For all the caterwauling about initiating ‘climate change’ policies, this might work in the in very liberal cities, but, in larger areas these policies seem to end up with the party which enacted them losing. Remember back in 2012 when the Labor Party in Queensland, Australia lost so badly after enacting Hotcoldwetdry policies that they didn’t have enough members to be considered a recognized political party. Looking towards the Great White North
Alberta’s United Conservative Party (UCP) won a landslide victory against the liberal New Democratic Party (NDP) Tuesday night.
UCP Leader Jason Kenney’s first priority: repeal the province’s carbon tax.
It’s the first time an Albertan government has been toppled after only one term in power, and it’s the third time in the last year conservatives have won a landslide victory on a platform centered around repealing carbon taxes.
“Friends, tonight the silent majority has spoken,†Kenney said in his victory speech. “They have chosen free enterprise values over the politics of resentment.â€
Nearly one year ago, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, a conservative, won a landslide election victory promising to repeal the province’s cap-and-trade program and join the legal fight against Canada’s federal carbon tax.
Trudeau’s carbon tax went into effect in early April, slapping Canadian provinces with a federal carbon tax in the absence of a provincial carbon price. But Alberta’s election suggests Trudeau’s climate agenda may end up being politically damaging to his government.
“From its very introduction, the carbon tax has been very unpopular in Alberta,†Scott Hennig, president of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, said in a statement. “Even dressing it up and trying to bribe taxpayers with rebate cheques didn’t work.â€
‘Climate change’ policies seem to be popular right up to the point where citizens actually have to pay for them. You sure don’t see most Warmists practicing what they preach and using their own money, right?

Nice to know not every ones’s dumb enough like the doomers and think a tax can alter the weather….
ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH. FYI. Jimmy Dore is a hard core progressive but man does he destroy MSNBC and Rachael Maddow. He is also a comedian. This video is hilarious.
A hoot! Thanks.

Canuckistan finally coming to their senses, eh?
In the meantime, a U.S. Congresscritter (D, Dearbornistan) hosts the U.S. coordinator of PFLP, a designated terror group:
Representative Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) hosted an extremist anti-Israel activist who has openly and explicitly endorsed terrorism at her congressional office in mid-April to celebrate the American Muslims for Palestine Advocacy Day.
Catron serves as U.S. coordinator of the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, an arm of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which the U.S., Australia, Japan, Canada, and the E.U. have all designated a terrorist organization.
AS sad is the democrats have all refused to attend the AIPAC conference which of course is a moderate American Jewish conference on Israel.
They are refusing, meanwhile their apologists continue to claim the left is not becoming anti-Israel and pro muslim.
How Canada’s growing anti-abortion movement plans to swing the next federal election
Anti-abortion lobbyists cheered Ontario’s election as evidence of success. Next up: an ambitious strategy for 2019.
by Anne Kingston Sep 12, 2018
Yesterday another major coup for the right wing populism sweeping Canada. The yellow vest movement is picking up non violent steam in the nation as major bastions of liberalism come crashing down in election after election. Ottawa saw the national populist right pick up a staggering 55 percent of the seats in their congress. That is beyond staggering.
In Quebec the same thing happened a few months back with the 15 year liberal government rocked by gaining on 32 percent in their government while the national populist right movement swept into power with over 62 percent of the government becoming Right wing populists.
Nation after nation are crying FOUL over their nations repressive CARBON TAXES including CANADA. What is evident is the people living packed inside urban cities are all for taxing the rest of the country which need fossil fuels to farm, ranch, get to work and be productive enough to pay for the government to give away socialist free stuff.
In reality the urban centers around the globe are all of the same mindset. In 2016 Trump won because suburban and rural areas turned out and voted against the narrow interest of the urban cities of America. The same thing in playing out all across Europe and NOW CANADA.
This is things the MSM wont tell Americans. It does not fit with the corporatist/globalist narrative that the major money players who own these giant corporations want you to know. The left blames the Koch Brothers, while the left has a 100 billionaires all raking in the dough from WORLD WIDE CORPORATE GREED.
And now you know the SOME OF THE rest of the story.
Voters in very liberal Washington state rejected Governor Jay Inslee’s carbon tax, and now voters in Alberta, in mostly more-liberal-than-the-US Canada, are doing the same thing. Why, it’s almost as though the plebeians aren’t following the path that the patricians are trying to set for them!