…is a horrendous dish washer and a world killing fridge, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on homosexual beer.

…is a horrendous dish washer and a world killing fridge, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on homosexual beer.
Nice try, moonbuggery.
“That is, a world where wallowing in degeneracy and depravity has been as thoroughly normalized as in Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Just more BS from your Book of Mythology.
You mean like your so-called president fukking porn stars while his wife is taking care of their infant son? Like paying off the porn star to keep quiet so as not to bugger the election? That kind of depravity? Siring at least 5 children from 3 different baby mamas, cheating on each one?
Teach: Why are you, of all people, promoting this blatant and vile homophobia??
You mean like your so-called president fukking porn stars while his wife is taking care of their infant son? Like paying off the porn star to keep quiet so as not to bugger the election? That kind of depravity? Siring at least 5 children from 3 different baby mamas, cheating on each one?
We’re going back to the bear suit. He’s getting all profane and trying to resurrect Miss Daniels who said repeatedly nothing happened.
Actually, the nuking of Sodom and Gomorrah has been proven to have happened. We know exactly when and how. Kind of like we know the Garden of Eden actually existed or the star that heralded the birth of Christ really did happen and tells us when exactly He was born (4/17/4 BC).
Why are you, of all people, promoting this blatant and vile homophobia??
Sounds like somebody is being accused of something. It will be a nice quiet place once the bunny suit is gone.
Do you understand what he is going on about? I can’t understand any of his rant.
As I said, I think he’s just going bear suit and is looking to get banned if he doesn’t watch his mouth.
As it were.
Bare Suit,
You should come out of the closet.
You’re the one who loves guys like that.
So what you’re saying Elwood is calling out homos for the degenerate sexual perverts they are by banging each other in the butt is “vile homophobia” but being a vile corksucker is fine? You are one mixed up propagandized clown. You celebrate perverts and pedophiles along with murdering babies but we are vile? Wow, has New Speak found a home in your head.
Kye the A’hole,
You may believe that LGBT people are degenerates but you’re just a old bigot.
Why are “men” like you so concerned about other people’s sex lives?
I’m against perverts, pedophiles and baby murder.
You may have missed it but the fundamentalist Christian/Islamist discrimination and attacks against homosexuals is no longer tolerated in America. You can hate them all you want, but your stupidity is showing, asshole.
You may believe that LGBT people are degenerates but you’re just a old bigot.
No, you are.
Why are “men†like you so concerned about other people’s sex lives?
When other people insist on shoving it in our faces with Pride parades, all we want is away.
I’m against perverts, pedophiles and baby murder.
But he supports homosexuality, gender psychosis, and abortion.
You may have missed it but the fundamentalist Christian/Islamist discrimination and attacks against homosexuals is no longer tolerated in America. You can hate them all you want, but your stupidity is showing, asshole.
You may have missed it, but assault is a felony, regardless of victim.
And your psychosis is showing.
No contradiction there.
Mr Dowd wrote:
Fundamentalist Christian? The United Methodist Church is about to split apart over the woke ministers who somehow think that the Bible doesn’t really mean what it says about homosexual activity. The Episcopal Church has split apart over the very same thing, over their ordination of the now retired Vicky Gene Robinson as the Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire; the Episcopal Church is rapidly losing members.
But no one would describe either the Methodist or Episcopal churches as ‘fundamentalist.’
According to the Centers for Disease Control, in a study completed in 2013 — that was when Barack Hussein Obama was President, remember? — homosexuals constituted 1.6% of the population, bisexuals another 0.7%, with 1.1% saying that they were something else or declining, leaving 96.6% of the population reported as normal.
3.4% are the bottom ends of the bell curve. Those who are not normal heterosexuals are clearly abnormal, judging by their very small numbers. This abnormality would be perfectly tolerable, if they kept their private lives private.
Alas! the very people who once said that what they do in their bedrooms is nobody else’s business have been very busy telling us what they do in their bedrooms; they are making it everybody else’s business.
