Monthly Archives: April 2019

AOC Releases New Video On Green New Deal While Still Refusing To Demand A Vote

What’s the point of releasing a resolution if you’re not going to demand a vote on it? Heck, AOC had a meltdown when the Senate voted on the Green New Deal as submitted by co-author Ed Markey AOC Previews Green New Deal: Oil Workers Replace Pipelines with Mangroves, Indigenous People Heal the Land Rep. Alexandria […]

Supposedly, Mueller Report Will Be Lightly Redacted

If so, it won’t make a difference, because Democrats are still going to lose their minds and claim there’s a coverup and conspiracy and stuff, because they still can’t get over Hillary losing to Donald, and they still feel that he totes colluded and obstructed in the same manner a fan of a football team […]

Alberta Says Hello To Party That Wants To End Carbon Taxes

For all the caterwauling about initiating ‘climate change’ policies, this might work in the in very liberal cities, but, in larger areas these policies seem to end up with the party which enacted them losing. Remember back in 2012 when the Labor Party in Queensland, Australia lost so badly after enacting Hotcoldwetdry policies that they […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible golf course sucking up non-renewable water, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on the violence of Democrats. And get your heels off the greens!

Mayor Of Sanctuary City Threatens To Sue If Illegal Aliens Sent To City

  It’s almost like illegal aliens are a threat ‘Sanctuary city’ mayors say they want asylum seekers — while Bill de Blasio calls it ‘illegal’ Self-styled progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio says he’ll go to court to stop President Trump from shipping asylum seekers to New York City — but other sanctuary city mayors across the US […]

Climate Nutters Glue Themselves To Trains, Ruin The Day For Average People

These people are committed, and should be committed. Nothing says “we care” like ruining the day of people just trying to go on with their lives Activists glue themselves to train at Canary Wharf Two climate change activists from British organization Extinction Rebellion have climbed on top of a commuter train at London’s Canary Wharf. The pair […]

NY Times Questions Whether Trump Is Man Of The People Or Of His People

Yet another reason why the news media is not trusted and dying: running an “analysis”, ie, opinion piece, on the front page which is supposed to be news, which is all about taking shots at Orange Man Bad. But really, really forgets to mention a few things A President of the People or a President […]

UK Guardian: Those Violent Nutters In Extinction Rebellion Aren’t Going Far Enough

It’s great when one of the major world news outlets advocates for massive violence, and this is from their editorial board The Guardian view on Extinction Rebellion: one small step The planned choking of traffic in central London on Monday by climate activists of Extinction Rebellion falls somewhere between street theatre and direct action. If it is […]

If All You See…

…is a horrendous golf course which evil rich deniers play on, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on how some Muslims reacted to the destruction of Notre Dame

NY Times Seems Rather Upset That Guy Who Wants To Destroy Israel Is Barred From U.S.

The NY Times’ Michelle Goldberg should have done a little research, but, it’s fashionable among liberals to believe that those involved in the BDS movement are just protesters, rather than virulent Jew haters who want to see Israel wiped off the map Anti-Zionists Deserve Free Speech The Palestinian activist Omar Barghouti, one of the founders […]

Pirate's Cove