Are they doing this for real or just patronizing climarubes?
Hooray! @CocaCola heroically fights deadly CO2 "pollution", while injecting maybe 3-4 volumes of CO2 "pollution" into each can of your Coke! #ClimateBrawl
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) June 8, 2019
The article from the We Mean Business tweet is actually from July 2018, but, Warmists love to reuse everything again and again. One has to wonder, though, how much “carbon pollution” is output from Coke’s massive use of fossil fueled vehicles to transport and distribute all their CO2 laden products pretty much everywhere.

The greatest “climate risk” we have for the future is that these leftist lunatics will get control and tax our nation, business and people into third world poverty therefore wiping out mankind’s last hope for the technology and entrepreneurship required to repair any perceived climate problems.
Remember after they wipe out the Great Engine of Western Civilization they will be depending on people from second and third world cultures to run everything. How do you think that will work out? I’ll take”Another Dark Age” for 1000, Alec.
Between you and me and the gatepost, I think even they know better than that. White people have run the world since Alexander, except for the 1000 years or so when the Moslems tried to (we all know how swell that one turned out), so the Second and Third World, along with all the unelect from the First World, would languish in darkness while a white technical class would make things hum for the Much Less Than 1%.
I don’t think it’s going to come to that simply because they have to rely on people like the bunny suit to scare everybody.
The Kleveland Kleagle is completely out of the kloset!
Doesn’t it feel good to finally come out? It’s difficult to not live your authentic life, isn’t it?
When is the next Klavern meeting?
OK, smartass, show me any civilization from the 3rd Century BC on that did anything of note, particularly for a sustained period. All the Moslems did was slaughter people.
Even today, a lot of “dark” areas in this world import white people to run their infrastructure.
History isn’t racist, but it sure don’t lie.
PS You’ll tell me, I’m sure, all those Martin, Malcolm, Mandela & ME! (for all those weak egos)
It’s a Black Thing
You wouldn’t understand T-shirts weren’t racist.
If you did one for white people It would be Moses, Christ, Solomon, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Aeschylus, Euripides, Scipio, Caesar, Vergil, Tacitus, Plutarch, Ovid, Constantine, Ferdinand & Isabella, Columbus, Magellan, DaGama, Hudson, Cortez, Pizarro, Bocaccio, Vespucci, Leeuvenhoek, Gutenberg, Joliet, De Soto, Ponce DeLeon…
It would have to be continued on the pants.
The problem with your post is that Arabs are primarily Caucasian. If you are going to hold that they somehow aren’t white, then you have to include the first three in your list, Moses, Jesus and Solomon, because the Arabs are the sons of Abraham as much as are the Jews.
Our resident white supremacists declared there are but 4 human races, and that middle easterners and Hispanics are not included in even one of them.
Warmists love to reuse everything again and again.
How does correcting a market failure turn America into a third world country?
If the fascist trump doesn’t do it, it’s unlikely that a tax on carbon pollution will.
The right-wing whines incessantly about being forced to do something that smart, thoughtful refuse to do. Nonsense. Everyone who uses fossil fuels would pay the tax. Poor people would receive rebates. Market forces would reduce the use of fossil fuels.
Well, Zippy was trying his damnedest to turn us into one.
Of course, he turned around nothing. so maybe it doesn’t count.
Everyone who uses fossil fuels would pay the tax. Poor people would receive rebates. Market forces would reduce the use of fossil fuels.
Why would poor people get rebates? they use fossil fuels, too. So there’s your pandering right there.
And, if you think gun control makes it tough for people to get guns, you’re going to love the black market in gas.
Kleveland Klavern break up early? Cross wouldn’t stay lit?
Why do you (and trump) always want to raise taxes on the poor? I guess you have to, if you want to cut taxes on the rich.
Poverty’s dropped by a quarter so far under Trump, your lies failed.
