…is a world turning to desert and flood from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Patterico’s Pontifications, with a post on a federal death penalty case in a state without a death penalty.

…is a world turning to desert and flood from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Patterico’s Pontifications, with a post on a federal death penalty case in a state without a death penalty.
Love those thighs with the exposed tan lines! Yes.
Galera could use a man like Joey.
With a Republican, the Washington Post would have been all over this, …
And the First Lady is married to a fraudster too!!
He’s kept his promises.
How many Lefties do that?
The Ministry of Propaganda for the Democrat Socialist Communist Mohammaden Party has been sweeping this Cummings crap, along with Ilhan Omar coming to the US fraudulently and married to her relative plus shady campaign shenanigans (they learn fast on the commie team). They also conveniently dumped that statement by Slow Joe Biden about how if he’s elected we’ll cure cancer. That’s a beauty that went down the memory hole faster than a turd in Trump Tower. Already Dyslexia Occasional-Cotex has been screwing around with campaign finances and she’s been setting up off shore accounts as most bartenders are want to do. And all of this is hush-hush also among the media co-conspirators. The former Democrat Party has become little more than a huge communist run anti-American crime syndicate. People like Elwood who hate Trump, white people and Christians more than they love America (and perhaps their own families) have taken the party into a sewer from which there is no return. It’s time for Separation or civil war as noting else can save what little remains of our republic.
Trump 2020
The good news is that Rome was in decline for 500 years before it fell. We are much stronger than Rome. So it is likely that we will have neither separation, nor civil war for a very long time. Just a bunch of really angry people whenever their side is out of office.
And for what it’s worth, the Eastern Roman Empire lasted another 1,000 years before it too was sacked.
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is weighing in on trump’s treasonous solicitation of foreign intervention for his 2020 election:
The chair of the Federal Elections Commission on Thursday released a letter correcting President Donald Trump’s claims about accepting foreign election assistance.
On issuing the letter, Ellen Weintraub said, “I would not have thought I needed to say this.â€
“Let me make something 100 percent clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,†Weintraub noted. “This is not a novel concept.â€
“Electoral intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the beginnings of our nation,†she reminded.
“Anyone who solicits or accepts foreign assistance risks being on the wrong end of a federal investigation,†Weintraub warned. “Any political campaign that receives an offer of a prohibited donation from a foreign source should report that offer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.â€
Should trump fire her for insubordination or just call her a Deep State C*nt spreading Fake News?
She also never said it’s illegal.
Kinda like your boy Barry bitching about campaign spending and then breaking all the rules.
Besides, where was the FEC when Teddy Kennedy did it?
formwiz claimed: “She also never said it’s illegal.”
Ellen Weintraub, Head of the FEC:
“It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election.”
Didn’t Baby Doc trump solicit information from Russians?
Did you lie, or are you just mistaken?
We get it. If trump does it, it can’t be illegal.
“When the President does it, that means that it’s not illegal.” — Richard M. Nixon
We’ll take your silence as an admission that you’re wrong, and that it IS illegal to solicit foreign intervention in American elections.
In the quote used. So he went to find a new one.
Then why wasn’t Teddy Kennedy arrested?
And Ellen Weintraub just might be blowing political smoke. Fact is, the appellate courts are more than a little fuzzy on the subject.
When there’s a warrant sworn out, let us know.
The identical quote was in both comments.
It is illegal. You lie as often as your god-king. And you make sh!t up. Show us the appellate court cases you’re referring to.
Why bring up the emoluments clause and Ted Kennedy?
Fact is, that’s a crock.
It’s why the emoluments clause is a political football.
As always, you lie.
As always you just make sh!t up.
So. It appears that Mr Dowd thinks Hillary should go to jail, since she actively paid a foreign agent Christopher Steele, a British intelligence agent, to get dirt on Trump from another Foreign agent (Russians) that she could use in her election campaign. Looks pretty cut and dried.
To quote Mr Dowd: …and that it IS illegal to solicit foreign intervention in American elections.
I really love how Trump jerks around the national media and Democratic party. With one sentence on an interview with Democratic party activist George Stephanopolis, he gets the entire Left to agree with him that what Hillary did was illegal. Just like he got the entire left to agree that taxes on businesses ultimately hurt consumers, not businesses. And he got them to admit that they want open borders, but NOT in their neighborhoods.
The good “Professor’s” fealty to tRump is unlimited, as are his exaggerations.
What Clinton did was not illegal.
Business taxes are paid by workers, businesses, shareholders and consumers.
No one admitted to open borders, and their “neighborhoods” were not the reason reasonable people oppose shipping refugees willy-nilly around the country.
We get it. As tRump’s troubles increase, so to the abject devotion of his supporters.
If (when?) tRump loses in 2020, do you expect him to leave the Presidency “peacefully”?
He does not like being caught in his lies, so he doubles down, but the truth has begun to come out.
And the Lefties have always had NIMBY as their motto. Remember Teddy Kennedy and the wind farms?
