Darned Romans and Mayans
All that climate change was purely natural, so, is the World Economic Forum now claiming that this current warm period is mostly/solely natural? While at the same time demanding carbon taxes and stuff?

We understand you’re just playing dumb, but you’re a bit confused. The mean global surface temperature is controlled by many factors including greenhouse gases, the albedo, volcanic activity, the Earth’s orbit and tilt, insolation, ocean currents …
You would have a legitimate argument if the questioned the video’s assumption that climate change was the only trigger in the collapse of these cultures. The point of the video was that climate change can have catastrophic effects on human societies regardless of cause.
Our current period of rapid warming results from an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases, especially CO2, by humans burning fossil fuels. Previous changes were unlikely a result of fossil fuel burning, agreed?
What is the natural phenomena causing the Earth to warm now?
Do you know why the Leftists stopped calling it ‘global warming’ and now call it ‘climate change’?
Yep. The earth stopped warming.
Margaret Thatcher –
Socialists have always spent much of their time seeking new titles for their beliefs, because the old versions so quickly become outdated and discredited.
The CC in IPCC (founded back in 1988) stands for Climate Change. So it’s been climate change for at least 30 years.
The Earth did not stop warming. Why would you say it did?
Right about the time the acid rain scam went south.
Because he has brains enough not to buy some cockamimi scam based or faked data?
How about the sun, as you’ve doubt seen and NASA confirmed until they didn’t confirm. http://joannenova.com.au/2019/02/nasa-hides-page-saying-the-sun-was-the-primary-climate-driver-and-clouds-and-particles-are-more-important-than-greenhouse-gases/
Good point. Sunlight is the source of almost all energy on Earth. The warming we see would stop without our Sun. The CO2 released from coal, oil and gas comes from the complex carbohydrates formed 100s of millions of years ago from, you guessed it, energy from the Sun!
Yet, as even a non-scientist and denier like the dishonest and hyper-excitable Jo Nova knows, visible light from the Sun is released from the Earth as infrared radiation that interacts with greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, slowing the loss of heat to space. This is the basis of the rapid warming we’re now experiencing.
Here’s the shocking revelations Miss Nova discovered NASA hiding:
“…According to scientists’ models of Earth’s orbit and orientation toward the Sun indicate that our world should be just beginning to enter a new period of cooling — perhaps the next ice age.
However, a new force for change has arisen: humans. After the industrial revolution, humans introduced increasing amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and changed the surface of the landscape to an extent great enough to influence climate on local and global scales. By driving up carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere (by about 30 percent), humans have increased its capacity to trap warmth near the surface.”
Care to point out in your link where to find the smoking gun where NASA says the Earth is warming rapidly from changes in insolation? Didn’t think so. This is silliness, even by the low standards of Jo Nova.
Sunlight is the source of almost all energy on Earth.
Well there are other things – trees and stuff.
Invisible light from the Sun is released from the Earth as infrared radiation that interacts with greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, slowing the loss of heat to space. This is the basis of the rapid warming we’re now experiencing.
Infrared is heat. That’s why the Predator saw Ahnold and his squad so colorfully. I believe our resident psychotic is attempting to make a claim about electromagnetic radiation that is absurd. CO2 insulates us from the heat of the sun and cools things much more than anything else.
formwiz said: CO2 insulates us from the heat of the sun and cools things much more than anything else.
That is some weapons-grade dumbosity. You’re just joking, right? You can’t really believe that. No one could.
And what is the source of energy supplied by trees?
A while back you told us that CO2 sinks to the ground. Does that explain why the ground gets heated by sunlight, that CO2 is absorbing all the heat from the sun and transferring it directly to the ground. Or does CO2 absorb the sunlight and just destroy it?
It wasn’t by JoNova, professor, it was by NASA. You know how to tell? It says “NASA†at the top of the page. Funny, on the top of the screen shot page I didn’t see “JoNova†listed. But I love the “logicâ€. Nova reproduces a page from a NASA publication but it’s Nova that’s wrong. Neat little trick there….
jl is confused.
Care to point out in your link where to find the smoking gun where NASA says the Earth is warming rapidly from changes in insolation?
Do you really think NASA stated the current period of rapid warming is being caused by a warming Sun, but then removed/scrubbed it?
NASA said exactly what was on the page. The excitable denier Nova claimed it proved NASA said changes in the Sun caused the current warming. That’s not true.
Nignorant sees only what he wishes to see.
We just tell the truth. You on the other hand never have anything of value to add other than lame insults and actual threats.
