…are horrible individual homes when people should be (forced into) living in giants complexes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The H2, with a post on puppers.

…are horrible individual homes when people should be (forced into) living in giants complexes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The H2, with a post on puppers.
So no Nadler updates. Is he dead yet?
Prince Jared of Kushner just received $800 MILLION in federally backed loans to buy buildings! Good for him! That’s how the system is supposed to work. Federally backed loans take pressure off the lenders and puts it squarely on the backs of the taxpayers.
If he qualified, what’s the issue?
You are slurping some really thin gruel these days.
Of course, desperation does that to some people.
Elwood, are you suggesting that “Prince Jared of Kushner” is unqualified for the loan? Or are you suggesting as a relative of the President he should be banned from loan guarantees that others can get? Or are you suggesting no one should get federally backed loans guaranteed by the working class taxpayers?
Members of an administration should not receive government favors. It looks bad, don’t you think? If The Prince defaults, do you think trump’s DOJ will go after him? LOL.
Wouldn’t we all like this kind of deal?
“Hi Mr. bank man. I want to borrow 2 million for my mansion, but if I can’t pay it back the gov’t will!”
Why shouldn’t we all have government guaranteed loans? Remember the Great Recession when all those middle class folks lost their homes – those loans ended up being gov’t guaranteed but only for the LENDERS!
#Hunter Biden
“Members of an administration should not receive government favors. It looks bad, don’t you think? If The Prince defaults, do you think trump’s DOJ will go after him? LOL.”
I hear what you’re saying Elwood but that’s what happens when the government gets into the business of lending money and bestowing favors. There’s now law (and there shouldn’t be) forbidding an adviser from continuing to run his business. I don’t think it looks as bad as if they singled out Kushner and refused to treat him the same as any other citizen because Trump.
BTW, loans are civil law so if “The Prince” defaults it wouldn’t be the business of the DOJ anyway it would be the business of the courts.