AG Bill Barr lit up the Democrats during a hearing Wednesday
Barr says he believes Trump's 2016 campaign was spied on. @brianschatz: "Do you wanna rephrase … I think the word 'spying' could cause people in the cable news ecosystem to freak out."
Barr: "Unauthorized surveillance … is that more appropriate in your eyes?"
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) April 10, 2019
And whiny Democrats are whiny
Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
Prominent Democrats lined up to hammer Attorney General Bill Barr for testifying Wednesday that federal authorities had spied on the Trump campaign in 2016, with one top House Democrat charging that Barr is not acting “in the best interest of the DOJ or the country.”
“I think spying did occur,” Barr said during the explosive hearing before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. “The question is whether it was adequately predicated. …Spying on a political campaign is a big deal.”
Barr later clarified in the hearing: “I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred; I’m saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it, that’s all.â€
So, of course
“He is acting as an employee of the president,” Hoyer said. “I believe the Attorney General believes he needs to protect the president of the United States.”
Added House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in an interview with the Associated Press: “I don’t trust Barr, I trust Mueller.” And Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., accused Barr on Twitter of “peddling conspiracy theories.”
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., added in a statement that Barr “should not casually suggest that those under his purview engaged in ‘spying’ on a political campaign.”
Schiff really was the funniest
The casual suggestion by the nation’s top law enforcement officer of “spying” may please Donald Trump, who rails against a “deep state coup,” but it strikes another destructive blow to our democratic institutions.
The hardworking men and women at the DOJ and FBI deserve better.
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 10, 2019
This guy has been yammering about Russia Russia Russia with all sorts of false narrative accusations for well over two years, casually claiming he totally has Evidence Of Collusion and that Stuff Happened, and now he has a problem with investigating the core start of Russia Russia Russia? B*tch, please.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., for example, told Fox News that Barr’s vow to probe the FBI’s 2016 counterintelligence probe amounted to nothing more than “Republican conspiracy theory nonsense.”

Teach has an authoritarian meltdown!!
Trump campaign puppet, Bill Barr, claimed, citing no evidence whatsoever, that the “deep state” “spied” on the Trump campaign – a Trump campaign that had hundreds of contacts with Russian officials, spies and mobsters.
Trump is using the US DOJ to score political points. The DOJ and FBI deserve better than these clowns.
It’s imperative that Congress see the complete Mueller report. Barr’s actions are clearly part of the administration’s conspiracy and coverup.
Should Trump have Mueller arrested for treason?
He’s seen the Mule Ears report, so I guess he does have evidence.
Trump is using the US DOJ to score political points.
And the Lefties didn’t?
The Demos are scared to death. I do not blame them. If we sent Trump’s sample to 32 And Me, I suspect we’d find he’s half German, half Scots, and half Klingon.
Especially the revenge part. He let all you morons hang your selves and now it’s Trumpnado.
I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the morning.
If congress desires to see all of the Mueller report, all they have to do is pass a law. The Dems are the ones that passed a law in the 90’s blocking publication of such reports.
Trump has been very happy with Mueller, that should have clued idiot liberals into the fact that a plan was in action, and you feel in hook line and sinker. Trump has been very mad about the fact that the Dems are being totally obstructing for no reason. He wants to do things for the country and they have been blocking for 2 years.
Trump campaign puppet, Bill Barr, claimed, citing no evidence whatsoever, that the “deep state†“spied†on the Trump campaign – a Trump campaign that had hundreds of contacts with Russian officials, spies and mobsters.
Actually what Barr said was that Aliens have just landed on the front lawn of the white house and Trump has been brainwashed. He is now convinced that Little green men are actually puppet posters on the internet and a comet is heading this way which will stop on his command.
In reality we have more to fear from the little green men then we do the Russian Hoax. Barr said Trump is controlled by martians and they have concocted a plan to appear to end life on this planet but with a single wave of his hand Trump will end the threat and be proclaimed president for life and his entire family will be heirs to the new Throne.
During his time he is to make sure that everyone has a job, the economy is strong and we fight no more wars. The democrats lost their shit, screamed and gnashed their teeth and began a campaign to start a war with Mars in the vane attempt to unseat Trump from the throne.
NOW you know what he REALLY SAID!!!!
Can’t help but notice the fact that Good Little Trumpkin Porter Good never mentions that Barr offered zero evidence for his claim.
