…is a horrible, evil, no good golf course sucking down water and causing temperatures to skyrocket, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on three scary words.

…is a horrible, evil, no good golf course sucking down water and causing temperatures to skyrocket, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on three scary words.
Teach typed: three scary words
President Donald tRump??
Actually, he didn’t. For most Americans, those are a joy.
Jeffery considers them scary because the biggest accusation of racism today is Kate Smith singing a song 100 years ago. How can he whip up his homies to riot in the streets when they’re working and making good money?
Dutcher believes only white Christian males are “American”.
Anyone who finds tRump a “joy” is un-American.
Now, did he tell you that Elwood or are you just making shit up as you go along because I don’t remember hearing him say anything of the sort so one of you is lying. Could you refer me to the exact quote where he said that? Please.
I would like to see the passage where that was said.
Elementary my dear, Wiz/Key…
Clearly, the fact is that for most Americans (a clear majority) tRump does not bring joy, but they actually dislike him.
That said, there IS a subpopulation of Americans, i.e., white Christian men, in whom tRump stimulates ecstatic joy!
By the powers of deductive reasoning, that must be the subpopulation you’re talking about.
Therefore, Wiz/Kye only considers white, Christian men Americans.
“What’s he gonna do, wave a magic wand?”
— Barky O
Abracadabra motherf@cker!Â
The economy grew at an “unexpected” rate of 3.2% if you are among the stupid Krugman’s of the left who “expected” a recession within 6 months of Trumps election. That’s because a businessman knows less about business than an empty suit from Harvard Law School cause Orange Man Bad.
The left is defeating itself. It’s fun to watch.
tRump congratulated the first Caucasian chosen in the NFL draft, ignoring the #1 pick, Heisman Trophy winner, Kyler Murray:
Donald J. tRump
“Congratulations to Nick Bosa on being picked number two in the NFL Draft. You will be a great player for years to come, maybe one of the best. Big Talent! San Francisco will embrace you but most importantly, always stay true to yourself. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
It turns out Nick Bosa had earlier criticized Colin Kaepernick for kneeling, and had also “liked” racist and homophobic websites on social media. Bosa since apologized.
I like people who weren’t picked number 2.
It might have had something to do with Murray’s homophobic tweets.
Funny how something the Left would hang anybody else for gets lost in the shuffle of creating a lie. I guess Jeffery is the one who doesn’t consider homosexuals Americans, after all.
Hardly the same is it? 14 yr old Mr. Murray called some guys “queers”. Boso appears to be a white nationalist. 14 yr old libs grow out of it. Right-wingers are immature forever.
You call gay men, “fags”.
You call everyone a “white nationalist”. You’re gonna wear that out like you wore out “racist”. You have a problem.
tRump has re-invigorated the white nationalist movement, which had been hidden for several decades.
He relies on their support. It’s why he refuses to criticize them, preferring to call them “very fine people”. Very fine people who ram cars into crowds and shoot up mosques, synagogues and Black churches.
Appears is not the same as is. And I seem to recall you were willing to ruin a man’s life not for what he did at 14, but what he was accused of doing, without any substantiation.
I also doubt any white man who did the same would automatically be branded for life if he was a Conservative.
You call me formwiz, or I’ll call you Jeffery L Keene and repeat the allegations liljeffy has made every time I slap you down.
And, again, let’s see where anybody but you used the word fags.
As for immature, here you are, acting like some 20 year old Antifa creep.
Formwiz, Elwood sees “white nationalists” under his bed. “Racist” lost it’s zip so now everyone who isn’t a leftist commie kissing Mohammadan loving crazy is a “white nationalist”.
You got to understand one thing about Elwood. He prescribes to the George Castanza school of reason: “It isn’t a lie if you believe it!”.
Here’s Castanza in his own words:
And this is EXACTLY how Elwood sees his little bitter, hateful, pathetic world.
