…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on Muslim groups in New Zealand making demands.

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on Muslim groups in New Zealand making demands.
Actually New Zealanders, like the rest of the world, have more to fear from Muslim terrorists than from any white supremacist group by a long shot.

Ranking GOP Member of the House Judiciary Committee Doug Collins released the Congressional testimony of former FBI general counsel James Baker Tuesday; shedding new light on the inner workings of the DOJ and the FBI leading up to the 2016 race for the White House.
“Mr. Speaker, I have released several transcripts of interviews from the Judiciary Committee’s investigation into the apparent wrongdoing at the FBI and Justice Department. Today, I am releasing another,†said Collins.</>
Although the story will probably be ignored by MSM, I like this Collins fellow.

This is what the left intends to do with Trumps taxes. They are private. It is true certain committees can look at them but they must keep them private. If the left doesn’t like that change the law THEY passed. However you can still walk to the floor of the house or senate and publish them with IMPUGNITY. Breaking the law but NOT breaking the law by releasing them from the podium in congress.
this is exactly what they intend to do with Trumps taxes the moment they get ahold of them. Reveal all to all the world someone who uses tax laws to say write off 100 million in business expenses to avoid paying taxes. Everyone does it. Its legal. But if you can convince the ignorant voter that Trump is a billionaire dodging paying taxes then those people will believe anything.
Do people not realize that every billionaire literally gets audited every year for their entire life? Do you EVER hear of a billionaire being indicted on TAX EVASION? Or arrested for breaking the law? NO. They might all be crooks but YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FIND THEIR CROOKEDNESS IN THEIR TAXES.
This is all about simply throwing more shit at the Teflon man and hoping something sticks. Which it wont. Another 1 million will turn of the Dems when they waste another year proving they dont care about policy or helping people, they only care about proving Trump is a bad man and should be spanked when the WORLD has been TrYING for 3 years now and the IRS and USDOJ has been trying for 40 years.
Good Luck Democrats. Mueller was paid off by Trump. Now he will pay of the entire IRS department to alter his taxes. Then he will pay off 1000’s of democratic lawyers looking at his Taxes and then he will pay off the entire NSA, CIA and FBI who have investigated him for 40 years.
Then he will send a check to every Trump supporter to tell them to SHHHH be silent. .o.o.
The Birther movement had NOTHING on the Democrats and the whacko left.
Dems/liberals/progressives/communist, all the creeps accuse the rest of the world of doing the bad things they are guilty of.
That’s exactly what happened with Richard “I am not a crook” Nixon – it turned out he owed $500,000 in taxes. Oops. The IRS missed it until Congress got their hands on his returns.
It’s a given that Trump has underreported income and underpaid his taxes. Big deal. The discovery will be from whom he made his money. Russia? Russian mobsters? US mobsters? China? Saudi Arabia? Is their evidence of money laundering? Since he refused to insulate himself from his businesses, is he currently receiving payments from other nations with business before the US? Is Trump benefiting from the tax changes he promoted? The tariffs?
Israel Election Results – LIVE COVERAGE
Reasonable people are no longer buying what the Dems and MSM are selling.
Wednesday, April 09, 2019
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
Lou Dobbs got Trump’s approval rating wrong. Guess what Trump tweeted.
Apr 11, 2019
President Donald Trump on Thursday morning tweeted out a screencap from Lou Dobbs’s Fox Business show purportedly showing his approval rating at a robust 55 percent.
There’s just one problem: That number is inaccurate.
The poll in question — a Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service national survey of 1,000 registered “likely†voters conducted between March 31 and April 4 — actually pegs Trump’s job approval rating at 43 percent, with 52 percent disapproving. Forty percent of respondents said they have a favorable impression of Trump, compared to 55 percent who have an unfavorable one.
It is true that 58 percent of respondents approve of the job Trump is doing on the economy — an impressive number, and one that isn’t particularly surprising given the strong job market and other positive economic indicators.
But beyond that, the Georgetown poll actually contains lots of worrisome findings for Trump, such as:
49 percent said they find Trump’s “style and comments†to be “frequently insulting, and he has the wrong approach on many issues,†compared to just 27 percent who said they think he “tells it like it is and he has the right approach on the issues I care most about.â€
33 percent approve of Trump’s handling of health care issues, compared to 58 percent who disapprove.
57 percent said they think the country has “gotten off on the wrong track,†compared to 35 percent who think things are “going in the right direction.â€
Perhaps more ominously, 57 percent said they think “it’s time to give a new person a chance†in the 2020 presidential election, compared to 38 percent who said Trump “deserves re-election.â€
According to RealClearPolitics’ poll average, Trump’s approval rating is currently nearly 10 points underwater, with 43.2 percent approving and 52.7 percent disapproving. Since his inauguration, Trump’s approval rating has never been higher than 46 percent — a number he last hit on February 4, 2017 — meaning he’s never come close to sniffing the 55 percent he falsely boasted about on Twitter.
On Thursday, Fox Business Network issued an on-air correction acknowledging that Dobbs’ coverage of the poll “was not entirely accurate.†Trump’s tweet, however, remains up.
Apparently the lack of a body count or a white nationalist affected the coverage.