Is Nancy bloviating to a hardcore crowd of Moonbats, or saying something more insidious? (video at the link)
Pelosi: We Cannot ‘Accept’ a Second Term for Donald Trump
Tuesday at Cornell University’s Institute of Politics & Global Affairs Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Democrats could not “accept a second term for Donald Trump.â€
Pelosi said, “We have to make sure — this will sound political but we have to make sure that the Constitution wins the next presidential election. We can’t be worrying about well, how long is this going to take? Well, that will take as long as it does. And we will press the case so that in the court of public opinion people will know what is right. But we cannot accept a second term for Donald Trump if we are going to be faithful to our democracy and to the Constitution of the United States.â€
She added, “And that is just the fact. So we have to operate on many fronts. We have to operate in the Congress, in the courts, and in the court of public opinion, and we must win the next election.â€
Of course, she and the other Barking Moonbats still haven’t accepted Trump’s first term. They cannot accept that he won fair and square according to the rules as laid out in the Constitution. They gave collusion and obstruction a whirl, to no avail, but, won’t let go, like a terrier at your ankle. They caterwaul about getting rid of the Electoral College, because how dare the WrongPerson win? They make excuses for the terrible candidate that was Hillary. They yammer about impeachment. Etc and so forth.
And they’re going to be really, really unhinged when he is re-elected. You think they were bad when Bush beat John Kerry in 2004? Brother, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
(I do appreciate being able to post surrender monkeys again, though)

“Is Nancy bloviating to… or saying something more insidious?”
Believe the proper verb in both cases is “queefing”.
I actually had to look that up, Liljeffy. I’m stunned. That sounds like an Elwood remark.
Queefing is what Big Pussy Donnie does.
Physically impossible for a male.
And that Big Pussy has been kicking your ass for 2 1/2 years.
According to Stormy Daniels it isn’t clear that Fat Nixon is a male, what with the big boobs and stubby, mushroom shaped “thingy”.
This dumb bitch Pelosi has no idea about the Constitution. When she states “But we cannot accept a second term for Donald Trump if we are going to be faithful to our democracy and to the Constitution of the United States.†she is doing the EXACT OPPOSITE. Our country is NOT a democracy you dumb bitch, it’s a Republic and the Trump won according to our Constitution. These people are not for freedom they are for power and winning at all costs.
In a year they get to vote again. Instead of making all kinds of noise that will give Trump a second term they should be looking for a candidate that makes the Democrat Party look sensible. If that’s even possible any more given the clowns they have running so far. They may just as well run Elwood he’s at least as good as Buttandpeg or Beano or Cameltoe.
She should have said her only objective was to make trump a one term president!
She’s certainly blown that one.
Preznit Stoopid, Fat Nixon or IvanaDoIvanka is the dumbest, vilest son of a bitch to ever occupy our White House. Once he resigns they’ll have to burn down the White House or at least have it fumigated.
Maybe Kye should challenge trump – Kye’s at least as racist, sexist, islamophobic and homophobic as trump, although unlike trump and Lil, Kye doesn’t appear to be a certifiable sociopath.
You think trump makes the Republic Party look sensible? LOL.
Elwood I love when you project. You’re so vile and transparent at the same time. I keep telling you that you guys will convince no one by calling people names but still you persist with the silliness. Your loss. I can’t wait to read your comments on Nov. 4, 2020.
You and your pathetic commie party has become so invested in hating Trump and his supporters you can’t think straight (as if you ever could before). If you really believe calling white people racists and homophobes etc. is going to get them to vote for you then you’re an idiot of the first water. The middle class is turning away from you by the millions. Millions I say! You are so full of venom anyone who disagrees you consider evil racist and haters when it is your own reflection you see. But it does keep us amused to watch you lash out insanely at everyone. Keep up the good work. Trump and all of us thank you for making his second term a Christian cake walk.
It worked on BUSH THE COWARD who hid in the white house instead of standing up for himself.
It will not work on Trump. He loves the fight. He trolls them non stop. The problem is because BUSH THE COWARD let them do it to him, the left now thinks they can do it to everyone who steps foot on the political stage. Hooray for Trump for standing up to these authoritarian facists.
It is time that the House and senate got a spine and started standing up for Trump as well. ARE YOU LISTENING REPUBLICANS. STOP HIDING and hoping trump goes away. They did the same thing to Sarah Palin. By election time the entire world thought she was the dumbest woman on the planet and the GOP did nothing but stand around going OMG did they really do that.
The war has been on a long time REPUBLICANS!!!!…….Time to put up or get out of the way. Stand up for your party you spineless cowards.