And I notice you have no rejoinder. Cornel West and the Sun People must be a joke to you, too
BTW If I’m so wrong, where’s the Kenyan Shakespeare, where’s the Apache Gutenberg, where’s the Tonkinese Gauss (another of those many names), and where, O where, is the Arab Martin Luther?
Tom Nelson is an idiot. 6g CO2/L Coke!
Do you know how much CO2 is emitted burning 1 L of gasoline? Try 2000g. (That’s over 4 lbs).
2000 is bigger than 6. By a lot. And I bet the world’s people burn a lot more gasoline than they drink Coke.
“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
The Earth is warming from fossil fuel CO2, not from Coca-Cola’s recycled CO2.
Care to cite that?
And I bet the world’s people burn a lot more gasoline than they drink Coke.
Care to cite that?
And what’s the diff between CO2 from gas and CO2 from a Coke? Unless, of course, taking away people’s heat and mobility is one thing, but taking away 5 or 6 sodas a day might cause a rebellion.
Loser, you gotta lotta ‘splainin’ to do.
Kleagle of Kleveland,
Cite what? General chemistry? C8H18 + O2 –> CO2 + H20. I’m not your tutor.
The CO2 from fossil fuels was locked away for millions of years.
US burned over 140 BILLION gallons of gasoline in 2018, but consumed less than 5 billion gallons of soda (all sodas, not just Coke). Since gas produces 650 times more CO2/gal, that means gasoline consumption produces about 18,000 times MORE CO2 than all soda.
You claim 2 kilograms of CO2 is produced by burning a quart of gas. That’s 4 pounds.
Give us a citation. Really.
You also claim more people drive cars than drink carbonated beverages. And you talked about the world’s people, not the US.
Give us a citation.
And knock off the Kleagle stuff. You’re the racist here. Unless you can prove me a Kleagle (and I don’t live anywhere near Cleveland), which you can’t.
Of course, there are certain molestation allegations hanging fire if you care to keep running your mouth.
The bunny suit really needs to lay off the sauce on Saturday nights. Of course, when Mom is the only girl you’ve got…
Kleagle of Kleveland,
I’ll knock it off when you do. And why do you think repeating LilFluffy’s lies are a credible threat? Anyway, you have the power to stop it.
You can confirm all you need to know by searching.
Kleagle typed: “You also claim more people drive cars than drink carbonated beverages.”
That’s not what I typed, is it?
I’ll run off my mouth all I want.
‘Twas July 1, 2017, as we were making our final trip moving from Pennsylvania back to the Bluegrass State that I gave up my Mountain Dew habit. If I could do it, then so could Mr Dowd.
Perhaps the amount of CO2 released when Mr Dowd pops the top on his Coca Cola isn’t much, but if he is truly concerned about
global warmingshouldn’t he give up soda and canned beer. I replaced soda in my consumption with gasp! water.But, of course, there’s more:
Sugar is the second ingredient in soda, by volume — the first ingredient is water — and thus sugared drinks add to carbon emissions. Add to that the fuel and electricity involved in the transportation, production, bottling and distribution of soda and beer.
So-called “diet” drinks may not have sugar or high fructose corn syrup in them, but they still have a significant carbon footprint in the manufacture of artificial sweeteners; the production and distribution chains remain the same.
Soda and beer are not necessities; people can lead perfectly healthy lives — and I’d argue much healthier lives — without the consumption of those products. Does the Pirate’s Cove’s resident climate scold eschew those products, or is he adding to CO2 emissions buy drinking them?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Iced tea drinker, but irrelevant anyway. Banning pop won’t stop global warming.
Your “argument” that since climate realists don’t lead perfect lives, global warming is a hoax is flawed. It’s merely an ad hominem attack on those who think and understand things differently than you, without having to discuss issues.
A market approach such as a carbon tax allows individuals to choose how to spend their money. That way you guys don’t have to worry about banned beer, Coke, steaks, cars, A/C, airplanes etc. The magic of the markets will distribute goods and services as it should!
