Warmist Justin Gillis rears his head, and, strangely, I somewhat agree with him
The Democratic Party Is Trying to Downplay Climate Change. Don’t Let It.
Now we know. The Democratic Party establishment in Washington really believes it is going to get away with running another round of presidential primaries in which the climate crisis is basically hidden in the attic.
The proof came this week, when the Democratic National Committee informed one of the candidates, Jay Inslee, that it had turned down his call to hold a candidate debate specifically about climate change.
People are roasting alive in California towns hit by the deadliest wildfires in the state’s history. Midwestern cities are reeling from deluge upon deluge. Coastal communities are starting to drown from a relentlessly rising sea.
None of that is enough, apparently, for the Democratic Party to choose to put this issue front-and-center in the primary campaign. Not only did the D.N.C. turn Mr. Inslee down; according to him, the party informed him that he would be banned from party-sponsored debates if he took part in any unofficial candidate debate on climate change.
In a statement, the party declared it would not schedule any single-issue debates, so that voters would “have the ability to hear from candidates on dozens of issues of importance.†That might make sense if the D.N.C. were only planning two or three debates. It is planning 12; surely the party can afford to devote a twelfth of its debate time to the issue that threatens to throw human civilization into crisis.
I wonder why they’re trying to stay away from this in televised debates?
In fairness to the Democrats, turning the climate issue to their advantage in a general election is certainly going to be tricky. Only a decade ago, Republicans like John McCain took the problem seriously, but now the Republican Party can be counted on for relentless demagogy about any solutions proposed by the Democrats. The Bolsheviks are coming! (big snip)
So I have a proposal for the Democratic candidates: All of you care about the climate crisis, and many of you have already put a lot of work into showing the voters that you do. I suggest that you simply refuse to accept the D.N.C. edict. If the party will not host a climate debate, agree among yourselves that you are going to have one. Ask one of the cable channels to put it on the air.
Which is why I agree with Justin: they should hold at least one debate on ‘climate change’, and make it a bigger part of all the others. That way, the People will know exactly how the Dems policies will harm their lives and money and freedom.

In a magnanimous display of bipartisanship, our esteemed host sides with Governor Jay Inslee (D-WA):
Well, perhaps not, because in a debate about
global warmingclimate change, the Democrats will not tell the truth about it! As you noted just yesterday, not a single one of the Double Dozen Dumbasses have included a carbon emissions tax in their plans, not even Mr Inslee, because they all know that it’s an electoral loser. They’ll yammer on and on about making the “rich” pay for their programs, and putting fees on those wicked ol’ corporations, never telling the public that it will be the end consumers who pay all of the additional fees.And for what? Programs which might, or might not, prevent temperature increases which might, or might not happen regardless, a hundred years in the future? Mr Inslee guessed wrong, twice, that the voters in Washington state would find that more important than paying their mortgages and putting food on the table today. The other Democratic candidates, and the DNC, are smart enough to count votes, and see that Mr Inslee’s
global warmingclimate change notions haven’t won elections, and winning elections is the only thing that matters.We can see the difference: it’s really easy for people like Mr Dowd and the editors of various newspapers and opinion journals and CNN commentators to blather on about all that we have to do about
global warmingclimate change, because they aren’t running for office. The people who are trying to win elections? That’s a different story.And at times, leaders must lead.
It’s easy for a pander bear like trump to tell his troops what they already want to hear. “It’s a Chinese-Commie-Lib-NWO hoax. Keep doing what you’re doing and we’ll all be fine!”
It’s more difficult for a leader to actually lead.
If the scientists are wrong, we end up with a cleaner planet. If trump is wrong…
The silly trump was amazed that Prince Charles was concerned about future generations. That would never occur to trump or his thoughtless minions.
BTW, trump is wrong.
Oh, you mean like Zippy?
My god, what a zero.
Fact is, Trump is the leader. The economy is strong and getting stronger, the country is safer.
All of which things like the bunny suit don’t like because people are freer.
And it is a hoax. Proven. All you have to do is find out a few basic facts and you see it clearly.
BTW The Windsors have never been known for their intellect. Edward VIII is the classic example. Charlie could have spent his life banging a babe like Diana, but he wanted a horse-faced dullard.
And Trump is right.