…is frost caused by carbon pollution cold extreme weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on some people having meltdowns over a patriotic motif on police cars.
And that’s how they aerate greens, right?

I don’t think those spikes are regulation length.
CBS All-Access’ “The Good Wife” spinoff series, “The Good Fight,” is in hot water after tweeting an image from one of its episodes that shows a list of “target words” including: “Assassinate,” “President” and “Trump” in a red column and a second orange column that started with the words: “Mar-a-Lago” and “Eliminate.”
The episode itself focuses on the character Diane (Christine Baranski) joining a female resistance group tasked with dragging down Donald Trump’s approval ratings.
And the left says the right is violent and unhinged. Sad. Just sad that a network would allow this kind of garbage on their network. Its despicable that any actor or actress would agree to a script that uses this kind of language.
Lets hope the voters are watching.
The civil war continues fueled by an insignificant group The Young Turks who helped primary many moderate democrats.
Ocasio-Cortez says Biden presidential run would be going back, instead of moving forward
As the democrats eat each other over far left vs moderate. Anti-Corporation vs Corporatists. Obama warning the Democrats they are creating a circular firing squad.
the left is in total disarray and the only answer they have is assassinate the president and convince people Trump/Pence are racists.
A Christian University is up in arms that Mike Pence was asked to deliver the commencement speech. They accuse him of being anti-Christian and hateful. Even Religious colleges are being infiltrated by leftist propagandist. Its truly a trying time in the world these days.
[…] via If All You See… — Pirate’s Cove […]
Amazing. Using color and shapes is now considered “patriotic” and patriotism is “bad”.