Why do Cons have so little faith in capitalism and markets?
Enquiring minds want to know, as a Con do you eschew all government benefits? Did you volunteer to fight in wars you’ve supported?
What a series of lies. CO2 is a hoax. A tax would not prevent us from dying in 12 years as your leader forecast. Your climate religion is over, deal with it. Winning, MAGA.
My argument is the whole climate thing is a lie, the lives of its proponents are irrelevant to me.
No, you’d like to turn it into ad hom, which is most of what you do. I’m saying the so-called “facts” are lies and easily proven.
You think you can change that by trying to convince people science is based on consensus rather then proof, which anybody with a STEM education knows is a lie.
A market approach such as a carbon tax allows individuals to choose how to spend their money.
And, where, in the Constitution of the United States, is anyone given the authority to force individuals which way they want to spend their money?
Since a lot of dimwits think Willie is a moderate, you think his line, “Ah’s luv tuh give yuh a tax cut, but ah cain’t trust yuh tuh spend it raht”, makes people think that’s OK.
Guess again, bunny suit.
The magic of the markets will distribute goods and services as it should!
And, if it doesn’t, Politburo will rearrange tax to make sure distribution proper.
Man, scratch a Lefty and there’s always a commissar just screaming to get out.
Enquiring minds want to know, as a Con do you eschew all government benefits? Did you volunteer to fight in wars you’ve supported?
Did you? You’re supposed to be a capitalist and an entrepreneur, after all.
King Kleagle of Kleveland typed:
“And, where, in the Constitution of the United States, is anyone given the authority to force individuals which way they want to spend their money?”
I didn’t claim it did. But are you now claiming that taxes are unconstitutional? Scratch a ConMan, get a lying fascist.
The hypocritical Mr Dowd wrote:
No, it’s calling attention to the fact that those who talk the talk don’t walk the walk. You (plural) keep telling us that, for the love of Gaia, we must give up many of the things we want and need, yet don’t tell us what you have given up yourselves. As nearly as I can see it, the warmunists either do not take their own dire warnings seriously, or are the greatest hypocrites of the day.
Why should we believe what you say, when there are no indications that you take this seriously yourselves? How is it that I, personally, seem to have taken more action that reduces my ‘carbon footprint’ — though not for that reason — than those who lecture us on and on about it?
Mr. pM spins the same “argument” he and his ilk always spin.
The fact is that human generated CO2 emissions are causing the Earth to warm. Regardless of what Mr. Picogram demands others do, it will never be enough to satisfy his demands. Why? Because he is not an honest broker in the debate. To him, there is no debate. Global warming is a commie hoax to be opposed. Period.
You drink a Coke a day? Your 0.000000000000000000000000000001% proves global warming is a Chinese plot. You live in small, efficient home? Why not a cave? etc, etc, etc. It’s a ploy, not an argument.
As a Con, have you eschewed all gov’t benefits? Or is that different?
And of course I haven’t demanded you give up anything. Why don’t you stop lying? I have advocated for years that the nation institute a tax on carbon, in an effort to use the market to encourage the gradual transition away from polluting fossil fuels to less-polluting renewable sources of energy. You can burn coal in your stove, drive a V12, leave your lights on 24-7, set your summertime thermostat to 50F. You will just pay more than now to do it.
Why would a carbon tax be fair? Because the use of fossil fuels, like the use of tobacco and other drugs, has societal costs not captured in the “pump price”.
It’s strange that you would base your scientific stance on the actions of people you don’t respect.
We know this is TEACHs last remaining “argument”. Is it yours?
The environmentally conscious Mr Dowd wrote:
Here’s Where Your Favourite Drink Sits in The Sustainability Ranks
Coffee and tea are not necessities; they are luxury drinks. By engaging in your luxury drink, you are contributing unnecessarily to
global warmingclimate change.I’ve already answered that question: I volunteered in 1977, but failed the eye exam. Still, had I passed it, the answer to your question would have been irrelevant anyway, since my age put me between conflicts.
