…is an ocean rising up dozens of feet sooooon, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on yet another reason Trump was elected.
It’s sundress week!
BTW, since tonight will be the final Game Of Thrones episode, who wins the throne? Not that it isn’t now destroyed or buried. Does someone whack Daenarys? My bet is that there will be no ruler of the 7 Kingdoms, but that they will be broken up, with Sansa ruling the north, Jon Snow just going about his business, and Arya just being Arya. Further, Sam Tarley will stab Dany through the back. Hey, he’s already a lover of ladies and killer of White Walkers. Why not Mad Queen-slayer?

Good news: They dug up the thrown so they could destroy it a second time. like they brought back Jon’s dragon after he crashed, so he could get shot down later by sea people.