That’s not really the point of Easter….
The meaning of Easter is Jesus Christ’s victory over death. His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. The meaning of Easter also symbolizes the complete verification of all that Jesus preached and taught during His three-year ministry. If He had not risen from the dead, if He had merely died and not been resurrected, He would have been considered just another teacher or Rabbi. However, His resurrection changed all that and gave final and irrefutable proof that He was really the Son of God and that He had conquered death once and for all.
….but, then, the Cult of Climastrology likes to hijack pretty much most days of meaning, along with most issues. I mean, if we want to get political, we could say that we should reflect on the utter immorality and heartlessness of murdering the unborn through abortion. Anyhow, here’s Warmist Rod Oram
An Easter to reflect on our fragile home
Easter is the perfect time for us to consider how well we’re looking after our life support system. Many of us have a few days off in places urban, rural, seaside or wild to savour nature, the source of everything we need for our survival; and for those of us of the great faiths of the world, all founded in the northern hemisphere, this is our spiritual spring, a time of rebirth and renewal.
We think nature is boundlessly abundant. Yet, it is astonishingly scarce. The biosphere, home to all living things from our largest plants and animals to our tiniest microbes, is just a gossamer thin layer of air, water, soil and sea enveloping the planet.
The atmosphere is barely 100km deep, with virtually all the air we breathe in the bottom 10 km. If all the atmosphere was collected in one place at sea level pressure, it would be a bubble just 2,000km in diameter, less than the drive down our north and south islands. Yet into this bubble we humans pumped last year 37 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, compounding our climate catastrophe.
Perhaps Warmists should consider living back in nature. Give up their modern homes, live in huts and caves, no more vehicle travel, no more anything past 2000 B.C. Unfortunately, they conflate a little bit extra of carbon dioxide with the actual environment.
Yet this biosphere, our one and only, supports teeming life forms, including 7.7 billion people. But we humans have tripled in number in the past 70 years, wreaking havoc on our very life support system.
The obvious inference here is that there needs to be a population reduction. How do we do that? And how does population reduction work in the meaning of Easter and the teachings of Jesus? Well, wiping out a couple billion people doesn’t.
Now, Oram does continue on in discussing the actual environment and taking care of it, which, I think would be part of the teachings of Jesus and God, but once you’ve put it under the wing of the idiocy of anthropogenic climate change, you’ve made it all nutty political.
So, this long weekend, should you take a brief break from communing with nature to read about nature, please my I recommend an excellent companion piece to Environment Aotearoa 2019 – Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudao Si’, On Care for our Common Home.
How many Warmists actually commune with nature? Some. Most live in urban areas and think a manicured park is communing with nature.

It looks as though you’ve made a blockquoting error: the fourth paragraph down reads as though you wrote it, not the cited source.
And if they did live on a small farm, as I do, wouldn’t they need to hire gardeners to cut their lawns and tend their gardens?
Our vegetable gardens are already in, and the corn will be planted this coming week. But, you know, I had to get my hands dirty putting in the gardens, I got my clothes dirty, and, oh goodness, I was working out in the hot sun!
However, if you looked at my lawns, you’d think that you were in a “manicured park,” because it was “manicured,” by me!
Regarding whether global warming is a proper topic of discussion on Easter: why not? Says the author:
“The latest verdict is crystal: our destruction of our ecosystems continues apace. Oh, yes, some rivers in some rural and urban places are better than they were. But overall, we continue to degrade them. Oh, yes, we are managing to increase by a few the populations of some highly endangered native birds. But if we stopped our conservation efforts, they would become extinct.
Quite simply, the way we live and the way we earn a living, in town and country, is increasingly damaging the things we value. These include nature itself, and our health, economy, identity, culture, recreation and ultimately social stability.
Given these are vastly complex and interdependent issues, we need help to understand their causes and cures.”
The author did make some other interesting points, as well.
If our atmosphere was collected into a sphere, it would reach only from Dallas to Richmond VA, and from Earth to 1240 miles up. Humans pump some 75,000,000,000,000 pounds of CO2 into this “sphere” every year, increasing the concentration of CO2 from about 280 ppm in 1900 to 410 ppm today. And CO2 stays around a long, long time (that’s why it accumulates). And this is causing the Earth to warm.
Here’s a discussion of the Earth’s carbon dioxide cycle.
