This is what happens to people infused with Trump Derangement Syndrome, they take the side of a dictator over something minor
Those Cuban Ballplayers? They Won’t Be Coming Here
When President Barack Obama began thawing long-frozen relations with Cuba — a drive that included attending a baseball game in Havana alongside President Raúl Castro — Major League Baseball began negotiating with the Cuban Baseball Federation to start legally bringing Cuban stars to play in the United States. The deal, heralded as a way to combat the illegal cross-border smuggling of ballplayers, was finally clinched in December, and the Cuban federation sent over its first list of 34 candidates on April 3.
They won’t be coming.
At least not legally, after the Trump administration abruptly ended the deal, announcing last Monday that the Cuban federation was not independent of the Cuban government, as the Obama administration had ruled, and so paying it the fees mandated in the agreement would be a violation of American trade rules.
Officials in the administration also linked the reversal to Cuba’s support for the Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro, whom Washington is trying to oust. “America’s national pastime should not enable the Cuban regime’s support for Maduro in Venezuela,â€Â tweeted John Bolton, the national security adviser, on the day before the baseball deal was canceled.
This has made the NYTEB very upset. How dare baseball players in a repressive fascist nation be linked!
The administration’s arguments are not without merit. No organization as prominent as the Cuban Baseball Federation can be fully independent of the Havana government. And Cuba has remained a firm ally of Mr. Maduro, receiving Venezuelan oil in exchange for doctors and other specialists and intelligence, which has helped him remain in power despite demands from Washington and more than 50 other governments that he end his terrible rule.
But that is not entirely what this is about. Mr. Obama’s effort to end more than five decades of hostility toward Cuba was approved by a large majority of Americans as an opening that was long overdue. Allowing some players from baseball-mad Cuba to play legally in the major leagues was a win-win proposition: Players who might have risked dangerous flight could legally reach for stardom and wealth; Cuban baseball would make some money; and their presence would be tangible evidence of a crack in the ice. Accepting the myth of an independent Cuban baseball federation was deemed a necessary wink.
So, basically, the NYTEB knows that what Obama did was all BS, in regards to the baseball federation, but, they must protect the Precious, since Trump is erasing so much of Obama’s legacy.
Yet canceling the deal was a bad move done for the wrong reasons. Cuba’s decision to let its athletes earn their living outside Cuba was a step in the right direction, even if some dollars might have spilled into government coffers. And while Cuba should be dissuaded from propping up the Maduro regime, that should not be a pretext for indulging the right-wing obsession with maintaining a permanent freeze on relations with Cuba.
The NYTEB is propping up a brutal dictator in Maduro because of their TDS.

“The NYTEB is propping up a brutal dictator in Maduro because of their TDS.”
Porter Good is, of course, lying once again. Good has it exactly backwards — the current administration is undoing this policy because of Trump’s own Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Porter Good has been lying for so many years, about so many things, that being a liar is now the very center of his existence.
Remember voters. Remember BILL BEAR. That is what you are voting for in 2020. Unbridled hatred for anything and everything he does not agree with which is probably 2/3rds of what you believe in.
the left has lost its collective shit. Remember that in 2020. A vote for a Democrat is a Vote for BILL BEARS of this world.
Remember voters. Remember DONALD TRUMP. This is what you are voting for in 2010: violence as political ideology.
That is what Porter Good, Mangoldielocks, Kye, and all the other hatemongering bigots who frequent this site want.
Yep. That’s the new meme since the Russian collusion meme has been totally refuted.

It’s been a constant for tRump. Violence and threats.
Collusion has not been totally refuted.
I’m not voting for Trump in 2010.
I am voting for him, along with most of the country, in 2020.
Put down the bong.
Tell it to the people who haven’t had a clean square mean in months.
Or a bath, band aid, roll of toilet paper or bar of soap. That’ Bill Bears world.
Bernie’s getting all tongue-tied answering questions about being a millionaire and benefiting from the Trump tax cut now that he’s a one per center.
Comedy f*cling gold!
Senator Sanders proposes to raise taxes on himself (top marginal rate of 52% and raising the Estate Tax) and those that earn what he does.
Trump, of course, cut his own taxes (if he actually pays taxes).
Seems like the FOX audience favors universal healthcare.
Sanders is a a mumbling stumbling doddering old hypocrite who donated 3.4% of his income to charity and paid ~23% in income taxes.