I love when you project. Do YOU ever call anyone names?
Understand, Fat Nixon’s abject assholery is only part of his problem. His policies are even more objectionable to liberals. He’s dumber than W but without W’s decency.
The GOP needs to consider who’ll run in 2020. Pence? John Kasich? Ben Sasse? Jim Jordan (LOL)?
So much for originality.
Fat Nixon’s abject assholery is only part of his problem. His policies are even more objectionable to liberals.
First, Nixon was hardly fat. And Trump is not Nixon.
Second, Lefties don’t like ending wars, a roaring economy, better trade? Great to know. More reasons to vote R next year.
He’s dumber than W but without W’s decency.
First, Dubya wasn’t dumb. Second, Trump is a Wharton man. You should be so smart (and you aren’t).
Finally, I thought Dubya was Chimpy McCheney Bushhitelr. Bush Lied, Kids Died.
Now he’s decent?
You might want to check with Troll Central on this one.
The GOP needs to consider who’ll run in 2020.
The name is Trump.
Serioulsy dude, Trump is getting to you. I think you need a mental check up!
Funny you should mention that, Mangoldielocks. I copied the post above from Elwood where he calls me all kinds of names and emailed it to my friend. He mailed me back that “the guy sounds deranged and possibly dangerous. Do you know if he’s in treatment or on meds?” I mailed him back that it’s Elwood, a typical modern leftist. They are all like that.
Obsession! by Kye. We’re flattered by all your attention but dial it back a bit.
Anyway, I said you weren’t a sociopath like trump and Lil. But you do lie a lot.
And aren’t you the one that refers to fags and Buttandpeg (homophobic), bitch and Cameltoe (misogynist), Mohammadans (sic)(Islamophobe)… I don’t recall, is Mocha Messiah yours (racist)? You might be worse than Fat Nixon!
Oooohh, he’s getting profane. McConnell’s little speech must have really been a downer.
Kye’s at least as racist, sexist, islamophobic and homophobic as trump
Lessee now, Trump is polling well with black Democratic women – 29% worth That’s as good as his Hispanic approval.
So much for racism.
Trump opposed the Ozark Mafia on same sex marriage
There goes homophobia.
He likes girls and has more in his Administration than Zippy.
So much for sexism.
Zippy bragged about how many Moslems he’d killed. Trump has gotten the country out of the Moslem-killing business (for better or worse).
So much for Islamophobia.
And the onl;y certifiable sociopath is Trump.
You think trump makes the Republic Party look sensible? LOL.
Watch us shove that LOL up your ass next year when we win.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
On January 5, 2019, in his alternate identity of Jethro, he wrote:
So, looks like our loony lefty is doubling down on the resignation predictions. Come January 1, 2020, I shall be very pleased to remind him of the accuracy of his predictions.
It’s kind of pathetic of you, but I’m pleased you may have something to look forward to in your drab life!
Is this a cry for help??
No, but it shows your political and economic acumen is nonexistent.
WHY on earth would they ‘accept’ a second DJT term when they are not accepting this one? They have done almost everything they can to topple him in their lust for power/control as it is.
My thoughts exactly.
Good one.
Video – Mitch McConnell delivers fiery remarks on the Mueller report
The World’s Greatest Business Titan reported losses of $1.17 BILLION from 1985-1994. No wonder he’s hiding his tax returns.
“The tax numbers, for the years 1985 through 1994, paint a far bleaker picture of Mr. Trump’s deal-making abilities and financial condition than the one he has long put forth.”
“And so, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer, according to the I.R.S. information on high earners — a publicly available database with taxpayers’ identifying details removed. Indeed, in 1990 and 1991, his core businesses lost more than $250 million each year — more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the sampling for those years.”
It’s possible that trump may have exaggerated his losses over those years to allow him to not pay taxes.
He also dabbled as a corporate raider for a while.
“He traded on his business-titan brand to present himself as a corporate raider. He would acquire shares in a company with borrowed money, suggest publicly that he was contemplating a takeover, then quietly sell on the resulting bump in the stock price.”
His marks eventually caught on and he ended up losing money.
“What he does say that’s true is he had a lot of cash flow,†Johnston added. “When he created his only publicly traded company, and ran it at least nominally for nine years, the investors were wiped out, the bondholders only collected pennies on the dollar, but Donald got $82 million out of it. That’s what he does. He reaches in like a vulture, he sucks something dry, and he leaves the vendors unpaid, sometimes the workers unpaid. Ruins other people’s businesses. And yet is held out in the press as this great business genius.â€
Hey zippy, you do know that Trump wrote a book about all of that right. That he readily admitted what happened, why and the lessons he learned from it?
