesia’ where he studied Islam,” Robertson said.
Co-host Wendy Griffith said, “He studied Islam, but he says he’s a Christian.”
“Yeah, well sure,” Robertson replied, raising his palms.
Our ruling
Robertson said Obama attended an “Islamic madrassa.”
The Congressional Research Service notes that madrassas are Islamic religious schools and in recent years sometimes have been defined as breeding grounds that promote Islamic extremism and terrorism.
Robertson plays bait-and-switch with definitions. He says the president attended an “Islamic madrassa” while accusing him of being weak on terrorism, protective of Islamic nations, and viewing the U.S. as “an oppressor.” He dials it back when pressed for details, noting that madrassa, in Arabic, simply means “school.”
Robertson has a slight leg to stand on in that Obama, as a child in Indonesia, went to a public school where a majority of the students were Muslim. In a 2004 memoir, Obama described it as a “Muslim school.” And the future president, as part of the curriculum, spent two hours a week in classes about Islam.
But Robertson doesn’t tell his viewers the larger part of the story: The school was non-sectarian; it celebrated Christian and Islamic holidays; and that the school offered separate religion classes where Muslim and Christian students could learn about their faiths.
So we rate Robertson’s misleading statement Mostly False.
Kye will, of course, ignore the facts just presented — because maintaining his precious ignorance of reality demands that inconvenient facts must be ignored.
But he cannot say he was not aware of the facts. He’ll be forever branded as an ignorant man who preferred to remain ignorant.
The objective of Cons is not to debate but to distract with bullshit. They want to tie up the libs time, but in the end declare victory regardless of facts, evidence or truth. It’s what Cons do. It’s all Cons can do, as they lose every argument on merits.
Blow it out your ass, nignorant little hypocrite.
Do you spout this shit down there at Galera?
Most conservablogs have at least one guard dog to personally attack commenters who show up their boss, the conservablogger. If it’s any consolation to you, you’re the most vile I’ve run across. Unrepentant racist, profane, closeted gay, cyberstalker – the whole package! Kudos.
You should ask Teach if you’re as untouchable as you think.
Lil Jeff typed: Blow it out your ass
Move your mouth first.
What’s a galera??