Do I take my government benefits? Yup, sure do, as I’ve said before, because I was taxed, very specifically, for Social Security and Medicare. I have told you before: even if I had a billion dollars in the bank, I intended to take every last euro of my Social Security and Medicare benefits, because the money was forcibly stolen from me for them.
So you’re a hypocrite, got it. Why don’t you walk the walk on gov’t spending?
You and a hundred million other Cons are contributing to the bankrupting of America!
I’ll take your arguments on fiscal responsibility seriously when those who talk the talk finally start walking the walk.
See how that sort of “argument” works?
Did you ever obtain gov’t contracts when you worked?
Benefit from the courts, clean air, clean water, interstate highways, national parks…
As I recall, you’d happily let poor children die rather than support gov’t assistance, yet have YOU eschewed all gov’t benefits? You answered NO! Hypocrite.
Why should we take seriously anything you type?
See how that type of argument works?
The problem with your post is that Arabs are primarily Caucasian. If you are going to hold that they somehow aren’t white, then you have to include the first three in your list, Moses, Jesus and Solomon, because the Arabs are the sons of Abraham as much as are the Jews.
Yes, but the Arabs aren’t Jews, first of all, and I can’t see them coming from the Caucasus. Of course, I’m willing to be enlightened.
My point was in including the Hebrews, that their teaching is part of the backbone of Western society, more than any other. You want me to toss them out, no problem. Lots of room for lots of names.
Big corporations are smart enough to trade “virtue signals” instead of buying carbon credits. The environgelicals are too dumb to notice.
“Elwood P. Dowd says:
June 8, 2019 at 11:47 pm
Our resident white supremacists declared there are but 4 human races, and that middle easterners and Hispanics are not included in even one of them.”
How many races are there Elwood? Name them. Look them up, then name them. You continuously lie in order to slander me. You’re a weakling and a bigot.
While you’re at it moron, name all the sexes.
Once again, Hispanics are NOT a race they are an Ethnicity and can be ANY FUKIN” RACE! Middle Easterner’s are considered Semitic like Jews. I personally think that should be considered a race of its own but currently IT IS NOT. There are still FOUR races Elwood, regardless of what filthy, vile lying names you call me or anyone else here. Moron.
BUT! It’s still okay to be white.
Trump 2020
So you now agree that Arabs (mostly Muslims) are Caucasian (white)? Are those brown people in Mexico white, black or oriental?
Just because you can differentiate among native Congolese, Norwegians and Chinese does not make them different subspecies or “races” or breeds.
We understand that guys like you, who already think they know all they need to know, do not care to read to expand their imagination but:
You won’t read it, since you learned in middle school that there were whites, negroes and orientals. American Indians saw only two races, Men and palefaces.
You prefer racial realist to white supremacist? I guess you would. Most racists consider themselves racial realists, marshalling their evidence to demonstrate the superiority of their “race”. Englishmen were better than Scottish were better than Irish were better than… French were better than Germans were better than Russians were better than Poles… They were all better than Jews and negroes!!
Where did Dana follow up on his claim Arabs were Caucasians?
Arabs arose from the Arabian Peninsula, so they were likelier offshoots of the African Egyptians.
Are those brown people in Mexico white, black or oriental?
Try American Indian.
American Indians saw only two races, Men and palefaces.
Try again, moron. They saw the Buffalo Soldiers and other blacks (whose scalps they didn’t like), the Chinese miners, other tribes, and the mestizo Mexicans.
History really is another of those things in which you are ignorant.
You prefer racial realist to white supremacist?
Facts are facts, my little bunny suit, and you seem to be remiss everywhere.
The Klever Kleagle of Kleveland (KKK) continues his fact-free, mindless rants.