Were I Tsar and Emperor of All the Americas, I would not make homosexual activity illegal; they can do whatever they want in that regard. I would, however, define marriage as solely between one natural-born male and one natural-born female. I would not ban ‘transgenderism’ among adults — though I would make any attempts to injure minors in this manner a major felony — but I would not allow the government to recognize any ‘transitions’ or claims that a person was something other than the sex he was born.
Whatever fantasies you imagine about what other people do in their bedrooms is your problem.
We get it People like you are uncomfortable when you see someone publicly exposed as homosexual. You fantasize about their sex life when a woman is identified as married to a woman or a man introduces his husband. That’s your problem. Why do you care if they are married?
We’ve heard more about trump’s sex life (especially sexual assaults and trysts with women not his wives) than we’ve heard from any homosexual. Maybe trump should learn to keep it in his pants. Frankly, I’ve never heard any gay person describe how the have sex.
What other minorities do you label as abnormal? Are green eyed people abnormal? Jews, Little people, Black people, White nationalists, Kentuckians, LGBT, Mormons, Muslims, alien abductees, people who claim to talk with gods, disabled…
What is your real motivation for hating homosexuals? Is it religious based on beliefs from stone-age goatherders? Cultural, in that most conservatives hate gays? Biological – inherent animal hatred/fear of the “other”?
Your hatred is your own burden, but your desire to restrict the rights of others based on your personal hatreds is a burden on society.
I don’t “believe” LGBT people are degenerates, they ARE degenerates. They are the personification of the word. None of us are interested in the least in other people’s sex lives but you leftists keep throwing it in our faces and forcing us to accept and even aid and abet these perverts. BTW, it was you on another thread that enumerated Trumps sexual proclivities so it would seem you and your ilk SEEK OUT the sexual activities of others.
And you may have missed it stupid, but attacking anyone is illegal in America. Even a douche like you. Once again I DON”T HATE ANYBODY!!!!!! I don’t even hate the men I killed in war. I hated their communist motivation just like I hate yours. But I don’t hate you. You are the only hater around here Elwood. You and you alone.
In fact if you would just love America as much as you hat me and Trump you’d find the sanity slowly return and your humanity restored. God Bless you you poor dumb ass.
Kye the A’Hole,
What makes you think you’re the arbiter of who is and is not a degenerate?
Some would find an old man repeatedly boasting about killing men, women and children in a far off land as being degenerate. Killing people in Vietnam was certainly not defending America, so why did you do it? Have you done anything of value?
So how do leftists throw LGBT sexual activities in your face? By supporting gay marriage? By “normalizing” other humans?
Why do you believe that gay men and women are degenerates rather than just another American minority for conservatives to hate? The Bible? The Quran?
He shoulda put down the bong when I asked.
That or he’s back into the Ripple.
Attention Saint Louis.
Elwood P. Dowd needs mental help. I believe he is becoming a danger to himself and his community. Does your family know what you write on these blogs Elwood? I think they would be disturbed.
Bottoms Up!
I guess since homosexuals do a good bit of oral sex then they are used to the horse piss that is Bud light.
You’ve claimed at times to be some sort of physician. Would you refuse to treat a gay man or woman?
Privileged commo.
Can’t speak for him, but I’ll bet, unless there’s a reason, he doesn’t ask.
We’re not all as obsessed with it as you appear to be,
Thanks form. you answered appropriate. He is just a little puke trying to start something. There was the time I did an emergency procedure on a guy with a teddy bear and a bit friend and got an eye full of blood. Still don’t know if he passed something on like AIDS.
Did you ever receive oral sex?
Sounds like you enjoy what you imply.
just wondering if his wife likes Bud Light.
At least mine is female.
Does your wife like Bud-Light?
“This Bud’s For You” has a new meaning.
Get woke, go broke.

OT, sort of, but for those who think the bunny suit is a new type on the American scene, read this piece written a century ago.
A couple of parts really grabbed me.
I would realize that my eventual success depends mostly upon the quality and power of my brain. Hence, I would train it, so as to get the best out of it.
Most of the failures I have seen, especially in professional life, have been due to mental laziness. I was a preacher for years, and found out that the greatest curse of the ministry was laziness. It is probably the same among lawyers and physicians. It certainly is so among actors and writers. Hence, I would let no day pass without its period of hard, keen mental exertion, so that my mind would be always as a steel spring, or like a well-oiled engine, ready, resilient, and powerful.