Do “non-warmists” really believe that information as included in the linked article is faked by commie scientists?
CO2 stays around a long, long time (that’s why it accumulates
About the dumbest thing you’ve ever said.
CO2 is used up in photosynthesis and the amount in the atmosphere is a mere .04%, that’s 1/25 of 1%.
Ordinarily, I’d call you a moron, but you have to know what a crock this is, so you must be a liar.
That’s why the bear suit called everybody else liars and you do, too. Deniers.
Your lack of understanding is appalling.
Why do you think the CO2 level is rising rapidly?
To what physical mechanism to you attribute the Earth’s current warming period.
Are you still claiming the CO2 accumulates around our ankles?
Bill Bear was frustrated by your base ignorance, your inability to learn and your dishonesty.
CO2 is not rising rapidly.
And I attribute the earth’s warming period to the end of the last ice age.
Are you still claiming the CO2 accumulates around our ankles?
No, idiot. I claim nothing. I state the fact CO2 is a heavy gas consumed in photosynthesis. The only thing that accumulates around your ankles is your IQ.
Bill Bear was frustrated by your base ignorance, your inability to learn and your dishonesty.
Your bear suit was projecting much like the bunny suit, the redneck suit, and the black Jew suit.
No offense, but you’re too ignorant to debate.
According to you, the Earth is not warming and CO2 levels are not on the rise.
Got it.
Teach typed: “The obvious inference here is that there needs to be a population reduction. How do we do that? And how does population reduction work in the meaning of Easter and the teachings of Jesus? Well, wiping out a couple billion people doesn’t.”
This is YOUR obvious inference. It’s actually a simple recitation of a fact, perhaps with the implication that BEFORE 2100 or so the Earth will have another 3 BILLION people. That’s a 30% increase in needed fresh water, food, shelter, energy, arable land… The author did not suggest or imply the need for wiping out a couple billion people, although it’s easy to understand your motive for suggesting it.
First off Elwood, Teach didn’t “suggest” it he implied it. Second, please state his “motivation” since you easily understand it. Please.
Obviously, Teach’s motivation for suggesting that “non-deniers” want to “wipe out” 2 billion humans is to disparage “non-deniers”.
You didn’t easily understand that?
No, because a lot of Lefties have felt the same over the years, from William Ayers to Richard Lamm to a lot of the nuts today.
Fewer people mean more control and less mouths to feed.
From the original:
I’d say that a comment that the world’s tripling human population has wrought havoc on our “very life support system” certainly states that Mr Oram believes it to be a bad thing. I don’t see it as much of a stretch to see that as a direct implication, not simply our host’s inference.
Of course, let’s be honest about things: the majority of population growth is amongst People of Color, so if Mr Oram believes that the tripling of the population has wrought havoc on our biosphere, then it is the People of Color who have been the problem, and they should be the ones he wishes to . . . limit . . . to solve our problems. After all, it is still those People of Color who have the highest birthrates in the world.
Perhaps Herr Goebbels could have put it better than I have, though I suspect that Mr Oram might not like my pointing out what he has said.
Hey, it worked! I was wondering if
JeffreyJeffery was the only one allowed to include picture files in the comments.dana one trillionth-,
You’re wrong. Again. I have not once attempted, much less succeeded, in including a picture file in the comments.
If you try harder perhaps one day you can be dana nano!
If a Con such as Mr. Nano could ever be honest (they can’t), he’d acknowledge that the CO2 problem came largely from the Caucasoid peoples of Europe and America, being helped along now by China and India. There is no question that as the developing world population increases these men and women will desire the comforts of the West. And rightly so. As a people we can support our burgeoning population by further degrading our environment or develop a better way that doesn’t dump 75,000.000.000,000 pounds of CO2 per year into our only atmosphere which, if you haven’t heard, is causing our planet to warm making living all the more difficult.
So rather than considering the NuCon wet dream of murdering billions of non-Caucasoid people, we should explore better ways for our species to survive, perhaps even to prosper.
Here we go, the need to get rid of white people and the world will be wonderful.
Jeffery the little racist comes out of his closet to wave the flag for the latest Lefty fashion. Instead of Judenrein, get rid of the whites.
And stats show a lot of Asia and Africa contribute to the mess, so come back when you’ve looked at the facts.
Mr. Nano typed: “Perhaps Herr Goebbels could have put it better than I have…”
You capture Herr Goebbels well, although it probably was more impressive in the original German.