Funny how Good Little Trumpkins miss little details like that…
He offered the same amount of “evidence” the radical left did when they started screaming “Russia, Russia, Russia”. He was positing he “believed” there MAY have been spying and he thinks it should be looked into.
The following email was sent to Donald Trump Jr:
=== begin quote ===
On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Good morning
Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.
The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin.
What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?
I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.
Rob Goldstone
=== end quote ===
Direct question to Kye:
What was Donald Trump Jr’s exact, verbatim reply?
I await further confirmation of Kye’s utter, craven cowardice. Like all blowhard rage-addicted bullies, he turns tail and scampers into the underbrush when directly confronted.
I don’t know.
“I don’t know.”
It would, of course, be far more accurate for Kye to say I don’t want to know.
Wingnuts are devoted to remaining ignorant of inconvenient facts, and defend that ignorance fiercely.
If you know, tell us.
Trump Jr to Goldstone
“Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?”
All you Cons know that. Why won’t you admit it? Do you think the “media” lied about this? (Jr actually released the info).
Bill Barr did not supply any evidence of “spying”.
Funny how there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion over a two year search , either. But nice to see the libs suddenly re-discovering the constitutional innocent until proven guilty thing.
“Funny how there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion”
Funny how Trumpkins cannot do anything bu lie through their teeth.
The following email was sent to Donald Trump Jr:
=== begin quote ===
On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Good morning
Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.
The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin.
What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?
I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.
Rob Goldstone
=== end quote ===
Direct question to Jl:
What was Donald Trump Jr’s exact, verbatim reply?
So, still no Trump-Russia collusion, as I said
So, Jl is, like Kye, too fùcking cowardly to discuss facts.
In other news, water is wet.
Not a trial or a grand jury hearing. And you notice nobody challenged him on it.
Stick that up your Trumpkins.
What actually happened was Trump Jr. Said something to the effect of AWESOME and they arranged a meeting in which the Russians REFUSED to give Trump and his people ANYTHING. This was investigated. By not only Mueller but the MSM. Trump released his emails regarding this because he probably surmised that Mueller had them already. Knowing Mueller was the type who wanted to entrap anyone coming in for a interview releaseing his emails almost immediately prevented Mueller from entrapping him during his very lengthy interview?
Why? Because he released everything he had to the special counsel and could simply say I forgot, dont remember you tell me I gave you the information and they would have no legal standing in regards to lying under oath.
This was heavily investigated. TRUMP said Hallelujah! Bring it on BABY. Meanwhile HRC was conspiring with UKRAINIANS and TODAY we get our first OBAMA WH AID being charged with lying about his dealings with UKRAINE.
Bill Bear is no doubt hired to go to right websites to keep the Russian Hoax alive because they believe lying and half truths will get them past the 2020’s and will keep Obama and HRC safe.
It will not. They already charged one Obama Liar and now the noose is starting to close on HRC and Obama and the corrupt FBI and DOJ officials who conspired with a treasonous attempt at removing a duly and capable president from office.
“What actually happened was Trump Jr. Said something to the effect of AWESOME and they arranged a meeting”
Ah, good.
Mangoldielocks has just confirmed that te Trump campaign id, in fact, attempt to collude with Russia to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.
Glad we got that settled.
Too bad you weren’t on Mueller’s team. Guess they missed that important piece of evidence.
Such a tool.
My brain just died with Bill Bears response. LOLOL.
Wow. Just wow. You know what I just did their Bill Bear.
I pretty much quoted VER BATIM CENK Uygar from the Young turks in a debate on the Russian Collusion hoax. Even HE and his network believes their was no collusion. However his real concern is Trumps financial dealings and always has been. Since Day one Cenk has been on the money trail not the FAKE RUSSIAN HOAX TRAIL.
However in the debate it was established that Manfort had his finances fully doxed and investigated to bring charges. It is understandable that they looked deeply into Trumps as well.
March 3, 2018
WASHINGTON — George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman, has hovered on the fringes of international diplomacy for three decades. He was a back-channel negotiator with Syria during the Clinton administration, reinvented himself as an adviser to the de facto ruler of the United Arab Emirates, and last year was a frequent visitor to President Trump’s White House.
Mr. Nader is now a focus of the investigation by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel. In recent weeks, Mr. Mueller’s investigators have questioned Mr. Nader and have pressed witnesses for information about any possible attempts by the Emiratis to buy political influence by directing money to support Mr. Trump during the presidential campaign, according to people with knowledge of the discussions.
