Monthly Archives: April 2019

White House Floated Plan To Release Illegal Aliens In Sanctuary Cities At Least Twice

This has made Democrats and the Washington Post Very Upset, but, you can bet every Trump voter, and a whole lot of others who aren’t for Open Borders, is saying “that would be great!” White House wanted detainees released to ‘sanctuary cities’ to target Trump’s foes White House officials have tried to pressure U.S. immigration […]

Tilting At Windmills: House Democrats Pass Bill Reinstating Obama’s Net Neutrality

Democrats just won’t give up on Net Neutrality, as it is a great way to put a massive government control on something that everyone depends on, and, quite frankly, are hooked on House Democrats Pass Bill Reinstating Obama-Era Net Neutrality Rules House Democrats passed H.R. 1644, the Save the Internet Act, 232-190, featuring unanimous Democrat support and […]

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution caused rain, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on a the human tree having a new branch.

Democrats Meltdown Over Barr Spying Claims

AG Bill Barr lit up the Democrats during a hearing Wednesday Barr says he believes Trump's 2016 campaign was spied on. @brianschatz: "Do you wanna rephrase … I think the word 'spying' could cause people in the cable news ecosystem to freak out." Barr: "Unauthorized surveillance … is that more appropriate in your eyes?" […]

Employees Of Company Dependent On Energy And Fossil Fuels Asks For “Climate Plan” Or Something

What would Amazon do without fossil fuels and vast amounts of energy? How many products are shipped not just across the nation, but across the world? I once ordered a watch, which ended up being a bit heavier and bigger than I thought. In order to return it, it would have to be shipped back […]

Washington Post Editorial Board Has A Plan For Dealing With Border Crisis They Said Didn’t Exist

On February 15th of this year, the Washington Post Editorial Board said that “Trump’s make-believe crisis is untethered from truth and reality.” This was to go with the many, many articles and op-eds saying there was no border crisis. And that has mostly continued till yesterday, when they ran a thinly veiled opinion hit-job on […]

California Looks To Come For Your Stoves And Water Heaters To Stop ‘Climate Change’

The Cult of Climastrology is always looking for new ways to control your choices California’s next frontier in fighting climate change: your kitchen stove Curtis Stone has been using induction cooktops for years. The Australian celebrity chef — who operates acclaimed restaurants in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills and is planning a pop-up eatery at […]

If All You See…

…are horrible clouds of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on AG Barr putting together an investigation into the FBI’s conduct regarding Russia Russia Russia.

Science Is Cool: First Picture Of A Black Hole Revealed

I’ve been waiting for this for over a week, when it was first announced that it would be released Scientists have obtained the first image of a black hole, using Event Horizon Telescope observations of the center of the galaxy M87. The image shows a bright ring formed as light bends in the intense gravity […]

High Flying John Kerry Praises AOC Over Green New Deal Or Something

John Kerry, who is really proud of flying all over the world on fossil fueled airplanes as Sec of State, squee’d a bit, but, he forgot one really, really important point John Kerry Praises Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Leadership’ with Green New Deal Former Secretary of State John Kerry testified before the House Oversight Committee Tuesday, claiming freshman […]

Pirate's Cove