Nice try but this is old news. Try to keep up.
Klown Kye,
You should petition tRump to access our tax returns. Even though we don’t have our own jet, it’s likely that for many years we paid more federal taxes than tRump. This is America!!
tRump tweeted that it was common practice for real estate “developers” to declare massive losses to avoid paying taxes.
“Real estate developers in the 1980’s & 1990’s, more than 30 years ago, were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would, if one was actively building, show losses and tax losses in almost all cases…”
The claim that tRump wrote a book is risible.
Nightie, Try to keep up.
tRump tweeted that it was common practice for real estate “developers†to declare massive losses to avoid paying taxes.
Those are the tax laws written by the Democrats over the last 80 years.
The claim that tRump wrote a book is risible.
As opposed to the ones ghost-written for Zippy?
Now we can see why Trump resists opening his tax returns to the public: idiots like Elwood. Here is Elwood bitching and moaning about Trump declaring losses in 1985. 1985! That’s 34 tears ago and Elwood thinks the IRS is so stupid they would allow a guy like Trump to “lie” and declare higher losses then he had.
So if Trump made 2 billion he’s a hustler and if he lost 2 billion he’s a Hillary style grifter?
With clowns like Elwood just using Trump’s taxes for insults and innuendo I wouldn’t release mine either. Perhaps we should demand Elwood show us his tax returns. As he says, what has he got to hide? He never cheated (snicker, snicker) of declared something illegal I’m sure.
Now who got a hold of his old returns?
The Gray Lady.
Who wrote the story?
The Gray Lady.
Do we trust their economic judgment? Isn’t their chief economist Paul Krugman?
We don’t take seriously any word you type, not even “and” and “the”.
For example you lied about the poorly conducted survey of Black women. Not even 700 subjects, not random, +/-4%. 5.7% said they liked trump. 71% said hell no. The rest said, “Whatever”. The surveyed were not asked if they’d vote for trump.
Anyway, just keep defending Fat Nixon.
You’re obsessed with my ass, old man, but I’m married.
What’s his name?
29% is still a big jump for Trump. As to the poll, given that blacks are a little less than 1/7 of the population and 1/14 of 3000 would be abouyt 225, it’s a big sample of black women.
It’s also important to remember that Hillary Clinton badly underperformed with this group in 2016. Turnout among black Democratic women dropped from around 68% in 2008 and 70% in 2012, to about 64% in 2016.
If Trump picks up a third of the black vote, along with a third of the Hispanic vote, the Demos are toast.
Keep whistling past the graveyard, sweetie.
Here’s what the World’s Smartest Business Tycoon twittered:
Donald J. Trump
May 5, 2019
For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results. The 10% will go up to 25% on Friday. 325 Billions Dollars….
Are you embarrassed by this? China doesn’t pay the tariffs on Chinese goods, US importers and/or US consumers do. Trump is a buffoon.
Confused little 12 year old girl be queefing again.
Confused 72 year old “boy” be tweetering again, and doesn’t have the slightest idea of how tariffs work.
Up to now he’s shown he knows exactly how they work.
You just can’t accept it.
What are the purposes of tarffis? The only confused Baffoon is you.
The USA buys really cheap goods from China and then companies jack the prices through the roof in order to make HUMONGOUS PROFITS when we could be using American workers to make the same products for the same selling prices and instead of our money going to CHINA the money stays here and pays people in America to produce products that indeed do sell for a higher cost.
TDS runs in your blood like cheez whiz in Thors. Too much grief over your own crooked thief not getting into the White House.
Why do you think Trump is willing to stand up to China over this?
Its because product A is made for 1 dollar. Sold back to the USA for 2 dollars and then in the USA the same product is sold for 5 dollars. The only thing that is happening is money is flowing out of the USA for product A. Just as money flows out of the USA for Oil and natural gas until we started fracking. Why do you think Obama allowed fracking. What single thing do you think led to the economic recovery of the USA during the last recession. FRACKING and LESS money leaving the USA and more people getting jobs fracking and spending money on AMERICAN PRODUCTS.
But as I understand it you love Communism so I can see where you would be upset that poor china has to make less money off the sweat of child labor in sweat shops. So I suppose I am wasting my time on explaining this to you.
Obama “allowed” fracking because he didn’t see it coming in time to halt it. It was a totally private enterprise with totally private investment. Capitalism at its best. Obama would have halted it if he knew it was even happening before it was already a done deal.
