Except abortions. They wouldn’t tax those
Sacramento wants to tax soda, tires, guns, water, pain pills, lawyers, car batteries…
But in California under Democrats, it’s tax, tax, tax — a drip and a drop, nickel and a dime — all the time. That’s not a political statement. It’s a fact.
Not all taxes are evil. Some are justified. But many are unwarranted. And others are eye-rollers.
One of the more controversial and annoying taxes currently being proposed is a state levy on sugary soft drinks. More on that later.
Here’s an eye-roller: A bill that would authorize San Francisco to turn its crooked Lombard Street — a tourist attraction after so many movie appearances — into a toll road, maybe even requiring reservations. Think they have a traffic jam now on weekends? Wait until cars are lined up behind a tollgate.
There are a whole bunch of taxing ideas in the Capitol: on new tires, firearms, water, prescription painkillers, lawyers, car batteries, corporations based on their CEO pay, estates worth more than $3.5 million, oil and gas extraction. The list goes on.
The oil and gas extraction tax is long overdue. We’re the only major oil-producing state without one. It would raise an estimated $1.5 billion a year.
The California Tax Foundation has counted more than $6.2 billion worth of tax increase proposals pending in the Legislature. It expects the figure to grow substantially as bills are amended with details.
But, really, guess who this would effect? Nope, not the rich Hollywood stars and political elites. All these taxes get passed on, and decrease economic activity
Polls show that California voters already think they’re overtaxed. No surprise there.
When voters were asked recently by the Public Policy Institute of California whether they paid more or less state and local taxes than they should, the answers were: more 63%, the right amount 32%, less 4%.
Yet, these idiots keep voting for Democrats. But
Meanwhile, there’s a legislative proposal to lower the marijuana tax. We want more potheads but fewer soft drink sippers. Crazy.

William Teach: All these taxes get passed on, and decrease economic activity
California has posted real GDP growth higher than the national average over the last several years.
California’s tax burden is higher than most states, but not that way out of line. California’s total tax burden is 9.45%, while Mississippi’s is 9.02% and Ohio’s is 9.31%.