And in this connection I would recognize that repetition is better than effort. Mastery, perfection, the doing of difficult things with ease and precision, depend more upon doing things over and over than upon putting forth great effort.
I would especially purge myself as far as possible of intellectual dishonesty. By intellectual dishonesty I mean what is called expediency; that is, forming or adhering to an opinion, not because we are convinced of its truth, but because of the effect it will have. A mind should, at twenty-one, marry Truth, and “cleave only onto her, till death do them part, for better, for worse.â€
The God of Things as They Ought to Be is a humbug. There is but one God, and He is the God of Things as They Are.
Apparently, there were as many weak sisters (no names) then as now.
What country will Trump invade to boost his electoral chances?
Bush II invaded Iraq Spring 2003 and the 2004 election was the only one a Republican won since Bush I in 1988. Repubs have won one election in the past 30 years.
Will Trump trump up a war with Venezuela, Iran, N Korea, California?
I vote for California!
Elwood In this particular case I share your concern for one reason. The left is pounding the drums for war right now. In case you dont know it the hard core progressives are blaming Trump and the CIA and the MSM for beating the war drum in Venezuela for a coup.
Why are they upset? Because Venezuela is what they wanted the USA to look like. Back when oil was 150 dollars a bbl Venezuela was rolling in money and everyone had a job and the country was worth bragging about. Then oil fell…….all the way to 40 dollars a BBL and Russia and Venezeula nearly collapsed.
Venezuela did in fact collapse. As Jimmy Dore and the Young Turks scream about the Russians and Venezuela and you bask in Trumps inability to bring N. Korea to the table and swoon over the fact they are still intransigent and pose grave threats to the world as Trump is willing to try anything to get them to give up nukes and become another nation whose people are not starving.
As Iran is arming Hezbollah and giving the Palestinians 600 rockets to fire into Israel and infiltrating Iraq to overthrow that regime and have two oil producing monsters in their pocket jacking up oil prices for people like you to be so excited about. After all higher prices mean less co2 right? Actually no. Not in economies that are totally dependent upon fossil fuels and that is pretty much every country on the planet. It just brings more hardships to the nation not less co2.
However I am concerned that Trump and the Military industrial complex and the MSM and the Neo liberal wall street moguls all want another war. They were incensed trump wanted to pull out of Syria and Afghanistan. The inexperienced non politician is being steered to another war. It is as plain as day to everyone who can see it.
So like You I fear its in the cards but its not something Trump wants. Trump is an isolationist not a war monger. After all his entire life he was a democrat. Right? A darling of the left. Even has a star in Hollywood. If he had these exact same policies as the president of the United States as a DEMOCRAT you would be screaming about the witch hunt trying to get trump…….LOLOLOL. Sad.
More than anything trump wants the validation of re-election (not to mention expiring statute of limitations, since a sitting prez can’t be indicted). Every political advisor worth his or her salt understands that an ongoing war is worth votes.
Sorry, but trump is acting like a Republican – slashing taxes for the rich, slashing worker safety and environmental regs, ultra-conservative judges up and down… so no, a Dem prez acting like trump would not be popular with libs
But of course that is exactly what Bill Clinton did. He acted like a conservative. He moderated and passed welfare reform and many other CONSERVATIVE agenda items and was very popular and still is even to this day. He was heartily defended even though the SPECIAL COUNSEL found him GUILTY of several OBSTRUCTION of justice charges.
Of course trump wants to be validated by winning reelection. Is that a Crime? A war is worth votes. Perhaps not anymore. We have been at war for 17 years. I think America is growing weary of war. Hell even the right cheered when Trump said he wanted to pull out of Syria. Well all but the corporate, MIC repubs and dems who love wars.
but trump is acting like a Republican – slashing taxes for the rich, slashing worker safety and environmental regs, ultra-conservative judges up and down
Trump is acting like a Republican – slashing taxes for all, slashing regs that hold down the economy, appointing American judges up and down.
PS Somebody told him the 9th Circus finally stopped acting like a clown car. He must have cried into his Pokemon pillow case all night.