I thought you wanted to stop name-calling? No?
But then, it’s really all you have.
So the “race” of Mexicans is American Indian? Is that a new “race”? So Whites, Blacks, Aborigines, Orientals are the 4 races? But also Egyptian Africans and America Indians?
You white supremes seem to make it up as you go.
Did the white “race” start human civilizations?
Mr. pM spins the same “argument†he and his ilk always spin.
The fact is that human generated CO2 emissions are causing the Earth to warm. Regardless of what Mr. Picogram demands others do, it will never be enough to satisfy his demands. Why? Because he is not an honest broker in the debate. To him, there is no debate. Global warming is a commie hoax to be opposed. Period.
The fact is that human generated CO2 emissions are NOT causing the Earth to warm.
The only fact you state is global warming is a commie hoax to be opposed.
You drink a Coke a day? Your 0.000000000000000000000000000001% proves global warming is a Chinese plot. You live in small, efficient home? Why not a cave? etc, etc, etc. It’s a ploy, not an argument.
Pretty clear here the bunny suit wants to run every scintilla of our lives.
As a Con, have you eschewed all gov’t benefits? Or is that different?
The only con is you. Government has obligations to provide certain services for the people, according to the Constitution.
Too bad you never read it.
And of course I haven’t demanded you give up anything. Why don’t you stop lying? I have advocated for years that the nation institute a tax on carbon, in an effort to use the market to encourage the gradual transition away from polluting fossil fuels to less-polluting renewable sources of energy. You can burn coal in your stove, drive a V12, leave your lights on 24-7, set your summertime thermostat to 50F. You will just pay more than now to do it.
And who are you to demand such things?
Especially on a bogus doctrine like global nothing.
Why would a carbon tax be fair?
It wouldn’t. It would be applied arbitrarily, with “carbon offsets” and other goodies for the Lefties.
Because the use of fossil fuels, like the use of tobacco and other drugs, has societal costs not captured in the “pump priceâ€.
We don’t tax drugs. Tobacco is taxed because the Democrats wanted more money for the Great Society.
King Kleagle of Kleveland typed:“And, where, in the Constitution of the United States, is anyone given the authority to force individuals which way they want to spend their money?â€
And the Molester of St Lou (you think I’m joking?) answered
I didn’t claim it did. But are you now claiming that taxes are unconstitutional? Scratch a ConMan, get a lying fascist.
Oh, but you did you miserable lying bastard.
A market approach such as a carbon tax allows individuals to choose how to spend their money.
And that is not a choice, but a dictate by the government.
Our resident white supremacists declared there are but 4 human races, and that middle easterners and Hispanics are not included in even one of them.
Actually 5, but you are as ignorant of ethnography as everything else.
So you’re a hypocrite, got it. Why don’t you walk the walk on gov’t spending?
You and a hundred million other Cons are contributing to the bankrupting of America!
I’ll take your arguments on fiscal responsibility seriously when those who talk the talk finally start walking the walk.
See how that sort of “argument†works?
Actually, it doesn’t. Participation in government scams like Social Security is mandatory. I’d love to have that FICA money back so I could invest it in Trump’s America.
Did you ever obtain gov’t contracts when you worked?
Benefit from the courts, clean air, clean water, interstate highways, national parks…
Government services, many mandated by the Constitution. You want me to say bye-bye to the EPA, OSHA, and all the other government rackets? Most clean water is local, not Federal, and they were doing it 100 years ago.
And, since we’re talking about clean water, remind me how screwing up the Gold King Mine in CO. That kind of clean water, you can have all to yourself.
As I recall, you’d happily let poor children die rather than support gov’t assistance, yet have YOU eschewed all gov’t benefits? You answered NO! Hypocrite.
As I recall, you tried that old chestnut when your latest scam was shown to be a crock.
Why should we take seriously anything you type?
we deal in facts, you deal in lies.