Nice threat, Edward S. Dutcher. You call me Elwood and I’ll call you formwiz, or I’ll do to you what drowningpuppies (aka Lil) did (actually, I won’t because he broke the law multiple times, and I obey the law).
Nick Bosa was a trump supporter. He had tweeted things supporting MAGA. Of course Trump acknowledged a supporter vs. a guy posting QUEER talk on his pages. Bosa should fit right in in San Franscisco. The 49ers just spit in the faces of all those wackadoodle crazed leftists by drafting a TRUMP LOVING MAGA FAN. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I was actually surprised that they didnt take Q. Williams and pass on Bosa because of his active support for Trump and MAGA.
Just think Elwood you would barking at the moon had trump congrats Kyler Murray the queer shouting tweet kid. You bark when he doesn’t say congrats. Gotta love a guy who is just throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks as the Democrats JOE BIDEN is surging into the lead guaranteeing TRUMP 2020 reelection as 20 percent of Bernie Sanders say they will vote for TRUMP out of spite for the stupid democratic party that doesn’t support far left socialism.
Elementary my dear, Wiz/Key…
Clearly, the fact is that for most Americans (a clear majority) tRump does not bring joy, but they actually dislike him.
That said, there IS a subpopulation of Americans, i.e., white Christian men, in whom tRump stimulates ecstatic joy!
By the powers of deductive reasoning, that must be the subpopulation you’re talking about.
Therefore, Wiz/Kye only considers white, Christian men Americans.
IOW, he lies.
Elwood, when did either formwiz or myself state we only consider white Christian men Americans?
If you cannot show me the quote I assume you’re lying. I’ll wait.
What is comical is that the GOP and TRUMP are evil for spiking the WHITE VOTE when the democrats depend on 95 percent of the black vote and 72 percent of the HISPANIC vote and 68 percent of the Asian vote and 74 percent of the JEWISH VOTE and 81 percent of the MUSLIM VOTE to get them elected.
Yet the Democrats spiking of A RACE or RELIGION IS OKAY but the GOP spiking WHITE VOTERS AND CHRISTIANS IS EVIL. Gotta love the race baiting hate from the left. Racists everyone of them as they all HATE WHITE PEOPLE and CHRISTIANS and actually jews even though the Jewish people haven’t quite figured that out yet.
Maybe our Jewish brothers and sisters are smarter than you think, recognizing that conservative white nationalists raid synagogues with AR-15s.
The GOP has been promising the white working classes salvation for decades – banning abortion; keeping non-Christians, immigrants, gays, feminazis, eggheads, Blacks in their place; bringing back 1950s rural America; great jobs; making Christianity the law of the land; chest thumping American pride! – what has been delivered is: increasing wealth inequality, jobs going overseas, massive debt, and especially whopping tax cuts for the wealthy!
And whopping tax cuts for the working stiff. Again, you lie.
As always.
The guy who hit the synagogue in SD was no Conservative. In his manifesto, he called Trump “Zionist, Anti-White, Traitorous, C*cksucker†and said he hates Conservatives, so you lie again.
And, if Jews recognize that conservative white nationalists raid synagogues with AR-15s, care to explain Jexit and Jexodus?
Also, if the Rs are keeping non-Christians, immigrants, gays, feminazis, eggheads, Blacks in their place, explain WalkAway, Blexit, and Lexit.
increasing wealth inequality, jobs going overseas, massive debt
No, that’s what the Mocha Messiah gave this country.
Another lie.
And what’s so bad about bringing back 1950s rural America, great jobs, chest thumping American pride?
The only one talking about making Christianity the law of the land is you, so that straw man is a joke. Too bad you hate black people, else you’d be a bit more in favor of banning abortion, but, since blacks are seeing how the Democrats have used them for 50 years, one can understand why you’d contribute to the self-extermination of black America.
Scratch a Lefty, find a mass murderer underneath.
Read the murderer’s manifesto to determine if he’s a right-wing white supremacist or not. (Hint: he is). (Advice: stop your lying).