First, it’s Dr Goebbels, and second, like Dr Ehrlich, he was a master propagandist, so the analogy holds up.
BTW See where a lot of Christian churches were blown up on Ceylon today? Now who could have done it?
Hindus? Buddhists? Could it be those wonderful Moslems who never do anything wrong? And so close to the Notre Dame fire, where now the Frawgs are trying to tell us it was a computer glitch.
Kinda like the Vegas shooter where Comey’s FBI promised a report they never released.
Thank you for defending Goebbels reputation – he received a PhD in History.
There has been tension between the 70% Buddhist majority and the Tamil people (Muslim, Hindu, Christian) of Sri Lanka (Ceylon was the name given to the island by the British). In fact, the Buddhist majority put down a Tamil rebellion in a civil war ended a decade ago.
Do you have evidence of who bombed the hotels in Sri Lanka, how the Notre Dame fire started or why the Las Vegas murderer killed those innocent people?
Frawgs?? You know and repeat all the slurs, don’t you? I must run in different circles than you.
Elwood, is your ultimate goal the elimination of all Caucasoid people to save the planet for the POC? Sounds like it. You do realize if all the white people are zapped off the face of the earth there will be no one left to invent and run all that tech, medical and engineering stuff the POC like so much. Unless you think things like cell phones, computers, jet airplanes and heart transplants were made by Swahili’s, Mexicans, Iraqi’s and Thai’s.
No, I do not have a goal to eliminate all Caucasoid peoples, or even to reduce our population.
I applaud you for expressing your belief in white supremacy so overtly. Kudos.
It’s good to know white people have only performed good works.
Who invented the ISA bus? The gigahertz chip? Dry cleaning? Color computer monitor? Blood banks? Closed circuit TV security system? UV camera/soectrograph, laserphaco probe for cataract surgery, a machine that automatically sewed shoe tops to the soles, automatic doors for elevators, carbon filament light bulbs, heart pacemaker, fireproof safe, cartridge video games, 3D graphics, gas mask, Super Soaker, chemical synthesis of complex drugs, mobile refrigeration units, x-ray spectroscopy, Cardiopad, dissolvable sutures, coffee, the university, algebra, agriculture, physical optics, the crank, hospitals, paper, movable type, gunpowder, compass, mechanical clock, silk fabrics, iron smelting, bronze..
Ah, but if they want their manicured lawns and avocados for breakfast, somebody has to die to make sure there’s enough for the elect and who better than the kulaks?
It’s the old Commie strategy.
I admit Teach’s thinking is a little stretched from what he quotes, but, you know some history, you know some politics, you know some science, you know some Uncle Saul, you know how it all comes together.
Boiled down to “hey, we’re putting a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere, we think it’s causing all this warming, but sorry, we can’t prove what the effects of that warming would be, even though we constantly try and fool the public that we do.
You’re not now admitting that humans are responsible for the increase in atmospheric CO2 are you??
It appears you’ve recently come around to finally admitting the Earth is warming. You’ve stopped denying that CO2 is causing the warming.
Now you’re arguing that since it’s impossible to “prove” something will happen in the future, that preparing for global warming is foolish.
Can you prove the Sun won’t explode in the next 1000 years? Can you prove that the Earth will cool and we’ll have an ice age in the next 100 years? Proving the future is hard, isn’t it!
So how does one plan for the future, given that it’s impossible to ‘prove’ what will happen? Shouldn’t one rely on the best available evidence? Would you build a new house in the shadow of an 80 year old dam, since you couldn’t prove it would burst in the future? It might not. Would you march through Brooklyn chanting “Jews Won’t Replace Us!” carrying swastikas, since you couldn’t prove that residents would beat you? They might not. Can you say with certainty that you’ll live or die from getting shot in the abdomen? Of course not
Anyway, the predictive nature of science is about probabilities or likelihoods, not proof. The Sun is almost certainly likely to “rise” tomorrow, and is almost certainly not going to explode. The theory of AGW simply predicts that as the concentration of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) increases, it is very likely that the heat content of the Earth will too. It is also likely that as the heat content increases there will be changes in climate that will affect human societies, most likely negatively.
How to best slow the increase in CO2? That’s the question.
You’re not now admitting that humans are responsible for the increase in atmospheric CO2 are you??
