Monthly Archives: May 2019

If All You See…

…is late season heat snow due to Other People grilling burgers, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The People’s Cube, with a post on Dems being stranded on pieces of melting narrative.

Gun Grabber Kamala Harris Plans To Ban Import Of Scary Looking Rifles

Every Democrat running has to pander heavily to the base, and pander she shall Kamala Harris wants ban on importing AR-15-style assault weapons Kamala Harris wants to ban the importation of AR-15-style assault weapons by executive action if elected president. On Wednesday, the Democratic senator from California is set to detail her proposal to stop […]

Say, Is ‘Climate Change’ Causing Problems With Home Values Near The Sea?

Spoiler alert: no, it isn’t Are Coastal Home Values Feeling Drag of Climate Change? For sale: waterfront property with sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean. Waves erode beach regularly. Flooding gets worse every year. Saltwater damage to lawn. Asking price: anyone’s guess. Some research suggests rising sea levels and flooding brought by global warming are […]

GOP Amps Up Attack On Tlaib’s Anti-Israel Comments

What level is “amp up”? Pouncing? Seizing? Respond? And what would the defense of an Israel hater be called? Republicans amp up attacks on Tlaib’s Holocaust comments The war of words over race and anti-Semitism is heating up on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers in both parties launched new salvos Tuesday in the escalating uproar over […]

Hot Take: Trump’s Grip On DOJ Doomed Meuller’s Investigation

Intercept “reporter” Jim Risen has a new conspiracy theory for why the Mueller investigation failed to end with Trump being frogmarched out of the White House. He actually started yapping about it back on the 7th, but, The Hill ran some video of this today. Leftist nutters will never give up on their nutbaggery Did […]

Overheated Planet: Who’s Up For May Snow?

So, weather happens Winterlike weather pattern tightens grip on Northeast, unloading snow in some areas Winter is making a mid-May comeback in the northeastern United States early this week as snow returned to some areas with cold and rainy weather in other parts of the region. The air was even cold enough for snow to […]

If All You See…

…is late season snow from Other People using air conditioning, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post wondering when we will stop catering to SJW morons.

Comrade De Blasio Trolled While Pimping His Green New Deal, AOC Forgets She Isn’t Demanding A Vote On Hers

Monday was Green New Deal day or something. In NYC we had really, really rich guy showing that this really is all about politics, and getting trolled De Blasio event to attack Trump on climate change turns into spectacle An event designed to capture national attention for Mayor Bill de Blasio’s environmental record turned into […]

US Attorney Appointed To Investigate How FBI Probe Of Trump Probe

This is going to make many Democrats, especially those in the FBI and intelligence communities, and quite possibly high ranking people like James Comey, Obama appointees, and Obama, very uncomfortable Attorney General William Barr Appoints US Attorney to Look into Origins of FBI Probe Attorney General William Barr has assigned the United States attorney in […]

Say, Could Sheriff Joe’s Views On ‘Climate Change’ Kill His Candidacy?

Obviously, Democrats are just fine with his racist comments, bigoted comments, uselessness as Obama’s VP, using his position to enrich his family members, his conflicts of interest, his gropey hands, and so much more. Nope Could climate change submerge Joe Biden’s presidential bid? Climate change is transforming life by redrawing coastlines, turning vast areas of […]

Pirate's Cove