…is a wonderful tree that will soon die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Democrats and whores.

…is a wonderful tree that will soon die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Democrats and whores.
Not surprised.
Nearly every House Democrat on Friday opposed a measure condemning voting in U.S. elections by illegal immigrants, as part of a sweeping election reform bill.
The lying mf’ers on the left keep screaming there is no election fraud while registering aliens in motor/voter scams and allowing illegals ans well as non-citizen legals to vote, along with felons, the insane, and the dead. Don’t forget the dead. That’s beside their proclivity toward voting five or ten times each.
Then they go and send out a co-conspirator “expert” or Media crew to “verify” there was no fraud. And they think we buy it.
The amount of voter fraud and ballot stuffing in 2020 will be like watching an election in Cuba. The Dems will have ten million more votes than registered voters and cry if they lose.
You’ve lost your moorings, my good man. You may be suffering from Deranged tRump Syndrome (DtS). It affects everyone to some extent, but the poor trump supporter has to lie to himself, claiming that this is normal behavior for a president, when you know it’s not. This is making everyone crazy.
Because libs and Dems criticize trump, Cons compulsively defend even his worst actions and pronouncements.
trump has turned conservatism upside down. The “King of Debt” is running up the national debt during a stable economic period. His personal immorality is legend.
You do realize that Congress and not Trump is in charge of the budget, spending and deficits? You need to be specific how one person who has little control over spending is “running up the national debt”. You can blame Congress both R’s and D’s but not Trump.
Did Obama run up the debt?
It affects everyone to some extent, but the poor trump supporter has to lie to himself, claiming that this is normal behavior for a president, when you know it’s not.
Sounds more like the thralls of the Ozarks or the Choom Gang.
Because libs and Dems criticize trump, Cons compulsively defend even his worst actions and pronouncements.
Yeah, because bringing back the economy and shrinking the bureaucracy is a terrible thing. /sarc
The “King of Debt†is running up the national debt during a stable economic period. His personal immorality is legend.
Tell me again when the power of the purse was Amended so it does not come from Congress but the President.
Baghdad Bunny rides again.
Or are we talking “I have a pen and a phone”?
As for personal immorality, he’s not the one with a body count or a history in the Chicago bathhouses.
Much of what ConMorons belief to be true is not.
More than all his predecessors combined.
So President Obama ran up the debt, but trump is not running up the debt. Got it.
So President Obama more than doubled the debt? That’s not what the data says.
Much of what Cons believe to be true, is not.
Donald J. Trump
Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!
7:35 AM – Aug 5, 2018
Nice throwing your wonderful son under the bus, DJ. Then today DJ invited hostile governments to work with him in 2020.
“Then today DJ invited hostile governments to work with him in 2020.”
Oddly, if a Democrat Socialist asked a “hostile” government to work with him they would call it “reaching out” but when Trump does it it’s nefarious. And this coming from the guy who is a member of the Party that has communists and Mohammadans as ranking members, both of which have vowed to destroy America. I think the real enemy of our Republic is the Democrat Socialist Communist Mohammadan Party, not Trump. Remember it wasn’t Trump who stated he wanted his opponents “not impeached but imprisoned” it was NAZI Pelosi.
I read at The First Street Journal how the NYT and WaPo are not covering the idiot Biden’s claim that if he’s elected president we will cure cancer. Yes, this moron stated his election to president would cure cancer but the Fake News Media hopped into action and made that stupid statement “disappear” from the news. It’s never too early to start covering and lying for the next Democrat Socialist Communist Mohammadan Party candidate.
Trump 2020
Kye typed: “…if a Democrat Socialist asked a “hostile†government to work with him they would call it “reaching out†but when Trump does it it’s nefarious.”
In either case it is against the law. Do you have an example of an American “Democratic Socialist” soliciting a hostile government for electoral help?
Speaker Pelosi didn’t state to imprison opponents, but was very specific – that trump, Individual One, should be in prison.
“In either case it is against the law. Do you have an example of an American “Democratic Socialist†soliciting a hostile government for electoral help?”
Yes, when Clinton and Gore took money from the Chinese, when Hillary used a Brit to solicit the “dossier” from Ukrainians and when Biden gave contracts also to Uke’s while his son collected millions. There’s more but you could do your own homework if you really cared.
“Speaker Pelosi didn’t state to imprison opponents, but was very specific – that trump, Individual One, should be in prison.”
Yes, in typical Bolshevik style she called for the imprisonment of her political adversary. It ALWAYS starts with ONE, Elwood. Now tell me you haven’t heard other Democrat Socialist Communist Mohammadan Party members call for the imprisonment or death of Trump, his family or his son these past two years. Tell me you haven’t seen severed heads and assassination “plays” by your team encouraging murder and treason against a sitting President.
Leftists are always violent so that’s the way they must be defeated. We can’t vote ourselves out of Tyranny when they bring in millions of non-Americans to vote and use voter fraud rampantly.
For some reason leftists like Elwood have decided a two party system won’t work if the other party can win elections so they want to make America a One Party country like North Korea, Cuba, China and every other country run by leftists. And yet THEY DON”T SEE IT!!
You really need to figure out why you hat Trump more than you love America. That’s assuming you do love America and someone who only sees fault and evil in it certainly doesn’t love it in my book.
Trump 2020. Imprison All Democrats!
Kye believes in these desperate times that American ideals, mores and laws are impediments to his “perfect” nation – a nation free of Muslims, Democrats, immigrants and liberals.
The sitting president of these United States just asked foreign governments to help him win the election in 2020, just as Russia helped him in 2016. Shouldn’t Americans pick our presidents?
Even the leftist “Enemies of the People” press are piling on the increasingly unhinged, desperate and unAmerican tRump.
“Put it this way — nothing is free in this world,†(FOX’s Brian) Kilmeade said. “You don’t want a foreign government or foreign entity giving you information because they will want something back. If anybody knows that it is the president. There is no free lunch. If someone wants information, then they’re going to want influence. I think the president has to clarify that.â€
“I’m glad he is coming on tomorrow,†Kilmeade said. “He opened himself wide up to attacks. I think you agree — if China does say, ‘Hey, President Trump, I have got information on Pete Buttigieg — because we know in South Bend, you can get up to a lot of no good and a lot of things going on there — the president should say, ‘Hey, keep it, I got this, because I don’t want to owe China or Russia something in return.â€
Dump Trump 2019
“Kye believes in these desperate times that American ideals, mores and laws are impediments to his “perfect†nation – a nation free of Muslims, Democrats, immigrants and liberals.”
Don’t tell me what I believe in you douche bag. You don’t know shit about me.
As long as Mohammadans and communists are our enemy there shouldn’t be any here. Or is that too plain for you to understand that you don’t allow the enemy into the fort? Immigrants are fine and AS USUAL you miss the fact MY WIFE IS AN IMMIGRANT so STFU with your stupid shit about who I “HATE” when I “HATE” no one. And in a perfect” America (which can never be) Democrats would love their country instead of trying to “fundamentally change” it into another country all together. And YOU would love America more than you hate Trump and his family and conservatives and whites and Christians and Republicans.