Are you white and discuss time? Then you’re an evil, horrible person
Rutgers Professor Brittany Cooper: Concept of ‘Time’ Is Racist
Rutgers University Professor Brittany Cooper is back with another hot take. This time, she’s arguing that the modern conceptualization of time is racist.
According to a report from The College Fix, Cooper, who once argued that Jesus was “queer,â€Â spoke with NPR last week about how white people “own time.†In the interview, Cooper made the case that white Americans have solely been responsible for conceptualizing the notion of “time.â€
“If time had a race, it would be white,†Cooper said. “White people own time.â€
After the NPR host asked her to explain that statement, Cooper offered a vague answer. She argued that Europeans developed the modern attitude about time which is characterized by the amount of time that is spent in leisure.
Yes. So when I say time has a race, I’m saying that the way that we position ourselves in relationship to time comes out of histories of European and Western thought. And a lot of the way that we talk about time really finds its roots in the Industrial Revolution. So prior to that, we would talk about time as merely passing the time. After the Industrial Revolution, suddenly, we begin to talk about time as spending time. It becomes something that is tethered to monetary value. So when we think about hourly wage, we now talk about time in terms of wasting time or spending time. And that’s a really different understanding of time than, you know, like seasonal time or time that is sort of merely passing.
Cooper went on to argue that white people “own†time in a second way. According to Cooper, European philosophers have refused to recognize African history as part of the global historical timeline.
This race baiter has given TED talks on the subject. Unsurprisingly, she’s a professor of women’s and gender studies and Africana studies at Rutgers University, so, three studies which are all about grievances, rather than helping people and making things better. Here’s a snippet from the TED talk as published in NPR
COOPER: Typically, we talk about race in terms of black and white issues. In the African-American communities from which I come, we have a long-standing multigenerational joke about what we call CP time or colored people time. Now, we no longer refer to African-Americans as colored. But this long-standing joke about our perpetual lateness to church, to cookouts, to family events and even to our own funerals remains. I personally am a stickler for time. It’s almost as if my mother, when I was growing up, said, we will not be those black people. So we typically arrive to events 30 minutes early. But today I want to talk to you more about the political nature of time; for if time had a race, it would be white. White people own time.
So, if you show up on time, you’re actually a racist. Good to know.

Time is racist… so is Newsweek.
I hate to admit it, but that’s cleverly humorous.
And Alarm clocks. Secret White People technology. Even though phones all have alarms on them now too, knowing that it is there and how it can change your life is the result of White Privilege.
Just another racist privileged white guy.
No big deal.
Looks like Cooper be showing up on time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Another thing that’s racist: President Donald J. Trump.
Notice Jeffery doesn’t want to address the stupidity of the question at hand.
Do you still think that Bill Bear and I are the same commenter?
The difference between neurosis and psychosis, sociopathy and psychopathy..
Another thing that’s racist: President Donald J. Trump.
That’s why he’s getting meaningful approval ratings from blacks and Hispanics.
Another thing that’s racist: President Donald J. Trump.
Jeffery finally realizes nobody reads his Lefty screeds, so he’s going with vids.
Comedy Central? Really?
I have no idea how to embed videos.
TEACH: Breitbart? Really?
Wait till the next ion storm and it will all come back.
Jeff, it cited College Fix which is citing NPR.
Another thing that’s racist: President Donald J. Trump.
Funny, but the black lesbian mayor of Chiraq is getting heat for wanting the same thing. And she’s a Demo.
Besides, Trump’s actually intervened in a couple of violent crimes.
Or are you another of those Lefties who think all violent crime is black?
Now that’s rrrraaaaaaaccccccciiiiiisssssssttttttt!!!!!!!!
Why do lefties hate black people?
Looks like Jeff discovered how to embed video. It’s good to learn new things.
It’s his way of calling us racists for supporting Trump. I don’t think he understands using radical leftists and their media allies to “prove” his point does not prove his point. BTW, when we see crazies like Trumpster Fire, MSNBC, CNN or the Daily Show most don’t even click it to hear the rant. It’s been the same rant since 2016. They just can’t get it through their thick skulls Trump won.
BTW, Trump has owned or been pat of businesses that have employed over 30,000 minorities. That’s a piss poor track record for “A RACCCCCIIIISSST!!!!”
In fairness to Trump, he’s hired many, many illegal aliens over the years.
Trump may or may not be a racist, but he uses racism as a political tool.
Kye typed: They just can’t get it through their thick skulls Trump won.
Ummm, no. Of course they realize that Trump won. And that’s the problem. Trump’s a dick and he’s president.
If he’s such a racist, why does he rate so highly with Hispanics?
PS Better a dick than a pussy.
Trump is hermaphroditic – he’s a dick AND a pussy.