We get it. As tRump’s troubles increase, so to the abject devotion of his supporters.
If (when?) tRump loses in 2020, do you expect him to leave the Presidency “peacefully�
Which troubles are these? Mule Ears got nuthin’, Nadless got nuthin’, Schiff for Brains got nuthin’, and the bunny suit nuthin’.
Even Occasional Cortex has admitted The Donald will likely win.
Watch for more fits of Ursinocausapathy.
The Clinton campaign hired Fusion GPS, who hired Mr. Steele, who… wait for it… notified the FBI.
Which was being run by a cabal of Democrat crooks, as is now being exposed.
A lie by omission is still a lie.
“If (when?) tRump loses in 2020, do you expect him to leave the Presidency “peacefullyâ€?”
Of course or do you think he’s some crazy-eyed Democrat Communist who insists they won an election they lost…like Hillary or that dope who tells everybody she’s governor.
What militaristic instinct of Trump’s leads you to think he wouldn’t leave peacefully? Has he incarcerated anyone (Obama)? Has he had anyone murdered by drones (Obama again)? Has he used the FBI, CIA or IRS to punish anyone (One more time for Obama)?
Elwood have you noticed your TDS is progressing to dementia as the next election draws nearer?
Trump 2020
People like that never admit their insanity.
I was just asking a question that some (formerly) conservative commentators have raised. If he loses a close race, will he ignore it?
I’m glad you think he would leave. I’m not so sure, as he as shown little regard for American traditions.
The phrase is Deranged tRump Syndrome (DtS).
Thanks for you concern regarding my health.
No, it’s TDS.
I was just asking a question that some (formerly) conservative commentators have raised. If he loses a close race, will he ignore it?
You mean some loser NeverTrumper who claimed to be Conservative when he was really a professional turncoat?
I’m not so sure, as he as shown little regard for American traditions.
No, dear, that’s the law. You seem to regard law the way Zippy did. As something to be manipulated.
And Kye is less worried about you as the people in the way when Trump does win that second term.
Trump will abide by the law and accept defeat, which will not happen. Note that Hillary did not accept defeat and that Obama even tried to destroy the incoming, legally elected President, but that was Obama’s style and that is what makes him the worse president ever. And hopefully we will be able to put Hillary and gang in jail for her multiple crimes. I am sure you agree.
“I’m not so sure, as he as shown little regard for American traditions.”
I really don’t understand which traditions you’re referring to. He’s not a socialist or communist and that’s a tradition. He married his own race and brought up his own kids. That’s a tradition. He built his family business and employed tens of thousands of people doing it. That’s very American. He’s a Presbyterian and goes to church like most Presbyterians do, whenever. That’s tradition. He celebrates Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Labor Day and other traditional American holidays. He wears a suit at work and he works a lot. That too is traditional.
I realize that after the guy who said “the most beautiful sound on earth is the Muslim call to prayer” and wore arab garb he may seem non-traditional but hell, he even carried a gun. How much more traditional can an American get?
It’s not that I’m concerned about your health that’s your business. I am trying to let you know that your TDS is really, really getting all consuming. He’s almost all you talk about all the time. Everything bad in the world is Trump and everything good is some other left wing nut case. You are consumed with Orange Man Bad. You must try and have a life beside Orange Man.
I criticize TEACH on global warming, guns, economics, race, gender issues, inequality, politics, economics, culture… in addition to tRump. Con Men always, always whine about Bush Derangement Syndrome or Trump Derangement Syndrome. Such silliness, really, claiming all criticisms of tRump are due to a disease. Cons said it was BDS when it was pointed out that Bush et al “shaded” the truth to get support to invade Iraq. Silliness.
I’m hardly alone in my opinion of tRump. Do you think ANY criticism of tRump is ever justified?
But again, thank you for your faux concern. I understand you (and the others) would like me to stop mocking him and the GOP. Sorry.
First, Dubya didn’t lie. He was told by George Tenet, who DCI and A Willie appointee, who used bombing Iraq (and just about anyplace else) to attempt to divert attention from L’Affiare Lewinsky.
So you’re the liar.
Second, when you come up with an accusation with proof (that damned word again!) , let us know.
Conservatives [guys like you are the Con Men {and damned lousy at it}] always, always whine about Bush Derangement Syndrome or Trump Derangement Syndrome. Such silliness, really, claiming all criticisms of tRump are due to a disease.
Mental disease, and you are insane. Whining because you can’t steal elections the way you used to. Time to grow up, not to mention grow a pair.
You really are such a wussy bunch of snowflakes. You deserve people like Chlamydia, Spartacus, Buttpeg, and Gropin’ Joe
Right. I’M the crazy one. LOL.
So George Tenet “lied” to Bush in 2002-2003 to distract from Clinton’s affair several years earlier?
Clinton nominated Anthony Lake to lead the CIA, but the Repubs opposed him and he withdrew. The Senate unanimously confirmed the Deputy Director, Tenet, to take over. Blame the Senate.