And by the way, the rate of warming is no different than earlier last century. Another doomer myth. https://twitter.com/sylviad32911201/status/1110653369255813120?s=21
We’ve explained this a dozen times… The mean global surface temperature is determined by multiple physical phenomena including greenhouse gases, Earth orbit and tilt, atmospheric aerosols, volcanic activity, albedo, solar activity, major ocean currents and events like El Nino/La Nina, the high specific heat of water etc. There are zigs and zags as the mean global surface temperature inches higher. When we have yuuge volcanic eruptions (adding tons of aerosols) we often see a temporary decrease in surface temperature. El Ninos release Pacific Ocean heat into the atmosphere increasing temperature.
The source of the heat is the Sun. The listed mechanisms determine how much of the Sun’s energy is reflected, absorbed, stored, or the rate at which it makes its way back out into space.
Currently the major forcing causing warming is the effect of greenhouse gases.
Then why has outgoing long wave radiation increased if you claim the effects of greenhouse gases has increased?

That is diametrically opposed to the greenhouse theory.
I don’t really expect an answer from nignorant.
So J- in other words the rate of warming that the doomers are so happy to jump on all the time is statistically no different now than earlier last century, which has been shown. You’ve said nothing to refute that.
“Jl is confused†A classic case of projection. “Care to point out in your link (actually NASA’s link) where to find the smoking gun where NASA says the earth is warming rapidly from changes in insulation?†What? Wherever did I mention that? I didn’t “Do you really think NASA stated the current period of warming is caused by a warming sun (they didn’t say a warming sun, they said the sun), but then scrubbed it?†Doesn’t matter what I think, that’s what they did. And Nova did not say anything other than what the article said. “The sun is the primary forcing of the earth’s climate system. Other forcings are clouds, particulate matter and surface brightness. Each of these varying forcings has the capacity to exceed the warming influence of greenhouse gasses.†That’s what NASA said, J. Take it up with them,not JoNova
Some people call it the sun.
As for the Romans, yeah, those V-8 chariots racing down the Appian Way on Saturday nights really tore up the environment.
the albedo
Now sex drive causes global bull?
Whoda thunk?
Our current period of rapid warming results from an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases, especially CO2, by humans burning fossil fuels. Previous changes were unlikely a result of fossil fuel burning, agreed?
As are any that actually happen today.
Stick it up your hockey stick.
Which you probably enjoy.
“the albedo”
Now sex drive causes global bull?
That is some epic level of ignorance, even for formwiz.
Yes, folks, he really is this stupid.
“We understand you’re just playing dumb”
Porter Good really is so f##king stupid that he thinks he can publish a post as full of lies as this one, and no one will call him on his pathological mendacity.
Well, the climate change that killed the Mayans and the Aztecs was the sudden infusion of lead projectiles filling the air. Along with that, the Spaniards employed germ warfare against the poor, mistreated noble indigenous peoples, and should have to pay reparations!
Rumor has it that we’ve been lied to since the 1930s, and Jor-El sent his son Kal-El to earth not because Krypton exploded, but that it became uninhabitable due to climate change!
More, we were told that Jor-El was Krypton’s greatest scientist, but it turns out that that was a lie as well. In fact, the white Kryptonians were of middling intelligence, but enslaved the black, brown, red and yellow Kryptonians after having stolen phaser technology from its creators, a diverse group of black, brown, red and yellow scientists, technicians and engineers.
The diverse Kryptonians were devising a means of escape for all Kryptonians, but the evil General Don-Ald led a raid for white Kryptonian supremacy, and slaughtered all of the Kryptonians of Colour.
Alas! the white Kryptonians, being of lesser intelligence and still filled with capitalist greed, destroyed almost all of the machinery the Kryptonians of Colour had developed, and but a single space ship remained, which Jor-El stole, and sent his son to earth.
I realize you changed the names to protect the innocent, Dana but it seems that’s the way things are headed here. Glow-ball warming won’t destroy our civilization rather an unmanageable invasion of enemy agents called Mohammadans aided by their allies in the New Democrat-Communist Party will.
If it’s not already there…some real shit is coming to your town.
– Thanks to the ‘policies’ of the Democrat (C) Left, millions of Muslims have been imported wholesale into the US. You happy-taxpayer, $upport them in grand style.
And the BONUS for you is this:
– They not only do not ‘like’ you, they HATE you!
The two Democrat (C) Muslima from Minnesotastan and Michiganistan are symptoms of a disease that America has been purposely infected with.
– Think of it as a modern-day version of handing out smallpox-infected blankets on the reservation.
By any name, it’s genocide…