The right-wing white supremacists who commit these atrocities are much like the murderous Islamists. When will you “moderate” white nationalists start condemning your more violent brethren? Isn’t that what you ask of Muslims?
Jexit, Jexodus, WalkAway, Blexit, and Lexit are right-wing words created to imply that decent people are flocking to the white nationalist tRumpublican Party (tP). It’s just more astroturfing BS.
Grexit is all the college grads abandoning the tP. Bexit is business leaders jumping ship from the tP. Fexit, farmers seeing tRump for what he is. Yexit, young voters saying buh-bye. Texodus, Texans giving tRump the finger. Pexit, all those Pennsylvanians who no longer support tRump.
formwiz asked: And what’s so bad about bringing back 1950s rural America, great jobs…?
Nothing is wrong with it. It would be great if the promises could be fulfilled, but cutting taxes for the wealthy hasn’t worked. Rural America is being decimated by factory farming, youngsters moving out, fewer jobs (especially manufacturing), drug abuse…
Of course it’s worked.
It’s why you hate Trump. He’s wiped out the stagnation and dependence on welfare that Zippy brought. His tax cuts fattened the paychecks of all Americans and you really can’t stand that. You liked it better when Willie told the country, “Ah’d luhve tuh give y’all a tax cut, but ah cain’t trust ye tuh spend it raht”. There’s a real down home racist for you.
Can’t have a Welfare State without people needing welfare. And what’s worse, he showed everybody who delivered and who didn’t.
Rural America is being decimated
Farming is going to be automated just like everything else, but why do you care? Those are the people with Confederate flags on their trucks, the rednecks and peckerwoods and white nationalists and racists you tell us you hate so much. So, again, you lie.
drug abuse…
The Left has been pushing drugs since LBJ. You have no one to blame but your self.
You are a hate filled person. Not worth debating. What should we say Elwood in condemning this activity that would please you?
My guess is nothing. No amount of groveling and gnashing of teeth against this person would suffice.
In fact A couple whack jobs who post stupid manifestos on the internet indict a 100 million Americans in your eyes. We are….each and every one of us are murderers. Racists and haters. Filled with rage and anger when in reality….
the only rage and anger I see here is yours against the right for not believing what you believe. Crazies kill a few muslims and its horrible. Muslims kill 10’s of thousands all around the world and its SILENCE. chirp, chirp, chirp.
People are mowing each other down in your big DEMOCRATIC controlled cities and its silence. Seatlle is dying as drug addicts are given more drugs and selling drugs is no longer illegal in your fine DEMOCRATIC BASTION OF LIBERALISM and you think its swell.
MS-13 gang members sneak over the borders and you INVITE them here. Want them in WHITE NEIGHBORHOODS and its all fine. But have 3 or 4 or 5 crazis a YEAR GO WHACKADOODLE and the entire world has screamed to a halt and TRUMP IS AN EVIL MONSTER.
The only evil in this world is crazies like you who would dare use deaths to promote a political talking point rather than to work on solutions for helping your big cities to stop being murdering grounds, crime ravaged depots of desperation. As Trump does those things, the left resists at every step. They after all want their blacks to continue killing each other. They want their people to be drugged up to show how hopeless life in America has become under 2 years of TRUMP.
Sad brutha. My heart goes out to the people who have been shot up by this whack job. Your heart goes out to the fund raising trail hoping it buys you more votes in 2020 and praying that more whack jobs murder more Jews and Muslims in your own country.
Sad Brutha. Just sad.
tRump has re-invigorated the white nationalist movement, which had been hidden for several decades.
He relies on their support. It’s why he refuses to criticize them, preferring to call them “very fine peopleâ€. Very fine people who ram cars into crowds and shoot up mosques, synagogues and Black churches.
You mean Moslems. They’re your crowd.
And the Republicans in the ’64 Congress buried the white nationalist movement after all the hard work Woody Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, the Kennedys, and Lyndon Johnson put into keeping it going.