They nailed Manafort on finances and looked deeply into Trumps finances. Your weak attempts of trying to cover for HRC, Obama and the democrats is just that WEAK and Ill informed.
Imagine that. A back channel negotiator for BILL CLINTON and now works for the UAE.
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will donate a combined $100 million to a World Bank fund for women entrepreneurs that was the brainchild of Ivanka Trump.
The announcement by World Bank President Jim Young Kim came during a visit to Saudi Arabia by President Trump, who was accompanied by his wife, Melania, daughter Ivanka and son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
Overall, the Clinton Foundation has received upwards of $85 million in donations from five Persian Gulf states and their monarchs, according to the foundation’s website.
Activist groups have charged the five states — Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) — committed numerous human rights abuses.
IF YOU FOLLOW THE MONEY the left is going down hard. REally, Really, Really hard. Trump is a billionaire. The IRS and the FBI and the DOJ are constantly watching him, auditing him and making sure he is not the next Russian oligarch. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos as well. They are not immune. This is why its so funny the left believes they are going to find a smoking gun in Trumps taxes.
=== begin quote ===
We now know several Russian officials reached out to a half-dozen Republicans very close to Trump and his campaign, including his eldest son, his closest adviser, his lawyer and his campaign manager. We now know they took the meetings, often enthusiastically, during and after the campaign.
We now know Russia offered in those chats campaign assistance — “synergy,†they called it. We now know no one around Trump alerted the FBI of this effort to subvert our elections.
We now know that 12 Russian intelligence officers were indicted for hacking the DNC and systematically releasing material for the purpose of hurting the Clinton campaign via WikiLeaks.
We know that Trump associates Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi attempted — successfully, in some instances — to get in touch with WikiLeaks and that they are under investigation for whether they had advance knowledge about the email dumps.
We now know Donald Trump Jr. and others took a meeting with Russians promising dirt on Hillary Clinton. We now know Don Jr., when approached with the promise of dirt, wrote: “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.â€
We now know Trump was negotiating a Trump property in Moscow during the presidential campaign — and hid this from the public and lied about it. We now know Mueller believes, based on his court filing, the “Moscow Project was a lucrative business opportunity that sought, and likely required, the assistance of the Russian government.â€
We now know every arm of the U.S. intelligence community concluded Russia sought to systematically influence the election outcome. We now know this was an unanimous conclusion, save one dissent: Trump.
We now know Trump officials continued talking with the Russians during the post-election transition. We now know Jared Kushner and Jeff Sessions failed to initially disclose any contacts with Russians on their government forms.
We now know Jared Kushner suggested a secret backchannel with the Russians, which had it happened, would have been free of U.S. eavesdropping.
We now know Trump soured on FBI director James Comey, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and White House counsel Don McGahn in part over their handling of the probe.
We now know Paul Manafort, who ran the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016, lied about his Russia contacts, was indicted and is going to jail.
We now know Flynn lied about his Russian contacts, was fired and pleaded guilty, after agreeing to become a key witness in the investigation.
We now know Cohen lied about his Russian contacts, was indicted and then flipped to become a key witness against Trump.
=== end quote ===
Oh, wow, a hit piece written by one of Politico’s founders.
Too bad it was released before Mule Ears told us no more indictments.
So I guess Mule Ears really didn’t know more than he was telling.
I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the morning.
That’s Bear shit you’re smelling.
Oh wow, formwiz cannot dispute a single fact presented above.
That’s about par for the course for ignorant little Trumpkins.
The only thing they forget to tell you is that.
Trump Asked Roger Stone to get what information he could from Wiki Leaks.
The Democrats insist Trump is in bed with Russians.
The Democrats insist the Russians hacked the DNC and would have this information.
Secondly. Trump bombed Russians and Syrians. Trump is trying to oust the leader of Venezuela which is a very close ally of Russia. Trump is trying hard to get Germany to stop buying Natural gas from Russia and buy it from the US instead which if that were to ever happen would bankrupt Russia.
Trump gave WEAPONS TO THE UKRAINE where Obama only gave MRE’s. Trump was opposed to the sanctions on Russia but relented and the US installed some of the toughest sanctions ever on Russia which amounts to war. The US has established a military presence in the Baltic Sea which is Russia’s back door. Obama got sanctions lifted on Russia’s closest ally IRAN but Trump nixed the deal which PUTIN wanted and put in place heavy sanctions on the Iranians.
