Mueller Investigation Gets To The Truth

So, um, Dems?

Actually, keep going. It’ll make sure Trump is re-elected.

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One Response to “Mueller Investigation Gets To The Truth”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Despite the White House spin, it’s clear that trump is culpable for obstructing justice and will be charged the moment he is not president.

    It’s also clear that Mr. Mueller identified AG Barr as a liar. Mr. Mueller directly stated more than once that he could not indict a sitting president, contrary to Barr’s misstatements.

    It was a bad, bad day for trump, but he’ll get by it ’cause Republicans.

    Your president is an unindicted co-conspirator. He obstructed justice.

    Although Congress is obligated to impeach trump, politically they should not.

    Defeat and Indict.

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