Capitalism’s been very good to the old commie one percenter.
F@ck what he proposes.
You’re mistaken.
In 2016, 2017, 2018, Senator Sanders and his wife paid 35%, 30% and 26%, respectively in federal income taxes.
You don’t begrudge Senator Sanders writing and selling a best-selling book do you?
Do you think tRump has ever paid even 23% in federal income taxes? tRump set up a self-dealing charity foundation that was shut down by authorities.
Senator Sanders proposals will do more to help tRump voters than tRump has. But you value tRump’s hatred of Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, gays more than you value your own economic well-being.
So the old commie hypocrite did profit from the Trump Tax Cuts even though he voted against them.
You may be mistaken.
Senator Sanders made only half as much in 2018 as he did in either 2016 and 2017, hence a lower overall tax rate on lower income.
He may have benefitted from the tRump tax breaks as Sanders made over $500,000 last year. Did you look through his released tax returns to determine that?
Senator Sanders is not a communist. He’s not much older than the old fascist, tRump.
Here’s another of Bill Bears hate filled people we should not worry about. He wants the very best for America. Can’t ya tell?
Al Green is the male Maxine Waters

Just as racist, just as stupid and just as rude.
So who burned down Notre Dame? Disgruntled Catholics, Yellow vests, Jooos, white supremacists, homophobes? Oh, I got it, Trump supporters!
Probably either one of those careless Parisian smokers or a priest who left his male stroker charge too long. But definitely not a Mohammadan. I guess “some people did something”. We’ll never know but Rep. Omar is on the case.
Notre Dame was being renovated.
Do you think it was arson perpetrated by Muslims?
What involvement do you think Rep Omar has in the tragedy? Do you think she engineered the blaze in retribution for tRump’s vile attack on her?
Of course it was Moslems. Who else?
And Hell’s Harem is applauding it, like the rest of the Moslems.
Of course formwiz is a bigot. What else could he be?
Boom! Here enters the leftist propaganda mill. If one figures a Mohammadan burnt the church one is a bigot. How many churches in France have been burnt by Mohammadans? I wonder if any? I find it odd that just to consider it a possibility is bigoted. If a black church burned who would they consider? How about a Synagog? I’m sure they’d venture a guess but they wouldn’t be bigoted in doing so.
The reaction of the propaganda mill is exactly as expected. It wouldn’t matter if Mustafa stood on the steps of the cathedral with gas can and torch in hand while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ the propaganda mill will do its utmost to tamp down any mention of islamic terror. And maybe it wasn’t islamic terror. But the point is that the assumption that it WAS islamic terror will be occurring to millions of us and 30 years ago that thought would never have entered our heads.
P.S. My sarcastic reference to Omar was a joke. You need to stop making yourself look stupid by trying to make me look anti Mohammadan. Especially since you already are stupid and I already am anti Mohammadan. I’m anti any group who either is at war with America or wants to “fundamentally change” it. I also hate commies and nazi’s. But unlike you I refuse to bow in fear for your Mohammadan Overlords.
I’m not voting for Trump in 2010.
I am voting for him, along with most of the country, in 2020.
Put down the bong.
It’s been a constant for tRump. Violence and threats.
Collusion has not been totally refuted
No indictments says it has.
Senator Sanders proposes to raise taxes on himself (top marginal rate of 52% and raising the Estate Tax) and those that earn what he does.
sure, like all the other rich Democrats on Capitol Hill.
Trump, of course, cut his own taxes (if he actually pays taxes).
He also cut yours, dimbulb.
Seems like the FOX audience favors universal healthcare.
Seems like the Fox audience is mostly Lefty these days. Conservatives have abandoned it in droves.
Some NuCons have left FOX.
I guess they get all their info from the Pundit, Daily Caller, Brietbart and the Daily Stormer.
Do you still watch Hannity?