Someone hasn’t been reading much.
The Donald gets great ratings on the economy, the only real benchmark, and has constantly polled above Zippy in approval rating at the same point in his malAdministration.
No sweat.
That stuff may work with the Lefty rubes, but otherwise it ain’t flyin’.
Does your wife like Bud-Light?
She can’t drink. But she’d slap you silly in a heartbeat.
She’ll be able to drink when she turns 18.
You get weirder by the second.
You into that sort of thing?
PS After the latest polls, it’s understandable you’d get all mean and everything, but letting your perversions loose on the Interwebz is unwise.
Elwood asked: “What makes you think you’re the arbiter of who is and is not a degenerate?”
I’m not “the arbiter”, history, science and common sense are. The definition of degenerate is “having lost physical, mental or MORAL qualities considered normal and desirable”. Now if you think blowing another guy is either moral or desirable then go ahead and blow.
He lovely human being then added: “Some would find an old man repeatedly boasting about killing men, women and children in a far off land as being degenerate. Killing people in Vietnam was certainly not defending America, so why did you do it? Have you done anything of value?”
I have never “repeatedly” boasted about killing anyone. It’s not my fault if you took the mention of a fact as boasting. I also never killed “men, women and children” and for you to lie like that is an affront to any American who has worn our uniform in battle. And killing people in Vietnam certainly was defending America as it was my country that sent me there.
You have once more disgraced yourself by attacking and insulting an American Veteran instead of showing the gratitude one would expect. You are a pig.
So now you can add me to your hate list along with Trump and America. You hate more than any person I have personally run across on the internet except BooBoo. You’re a real piece of work.
“So how do leftists throw LGBT sexual activities in your face? By supporting gay marriage? By “normalizing†other humans?”
By having lewd parades in front of children and by trying to “normalize” a sexual degenerative psychosis to children in order to “recruit”.
Oh, one more thing, Elwood. I haven’t been called a baby killer or a child killer in thirty years. Thanks for reviving that old meme brought to us by the communist left those years ago. And when you ask “Have you done anything of value?” I reply: I was there when America called. Where were you?
You can take some solace in the fact little missy was proven to be a liar years ago after he claimed to have joined the Army “during Vietnam, you know” and couldn’t tell me his MOS.
Then he backed off claiming he only “volunteered” but never actually served. Such a POS liar.
You are lying and you know it. But what’s new?
Jeffery says:
October 17, 2016 at 8:21 pm
Maybe little guy can tell us how manly he was when he signed up to serve.
Actually I wasn’t manly at all when I signed up with the Army. Like so many teens I was afraid.</> But then I didn’t criticize those like Senator McCain, as Trump did

Assuming you copied right… so?
Do you have a point, liar?
You wrote it, little missy. Anyone can check the time stamp.
You lied and you were called on it.
I’m sorry if you feel offended, but your actions 50 years ago, that you talk about often – but only as killing communists – are not relevant. America called? I’m sure you did what you thought was necessary. It was a failed/lost “war” (never declared) that cost over 50,000 American lives including a heroic young Dustoff pilot named Robert, who died saving people.
Again, it’s my opinion that one boasting of killing communists (and not in defense of America) is more degenerate than gays. I’m sorry if you feel offended. Do you have anything else to boast about since then? Children? Grandchildren? Selfless acts? Starting companies?
I’m not boasting about anything, Elwood. And I don’t feel offended. I feel sad that such a person as yourself shows such animosity for me not because of “killing communists” or anything else but because I am of a different political persuasion. Your hate foe me runs deep. It’s a religious hatred and it can’t be cured. You will remain a hateful bitter old man constantly trying to show your false superiority by denigrating others till the day you die. You are the quintessential leftist. Always feeling superior, more virtuous and always right. They make the best gulag guards and executioners because they feel they have the right to dispose of us lesser human beings.
That superior narcissistic psychosis is also what propels you to call us homophobes, racists, white supremacists, Islamophobs, misogynists, and the plethora of names you pull out your ass to dismiss any argument that goes against your pre-programmed narrative. For example I have never said anything about a gay that isn’t factual yet you persist in calling me names simply because you can’t accept the truth.
