Monthly Archives: April 2019

Democrats Who Can’t Get Over Losing 2016 Formally Demand Trump’s Tax Returns, Part Two

The late Robin Williams had a joke about British bobbies having no weapons other than a nightstick, in which he would mimic them saying “Stop! Or I’ll tell say stop again.” Having failed to obtain all of Trump’s tax returns, personal and business, with all sorts of explanations, by April 10th, Democrats are yelling “stop […]

Might Deport Later

LOL @realDonaldTrump — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) April 12, 2019

If All You See…

…is a world flooded by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on Excitable Maxine Waters and banks.

NYC Plans On Releasing It’s Own Green New Deal

What could possibly go wrong? NY is introducing its own Green New Deal As Washington debates the controversial Green New Deal, New York City is forging ahead with its own measures in a bid to curb climate change. The city council will announce Thursday a batch of proposed legislation, dubbed the Climate Mobilization Act, that aim […]

We Have To Change Economics And Design To Survive ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Funny how an issue we’re told is all about science always involves changing our system away from capitalism and having the government dictate changes to our lives, eh? Surviving climate change means transforming both economics and design What could be more important than sustaining habitable living conditions on Earth? Climate change, biodiversity loss and other environmental problems […]

Trump Doubles Down On Dropping Illegals Off In Sanctuary Jurisdictions

Whether it was originally a serious proposal, a joke, or just throwing ideas against the wall, it matters nary because Democrat Open Borders advocates are twisting their own panties into massive knots in High Dudgeon. So, of course, Trump will further tweak their noses, because this is a hill Dems apparently want to die on […]

Having Solved All Of Oregon’s Problems, Senate Passes Bill Limiting Straws

Plastic pollution is not a joke. Even with the notion that the majority these days comes from China and India, each of us can do our part. It doesn’t have to be about ‘climate change’, or even extreme enviroweenieism. Seriously, do you like driving around, going for a walk, riding a bike, going to beach […]

If All You See…

…is a terrible tiny plate of food, because carbon pollution will harm food production and we’ll all starve, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post noting that the phrase “ugly duckling” is now considered raaaaacist.

NC General Assembly Takes Aim At Spam Callers

Have you ever had someone call you with the same prefix as your phone, and you think it’s legit? It happens a lot in my area. So you block the number. Then the same company/person calls you from a different number. Well, the NC GA wants to do something more about it Lawmakers take aim […]

Sunrise Movement Is Fighting To Bring The #GreenNewDeal To All Of America Or Something

The Sunrise Movement is “building an army of young people to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.” They say that “The political establishment is scrambling to keep up with thousands of people across the country who are eager to take action and bring the promise of the Green New […]

Pirate's Cove