Most conservative pussies are dicks to compensate.
Your premise was that Trump is a racist, not a dick. I agree he’s a dick but he is definitely not a racist. Trump has always been a dick but when he became a Republican only THEN did he become a racist. Trump has always been a dick but you guys can’t be satisfied calling him just a dick. You must attack his morality, humanity and virtue. You have to dehumanize him and by extension his supporters. See, you think that makes you better than everyone else but it just shows you’re weak and afraid. Be a man and call the dick a dick. But stop trying to make yourself look virtuous when we all know deep down you’re not. No one who can support communists and Mohammadans and baby killers and sexually confused perverts is morally superior to any real American Patriot. Trump, for all his being a dick is an American Patriot. I doubt you all are.
I agree that Trump is a dick, but is amoral. He is no American patriot but acts like one. He’s a globalist and would sell out this country in a heartbeat if it served his purposes.
Now why do you keep saying those on the other side are communists? Do you know what communism is? Abortion is not ‘baby killing’. Why wouldn’t Americans support Muslims? How would you recommend that transgendered people be treated?
I doubt you’re an American patriot, although you probably consider yourself one.
Democrats forget that they used to love Trump back when they were cashing his checks and before he beat Hillary. It was a point of contention in the Republican primary that Trump was just another NYC Liberal. The fact is, he is more liberal than Bill Clinton. The ONLY reason for democrats to hate him so much has nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with hating him for beating Hillary. The really astonishing part is that for 95% of Democratic voters, there is no reason for them to even have a dog in that fight. They get the same outcome either way. The party insiders hate losing. That hate gets reprinted in the media. The rank and file Democrat voters read it and swallow it whole without even using their own jaws to chew it. You can see this all over the internet in comments sections where every character slur is repeated no matter how incredible it is. This is the power of propaganda at work. It is no trivial thing. It plunged a nation into civil war that didn’t need to happen (Yugoslavia).
Democrats forget that they used to love Trump
Of course dens pretty much forget everything.
pH typed: The ONLY reason for Democrats to hate him (Trump) so much has nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with hating him for beating Hillary.
You can’t believe what you just typed. It has everything to do with ideology. Besides being undisciplined, perpetually dishonest and mercurial (an unpredictable dick) Trump adopted the policies and verbiage of the far right – Tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulation, anti-environement, anti-immigrant, anti-UN, anti-NATO, pro white nationalism, far right court appointments. It is all ideology.
It’s almost as if she was presenting an outrageous premise to get people to listen. Why would anyone do that?
Same as defending global idiocy.
Kye wrote:
“It’s his way of calling us racists for supporting Trump.”
Trump is, in fact, a racist. His words and actions are more than adequate proof of that.
If one supports a racist like Trump, then one must be to some extent a racist as well.
It is not necessary for anyone to point out that Trump supporters are racist. They have made that very, very clear over the past several years.
“BTW, when we see crazies like Trumpster Fire, MSNBC, CNN or the Daily Show most don’t even click it to hear the rant.”
No one who has read more than three sentences of any of Kye’s comments expects him to pay any attention to the facts.
But the facts remain whether Kye and his ilk bother to learn those fact,s, or not.
“You must attack his morality, humanity and virtue.”
One cannot attack what does not exist. One can only point out its absence.
“You have to dehumanize him and by extension his supporters.”
Yet it bothers Kye not at all to dehumanize billions of other humans on the planet.
How… predictable.
If one supports a racist like Trump, then one must be to some extent a racist as well.
How predictable.
Trump is, in fact, a racist. His words and actions are more than adequate proof of that.
If one supports a racist like Trump, then one must be to some extent a racist as well.
It is not necessary for anyone to point out that Trump supporters are racist. They have made that very, very clear over the past several years.
Funny how Trump polls around 50% among Hispanics and polls better than any other R in decades among blacks.
Maybe you’re the racist.
Willie Whitewater is a racist, so is Zippy, and you support them.
No one who has read more than three sentences of any of Kye’s comments expects him to pay any attention to the facts.
But anybody doesn’t need to read 3 words of your screeds to know you have no time for facts.
But the facts remain whether Kye and his ilk bother to learn those fact,s, or not.
I’m sure there’s some message there, but at least Kye knows how to construct a declarative sentence.
Put down the Ripple and sleep it off.
That’s what you do when you start calling everybody racists. Makes it easier to push them into the gas chambers.
Racists, white nationalists, untermenschen, anything that makes you feel good about mass miurder, right?
After all, it’s your side that’s done all of it the past century.
Sorry, Bill, you’ve offered no “proof†of racism other than repeating “he’s a racistâ€. Very scientific
“Sorry, Bill, you’ve offered no “proof†of racism other than repeating “he’s a racistâ€.”