No, because it isn’t happening.
it’s impossible to “prove†something will happen in the future
We can forecast, based on honest data, y’know like the weatherman saying warm and sunny when it’s cool and rainy, or you can predict, like the Hildabeast would beat anybody, but prove what the future holds?
In your dreams.
Too funny-never had I said humans aren’t responsible for a rise in CO2. “The predictive nature of science is about probability or likely hoods, not proof.†Actually, it’s based on evidence. Good one-and the models used to “predict†the effects are using a forcing of CO2 doubling that’s not known, but “guessed†at, as I said. . “Most Likely to affect humans negatively.†Nope, can’t say that because still a guess, and, as we know most of their guesses have been wrong.
I apologize if I put words in your mouth.
So the Earth IS warming.
So humans ARE causing the CO2 levels to increase rapidly.
We can keep that as our baseline.
He said nothing of the kind. He merely rebutted your oft-repeated idiocy.
The Earth is NOT warming.
Humans are NOT causing the CO2 levels to increase rapidly.
You just lie about what people say.
So J switches his mantra from “humans causing rapid warming†to now “humans causing rapid CO2 riseâ€. “The earth is warmingâ€. Yes, and it’s been warming since the end of the LIA. So?
Greenhouse gases, CO2 in particular, are

but a fart in the wind of global warming when compared to the variation in energy imparted by the sun due to solar cycles.
Still incorrect, regardless of how many times you type it.
Can you support your assertion with more than your assertion? Surely you have something form Tony Wuwt or Pierre Gosselin.
I guess what I’m asking is from where you cribbed your quote?
I guess from me. .04% isn’t very much, now is it ?
0.028% is enough to keep our Earth from being covered in ice. Did you know that?
0.04% now is enough to warm the Earth further.
This tiny, tiny amount of CO2 is responsible for life on Earth. Besides keeping the Earth from being a giant ice ball, CO2 is necessary for green plants to produce carbon chains for building carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, using the energy supplied by sunlight (in the red-orange and blue-violet wavelengths).
Your position is that there’s enough CO2 to support the life of all green plants on Earth (and by extension, animals), enough to keep Earth from being 33C COLDER than now but not enough to warm the planet another 2C.
Pure crap. And totally wrong.
Speaking of pure crap, Here’s Davy!
You know what I like about you dave? Not a damn thing.
Care to cite that first statement because the second is a joke. CO2 is consumed in photosynthesis and expelled as oxygen.
It’s broken down, genius.
You’re not wrong!!
6CO2 + 6H20 –> C6H1206 + 6O2
Molecular oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis! It’s the carbohydrate that’s the prize!
But your statement “CO2 is consumed in photosynthesis and expelled as oxygen” may be misleading. The molecular oxygen originates from the photolysis of water (H20), which is the source of the protons needed to drive the activity of ATP synthase (overall this is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy – perhaps the most important process in nature!). CO2 is directly added to a 5 carbon chain etc etc etc
Thank you for defending Goebbels reputation – he received a PhD in History.
No, I was just correcting your pathetic ignorance. And his PhD was in philology.
There has been tension between the 70% Buddhist majority and the Tamil people (Muslim, Hindu, Christian) of Sri Lanka (Ceylon was the name given to the island by the British). In fact, the Buddhist majority put down a Tamil rebellion in a civil war ended a decade ago.
Buddhist don’t hate Christians, but, because of their close association over the century, they do hate Moslems. Same with Hindus. And, funny thing, a lot of Moslems speak the Tamil language.
Now who’s at war not only with Hindus and Buddhists, but also Christianity?
Do you have evidence of who bombed the hotels in Sri Lanka, how the Notre Dame fire started or why the Las Vegas murderer killed those innocent people?
Not yet, but a lot of Deep States seem awfully eager to cover them up.
According to AP, six nearly simultaneous blasts took place in the morning in Colombo. Now who is famous for operating like that?
Frawgs?? You know and repeat all the slurs, don’t you? I must run in different circles than you.
Yeah, you call white men liars and rapists and racists and mass murderers all the time.
I also say Limeys, Krauts, Nips, Eyeties, and Yanks.
I only call people liars, rapists, racists and mass murderers when they are liars, rapists, racists and mass murderers. Not all or even most white men are liars, rapists, racists and mass murderers. While most US mass murderers are white men, not all white men are mass murderers.
