Monthly Archives: May 2019

AOC To Headline Green New Deal Rally Or Something

Would this be the same Green New Deal that she not only refuses to demand a vote on in the House, but that she complained about it being voted on in the Senate (while forgetting that it isn’t just House legislation, since co-sponsor Ed Markey submitted it to the Senate), and has even said that […]

NY Just Learned A Valuable Lesson On Blocking Pipelines

New York City recently passed its own version of the Green New Deal, which attempts to do away with natural gas. I wonder how that will work out? (via Hot Air) The deranged drive to choke New York’s natural gas supply Long Islanders were recently hit with bad news. National Grid, which provides natural gas […]

Shocking: NY Times Says There’s A Crisis At The Border

The NY Times finally notes the reality of the issue, though they do attempt to throw cold water on one problem, but, hey, small steps Congress, Give Trump His Border Money President Trump is right: There is a crisis at the southern border. Just not the one he rants about. There is no pressing national […]

Rick Scott Pounces On AOC And Her Green New Disaster In Flyby Tweet

AOC was not even the intended target, but, boy howdy did he ruffle her super-sensitive feathers (via Twitchy) What's next? Will we have to register sharp knives? Maybe @AOC will make us register every time we buy meat as part of her #GreenNewDeal. The Democrats are officially the @BernieSanders Party. They want America to be […]

If All You See…

…is horrible spring heat snow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is No Fakking Consensus, with a post on IPCC clones prognosticating doom.

Gun Grabber Cory Booker Has Big Plans For Gun Restrictions

He’s throwing some big red meat to the unhinged Democrat base in an attempt to rise in the polls Cory Booker now has the most ambitious gun control proposal of any 2020 candidate Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) sums up his ambitious new gun control plan in one sentence: “If you need a license to drive […]

Climate Kids Wonder Why Adults Won’t Change Their Lifestyles To Stop ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Yeah, let’s listen to the kids who have all this worldly experience and eat Tide Pods Kids Get Climate Change, So Why Won’t Adults Adjust Lifestyles To Give Them A More Livable Future? Sixteen year old Greta Thunberg’s school strike on behalf of “the climate generation” seems likely to witness the beginnings of a grueling, traumatizing, potentially […]

Paging Pelosi: Democrats Blame Israel For Defending Itself From Palestinian Terrorists

Raise your hand if you’re surprised by this Rashida Tlaib Attacks Israel as Palestinian Terrorists Kill Civilians — Including Muslim Arab Israeli Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) tweeted an attack on Israel on Sunday even as Palestinian terrorists fired hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians, bringing the death toll to four — including, ironically, a Muslim […]

It’s 2019: Can We Call Hotcoldwetdry Something Else Or Something

Person blowing off her education one day a week (at least) Speaks Which is it?

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle that should be banned for Everyone Else, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on a steaming pile of Russiagate.

Pirate's Cove