Well… that, and Trump’s own words.
Funny how that works.
Bill Bear, all you do is regurgitate radical left talking points day after day on every topic. You never stop to question them and you never think about the lack of depth and substance they provide.
You also have the propensity of calling everybody you disagree with names. Degrading, demoralizing, dehumanizing hateful names. I disagree with you about immigration and race so I’m a racist. I don’t buy into the AGW screed so I’m a denier. I don’t think women are oppressed so I’m a misogynist. I recognize Mohammadans as our mortal enemy so I’m and Islamofhobe. I believe gays and lesbians suffer from a psychological gender disorder so I’m a homophobe. And of course, since I support Trump and you say he’s a racist I must be too.
You also accused me of being a coward which I find amusing since I’ve been in thirteen battles and killed almost four score communists in combat, was wounded twice and awarded the Bronze Star with V. But I’m a coward. I beat the crap out of one of our more “vibrant” citizens when he tried to rape a woman at 17th and Pine Sts. in 1978 and held him for the cops. I drew down on a robber at a restaurant, disarmed him and again held him for the cops. But you call m e a coward. Tell me, what danger have you faced either for America or your fellow man? How many times did you put you life in danger for your country?
Yeah. You’re a patriot. I’m a coward. You are exactly what we all expect a radical leftist to be. Shallow, self centered and narcissist, envious and frightened to face life. You are the quintessential leftist!
“But you call me a coward.”
Kye may be physically brave… but he is an intellectual coward.
He has been asked several specific questions of fact. He refuses to answer those questions because he is terrified of fact-based discussion.
That is the act of a coward. As for the rest of what Kye is… well, his words speak to the deficiencies of his character far more eloquently than I ever could.
“Intellectual coward”… Huh?
sigh… Some people just have to be led by the nose, I guess.
For the record, this is what it actually looks like to “dehumanize” others:
And Kye and his kind support this.
This is exactly what the hateful rhetoric that we see Kye spreading here on a near daily basis leads to…
Man charged with threatening to kill Rep. Ilhan Omar cited her Muslim faith
Police on Friday arrested and charged 55-year-old New York resident Patrick W. Carlineo, Jr. with threatening to assault and kill Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) after federal authorities said he made death threats against her.
According to a criminal complaint and affidavit, Carlineo, of Addison, New York, was arrested after he made a call on March 21 to the representative’s office in Washington, D.C. During the call, he said, “Do you work for the Muslim Brotherhood? Why are you working for her, she’s a f##king terrorist. I’ll put a bullet in her f##king skull,†CNN reported.
When he was interviewed by the FBI, Carlineo said he loved President Donald Trump and “hates radical Muslims in our government.â€
After speaking with the staffer, Carlineo left his contact information, according to the FBI.
Carlineo’s comments are not the first time Omar, who is the first black Muslim woman to serve in the House of Representatives and the first member of Congress to wear hijab, has been threatened or harassed while in office. The Los Angeles-based online publication The Blast reported last week that the LAPD is investigating a March incident in which a woman called the Hilton Hotel in Woodland Hills, where Omar was scheduled to speak, and threatened a bomb attack.
According to The Blast, the caller, who has not been identified, said in a voicemail, “What would you do if I told you your hotel was going to be bombed? That is exactly what’s going to happen if you allow the likes of Ilhan Omar into your hotel. She is a danger to American society and your hotel. You are not to allow her foot into there if you value your own safety. Do not allow her in there. Cancel the event.â€
The continued inability of anyone on the left to make a reasoned argument without resorting to calling their opponents “racist, white nationalists, ect.,continues. And all done without proof, as usual. But anyway, Trump must suck at being a racist, as black unemployment is at record, or near record lows.
The continued inability of anyone on the right to make any argument at all without resorting to calling their opponents radical, shallow, self centered, narcissist, envious or frightened speaks for itself.
Uh no, it “speaks” for you.
Kye typed:
“I disagree with you about immigration and race so I’m a racist.”
Your own words of white superiority makes you a racist.
“I don’t buy into the AGW screed so I’m a denier.”
You deny the facts that support the theory of man-made global warming.
“I don’t think women are oppressed so I’m a misogynist.”
Have you been called a misogynist here? It’s a fact that women are oppressed.
“I recognize Mohammadans as our mortal enemy so I’m and Islamophobe.”
It’s your flawed assertion that Muslims are America’s mortal enemy, so yes you are an Islamophobe.
“I believe gays and lesbians suffer from a psychological gender disorder so I’m a homophobe.”
You make unsubstantiated and hurtful assumptions about gays, so yes you’re a homophobe.
But so what? Most Trump supporters are homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynistic, climate change deniers and racist.