…is a wonderful low carbon scooter that should replace all fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the sourest of grapes.

…is a wonderful low carbon scooter that should replace all fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the sourest of grapes.
Remember when the Segway was hyped as the device that would revolutionize transportation in America? Now they are just used by a few tourist groups in DC and police departments (spending other people’s money).
And interoffice messengers.
I would pay to watch her straddle and dismount that thing.
Biden launch sets up 2020 nomination fight with fellow front-runner Sanders
Just as I predicted. A poll of Bernie Sanders supporters came out saying that 20 percent of his supporters will vote for TRUMP in Bernie is not the nominee.
With Biden entering the ring the Sanders supporters are now demanding the party swerve even farther left to put distance between themselves and the Corporate Wall Street Darling Joe Biden.
The left faces a serious problem with the party despising OLD WHITE MEN and here we have the two front runners are OLD WHITE MEN. In the wings are several women all of whom have so much baggage. Even the Tulsi Gabbard was opposed to LGBTQ before she was for it.
Let this sink in:
In 1998, James Byrd was dragged to his death behind a pickup.
Yesterday, one of his killers was executed in Texas.
If Bernie Sanders or other Democrats had their way, this killer would have had the opportunity to vote even if an election was held the day before his execution.
Bernie’s comment about letting the Boston bomber vote, and all other felons:
“I think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy. Yes, even for terrible people.”
Think about it.
Bring back the death penalty for more crimes with less delay and this stops mattering. As i have written before, modern prisons are pointless wastes of money, energy, and lives. They accomplish nothing and in most cases are counter-productive. The only thing jails should be used for is to contain violent offenders while they are awaiting trial. There is no reason to even have “white collar” prisons. They serve no useful purpose other then “this is how we have always done things.
Man, do I agree with that Professor. Putting white collar criminals in prison is stupid. As non violent offenders we need to find ways to punish them that cost us less simply because they are not any physical danger to society and the cost of incarceration is so high.
I also agree that the crimes earning death should be expanded and appeals limited to one, within one year of the original sentencing and execution to follow a second guilty verdict immediately.
I would reserve the death penalty for certain white collar crimes (e.g., conspiracy with foreign gov’ts to harm America; defrauding over $1 million USD; violations of the emoluments clause; obstruction of justice by government official; treason), terrorism, child molestation, 1st degree murder.
Do you all agree that drug use should never end up with jail or prison?
What about drug traffickers importing large quantity of drugs for distribution?
What about drug company/distributors who sold millions of doses of oxycontin to rural Americans? Should they be imprisoned or have their profits confiscated? How should their lethal (70,000 Americans a year!) white collar crimes be punished?
We all know Zippy bought off the drug companies ofr IdiotCare so, if there’s a problem, he’s the cause of it.
And certain white collar crimes translates to I wanna hang Trump whether he he’s guilty or not (he’s not), but just because he’s been alleged. Typical Commie. Show me the man, I’ll invent a crime.
BTW terrorism isn’t a crime AFAIK, but murder one is, so we’re cool there, but child molestation?
Used to be murder one, rape, and kidnapping. Get rid of the Lefty judges and it would work again.
The Great Recession resulted from white collar misbehaviors, lax regulatory oversight and the abject failure of the government to recognize the problems. This episode stole trillions of dollars from the US economy and bankrupted millions of blue collar Americans – rural America still suffers from the effects of the Great Recession.
Tax monies and guarantees were used to make many Wall Street companies, their execs and their investors whole. They were rewarded for their stupid, if not criminal, behaviors because they were “too big to fail”, and their failure could crash the entire globe’s financial systems.
Angelo Mozilo, former CEO of Countrywide mortgage, was one of the engineers of the Great Housing Crash. The SEC charged him with insider trading but let him off with a huge fine. He is still worth close to $1 billion. Not a bad deal for wrecking the world’s economy and decimating rural America. You would send a kid to prison for life for stealing a car but let a guy off the hook for stealing the economy/.
Oh, this one is going to be fun.
The Great Recession resulted from white collar misbehaviors, lax regulatory oversight and the abject failure of the government to recognize the problems.
It came about because the Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee were being bribeed out the nose to allow it, you hypocrite.
Angelo Mozilo, former CEO of Countrywide mortgage, was one of the engineers of the Great Housing Crash. The SEC charged him with insider trading but let him off with a huge fine. He is still worth close to $1 billion.
Thanks to the 3 people he bribed most. He funded Christopher (Friend of Angelo, as he was known) Dodd’s (D-CT) retirement in Ireland while the Mocha Messiah (D-IL) and the Hildabeast (D-NY) were the second and third highest recipients of bank money in Congress.
And nobody gets life for car theft.
Numerous books have been written about this, the recession can be attributed to one man, Barney Frank.