The so called Russian Manchurian candidate is a cover for the real Manchurian candidate. HRC who was bought and paid for 10x’s over by Ukraine and half the middle east and when she lost everyone went into PANIC MODE which continues to this day.
this is why people like Jeffy and Bill are here spreading lies and misinformation 18 hours a day and its just not here its all over the internet. They are in panic mode. This all leads right to the feet of one Barak Obama. Once you follow the trail you will find the real perpetrators of this betrayal on the American people.
For the Marxocrats and the wine and cats crowd among us.
What the Democrats are going to do is what they have done for years when they are really desperate. They are going to follow the time-honored strategy of one of their own. Insiders call it the Alger Hiss Strategy. They will lie fervently, sincerely, and forever. They will never give an inch. They will lie unto death. They have implemented the Alger Hiss Strategy with the Mueller revelations. His report was sufficient to allay the suspicions of most objective readers, but there are always some suckers out there, and those are the Democrats’ targets.
Not only is the evidence of spying abundant and already reported in the press, there is additional evidence of the culprits positioning provocateurs inside Trump’s campaign to plant or manufacture evidence of “Russian Collusion” to justify the spying.
Show your work.
Thank you. Is this article the basis of you spying claim? Obviously you didn’t read it.
Can you point out in your cited article where the “spying” took place and/or where the Deep State planted provocateurs to plant evidence in the campaign? Good luck.
Mr. Flynn, a top adviser, was paid $45,000 by the Russian government’s media arm for a 2015 speech and dined at the arm of the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin.
Mr. Manafort, the campaign chairman, had lobbied for pro-Russia interests in Ukraine and worked with an associate who has been identified as having connections to Russian intelligence.
Mr. Page, a foreign policy adviser, was well known to the F.B.I. He had previously been recruited by Russian spies and was suspected of meeting one in Moscow during the campaign.
Lastly, there was Mr. Papadopoulos, the young and inexperienced campaign aide whose wine-fueled conversation with the Australian ambassador set off the investigation. Before hacked Democratic emails appeared online, he had seemed to know that Russia had political dirt on Mrs. Clinton. But even if the F.B.I. had wanted to read his emails or intercept his calls, that evidence was not enough to allow it. Many months passed, former officials said, before the F.B.I. uncovered emails linking Mr. Papadopoulos to a Russian intelligence operation.”
Note the sentence: “Lastly, there was Mr. Papadopoulos, the young and inexperienced campaign aide whose wine-fueled conversation with the Australian ambassador set off the investigation.”
More from your “work”:
“…by mid-fall 2016, Mr. Page’s inquiry had progressed the furthest. Agents had known Mr. Page for years. Russian spies tried to recruit him in 2013…”
“…prosecutors obtained court approval to eavesdrop on Mr. Page, who was no longer with the Trump campaign.
That warrant has become deeply contentious and is crucial to Republican arguments that intelligence agencies improperly used Democratic research to help justify spying on the Trump campaign. The inspector general is reviewing that claim.
Ms. Yates, the deputy attorney general under President Barack Obama, signed the first warrant application. But subsequent filings were approved by members of Mr. Trump’s own administration: the acting attorney general, Dana J. Boente, and then Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general.”
The 1st of many.
The members of Brennan’s working group at Langley “were just a bunch of out-of-control idiots,†says a former high-ranking CIA official to TAS. He finds it flabbergasting that Brennan would bring CIA officials and FBI officials into the same room to cook up schemes to send a spy into the Trump campaign’s ranks. One of those schemes involved money (Halper paid George Papadopoulos $3,000 for a phony research paper as a way of luring him into a London meeting); another involved sex (Halper’s assistant, with a name out of a bad spy novel, Azra Turk, tried to coax information from Papadopoulos at flirty bar outings, according to the Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross).
Wonder if Mueller will ever testify before this group of whiny Dems.
Why in the world would I be afraid of anything, Bill? And by the way, what facts? And notice that again Bill can’t refute what I said about Russia collusion. Hence, his 8th grade debating techniques “fu*king cowardlyâ€. Very bravely spoken, Bill
Yep. He’s a real little keyboard tough guy like that other little fella whatsisname. Smart too.

“Why in the world would I be afraid of anything, Bill?”
I don’t know why Jl is afraid to answer the question that I asked him.
I just know that he is afraid.
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Democrats Meltdown Over Barr Spying Claims. […]