You call homosexuals fags and degenerates. That makes you a homophobe. Sad, but true.
If you call Blacks, nigs and degenerate, you’d be a racist.
If you call women, cunts and whores, you’d be a misogynist.
If you call Muslims, Mohammadans (sic), Muzzies, and degenerate you’d be an Islamophobe.
If you think your skin color confers some unearned superiority you’re a white supremacist.
If you think America should be a “white” country, you’re a white nationalist.
These are all facts.
I call you a degenerate because you boast about killing communists. Men exhibiting your behaviors and beliefs we now categorize as “smegmas”. Is that better. OK, you’re a smegma.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident…”
Nobody calls white males that but Lefties.
And look who uses a homophobic epithet.
These are all facts.
Actually, no. I’m sure there are people with white, heterosexual friends who call them those things in jest, and it’s understood.
I call you a degenerate because you boast about killing communists.
He’s never boasted about it, but I can understand your feelings, you being a Commie, and all.
Americans just call him a hero.
Men exhibiting your behaviors and beliefs we now categorize as “smegmasâ€
We being you and your various animal suits, or Commies in general?
“You call homosexuals fags and degenerates. That makes you a homophobe. Sad, but true.”
I call homosexuals fags and degenerates because THEY ARE. Again you can’t accept THE FACTS! And there is no such thing as a “homophobe” because “homo” means “man” not queer you fuking moron.
“If you call Blacks, nigs and degenerate, you’d be a racist.”
Then why do you call blacks nigs? I certainly don’t.
“If you call women, cunts and whores, you’d be a misogynist.”
You never saw me write that filth, only you!
“If you call Muslims, Mohammadans (sic), Muzzies, and degenerate you’d be an Islamophobe.”
Muslims ARE Mohammadans and that is a proper non slang name for them so what’s the beef? I never use “Muzzies” only you do. Would you call a Theocratic politic/religion that practices slavery, child rape, female mutilation, execution of homosexuals (there’s your REAL homophobic), stoning of adulteresses and the conversion or murder of non-practitioners DEGENERATES? NO, you’d call them ALLIES! Once again the word “Islamohobe” was made up to shut down talk about what the Mohammadans really are: degenerates. They are also dedicated to the subjugation and ultimate elimination of America so they are our enemy. Read their books you ignorant fool.
“If you think your skin color confers some unearned superiority you’re a white supremacist.”
Only if your skin color is white. If your skin color is black and you feel it confers upon you unearned affirmative action, set-asides, college enrollment, quotas, reparations and victimhood
then you’d be a black supremacist I presume?
“If you think America should be a “white†country, you’re a white nationalist.”
If you think America WHICH IS A WHITE COUNTRY should not be a white country then you are an anti-white racist and a bigot. Again, you ignore the FACTS you don’t like. Who settled this country? Who wrote the Declaration and Constitution? What race were the Founding Fathers? Go ahead, say it WHITE. See, that didn’t cause the end of the world, Elwood. You do realize the entire Western Civilization is WHITE don’t you? That’s what puts the “Western” in Western Civ. It’s not “African Civ.” and it’s not “Asian Civ.” for a reason. Why do you hate your heritage so much?
These, Elwood, are ALL THE FACTS. Read’em and weep.
You call me a degenerate because that’s the word I used for gays and you didn’t like that. BooHoo. What you call boasting about killing communists I again, call a fact. You don’t like that because you are one. I killed dozens of your broken commie brethren and you hate that. You can come up with all the names you want but you’re still an ignorant, uneducated little man. Prone to emotional and hostile outbursts and unhappy with your pathetic lot in life. You call everybody names to cover your own inferiority but it shows through. Get some help before you harm yourself or others. We all should thank God we aren’t you.
Now, these are all facts. Amen.
Since you stated I wasn’t fighting in defense of America while in Vietnam I assume our troops currently engaged in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia Libya and Niger are also not fighting for the defense of America. How about the other 150 countries wherein American troops are stationed? They’re not “fighting” but do they represent the defense of American interests?
Your old hippy attitude toward America, our military and our veterans proves you’re nothing but an old commie. You never grew up from your “glory days” which you spent hating America. And still do.