That guy that used to post here talking about the coming Ice age made a comment that got me to looking into Fracking and other things. He said that the reason Obama allowed the USA to continue with fracking was because the real scientists could see the coming mini-ice age. After watching Obama and him allowing this to go on when a simple signature on an executive order could have stopped it leads me to believe there might be some truth in this coming mini-ice age and even Obama gets cold when its freezing out side. Just a thought.
@ Mango. I find that hard to believe. I discredit that anyone knows the climate future of the planet. But if anyone thought there was a coming ice age, we already know how to halt it in it’s tracks: MORE CO2. Obama was single mindedly focused on two things: Marxist ideology and personal amusements. Planning for the future well-being of the American people is not in either of those boxes. Fracking happened because thousands of Americans made it happen and they didn’t ask Obama’s permission. Executive orders would only have halted Fracking on Government leased lands. At it’s height, the demand for fracking wells exceeded the capacity of fracking companies to satisfy. They would have been fine just fracking private wells for years.
Um, not really. Businesses that were/are getting materials or products from China are looking elsewhere. Where I work, we found domestic suppliers for almost all of what we were getting from China. Our prices have remained the same or gone down. Our new, domestic suppliers are adding jobs and so are we. We even added a shift to our manufacturing and have been setting sales records for the last 4 quarters. A far cry from 9 years ago when we were cutting jobs and salaries and our company growth was stagnant for 8 years.
Pot, kettle.
And China does pay the tariffs because they have to sell their junk cheap here.
By any objective standard, Trump is exactly like Bill Clinton. He is a life long liberal Democrat who was friends with all the right people in NYC, until he decided to run for President. What can possibly explain the fact that Democrats still revere Clinton (Bill) and mindlessly hate Trump? Jeff seems to actually believe the incredible things he prints here daily. The Alternative that he is pathologically reprinting things he knows aren’t true due to party loyalty is just too far fetched for me to credit. What can possibly explain believing all the character assassination that the Democrats and Leftist Media have created in the past 2 years? Any reasonable person should discredit at least half of it. Any grown up should easily recognize that 99% of what is said about Trump is a fabrication of the media. But Jeff, digs deep and repeats every last morsel of it. What can possibly explain this? The Right terms it Trump Derangement Syndrome. But it was Bush Derangement Syndrome before that. The left seems compulsively willing to believe everything they are told about their political opponents without any critical thinking or independent observation at all. There must be something more to it than simply calling everyone on the left “deranged”.
You’re right Professor. They aren’t “deranged” they are brainwashed. They make their politics their religion. Have you ever tried to talk somebody out of their religion? They are entirely emotionally driven and neither logic nor reason nor facts be damned.
“Professor” Hale,
I’ve asked this many times – please point out my “lies” and let’s discuss. So far, little response other than name calling. Since you claim 99% of what is said about Trump is untrue, it should be easy.
Clinton was the first conservative Democratic President, but was not just like tRump. Recall that Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy which balanced the budget for a bit. tRump cut taxes on the rich adding to the debt. Clinton did not slur Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks etc. To my knowledge Clinton did not advocate massive cuts to SS, Medicare and Medicaid. But Clinton supported many policies anathema to liberals – Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and DOMA; Welfare “Reform”; repeal Glass-Steagall; Rwanda; prison policies; NAFTA/CAFTA; he had sex with an intern…
And don’t forget Clinton Derangement Syndrome and Obama Derangement Syndrome…
We very “mindfully” dislike tRump. He is a cancer on America. He calls Mexicans rapists; he calls our media “the enemies of the people”; he encourages violence from his acolytes; he calls neoNazis “very fine people”; he makes no bones about being president for only 40% of Americans and punishing the rest; he lies daily; he’s diminishing America in the eyes of the world; he’s ignorant and incurious; mocks the disabled; and we still don’t understand trump’s Russia connection.
We get why a certain segment of Americans worship him. He “gives it back” to those pompous, snooty egghead liberals who think they’re better and smarter than “real” Americans. You just know he calls Speaker Pelosi a filthy “c*nt” in private. We can be sure of how he refers to Chairman Elijah Cummings or Rep Waters. We get it. He says what you want to hear, and what you long to say! “Jews Won’t Replace Us!!” Nor will Muslims, Blacks, Mexicans, gays, etc.
You have nothing to say about anything that interests me. This is what happens when you spend YEARS beclowning yourself online. Reasonable people stop engaging you and openly wonder about your mental state. It’s not just you. I don’t talk to the homeless people on the street either.
I suppose I could change my mind if I saw any evidence at all that you were getting better. Getting better would look like: treating other commenters with courtesy, refraining from using derogatory language about elected officials, etc. I won’t hold by breath.
Better to hold your nose. I smell a queeforama today from the little 12 year old girl from Queefanema.