Anyway, George Tenet was not president, Bush was, and Bush wanted to attack Iraq. He had a re-election the next year. There was no connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda, no WMD programs, little threat to America from Iraq. The invasion was a mistake, costing thousands of American lives and $3 trillion. The plans for invading Iraq began a month after 9/11.
Leftist revisionism of historical facts, you silly silly little girl.
You really are nuts, ignorant and low IQ. We have been taking you that.
Right. I’M the crazy one
Well, the first step is admitting you have a problem.
Stop being the ass you are.
No, Tenet told Bush what the world believed, Willie included.
Anyway, George Tenet was not president, Bush was
And Tenet made the case there was a clear and present danger (and, as we have since learned, there was).
The rest was Lefty lies including this to distract from Clinton’s affair several years earlier nonsense you raise as mere sophistry.
The invasion was a mistake, costing thousands of American lives and $3 trillion. The plans for invading Iraq began a month after 9/11.
No and no.
As always you just make sh!t up.
Projection plus Ursinocausapathy. The shrink will have a ball.
The identical quote was in both comments.
It is illegal. You lie as often as your god-king. And you make sh!t up. Show us the appellate court cases you’re referring to.
No, the first one either you omitted it until I caught you, she said it later, or you just typed it in.
And you’re the liar, as always, only your lies are getting easier to break.
So I don’t have to make up anything. The truth is my weapon.
And you can look it up, Mr Darrow. Just go to the Cornell Law School (my Uncle Art’s alma mater) website on the Constitution and look in the notes on the emouluments clause.
Why bring up the emoluments clause and Ted Kennedy?
Because Teddy Kennedy tried what the Left accuses Donald Trump of doing. Teddy could have been tried for treason, since there was a Cold War on.
Elwood P. Dowd says:
June 13, 2019 at 8:43 pm
“Let me make something 100 percent clear to the American public and anyone running for public office:
It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,†Weintraub noted.
Elwood P. Dowd says:
June 13, 2019 at 10:25 pm
formwiz claimed: “She also never said it’s illegal.â€
Ellen Weintraub, Head of the FEC:
“It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election.â€
The identical quote was in both my comments. Apology accepted, now go and sin no more.
That was the second quote.
Quit lying. I nailed you and that’s it.
Go home (upstairs, really) to Mommy.
She didn’t say it because it is not illegal or Teddy Kennedy and Willie Whitewater, not to mention the Beast, would have been incarcerated years ago.
Typing something in means nothing.
So I went back in time and typed in the quote?
You’ve lost touch with reality. We’re done here.
Anything can be hacked. The Left has proven that.
The real issue is nobody gives a damn what this broad says because she’s lying.
And you’re so paranoid, you’ll grab onto anything if you think it helps your stupid collusion thing.
It’s over. You lost. Grow up.
LOL. So I hacked the comments section and inserted the quote.
And now you’ve changed the argument: the head of the FEC is lying about US election law! Got it.
Your ass is officially kicked.
Just had a great idea for you.
Since Sarah Huckabee quit as Press whatever for trump – you’d be perfect for the job!!
Now, we’re done here.
Our Sarah kicked Lefty ass several times daily, so you and the rest of the losers whine she’s a liar.
What you can’t stand is a little girl with a Southern drawl made all you Lefty “intellects” look like the idiots and liars that you are and you just can’t comprehend it. Just like Trump beating the Smartest Woman in the World even though she tried every dirty trick in the book to win and all the polls were skewed to make it look like a shoo-in.
PS If you think lying is what makes a great press secretary, then it’s sounds like you’re the one for the job.
Here’s the tweet where Chair of the FEC, Weintraub, explained the rules:
LOL. So I hacked the comments section and inserted the quote.
And now you’ve changed the argument: the head of the FEC is lying about US election law! Got it.
Your ass is officially kicked.
No, you’ve barely the skills to copy and paste. All I know is you didn’t even turn a hair until I pointed out she never mentioned legality.
And I’ve never changed my argument about her. ICYMI that’s 2 different arguments although I appreciate you need to take off your mittens to count past 1.
I said she never mentioned legality in the first comment and her comment on it in the second was a crock.
That’s two. And, if it’s law, let’s see an arrest. This is like Mule Ears. Weintraub will let you down like all the rest, but don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.
So you’re the one with the sore behind, although, from most of what you said the last few days, you seem to like it that way.
Rules are not law. And a lot of what is said in twats is found to have holes in it. She says from a foreign national.
Any foreign national? I wouldn’t lean on that too hard because, if Donald Trump received a couple of bucks from his Reichswehr buddy from his days on duty in Germany, Johann Schmidt, for a bar tab The Donald sprang for in Kaiserslautern in ’68, I’m pretty sure that does not qualify.
Fact is, the Demos have more to worry about than Trump. Read Yossi Gerstner’s reply.
That has more weight to it than what she says .