Let’s start out by noting that the Extinction Rebellion members who held up a train in London have been charged with obstructing trains or carriages on the railway by an unlawful act, contrary to section 36 of the Malicious Damage Act 1861, and were denied bail. Huh. Wonder why. Also, four chained themselves to Jeremy Corbyn’s home, and glue themselves to each other. A few even protested in front of the RNC’s headquarters in D.C., and pretty much the only ones to cover this were the hyper-left site Democracy Now.
And we have
A leading Extinction Rebellion activist who said that “air travel should only be used in emergencies†lives a jet-set lifestyle, taking skiing holidays, visiting global landmarks and enjoying walks along palm-tree lined paths.
Robin Boardman-Pattinson walked out of a television interview after being branded “incompetent, middle-class and self indulgent†by Sky’s Adam Boulton, but The Telegraph can reveal that climate change is not the only cause which he fights for.
He’s also campaigned against the expansion of Heathrow airport, supported Muslim women wearing Hijabs and Niqabs and asked for retail space in Bristol turned into a slave trade museum.
Worryingly, he also shared a post which calls the allegations of anti-semitism in the Labour party “a massive smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn by the Netanyahuite supporters in the party and wider media/society.â€
But while Mr Boardman-Pattinson rallies against climate change, he has taken at least three skiing holidays in recent years, and has posed for photographs in front of the leaning tower of Pisa. He was unavailable for comment.
So, not only is he a climahypocrite, but an anti-Semite to boot.
(UK Express) Climate activist Rupert Read made the faux-pas after describing the atmosphere of the Extinction Rebellion protest on Waterloo Bridge. He told LBC radio: “The atmosphere there is fantastic and loads of ordinary passers-by, loads of citizens supporting us. I then took a taxi to get to the meeting I’ve just been in now.
“And the driver was hugely supportive.â€
Struggling not to giggle, LBC host Iain Dale said: “I hope it was an electric taxi, because otherwise why didn’t you use the tube?â€
After a horrifyingly awkward pause, Mr Read blurted: “Well, because I was in a terrible rush.
“And I’m a human being like anybody else.â€
Mr Dale shot back: “Well, don’t you think that’s slightly hypocritical?â€
Shockingly, his guest retorted: “No, I don’t Iain.â€
Chuckling, a vindicated Mr Dale replied “I think everybody listening to this interview will.â€
It’s always “do as I say, not as I do” with this crowd.

Hey, it’s kinda quiet around here today. Very pleasant change from the usual.
I have been avoiding it with the trolls.
He generated a lot of comments and discussion, but, it was entirely too personal. It started with the personal. He’s not trying to comment, either, because they would have ended up in the moderation que if used a new IP and email address, and spam if any existing. Hated to do it, but, my hand was forced.
Thanks, Teach. He had long since worn out any level of tolerance, and I know that your breaking point is pretty high.
It’s my belief, because I am a cynical type, that there is a class of troll out there that simply exists to damage websites they disagree with. Just a game with them, to get more and more vicious until they get kicked off, then they just move to another site.
I wrote posts for other blogs before wondering if I (and other friends) wanted to start our own blog.
After writing comments here for a little while, I asked Teach what he thought. He said we should go for it as the world needed more thoughtful conservative blogs.
That was more than 9 years ago, so it shows how long I personally have been around here. The fact that we took his advice, shows how much we value his input and cyber friendship.
My position is a simple one: this is Teach’s “house.” He is the one paying the bills. If he is like us, he is not making a great deal of money (if any) off of this thing. For us, and probably Teach, it is a labor of love. A way to vent. A way to communicate with people.
I had actually written Teach and explained why I were not posting here as much. I felt I was being dragged down into the morass of constant insults and a lack of true meaningful discussion. I can’t control what others say and do, but I can control what I say and do.
There were several options for me, including walking away, but I vowed absent of my statement “all the left has is hate,” I wouldn’t let others drag me down until I was like them. I got tired of the venom from their keyboards, and from mine.
Teach understood and wrote back saying he didn’t want to ban people. That is not his style. In the time I have been here, he has banned three or four people, which is the same number we have banned on my site.
In my opinion, the line was crossed when Jeffery went after Teach’s parents and claimed they had raised him as a racist. My jaw literally dropped when I read that. In my opinion, them be fightin’ words.
Teach’s response was correct and appropriate. He let the poster know he was on thin ground. Teach’s comment of “choose your next words carefully,” was, in my opinion, the correct thing to say.
The person chose his words, not taking heed to the admonishment and is gone.
Some may know that I am a sports official and have done it for many years.
There is a saying when ejecting a player or coach that “officials don’t eject anyone. The players and coaches eject themselves. We just to the paperwork.”
That’s what happened here.
Teach didn’t ban anyone. They banned themselves.
He just did the paperwork.
Teach’s house. Teach’s rules.
Even if I didn’t “know” the man like I think I do, I would support him in this decision. It was one that was not taken or made lightly.
The past has shown that.
So we all move on. Life moves on. It may be appropriate that this weekend for Christians is the marking of being reborn. Without certain people, this place is reborn in a better, kinder, more gentle place where discussions and not insults are the name of the game.
Just my 2 cents.
Well stated, Git.
gitarcarver typed: “…the line was crossed when Jeffery went after Teach’s parents and claimed they had raised him as a racist.”
I never typed those words, but you’ve lied about me before.
All you have is hate.
Bwaha! Pot calling the kettle black.
Extinction Rebellion are just another group of communists who took their old revolutionary ideas and dressed them up in climate change clothes. Their stated goal is to take down western governments through whatever means necessary, including causing mass starvation and panic. Then they replace them with their own marxist ideology that they call a “better democracy” except without voting.
Isn’t that what they’re doing in Venezuela? I think you are on to something , JGlanton. They sound like just another “watermelon” group with a clever name. Another bunch of Reds lookin’ for free pussy in the crowd. It’s the 60’s forever with theses people.
The obvious question would be “what’s going extinct� Denier!
The party apparatchiks never expect to have to live like the peasants. Ever. Those more equal than the others can eat caviar at their dacha on the weekend as the rubes wait in line for some bread. Just like Bernie going speechless after being busted out for not only being a hypocrite on taxes, but a willing capitalist to boot. The Bern would think it’s fine that you’re shut out of the game as long as he gets to capitalize on being an anti-capitalist that needs to generate enough income to maintain his three homes.