I find that particular term also particularly offensive. i would appreciate it if you selected some other words to show your contempt for Jeff. Thanks
I’ve asked this many times – please point out my “lies†and let’s discuss.
Clinton was the first conservative Democratic President
Oh, this guy definitely belongs doing stand up.
Willie a Conservative? The guy who told his draft board, “Ah luve mah country, but loathe its military”. Whose foreign policy idol was J Wacko Fulbright. Who handed Elian Gonzalez back to Castro.
Who told the American people, “Ah’d luve tuh give y’all a tax cut, but cain’t trust yuh tuh spend it raht”.
Recall that Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy which balanced the budget for a bit.
Lie. The budget was never balanced. Those were just projections for the out years.
tRump cut taxes on the rich adding to the debt.
Lie. His tax cuts, and I’ve laid this all out several times, benefitted everybody and they did not raise the debt.
Clinton did not slur Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks etc.
How do we know what he said behind closed doors.
Rwanda; NAFTA/CAFTA; he had sex with an intern…
Rwanda was about as racist as you can get. He just let people get slaughtered. Black people.
NAFTA was raw globalism that cost this country jobs and money.
Sex with a girl young enough to be his daughter is hardly Conservative.
We very “mindfully†dislike tRump. He is a cancer on America. He calls Mexicans rapists; he calls our media “the enemies of the peopleâ€; he encourages violence from his acolytes; he calls neoNazis “very fine peopleâ€; he makes no bones about being president for only 40% of Americans and punishing the rest; he lies daily; he’s diminishing America in the eyes of the world; he’s ignorant and incurious; mocks the disabled; and we still don’t understand trump’s Russia connection.
Same old lies.
He calls illegals who rape rapists. The media’s been lying purposefully for more than 50 years. He never called neo-Nazis fine people. Funny how a 40% President has made an economy that benefits everyone.
No, We don’tYou just know he calls Speaker Pelosi a filthy “cnt†in private. We can’t be sure of how he refers to Chairman Elijah Cummings or Rep Waters. We know how the Hildabeast hates “fcking Jew bastards”.
Lies from top to bottom, along with a lot of projection.
You really need professional help.
You are wasting your time and effort. Jeff doesn’t listen. All his rants are transmit only. Even on something as simple as my repeatedly telling him I have no interest in anything he has to say, but he keeps trying to engage me. He simply doesn’t listen or care what you have to say about anything except as a launching point for his own spamming.
I know he doesn’t listen.
I just enjoy showing up all his lies.
@ Form,
It’s good to have a hobby.
Jeff’s goal is not to have an intellectual conversation and try to sell his liberal view. All he does is to try and frustrate, cause anger, and generate hate. This seems to cause him to feel good about himself and strengthen his ego. I think the guy is psychotic and could easily turn violent, mass shooter type. If every one ignored him, he would be just a minor bug. But he is very good at irritating.
Obsession! by Kye. We’re flattered by all your attention but dial it back a bit.
And aren’t you the one that refers to fags and Buttandpeg (homophobic), bitch and Cameltoe (misogynist), Mohammadans (sic)(Islamophobe)… I don’t recall, is Mocha Messiah yours (racist)? You might be worse than Fat Nixon!
You should be so lucky Trump is as emotional as Nixon.
Actually, most of those are yours. No one else’s.
Mocha Messiah is used by me, but it’s been around the Interwebz forever.
PS Notice how even the Lefty media call Bootygig (how, we’re told, it’s supposed to be pronounced) Mayor Pete, instead of his last name because they’re afraid they might make a slip.
Like that infobabe did a few nights ago?
Sorry, but as the ‘Net is saying, the gags write themselves.
Too cool. The Eminent Mr Surber, who’s right much more often than the bunny suit offers a couple of columns on what’s really happening.
First, how desperate the Gray Lady is to change the subject from collusion and obstruction (the real numbers must be ghastly) now that nobody wants to listen to Schiff For Brains and Fatty Nadless.
Second, he quotes a piece from a truly distinguished lawyer (read the quals) telling us Mule Ears’ report suffers from an extraordinary legal defect: It quite deliberately failed to comply with the requirements of governing law.
No wonder the Gray Lady wants to change the subject.
According to Stormy Daniels it isn’t clear that Fat Nixon is a male, what with the big boobs and stubby, mushroom shaped “thingyâ€.
How would she know? She said many times nothing happened.
[…] Pirate’s Cove – Queen Nancy Says Dems Cannot Accept A Second Trump Term I remember when the Democrats were all worried that Republicans wouldn’t accept the outcome […]