See how that type of argument works?
Yeah, it doesn’t.
Mr Dowd wrote (well above, since we’ve reached the limit of the reply tree):
Sure you’ve demanded that I give up something; you admit it in that single paragraph, where you admit that your ‘policies’ would demand that I give up more money to pay for the necessities of life.
Have I said that? Had you told us what you have done, even as little as I have mentioned my family has done, it would have been something. Instead, you have told us nothing of what you have sacrificed.
And once again you have misrepresented what I have said. I have said that if
global warmingclimate change leads to changing conditions on earth, we will adapt and survive and thrive in them, because that is what human beings do. If those changes do occur, we will know what they are and adapt to them.What the warmunists want to do is take money out of the pockets of people today, to try to change conditions which may or may not occur without their programs, for programs which may or may not be effective to do anything, with the results, if any at all, to only be known long after we’re stone cold graveyard dead. That’s three levels of uncertainty, yet Mr Dowd and his Fellow Travelers would impose higher taxes and fascist controls on everyone to institute their programs.
Are all taxes “fascist controls” or is that term reserved for taxes to reduce CO2 emissions?
It’s unlikely that even runaway global warming will cause the extinction of the human species, Homo sapiens. So we agree on that.
Let’s say that by 2100 the seas are 2 meters higher, the mean global surface temp is another 2C higher, much of the southern US is uninhabitable, fresh water supplies are at a premium, heat waves are killing 10s of thousands in Europe, North America and south Asia, the ocean pH has dropped more, fisheries are starting to fail, AND we have 2 billion more humans to feed. Will that make life on Earth easier for humans?
Yes, all us old guys will die. But what about future generations?
What would we be saying now about our “Greatest Generation” if they hadn’t opposed Hitler, if the world’s nations were part of a fascist dictatorship much like Nazi Germany?
Let’s say that by 2100 the seas are where they are now, the mean global surface temp is the same, much of the southern US is as delightful as it is now, fresh water supplies are as good now as ever, heat waves are killing no one, the ocean pH has dropped 0, fisheries are fine, AND we have 2 billion more humans to feed.
I guess we go to Soylent Green. I nominate bunny suit as the first snack.
What would we be saying now about our “Greatest Generation†if they hadn’t opposed Hitler, if the world’s nations were part of a fascist dictatorship much like Nazi Germany?
Even Occasional Cortex has been talked out of that one, but what we’d have is the same kind of dictatorship the
And don’t call them the Greatest Generation. That was a scam Tom Brokaw tried to make himself the next Wally Cronkite. Were they better than the guys who freed us from Britain? From the guys who fought the Civil War? Who won the West?
Doubtful, but they stepped up to the plate the way they did and the way the bunny suit wants us not to.
Mr Dowd wrote:
If the distinguished Mr Dowd has been honest, through his multiple personality permutations on this fine site, he is a wealthy man, someone who needn’t worry too much if the price of gasoline rises.
Yet, most people are not wealthy, and if their only vehicle happens to be a bought-used V-8 powered SUV, a lot of them don’t have the money to just trade it in for a Cooper Mini or some other piece of shoebox-sized trash. Some of them — and this is the reason I bought my 4WD F-150 — need vehicles which will get them over hills and through snow. Some of them have little choice but to heat their homes with wood or coal in a stove.
Heat and food and shelter are the kinds of things we call necessities; the demand for them is not elastic. Rather, the luxury items are the things which would have to be cut back, as more of their income would be spent on the things with which life depends, leaving less for whatever else there is. Mr Dowd advocates medicare for All, but as someone who is actually on Medicare, I know that there are premiums which still have to be paid and many things not covered. Yeah, I can afford the $130 a month I pay Aetna for my Part G coverage, but there are many people on whom Mr Dowd would add significant financial burdens who would find that that $130 a month just can’t be handled . . . and then they’d be liable for the 20% that Medicare doesn’t pay for hospitalization and the other things not covered.