Although I know that liars, rapists, racists and mass murderers actually exist, I don’t know any actual Frawgs, Krauts, Nips, Limeys or Eyeties. See the difference, or are you just being pathetically ignorant?
What slur best describes you? Fag? Honky? Peckerwood? Redneck? Chub? I’ll start using it.
My Goebbels comment was copied from dana. Did you correct his pathetic ignorance as well?
We’ll pay extra attention to your pathetic ignorance from now on.
No wonder Bill Bear found you to be such troll.
Bret Kavanaugh was no rapist, Donald Trump is no racist, and most mass murderers are Moslem.
As for your assumption I’m Southern, you couldn’t be more wrong, but that doesn’t matter because all white men who aren’t Commies are rednecks to you. It’s just your bigotry coming through. dana was joking, you’re just a joke, and your bear suit projects as much as the bunny suit.
My apologies if I ever called you a southerner, I didn’t mean to insult you. I assumed from your cadence and vocabulary you were a Midwesterner, but not the southern tier.
Most US mass murderers are white men.
I don’t know any commies, white or otherwise, and I come from the Ozarks where we’re all rednecks and hillbillies.
Greenhouse gases, CO2 in particular, are
but a fart in the wind of global warming when compared to the variation in energy imparted by the sun due to solar cycles.
Reading comprehension helps for those who can not understand.
Still not true.
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.†– The right-wing’s favorite philosopher.
You still haven’t backed up your claim, although you’ve repeated it often enough.
Let’s make it easy for you and take it one step at a time. Describe the variation in energy imparted by the sun due to solar cycles.
Dr Goebbels was no philosopher (what, you think a PhD in philology…, you are ignorant), and he like all his buds were Lefties; another lie you people tell.
And .04% is a miniscule amount. Too bad for you. It shows how big your lie really is.
And you do keep trying to repeat it, hoping it will be believed.
Too bad. People aren’t that dumb.
Just you.
We weren’t talking to you, but since you butted in…
It wasn’t a quote from Goebbels, so you can stick your pathetic ignorance up your arsch.
You’re ignorant of high school physics and chemistry and insistent that PhD’s in humanities being called Dr. My guess is you have a PhD in English or philology or Education or Nazi history and taught for years at a JuCo. Right?
Speaking of “right”. The Nazi’s were rightists not leftists.
You know what I like about you dave? Not a damn thing.
Typical Lefty. Total absolutist.
Anybody not on his side must be destroyed. You would have loved routing out the kulaks 80 years ago.
What? You can’t identify a joke when you see one? LOL.
You and Lurch are legendary for your sense of humor.
Greenhouse gases, CO2 in particular, are
but a fart in the wind of global warming when compared to the variation in energy imparted by the sun due to solar cycles.
Another fact often overlooked: Scientists have calculated that termites alone produce ten times as much carbon dioxide as all the fossil fuels burned in the whole world in a year.
Tax termites.
This is where you would provide a reliable source for your claim.
Termites produce methane, estimated by scientists to represent 1-3% of the world’s emissions.
Here we go with cows again.
No more hamburgers.
No, they don’t want to tell us how to live.
ihniiayhts… you’re too ignorant.
We can prove what the effects will be. When the PPM of co2 was 4400 ppm the Iceland Ice sheet only shed 40 percent of its mass. This was over a period of about 18k years. The typical time for a warm period on a planet that typically is a ball of ice.
The earth is a ball of ice about 99 percent of the time. Yet Elwood and company want to inhibit warming by a few degrees because? Only they know.
The last great upheaval of co2 was about 1500 ppm and the earth absolutely thrived. The earth was not toxic, plant and animal life blossomed and millions of species exploded into being.
There are only GOOD things that happen as a result of the earth warming. When The last Warm period began about 12k years ago you could walk from England to France. The Mediterranean had flowers and trees growing where water stands today.
Since that time the oceans have risen a hundred feet or so and things have changed. In 100 years the ocean will rise perhaps a foot. Build some sea walls. In 200 years the oceans will rise 2-3 feet…build them a bit higher. In 300 years technology will have replaced all CO2.
We will be just fine. Unless we let the AGW crowd destroy fossil fuels with NOTHING to replace them and then the Jeffys of the world will be demanding we shut our border as million stream into the USA taking all Jeffys stuff because they are starving.
We will be OK aa long as the Mangy’s of the world listen to reason. What will Mangy do when the climate refugees show up, starving from the effects of global warming?
