They keep telling us that the issue of ‘climate change’ is super important. They did this in 2016. And 2012. And 2008. They keep telling us that it should be super important during general elections and mid-terms. During state and local elections. Yet, it rarely ends up on the front pages of those who keep telling us it is important
2020 is team oil vs. team climate change. There’s no middle.
As Americans gas up for the start of the summer driving season, they’ll pay the highest Memorial Day prices at the pump since 2014. And they’ll have trouble finding any sort of middle lane in the oil wars of American politics.
Voters in 2020 can choose President Donald Trump, who brags about oil production — the fact that the United States is now the largest producer of oil on Earth.
Or voters can opt for the Democratic presidential candidate, whoever it ends up being. All of them agree that humans contribute to climate change — which is nearly universally described as an existential threat — and that the US must do something about carbon emissions immediately.
Nearly every Democrat or Democratic-leaning voter – 96% in a CNN poll in April — wants a candidate who will take aggressive action on climate change.
It’s a far less important issue for most Republicans. An NBC News poll in December found 71% of Democrats saying climate change required immediate action compared with 15% of Republicans.
CNN’s Zachary B Wolf is kind of correct that it appears that it is one or the other. In theory on the Democrat side, of course, because where it breaks down is putting this in practice, something even most Warmists do not want when those rules, regs, and laws will personally affect their own lives negatively. Further, when you start getting deep into the primaries, and certainly the general election, people want to hear more about the “pocketbook” issues, the bread and butter issues, not bad weather which has always happened and taxing the hell out of their lives, especially when it would make it harder to travel.
The same people whining about oil will be using a lot of it this weekend, as will the people campaigning on ‘climate change.’
Just as Trump’s climate change denials led him to isolate the US by withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, any Democrat who beat him in 2020 would, presumably, jump back in immediately, an epic whipsaw.
Ultimately in 2020, if it’s an election decided in the middle, the question that will be answered is whether the country will do something about climate change or nothing at all.
If ‘climate change’ becomes that big of an issue in this election, the Warmists will lose, like they lose at the ballot box the vast majority of the time. Does anyone think Trump won’t attack the Warmists as pushing big government policies that will spike the cost of living and restrict liberty? How will the Democrats respond to that?

“Nearly every Democrat or Democratic-leaning voter — 96% in a CNN poll in April — wants a candidate who will take aggressive action on climate change.”
Reason enough to vote Republican.
Yet, when Democratic voters in Washington state were presented with “aggressive action on climate change,” they aggressively rejected it.
The last time in 2018.
I have to ask: if “Nearly every Democrat or Democratic-leaning voter — 96% in a CNN poll in April — wants a candidate who will take aggressive action on climate change,” shouldn’t the Washington initiative have passed? Or does it more realistically call into question the accuracy of the CNN poll?
So 96% of Democrat voters have severe mental problems. Quelle surprise!
100% of trump supporters have severe mental problems.
Wow, what a snappy comeback, Elwood. You sure told me. What’s next “I know you are but what am I”?
It’s called intelligent, independent thinking.
Lefties are all emotion, mostly envy and hate.
QED is an abbreviation of the Latin words “Quod Erat Demonstrandum” which loosely translated means “that which was to be demonstrated”. It is usually placed at the end of a mathematical proof to indicate that the proof is complete.
But nothing can be proven. All we have is consensus. And the consensus here if the bunny suit has severe mental problems.
The Lil Dutch Boy has severe mental problems, and the proof is here for all to see.
The Q.E.D. was Elwood’s attempt to be erudite and a snob. It’s his way of talking down to us Deplorables.
First you claimed Dem voters were mentally ill.
“So 96% of Democrat voters have severe mental problems.”
Then you whine about QED, but you had previously tossed in the French, “Quelle surprise!” QED is erudite and snobbish but “Quelle surprise!” is not? LOL.
You equate being treated the way you treat others with being called “Deplorable”?
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
— H. L. Mencken
And so it was. From 2009 – 2017.
The Lil Dutch Boy has severe mental problems, and the proof is here for all to see.
Too bad that side of the family is English.
iFirst you claimed Dem voters were mentally ill.
“So 96% of Democrat voters have severe mental problems.â€
Then you whine about QED, but you had previously tossed in the French, “Quelle surprise!†QED is erudite and snobbish but “Quelle surprise!†is not? LOL.
Shows what you know. Quelle Surprise can be as snobbish as as anything else. It is, after all, French. QED merely was a required phrase at the end of any proof in math or (gasp!) science.
Your ignorance of languages is as great as all your other ignorances
You equate being treated the way you treat others with being called “Deplorableâ€
Try again. Kye merely states fact. Anyone who wants a candidate who will take aggressive action on climate change has more than a few bolts loose.
The Basket of Deplorables shot was an attempt to demean those people smart enough to oppose the Hildabeast.
And it backfired. She lost by 4 million votes and 10 states.
trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million, but won the Electoral College making him the president. Any other conclusion is false.
Are YOU mentally ill, as evidenced by your repeated false claim that trump won by 4 million votes?
Or are you simply trolling?
If you REALLY believe trump won by 4 million votes you’re mentally ill.
If you’re trolling you’re just a another internet troll.
Pick one!
You’re the one who thinks fraudulent voters should be counted.
That’s not exactly mentally ill, but it’s criminal.
7 million fraudulent votes went to the Beast, so Trump took the popular, too.
Any other conclusion is false.
So you actually admit that you REALLY think 7 million fraudulent votes went against your Dark Lard? That’s quite an admission.
Mental Health Survey for Commenters/Readers:
Do you REALLY believe that in the 2016 election Donald Trump received more popular votes than his opponent? Yes/No
Barack Obama Jr. was born in:
a. Hawaii
b. Kenya
“Do you REALLY believe that in the 2016 election Donald Trump received more popular votes than his opponent?”
Immaterial, as the popular vote isn’t how the President is elected. He is elected by the sates, through the Electoral College, as anyone not a liberal idiot (BIRM) knows.
Truth is immaterial? If we can’t agree on facts what can we agree on?
Try to keep up. Another commenter keeps insisting that trump won the popular vote by 4 million. He clearly did not. He lost the popular vote by 3 million, but won the Electoral College. He was elected president.
Why is it necessary to lie about it?
Your attempts to defend Kye are as unnecessary as they are ineffective.
Although he and I disagree on most things, he’s at least honest, whereas you’re as slippery as a lamprey, and as dangerous to the truth as lamprey are to Lake Trout. Kye acquits himself well compared to you.
English translation:
I kick your ass every time.
LOL. You misspelled “kiss”. LOL.
You’re as insecure as the Dark Lard, boasting that you “win”, even when there was no contest.
Credit where credit’s due, Elwood. I did use “Quelle surprise” so who am I to moan about your Q.E.D.? However, my comment about 96% of Democrat voters having mental problems was just a sarcastic snark. It was meant to be a smart-ass comment not a statistic. I really have no idea statistically what percent of Democrats suffer from mental illness, however by observing the last three years of Trump Derangement Syndrome I’m reasonably sure it’s more than the Party should be comfortable with.