Under Mr Dowd’s plans, they’d better just commit suicide if they get sick, so as not to burden their families with 20% of a $100,000 hospital bill.
But, but, but there will be rebates for lower-income Americans, Mr Dowd sputtered. Oh, yeah, that’s just so great: you’ll tax higher producers to give their money to those who don’t produce as much . . . or anything at all. But, even ignoring that obvious objection, how would those rebates work? You don’t even think that probable Democratic voters are smart enough to be able to procure free state photo identification cards, but you seem to have faith that the poor will be able to fill out all of the forms and save all of the receipts necessary to get those rebates.
A clue for you: manufacturers which use rebates as sales ploys know that there’s a significant percentage who will never do so. Between 40% and 60% of such rebates are never claimed.
But, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, and say that everybody has internet access and everybody eligible will be able to claim his carbon tax rebate. According to the Federal Reserve, roughly 40% of Americans cannot handle a simple emergency expense totaling just $400 without having to sell something or borrow money. $400 is one week’s take home pay for someone earning $10.75 an hour, including only the Social Security and Medicare taxes. Forty percent of Americans are, in effect, living paycheck to paycheck, breathing sighs of relief on those four five-paycheck months in the year, and just praying that they don’t have to hit a predatory ‘payday lender’ to make it through the week.
But Mr Dowd, who has plenty of money, thinks that the extra costs he would impose on them wouldn’t make a difference, ’cause they’d get a rebate maybe once a quarter!
A clue: Kye, whom I have met personally, is very well off. The dude had a Bentley, for God’s sake! But, to quote him directly when we met in a restaurant in Hatboro, Pennsylvania, “I’ve been flush, and I’ve been busted, and believe me, flush is better.” Kye — his real name is John — is wealthy now, but he understands what people who are busted have to go through to make ends meet . . . and that’s more than I can say about Mr Dowd.
Of course, Mr Dowd also thinks Kye is a horrible raaaaacist, but I don’t think that I’m betraying a confidence to reveal that the very white Kye is married to a woman who isn’t white!
When Dana and I had lunch that day in Hatboro, PA I realized he was one of the most honest and moral men I’ve ever met. I thought so before by his writings and opinions at Common Sense Political Thought, then The First Street Journal and Pirates Cove and Patterico. Dana is level-headed and unlike me is not apt to get involved in name calling and insults. That’s one of my short comings. When someone challenges my integrity I get crazy. So when Elwood (and others) have decided to call me every name in the book from fascist to white supremacist, ignorant to plain stupid and a bigot and liar I get very mad and let the insults fly. That’s my personal devil and I have to deal with it.
That said, I too have tried to live a good and productive life and when Elwood calls my service to America as “killing men, women and children” and a degenerate I take special umbrage. I am a twice wounded and decorated Vietnam veteran and whether you agree with my politics or not I demand the respect that goes with my service to my country. Remember, I volunteered for both the Army and to Vietnam.
Beyond that, Elwood as Dana mentioned and as I have pointed out my first wife (She died of cancer) was Jewish and my current bride is Korean. Hardly an acceptable family situation for a “white supremacist” is it? Or are you as ignorant of what the definition of such is as you are about the number of races and sexes?
While disagreeing with you does not make me or Liljeffy, Dave, or formwiz racists your insistence to remain ignorant on the basic facts about race have turned you into a bigot. Not being able to identify the truth is tantamount to mental copulation. Are you mentally copulated Elwood?
Fact is Elwood, the greatest achievements, accomplishments and advances of mankind were brought to you by way of the Caucasian race. I can’t help that you don’t like that but it does not meant it’s not true. Similarly, not being able to recognize that simple truth and STILL regard ALL races as deserving of God’s Blessing and the Rights He bestowed on us is the real bigotry, racism and hate. That’s all in you Elwood, not us.
Trump 2020