The Wiz claims you are kidding when you type about non-deniers wanting to end CO2. True or not? Actually stopping human generated CO2 would not remove all CO2 from the atmosphere.
The Mangy’s of the world don’t know what they’re talking about.
Standard Lefty position.
Everything will be lovely if everybody does it our way.
We will be OK aa long as the Mangy’s of the world listen to reason. What will Mangy do when the climate refugees show up, starving from the effects of global warming?
I will simply steer them to YOUR house. After all you advocate for those lovely illiterate and starving people who just want a better life. You want open borders and sanctuary cities. YOU want them so it is after all only fair they show up at your house and not mine.
Secondly with the world warming more and more land is opening up to farming. Droughts and too much water have been an issue for as long as anyone can remember. Go back to the 1930’s Was the Dust bowl a result of CO2? Surely it was. It couldn’t have been terrible farming practices or other things.
But I digress the only way we will face world wide pandemonium is if the USA elects democrats and puts them in charge with AOC as the leader of your party. Her Green NEW DEAL is just awesome for the world with nothing to replace farming, ranching and eating except a hope and a dream that your snowflake children will have an awesome life full of unicorns and lollipops while the bad guys blow up their churches and motels.
France, Europe and Canada have all figured out that TAXING THE SHIT out of suburban and Rural citizens is the perfect way to fix Global WARMING. Just watch the news. Oh thats right the NEWS DOESNT REALLY COVER the fact that France is entering its 24th week of protests and that Canada is now facing a yellow vest uprising for the surburban and rural areas being unduely punished for the snowflakes packed like sardines in the big cities and breathing pollution caused by their own stupidity.
I fergit the news only covers tornados in America, or rain or snow or floods that have been occurring for 1000s of years. Hell they dont even cover the weather in other countries unless it is a disaster so that they can say see. SEE!! Told you so. Were all gonna die and Its Mangy’s fault.
Actually stopping human generated CO2 would not remove all CO2 from the atmosphere.
It is actually amazing how much dumb shit you can cram into a few sentences. AGW wants to end CO2 generated by Humans. That means fossil fuels.
The end of fossil fuels with NOTHING TO REPLACE IT MEANS:
NO MORE UNIONS because what jobs are they going to do?
Are you listening OHIO, MICHIGAN, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Minnesota. YOUR PARTY wants to do away with your jobs.
NO MORE CAMPING, FISHING, HUNTING. Because how are you going to get to the woods to do any of those? Ride your bike?
NO MORE airconditioning in 115 degree south. Including ARIZONa and NEVADA. Are you listenting to what your party wants to do to you Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas.
NO MORE of anything. Then all these URBAN SNOWFLAKES Want to fill up all the red states with SOLAR AND WIND POWER AND THEN SHIP IT BACK TO THEM where THEY GET AC and THEY GET TRAINS AND BUSSES all running off Electricity from the backs of RED STATES who cant feed you but by god you can get to work and have a cool apartment and a government job.
NO MORE of anything is the lefts cry. Fuk the middle class, fuk the unions, fuk the poor, fuk the rich. Fuk everyone. Fuk Everyone. DIE MF’s DIE!!!!!
Thats what a vote for a democrats supporting the new Green Deal means for the US and the world.
*Iceland Ice sheet should have been the GREENLAND Icesheet
Uh oh-greening “underestimatedâ€. I think that means we have way less than 12 years to live….
Headline off Commie News Net
We’re Losing The War On Climate Change
English translation – we the good guys are winning.
you’re too ignorant.
Yeah, that’s how I keep kicking your ass.
This isn’t greening that’s “supposed†to take place years from now because a computer model said it would-its actually happening. Evidence of the effects of CO2
No offense, but you’re too ignorant to debate.
According to you, the Earth is not warming and CO2 levels are not on the rise.
Got it.
Well, he’s tried racist, white nationalist, rapist, sexist, homophobe, redneck, misanthrope, and liar, and we still laugh at him.
So Mr Consensus now tells us we’re too ignorant.
As I say, he’s been told he’s losing and we keep kicking his ass.
There is already a different day to consider the environment. It’s called “Earth day”. Easter has a totally different purpose. That purpose is exclusive to Christians. Thanks, militant atheists, I don’t need any suggestions about how to spend my religious holiday from people who don’t practice my religion.